@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# libfyaml · 
+A fancy 1.2 YAML and JSON parser/writer.
+Fully feature complete YAML parser and emitter, supporting the latest YAML spec and
+passing the full YAML testsuite.
+It is designed to be very efficient, avoiding copies of data, and
+has no artificial limits like the 1024 character limit for implicit keys.
+libfyaml is using https://github.com/yaml/yaml-test-suite as a core part
+of it's testsuite.
+## Features
+* Fully supports YAML version 1.2.
+* Attempts to adhere to features coming with YAML version 1.3 so that it
+ will be ready.
+* Zero content copy operation, which means that content is never copied to
+ internal structures. On input types that support it (mmap files and
+ constant strings) that means that memory usage is kept low, and arbitrary
+ large content can be manipulated without problem.
+* Parser may be used in event mode (like libyaml) or in document generating mode.
+* Extensive programmable API capable of manipulating parsed YAML documents or
+ creating them from scratch.
+* YAML emitter with programmable options, supporting colored output.
+* Extensive testsuite for the API, the full YAML test-suite and correct
+ emitter operation.
+* Easy printf/scanf based YAML creation and data extraction API.
+* Accurate and descriptive error messages, in standard compiler format that
+ can be parsed by editors and developer GUIs.
+* Testsuite supports running under valgrind and checking for memory leaks. No
+ leaks should be possible under normal operation, so it is usable for long-
+ running applications.
+## Contents
+- [Features](#features)
+- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+- [Building](#building)
+- [Usage and examples](#usage-and-examples)
+- [API documentation](#api-documentation)
+- [fy-tool reference](#fy-tool-reference)
+- [Missing Features](#missing-features)
+## Prerequisites
+libfyaml is primarily developed on Linux based debian distros but Apple MacOS X builds
+(using homebrew) are supported as well.
+On a based debian distro (i.e. ubuntu 19.04 disco) you should install the following
+* `sudo apt-get install gcc autoconf automake libtool git make libltdl-dev pkg-config`
+To enable the libyaml comparison checker:
+* `sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev`
+For the API testsuite libcheck is required:
+* `sudo apt-get install check`
+And finally in order to build the sphinx based documentation:
+* `sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools`
+* `pip3 install wheel sphinx git+http://github.com/return42/linuxdoc.git sphinx\_rtd\_theme sphinx-markdown-builder`
+Note that some older distros (like xenial) do not have a sufficiently recent
+sphinx in their repos. In that case you can create a virtual environment
+using scripts/create-virtual-env
+## Building
+``libfyaml`` uses a standard autotools based build scheme so:
+* `./bootstrap.sh`
+* `./configure`
+* `make`
+Will build the library and `fy-tool`.
+* `make check`
+Will run the test-suite.
+Binaries, libraries, header files and pkgconfig files maybe installed with
+* `make install`
+By default, the installation prefix will be `/usr/local`, which you can change
+with the `--prefix <dir>` option during configure.
+To build the documentation API in HTML format use:
+* `make doc-html`
+The documentation for the public API will be found in doc/\_build/html
+* `make doc-latexpdf`
+Will generate a single pdf containing everything.
+## Usage and examples
+Usage of libfyaml is somewhat similar to libyaml, but with a few notable differences.
+1. The objects of the library are opaque, they are pointers that may be used but
+ may not be derefenced via library users. This makes the public API not be dependent of
+ internal changes in the library structures.
+2. The object pointers used are guaranteed to not 'move' like libyaml object pointers
+ so you may embed them freely in your own structures.
+3. The convenience methods of libyaml allow you to avoid tedious iteration and code
+ duplication. While fully manual YAML document tree manipulation is available, if your
+ application is not performance sensitive when manipulating YAML, you are advised to
+ use the helpers.
+### Using libfyaml in your projects
+Typically you only have to include the single header file `libfyaml.h` and
+link against the correct fyaml-\<major\>-\<minor\> library.
+It is recommended to use pkg-config, i.e.
+CFLAGS+= `pkg-config --cflags libfyaml`
+LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config --libs libfyaml`
+For use in an automake based project you may use the following fragment
+if test "x$HAVE_LIBFYAML" != "x1" ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([failed to find libfyaml])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([HAVE_LIBFYAML], [$HAVE_LIBFYAML], [Define to 1 if you have libfyaml available])
+The examples that follow will make things clear.
+### Display libfyaml version example
+This is the minimal example that checks that you've compiled against the correct libfyaml.
+ * fy-version.c - libfyaml version example
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Pantelis Antoniou <pantelis.antoniou@konsulko.com>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <libfyaml.h>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ printf("%s\n", fy_library_version());
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+### libfyaml example using simplified inprogram YAML generation
+This example simply parses an in-program YAML string and displays
+a string.
+The standard header plus variables definition.
+ * inprogram.c - libfyaml inprogram YAML example
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Pantelis Antoniou <pantelis.antoniou@konsulko.com>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <libfyaml.h>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ static const char *yaml =
+ "invoice: 34843\n"
+ "date : !!str 2001-01-23\n"
+ "bill-to: &id001\n"
+ " given : Chris\n"
+ " family : Dumars\n"
+ " address:\n"
+ " lines: |\n"
+ " 458 Walkman Dr.\n"
+ " Suite #292\n";
+ struct fy_document *fyd = NULL;
+ int rc, count, ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ unsigned int invoice_nr;
+ char given[256 + 1];
+Parsing and creating a YAML document from either the built-in
+YAML, or an invoice file given on the command line:
+ if (argc == 1)
+ fyd = fy_document_build_from_string(NULL, yaml, FY_NT);
+ else
+ fyd = fy_document_build_from_file(NULL, argv[1]);
+ if (!fyd) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to build document");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+Get the invoice number and the given name using a single call.
+ /* get the invoice number and the given name */
+ count = fy_document_scanf(fyd,
+ "/invoice %u "
+ "/bill-to/given %256s",
+ &invoice_nr, given);
+ if (count != 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to retreive the two items\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* print them as comments in the emitted YAML */
+ printf("# invoice number was %u\n", invoice_nr);
+ printf("# given name is %s\n", given);
+In sequence, increase the invoice number, add a spouse and a secondary
+ rc =
+ /* set increased invoice number (modify existing node) */
+ fy_document_insert_at(fyd, "/invoice", FY_NT,
+ fy_node_buildf(fyd, "%u", invoice_nr + 1)) ||
+ /* add spouse (create new mapping pair) */
+ fy_document_insert_at(fyd, "/bill-to", FY_NT,
+ fy_node_buildf(fyd, "spouse: %s", "Doris")) ||
+ /* add a second address */
+ fy_document_insert_at(fyd, "/bill-to", FY_NT,
+ fy_node_buildf(fyd, "delivery-address:\n"
+ " lines: |\n"
+ " 1226 Windward Ave.\n"));
+ if (rc) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to insert to document\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+Emit the document to standard output (while sorting the keys)
+ /* emit the document to stdout (but sorted) */
+ rc = fy_emit_document_to_fp(fyd, FYECF_DEFAULT | FYECF_SORT_KEYS, stdout);
+ if (rc) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to emit document to stdout");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+Finally exit and report condition.
+ fy_document_destroy(fyd); /* NULL is OK */
+ return ret;
+## API documentation
+For complete documentation of libfyaml API, visit https://pantoniou.github.io/libfyaml/
+## fy-tool reference
+A YAML manipulation tool is included in libfyaml, aptly name `fy-tool`.
+It's a multi tool application, acting differently according to the name it has
+when it's invoked. There are four tool modes, namely:
+* fy-testsuite: Used for outputing a test-suite specific event stream which is
+ used for comparison with the expected output of the suite.
+* fy-dump: General purpose YAML parser and dumper, with syntax coloring support,
+ visible whitespace options, and a number of output modes.
+* fy-filter: YAML filtering tool allows to extract information out of a YAML
+ document.
+* fy-join: YAML flexible join tool.
+### fy-testsuite usage
+A number of options are common in every fy-tool invocation:
+Usage : fy-tool [options] [args]
+ --include, -I <path> : Add directory to include path (default path "")
+ --debug-level, -d <lvl> : Set debug level to <lvl>(default level 3)
+ --indent, -i <indent> : Set dump indent to <indent> (default indent 2)
+ --width, -w <width> : Set dump width to <width> (default width 80)
+ --resolve, -r : Perform anchor and merge key resolution (default false)
+ --color, -C <mode> : Color output can be one of on, off, auto (default auto)
+ --visible, -V : Make all whitespace and linebreaks visible (default false)
+ --follow, -l : Follow aliases when using paths (default false)
+ --strip-labels : Strip labels when emitting (default false)
+ --strip-tags : Strip tags when emitting (default false)
+ --strip-doc : Strip document headers and indicators when emitting (default false)
+ --quiet, -q : Quiet operation, do not output messages (default false)
+ --version, -v : Display libfyaml version
+ --help, -h : Display help message
+Usage: fy-testsuite [options] [args]
+ [common options]
+ Parse and dump test-suite event format
+ $ fy-testsuite input.yaml
+ ...
+ Parse and dump of event example
+ $ echo "foo: bar" | fy-testsuite -
+ +STR
+ +DOC
+ +MAP
+ =VAL :foo
+ =VAL :bar
+ -MAP
+ -DOC
+ -STR
+### fy-dump usage
+Usage: fy-dump [options] [args]
+ [common options]
+ --sort, -s : Perform mapping key sort (valid for dump) (default false)
+ --comment, -c : Output comments (experimental) (default false)
+ --mode, -m <mode> : Output mode can be one of original, block, flow, flow-oneline, json, json-tp, json-oneline (default original)
+ --streaming : Use streaming output mode (default false)
+ [common options]
+ Parse and dump generated YAML document tree in the original YAML form
+ $ fy-dump input.yaml
+ ...
+ Parse and dump generated YAML document tree in block YAML form (and make whitespace visible)
+ $ fy-dump -V -mblock input.yaml
+ ...
+ Parse and dump generated YAML document from the input string
+ $ fy-dump -mjson ">foo: bar"
+ {
+ "foo": "bar"
+ }
+ Parse and dump generated YAML document from the input string (using streaming mode)
+ $ fy-dump --streaming ">foo: bar"
+ foo: bar
+ Note that streaming mode can not perform document validity checks, like duplicate keys nor
+ support the sort keys option.
+### fy-filter usage
+Usage: fy-filter [options] [args]
+ [common options]
+ --sort, -s : Perform mapping key sort (valid for dump) (default false)
+ --comment, -c : Output comments (experimental) (default false)
+ --mode, -m <mode> : Output mode can be one of original, block, flow, flow-oneline, json, json-tp, json-oneline (default original)
+ --file, -f <file> : Use given file instead of <stdin>
+ Note that using a string with a leading '>' is equivalent to a file with the trailing content
+ --file ">foo: bar" is as --file file.yaml with file.yaml "foo: bar"
+ Parse and filter YAML document tree starting from the '/foo' path followed by the '/bar' path
+ $ fy-filter --file input.yaml /foo /bar
+ ...
+ Parse and filter for two paths (note how a multi-document stream is produced)
+ $ fy-filter --file -mblock --filter --file ">{ foo: bar, baz: [ frooz, whee ] }" /foo /baz
+ bar
+ ---
+ - frooz
+ - whee
+ Parse and filter YAML document in stdin (note how the key may be complex)
+ $ echo "{ foo: bar }: baz" | fy-filter "/{foo: bar}/"
+ baz
+### fy-join usage
+Usage: fy-join [options] [args]
+ [common options]
+ --sort, -s : Perform mapping key sort (valid for dump) (default false)
+ --comment, -c : Output comments (experimental) (default false)
+ --mode, -m <mode> : Output mode can be one of original, block, flow, flow-oneline, json, json-tp, json-oneline (default original)
+ --file, -f <file> : Use given file instead of <stdin>
+ Note that using a string with a leading '>' is equivalent to a file with the trailing content
+ --file ">foo: bar" is as --file file.yaml with file.yaml "foo: bar"
+ --to, -T <path> : Join to <path> (default /)
+ --from, -F <path> : Join from <path> (default /)
+ --trim, -t <path> : Output given path (default /)
+ Parse and join two YAML files
+ $ fy-join file1.yaml file2.yaml
+ ...
+ Parse and join two YAML maps
+ $ fy-join ">foo: bar" ">baz: frooz"
+ foo: bar
+ baz: frooz
+## Missing features and omissions
+1. Windows - libfyaml is not supporting windows yet.
+2. Unicode - libfyaml only supports UTF8 and has no support for wide character input.
+## Development and contributing
+Feel free to send pull requests and raise issues.