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Fix muted tests and adjust tablet ids (#2406)

Alexander Rutkovsky 1 year ago

+ 0 - 3

@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema TColumnShardTestSchema.RebootForgetAfterFail
 ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut *
 ydb/core/tx/coordinator/ut Coordinator.RestoreTenantConfiguration
 ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_exchange Cdc.InitialScanDebezium
-ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache TCacheTest.MigrationLostMessage
-ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache [3/10]*
-ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move TSchemeShardMoveTest.MoveMigratedTable
 ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_restore TImportTests.ShouldSucceedOnManyTables
 ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_split_merge TSchemeShardSplitBySizeTest.Merge1KShards
 ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_ext_tenant TExtSubDomainTest.CreateTableInsideAndAlterDomainAndTable-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst*

+ 5 - 5

@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardAllocatePQTest) {
-            auto balancerDescr = GetDescribeFromPQBalancer(runtime, 9437197);
-            TString expected = R"(TopicName: "PQGroup" Version: 2 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 10 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" } PartitionPerTablet: 4 Partitions { Partition: 0 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 1 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 2 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 3 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 4 TabletId: 9437196 } Partitions { Partition: 5 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 6 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 7 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 8 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 9 TabletId: 9437196 } SchemeShardId: 72057594046678944 BalancerTabletId: 9437197 SecurityObject: "\022\000")";
+            auto balancerDescr = GetDescribeFromPQBalancer(runtime, 72075186233409549);
+            TString expected = R"(TopicName: "PQGroup" Version: 2 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 10 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" } PartitionPerTablet: 4 Partitions { Partition: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409548 } Partitions { Partition: 5 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 6 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 7 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 8 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 9 TabletId: 72075186233409548 } SchemeShardId: 72057594046678944 BalancerTabletId: 72075186233409549 SecurityObject: "\022\000")";
             UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(expected, balancerDescr.ShortUtf8DebugString());
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardAllocatePQTest) {
                            {NLs::CheckPartCount("PQGroup", 10, 4, 3, 10)});
-            auto balancerDescr = GetDescribeFromPQBalancer(runtime, 9437197);
-            TString expected = R"(TopicName: "PQGroup" Version: 3 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 10 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot/Database" } PartitionPerTablet: 4 Partitions { Partition: 0 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 1 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 2 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 3 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 4 TabletId: 9437196 } Partitions { Partition: 5 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 6 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 7 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 8 TabletId: 9437195 } Partitions { Partition: 9 TabletId: 9437196 } SchemeShardId: 9437198 BalancerTabletId: 9437197 SecurityObject: "\022\000")";
+            auto balancerDescr = GetDescribeFromPQBalancer(runtime, 72075186233409549);
+            TString expected = R"(TopicName: "PQGroup" Version: 3 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 10 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot/Database" } PartitionPerTablet: 4 Partitions { Partition: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409548 } Partitions { Partition: 5 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 6 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 7 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 8 TabletId: 72075186233409547 } Partitions { Partition: 9 TabletId: 72075186233409548 } SchemeShardId: 72075186233409550 BalancerTabletId: 72075186233409549 SecurityObject: "\022\000")";
             UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(expected, balancerDescr.ShortUtf8DebugString());
@@ -133,6 +133,6 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardAllocatePQTest) {
         TestDropPQGroup(runtime, tenantSchemeShard, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Database", "PQGroup");
         env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, txId);
-        env.TestWaitTabletDeletion(runtime, {9437194, 9437195, 9437196, 9437197, 9437201, 9437202});
+        env.TestWaitTabletDeletion(runtime, {72075186233409546, 72075186233409547, 72075186233409548, 72075186233409549, 72075186233409553, 72075186233409554});

+ 20 - 20

@@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, txId);
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437195
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409547
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 3000000000 } }
@@ -3094,7 +3094,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         AsyncCopyTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", "NewTable", "/MyRoot/Table");
         // New split must be rejected while CopyTable is in progress
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437194
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409546
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 1000000000 } }
@@ -3143,14 +3143,14 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table",
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437195
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437196
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409547
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409548
         AsyncCopyTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", "NewTable", "/MyRoot/Table");
         // New split must be rejected while CopyTable is in progress
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table",
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437197
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409549
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 300 } }
@@ -3204,12 +3204,12 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         // Merge and split so that overall partition count stays the same but shard boundaries change
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table",
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437194
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437195
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409546
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409547
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table",
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437196
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409548
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 4000 } }
@@ -3978,8 +3978,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         fnWriteRow(TTestTxConfig::FakeHiveTablets+1, 0x80000000u);
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437194
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437195
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409546
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409547
         AsyncAlterTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", R"(
                             Name: "Table"
@@ -4018,7 +4018,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         // New split must be rejected while CopyTable is in progress
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437196
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409548
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 300 } }
@@ -4109,13 +4109,13 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, txId);
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437195
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437196
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409547
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409548
         AsyncDropTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", "Table");
         // New split must be rejected while DropTable is in progress
         AsyncSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437197
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409549
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 300 } }
@@ -4295,7 +4295,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, txId);
         TestSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437194
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409546
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 3000000000 } }
@@ -4325,7 +4325,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, txId);
         TestSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437194
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409546
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 3000000000 } }
@@ -6172,7 +6172,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         // Split the middle tablet in two
         TestSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/Table1", R"(
-                            SourceTabletId: 9437195
+                            SourceTabletId: 72075186233409547
                             SplitBoundary { KeyPrefix {
                                 Tuple { Optional { Uint32 : 150 } }
@@ -9721,7 +9721,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         TestSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/USER_0/Table", R"(
-                                SourceTabletId: 9437196
+                                SourceTabletId: 72075186233409548
                                 SplitBoundary {
                                     KeyPrefix {
                                         Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 1000 } }
@@ -10334,7 +10334,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
             TestSplitTable(runtime, 103, "/MyRoot/Table", R"(
-                                    SourceTabletId: 9437194
+                                    SourceTabletId: 72075186233409546
                                     SplitBoundary {
                                         KeyPrefix {
                                             Tuple { Optional { Uint64: 1000 } }
@@ -10467,7 +10467,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardTest) {
         TestSplitTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot/table/indexByValue/indexImplTable", R"(
-                            SourceTabletId: 9437195
+                            SourceTabletId: 72075186233409547
                             SplitBoundary {
                                 KeyPrefix {
                                     Tuple { Optional { Text: "B" } }

+ 2 - 2

@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardAllocatePQRebootTest) {
                 TInactiveZone inactive(activeZone);
-                auto balancerDescr = GetDescribeFromPQBalancer(runtime, 9437195);
+                auto balancerDescr = GetDescribeFromPQBalancer(runtime, 72075186233409547);
                 Cerr << balancerDescr.ShortUtf8DebugString();
-                TString expected = R"(TopicName: "PQGroup" Version: 2 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 10 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot/Database" } PartitionPerTablet: 10 Partitions { Partition: 0 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 1 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 2 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 3 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 4 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 5 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 6 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 7 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 8 TabletId: 9437194 } Partitions { Partition: 9 TabletId: 9437194 } SchemeShardId: 9437196 BalancerTabletId: 9437195 SecurityObject: "\022\000")";
+                TString expected = R"(TopicName: "PQGroup" Version: 2 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 10 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot/Database" } PartitionPerTablet: 10 Partitions { Partition: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 5 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 6 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 7 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 8 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } Partitions { Partition: 9 TabletId: 72075186233409546 } SchemeShardId: 72075186233409548 BalancerTabletId: 72075186233409547 SecurityObject: "\022\000")";
                 UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(expected, balancerDescr.ShortUtf8DebugString());
                 // there are nothing to wait: operation DeallocatePersQueueGroup does not delete any tablets/shards

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests) {
             UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(meteringRecord, TBillRecord()
-                .Id("cdc_stream_scan-9437197-3-9437197-4")
+                .Id("cdc_stream_scan-72075186233409549-3-72075186233409549-4")

+ 1 - 1

@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(ColumnBuildTest) {
         auto descr = TestGetBuildIndex(runtime, tenantSchemeShard, "/MyRoot/ServerLessDB", txId);
         Y_ASSERT(descr.GetIndexBuild().GetState() == Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_DONE);
-        const TString meteringData = R"({"usage":{"start":0,"quantity":179,"finish":0,"unit":"request_unit","type":"delta"},"tags":{},"id":"106-9437197-2-101-1818-101-1818","cloud_id":"CLOUD_ID_VAL","source_wt":0,"source_id":"sless-docapi-ydb-ss","resource_id":"DATABASE_ID_VAL","schema":"ydb.serverless.requests.v1","folder_id":"FOLDER_ID_VAL","version":"1.0.0"})";
+        const TString meteringData = R"({"usage":{"start":0,"quantity":179,"finish":0,"unit":"request_unit","type":"delta"},"tags":{},"id":"106-72075186233409549-2-101-1818-101-1818","cloud_id":"CLOUD_ID_VAL","source_wt":0,"source_id":"sless-docapi-ydb-ss","resource_id":"DATABASE_ID_VAL","schema":"ydb.serverless.requests.v1","folder_id":"FOLDER_ID_VAL","version":"1.0.0"})";
         UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(meteringMessages, meteringData + "\n");

+ 1 - 1

@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(IndexBuildTest) {
         auto descr = TestGetBuildIndex(runtime, tenantSchemeShard, "/MyRoot/ServerLessDB", txId);
         Y_ASSERT(descr.GetIndexBuild().GetState() == Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_DONE);
-        const TString meteringData = R"({"usage":{"start":0,"quantity":179,"finish":0,"unit":"request_unit","type":"delta"},"tags":{},"id":"106-9437197-2-101-1818-101-1818","cloud_id":"CLOUD_ID_VAL","source_wt":0,"source_id":"sless-docapi-ydb-ss","resource_id":"DATABASE_ID_VAL","schema":"ydb.serverless.requests.v1","folder_id":"FOLDER_ID_VAL","version":"1.0.0"})";
+        const TString meteringData = R"({"usage":{"start":0,"quantity":179,"finish":0,"unit":"request_unit","type":"delta"},"tags":{},"id":"106-72075186233409549-2-101-1818-101-1818","cloud_id":"CLOUD_ID_VAL","source_wt":0,"source_id":"sless-docapi-ydb-ss","resource_id":"DATABASE_ID_VAL","schema":"ydb.serverless.requests.v1","folder_id":"FOLDER_ID_VAL","version":"1.0.0"})";
         UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(meteringMessages, meteringData + "\n");

+ 1 - 1

@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TSchemeShardMoveTest) {
         TestDropTable(runtime, ++txId, "/MyRoot", "TableMoveTwice");
         env.TestWaitNotification(runtime, txId);
-        env.TestWaitTabletDeletion(runtime, {9437194, 9437195});
+        env.TestWaitTabletDeletion(runtime, {72075186233409546, 72075186233409547});
         TestDescribeResult(DescribePath(runtime, "/MyRoot"),

+ 1 - 1

@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TPqGroupTestReboots) {
-    //RUN: Reboot tablet 9437195 (#44)
+    //RUN: Reboot tablet 72075186233409547 (#44)
     //VERIFY failed:
     //Handle(): requirement std::make_pair(msg->CollectGeneration, msg->CollectStep) >= barrier.MakeCollectPair() failed

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TImportTests) {
-        const TString expectedBillRecord = R"({"usage":{"start":0,"quantity":50,"finish":0,"unit":"request_unit","type":"delta"},"tags":{},"id":"281474976725758-9437197-2-9437197-4","cloud_id":"CLOUD_ID_VAL","source_wt":0,"source_id":"sless-docapi-ydb-ss","resource_id":"DATABASE_ID_VAL","schema":"ydb.serverless.requests.v1","folder_id":"FOLDER_ID_VAL","version":"1.0.0"})";
+        const TString expectedBillRecord = R"({"usage":{"start":0,"quantity":50,"finish":0,"unit":"request_unit","type":"delta"},"tags":{},"id":"281474976725758-72075186233409549-2-72075186233409549-4","cloud_id":"CLOUD_ID_VAL","source_wt":0,"source_id":"sless-docapi-ydb-ss","resource_id":"DATABASE_ID_VAL","schema":"ydb.serverless.requests.v1","folder_id":"FOLDER_ID_VAL","version":"1.0.0"})";
         UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(billRecords.size(), 1);
         UNIT_ASSERT_NO_DIFF(billRecords[0], expectedBillRecord + "\n");

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff