@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ import warnings
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque, abc
from collections.abc import Sequence
+from contextlib import suppress
from functools import cached_property, partial, reduce, wraps
-from heapq import heapify, heapreplace, heappop
+from heapq import heapify, heapreplace
from itertools import (
@@ -21,10 +22,10 @@ from itertools import (
-from math import comb, e, exp, factorial, floor, fsum, log, perm, tau
+from math import comb, e, exp, factorial, floor, fsum, log, log1p, perm, tau
from queue import Empty, Queue
-from random import random, randrange, uniform
-from operator import itemgetter, mul, sub, gt, lt, ge, le
+from random import random, randrange, shuffle, uniform
+from operator import itemgetter, mul, sub, gt, lt, le
from sys import hexversion, maxsize
from time import monotonic
@@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ from .recipes import (
- pairwise,
@@ -473,12 +473,10 @@ def ilen(iterable):
This consumes the iterable, so handle with care.
- # This approach was selected because benchmarks showed it's likely the
- # fastest of the known implementations at the time of writing.
- # See GitHub tracker: #236, #230.
- counter = count()
- deque(zip(iterable, counter), maxlen=0)
- return next(counter)
+ # This is the "most beautiful of the fast variants" of this function.
+ # If you think you can improve on it, please ensure that your version
+ # is both 10x faster and 10x more beautiful.
+ return sum(compress(repeat(1), zip(iterable)))
def iterate(func, start):
@@ -666,9 +664,9 @@ def distinct_permutations(iterable, r=None):
>>> sorted(distinct_permutations([1, 0, 1]))
[(0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0)]
- Equivalent to ``set(permutations(iterable))``, except duplicates are not
- generated and thrown away. For larger input sequences this is much more
- efficient.
+ Equivalent to yielding from ``set(permutations(iterable))``, except
+ duplicates are not generated and thrown away. For larger input sequences
+ this is much more efficient.
Duplicate permutations arise when there are duplicated elements in the
input iterable. The number of items returned is
@@ -683,6 +681,25 @@ def distinct_permutations(iterable, r=None):
>>> sorted(distinct_permutations(range(3), r=2))
[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]
+ *iterable* need not be sortable, but note that using equal (``x == y``)
+ but non-identical (``id(x) != id(y)``) elements may produce surprising
+ behavior. For example, ``1`` and ``True`` are equal but non-identical:
+ >>> list(distinct_permutations([1, True, '3'])) # doctest: +SKIP
+ [
+ (1, True, '3'),
+ (1, '3', True),
+ ('3', 1, True)
+ ]
+ >>> list(distinct_permutations([1, 2, '3'])) # doctest: +SKIP
+ [
+ (1, 2, '3'),
+ (1, '3', 2),
+ (2, 1, '3'),
+ (2, '3', 1),
+ ('3', 1, 2),
+ ('3', 2, 1)
+ ]
# Algorithm: https://w.wiki/Qai
@@ -749,14 +766,44 @@ def distinct_permutations(iterable, r=None):
i += 1
head[i:], tail[:] = tail[: r - i], tail[r - i :]
- items = sorted(iterable)
+ items = list(iterable)
+ try:
+ items.sort()
+ sortable = True
+ except TypeError:
+ sortable = False
+ indices_dict = defaultdict(list)
+ for item in items:
+ indices_dict[items.index(item)].append(item)
+ indices = [items.index(item) for item in items]
+ indices.sort()
+ equivalent_items = {k: cycle(v) for k, v in indices_dict.items()}
+ def permuted_items(permuted_indices):
+ return tuple(
+ next(equivalent_items[index]) for index in permuted_indices
+ )
size = len(items)
if r is None:
r = size
+ # functools.partial(_partial, ... )
+ algorithm = _full if (r == size) else partial(_partial, r=r)
if 0 < r <= size:
- return _full(items) if (r == size) else _partial(items, r)
+ if sortable:
+ return algorithm(items)
+ else:
+ return (
+ permuted_items(permuted_indices)
+ for permuted_indices in algorithm(indices)
+ )
return iter(() if r else ((),))
@@ -1743,7 +1790,9 @@ def zip_offset(*iterables, offsets, longest=False, fillvalue=None):
return zip(*staggered)
-def sort_together(iterables, key_list=(0,), key=None, reverse=False):
+def sort_together(
+ iterables, key_list=(0,), key=None, reverse=False, strict=False
"""Return the input iterables sorted together, with *key_list* as the
priority for sorting. All iterables are trimmed to the length of the
shortest one.
@@ -1782,6 +1831,10 @@ def sort_together(iterables, key_list=(0,), key=None, reverse=False):
>>> sort_together([(1, 2, 3), ('c', 'b', 'a')], reverse=True)
[(3, 2, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c')]
+ If the *strict* keyword argument is ``True``, then
+ ``UnequalIterablesError`` will be raised if any of the iterables have
+ different lengths.
if key is None:
# if there is no key function, the key argument to sorted is an
@@ -1804,8 +1857,9 @@ def sort_together(iterables, key_list=(0,), key=None, reverse=False):
+ zipper = zip_equal if strict else zip
return list(
- zip(*sorted(zip(*iterables), key=key_argument, reverse=reverse))
+ zipper(*sorted(zipper(*iterables), key=key_argument, reverse=reverse))
@@ -2747,8 +2801,6 @@ class seekable:
>>> it.seek(0)
>>> next(it), next(it), next(it)
('0', '1', '2')
- >>> next(it)
- '3'
You can also seek forward:
@@ -2756,15 +2808,29 @@ class seekable:
>>> it.seek(10)
>>> next(it)
- >>> it.relative_seek(-2) # Seeking relative to the current position
- >>> next(it)
- '9'
>>> it.seek(20) # Seeking past the end of the source isn't a problem
>>> list(it)
>>> it.seek(0) # Resetting works even after hitting the end
+ >>> next(it)
+ '0'
+ Call :meth:`relative_seek` to seek relative to the source iterator's
+ current position.
+ >>> it = seekable((str(n) for n in range(20)))
>>> next(it), next(it), next(it)
('0', '1', '2')
+ >>> it.relative_seek(2)
+ >>> next(it)
+ '5'
+ >>> it.relative_seek(-3) # Source is at '6', we move back to '3'
+ >>> next(it)
+ '3'
+ >>> it.relative_seek(-3) # Source is at '4', we move back to '1'
+ >>> next(it)
+ '1'
Call :meth:`peek` to look ahead one item without advancing the iterator:
@@ -2873,8 +2939,10 @@ class seekable:
consume(self, remainder)
def relative_seek(self, count):
- index = len(self._cache)
- self.seek(max(index + count, 0))
+ if self._index is None:
+ self._index = len(self._cache)
+ self.seek(max(self._index + count, 0))
class run_length:
@@ -2903,7 +2971,7 @@ class run_length:
def decode(iterable):
- return chain.from_iterable(repeat(k, n) for k, n in iterable)
+ return chain.from_iterable(starmap(repeat, iterable))
def exactly_n(iterable, n, predicate=bool):
@@ -2924,14 +2992,34 @@ def exactly_n(iterable, n, predicate=bool):
return len(take(n + 1, filter(predicate, iterable))) == n
-def circular_shifts(iterable):
- """Return a list of circular shifts of *iterable*.
+def circular_shifts(iterable, steps=1):
+ """Yield the circular shifts of *iterable*.
- >>> circular_shifts(range(4))
+ >>> list(circular_shifts(range(4)))
[(0, 1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3, 0), (2, 3, 0, 1), (3, 0, 1, 2)]
+ Set *steps* to the number of places to rotate to the left
+ (or to the right if negative). Defaults to 1.
+ >>> list(circular_shifts(range(4), 2))
+ [(0, 1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 0, 1)]
+ >>> list(circular_shifts(range(4), -1))
+ [(0, 1, 2, 3), (3, 0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 0, 1), (1, 2, 3, 0)]
- lst = list(iterable)
- return take(len(lst), windowed(cycle(lst), len(lst)))
+ buffer = deque(iterable)
+ if steps == 0:
+ raise ValueError('Steps should be a non-zero integer')
+ buffer.rotate(steps)
+ steps = -steps
+ n = len(buffer)
+ n //= math.gcd(n, steps)
+ for __ in repeat(None, n):
+ buffer.rotate(steps)
+ yield tuple(buffer)
def make_decorator(wrapping_func, result_index=0):
@@ -3191,7 +3279,7 @@ def partitions(iterable):
yield [sequence[i:j] for i, j in zip((0,) + i, i + (n,))]
-def set_partitions(iterable, k=None):
+def set_partitions(iterable, k=None, min_size=None, max_size=None):
Yield the set partitions of *iterable* into *k* parts. Set partitions are
not order-preserving.
@@ -3215,6 +3303,20 @@ def set_partitions(iterable, k=None):
['b', 'ac']
['a', 'b', 'c']
+ if *min_size* and/or *max_size* are given, the minimum and/or maximum size
+ per block in partition is set.
+ >>> iterable = 'abc'
+ >>> for part in set_partitions(iterable, min_size=2):
+ ... print([''.join(p) for p in part])
+ ['abc']
+ >>> for part in set_partitions(iterable, max_size=2):
+ ... print([''.join(p) for p in part])
+ ['a', 'bc']
+ ['ab', 'c']
+ ['b', 'ac']
+ ['a', 'b', 'c']
L = list(iterable)
n = len(L)
@@ -3226,6 +3328,11 @@ def set_partitions(iterable, k=None):
elif k > n:
+ min_size = min_size if min_size is not None else 0
+ max_size = max_size if max_size is not None else n
+ if min_size > max_size:
+ return
def set_partitions_helper(L, k):
n = len(L)
if k == 1:
@@ -3242,9 +3349,15 @@ def set_partitions(iterable, k=None):
if k is None:
for k in range(1, n + 1):
- yield from set_partitions_helper(L, k)
+ yield from filter(
+ lambda z: all(min_size <= len(bk) <= max_size for bk in z),
+ set_partitions_helper(L, k),
+ )
- yield from set_partitions_helper(L, k)
+ yield from filter(
+ lambda z: all(min_size <= len(bk) <= max_size for bk in z),
+ set_partitions_helper(L, k),
+ )
class time_limited:
@@ -3535,32 +3648,27 @@ def map_if(iterable, pred, func, func_else=lambda x: x):
yield func(item) if pred(item) else func_else(item)
-def _sample_unweighted(iterable, k):
- # Implementation of "Algorithm L" from the 1994 paper by Kim-Hung Li:
+def _sample_unweighted(iterator, k, strict):
+ # Algorithm L in the 1994 paper by Kim-Hung Li:
# "Reservoir-Sampling Algorithms of Time Complexity O(n(1+log(N/n)))".
- # Fill up the reservoir (collection of samples) with the first `k` samples
- reservoir = take(k, iterable)
- # Generate random number that's the largest in a sample of k U(0,1) numbers
- # Largest order statistic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_statistic
- W = exp(log(random()) / k)
+ reservoir = list(islice(iterator, k))
+ if strict and len(reservoir) < k:
+ raise ValueError('Sample larger than population')
+ W = 1.0
- # The number of elements to skip before changing the reservoir is a random
- # number with a geometric distribution. Sample it using random() and logs.
- next_index = k + floor(log(random()) / log(1 - W))
- for index, element in enumerate(iterable, k):
- if index == next_index:
- reservoir[randrange(k)] = element
- # The new W is the largest in a sample of k U(0, `old_W`) numbers
+ with suppress(StopIteration):
+ while True:
W *= exp(log(random()) / k)
- next_index += floor(log(random()) / log(1 - W)) + 1
+ skip = floor(log(random()) / log1p(-W))
+ element = next(islice(iterator, skip, None))
+ reservoir[randrange(k)] = element
+ shuffle(reservoir)
return reservoir
-def _sample_weighted(iterable, k, weights):
+def _sample_weighted(iterator, k, weights, strict):
# Implementation of "A-ExpJ" from the 2006 paper by Efraimidis et al. :
# "Weighted random sampling with a reservoir".
@@ -3569,7 +3677,10 @@ def _sample_weighted(iterable, k, weights):
# Fill up the reservoir (collection of samples) with the first `k`
# weight-keys and elements, then heapify the list.
- reservoir = take(k, zip(weight_keys, iterable))
+ reservoir = take(k, zip(weight_keys, iterator))
+ if strict and len(reservoir) < k:
+ raise ValueError('Sample larger than population')
# The number of jumps before changing the reservoir is a random variable
@@ -3577,7 +3688,7 @@ def _sample_weighted(iterable, k, weights):
smallest_weight_key, _ = reservoir[0]
weights_to_skip = log(random()) / smallest_weight_key
- for weight, element in zip(weights, iterable):
+ for weight, element in zip(weights, iterator):
if weight >= weights_to_skip:
# The notation here is consistent with the paper, but we store
# the weight-keys in log-space for better numerical stability.
@@ -3591,44 +3702,103 @@ def _sample_weighted(iterable, k, weights):
weights_to_skip -= weight
- # Equivalent to [element for weight_key, element in sorted(reservoir)]
- return [heappop(reservoir)[1] for _ in range(k)]
+ ret = [element for weight_key, element in reservoir]
+ shuffle(ret)
+ return ret
+def _sample_counted(population, k, counts, strict):
+ element = None
+ remaining = 0
-def sample(iterable, k, weights=None):
+ def feed(i):
+ # Advance *i* steps ahead and consume an element
+ nonlocal element, remaining
+ while i + 1 > remaining:
+ i = i - remaining
+ element = next(population)
+ remaining = next(counts)
+ remaining -= i + 1
+ return element
+ with suppress(StopIteration):
+ reservoir = []
+ for _ in range(k):
+ reservoir.append(feed(0))
+ if strict and len(reservoir) < k:
+ raise ValueError('Sample larger than population')
+ W = 1.0
+ while True:
+ W *= exp(log(random()) / k)
+ skip = floor(log(random()) / log1p(-W))
+ element = feed(skip)
+ reservoir[randrange(k)] = element
+ shuffle(reservoir)
+ return reservoir
+def sample(iterable, k, weights=None, *, counts=None, strict=False):
"""Return a *k*-length list of elements chosen (without replacement)
- from the *iterable*. Like :func:`random.sample`, but works on iterables
- of unknown length.
+ from the *iterable*. Similar to :func:`random.sample`, but works on
+ iterables of unknown length.
>>> iterable = range(100)
>>> sample(iterable, 5) # doctest: +SKIP
[81, 60, 96, 16, 4]
- An iterable with *weights* may also be given:
+ For iterables with repeated elements, you may supply *counts* to
+ indicate the repeats.
+ >>> iterable = ['a', 'b']
+ >>> counts = [3, 4] # Equivalent to 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b'
+ >>> sample(iterable, k=3, counts=counts) # doctest: +SKIP
+ ['a', 'a', 'b']
+ An iterable with *weights* may be given:
>>> iterable = range(100)
>>> weights = (i * i + 1 for i in range(100))
>>> sampled = sample(iterable, 5, weights=weights) # doctest: +SKIP
[79, 67, 74, 66, 78]
- The algorithm can also be used to generate weighted random permutations.
- The relative weight of each item determines the probability that it
- appears late in the permutation.
+ Weighted selections are made without replacement.
+ After an element is selected, it is removed from the pool and the
+ relative weights of the other elements increase (this
+ does not match the behavior of :func:`random.sample`'s *counts*
+ parameter). Note that *weights* may not be used with *counts*.
+ If the length of *iterable* is less than *k*,
+ ``ValueError`` is raised if *strict* is ``True`` and
+ all elements are returned (in shuffled order) if *strict* is ``False``.
- >>> data = "abcdefgh"
- >>> weights = range(1, len(data) + 1)
- >>> sample(data, k=len(data), weights=weights) # doctest: +SKIP
- ['c', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'g', 'd', 'h', 'f']
+ By default, the `Algorithm L <https://w.wiki/ANrM>`__ reservoir sampling
+ technique is used. When *weights* are provided,
+ `Algorithm A-ExpJ <https://w.wiki/ANrS>`__ is used.
+ iterator = iter(iterable)
+ if k < 0:
+ raise ValueError('k must be non-negative')
if k == 0:
return []
- iterable = iter(iterable)
- if weights is None:
- return _sample_unweighted(iterable, k)
- else:
+ if weights is not None and counts is not None:
+ raise TypeError('weights and counts are mutally exclusive')
+ elif weights is not None:
weights = iter(weights)
- return _sample_weighted(iterable, k, weights)
+ return _sample_weighted(iterator, k, weights, strict)
+ elif counts is not None:
+ counts = iter(counts)
+ return _sample_counted(iterator, k, counts, strict)
+ else:
+ return _sample_unweighted(iterator, k, strict)
def is_sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False, strict=False):
@@ -3650,12 +3820,16 @@ def is_sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False, strict=False):
The function returns ``False`` after encountering the first out-of-order
- item. If there are no out-of-order items, the iterable is exhausted.
+ item, which means it may produce results that differ from the built-in
+ :func:`sorted` function for objects with unusual comparison dynamics.
+ If there are no out-of-order items, the iterable is exhausted.
+ compare = le if strict else lt
+ it = iterable if (key is None) else map(key, iterable)
+ it_1, it_2 = tee(it)
+ next(it_2 if reverse else it_1, None)
- compare = (le if reverse else ge) if strict else (lt if reverse else gt)
- it = iterable if key is None else map(key, iterable)
- return not any(starmap(compare, pairwise(it)))
+ return not any(map(compare, it_1, it_2))
class AbortThread(BaseException):