@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: pg8000
-Version: 1.30.4
+Version: 1.30.5
Summary: PostgreSQL interface library
License: BSD 3-Clause License
Project-URL: Homepage, https://github.com/tlocke/pg8000
@@ -1351,839 +1351,13 @@ pg8000 encounters a network problem it'll raise an ``InterfaceError`` with the m
Native API Docs
-Generic exception that is the base exception of the other error exceptions.
-For errors that originate within pg8000.
-For errors that originate from the server.
-pg8000.native.Connection(user, host='localhost', database=None, port=5432, password=None, source_address=None, unix_sock=None, ssl_context=None, timeout=None, tcp_keepalive=True, application_name=None, replication=None, sock=None)
-Creates a connection to a PostgreSQL database.
- The username to connect to the PostgreSQL server with. If your server character
- encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to provide ``user`` as bytes,
- eg. ``'my_name'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- The hostname of the PostgreSQL server to connect with. Providing this parameter is
- necessary for TCP/IP connections. One of either ``host`` or ``unix_sock`` must be
- provided. The default is ``localhost``.
- The name of the database instance to connect with. If ``None`` then the PostgreSQL
- server will assume the database name is the same as the username. If your server
- character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to provide ``database``
- as bytes, eg. ``'my_db'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- The TCP/IP port of the PostgreSQL server instance. This parameter defaults to
- ``5432``, the registered common port of PostgreSQL TCP/IP servers.
- The user password to connect to the server with. This parameter is optional; if
- omitted and the database server requests password-based authentication, the connection
- will fail to open. If this parameter is provided but not
- requested by the server, no error will occur.
- If your server character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to
- provide ``password`` as bytes, eg. ``'my_password'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- The source IP address which initiates the connection to the PostgreSQL server. The
- default is ``None`` which means that the operating system will choose the source
- address.
- The path to the UNIX socket to access the database through, for example,
- ``'/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'``. One of either ``host`` or ``unix_sock`` must be provided.
- This governs SSL encryption for TCP/IP sockets. It can have three values:
- - ``None``, meaning no SSL (the default)
- - ``True``, means use SSL with an |ssl.SSLContext|_ created using
- |ssl.create_default_context()|_
- - An instance of |ssl.SSLContext|_ which will be used to create the SSL connection.
- If your PostgreSQL server is behind an SSL proxy, you can set the pg8000-specific
- attribute ``ssl.SSLContext.request_ssl = False``, which tells pg8000 to use an SSL
- socket, but not to request SSL from the PostgreSQL server. Note that this means you
- can't use SCRAM authentication with channel binding.
- This is the time in seconds before the connection to the server will time out. The
- default is ``None`` which means no timeout.
- If ``True`` then use `TCP keepalive
- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keepalive#TCP_keepalive>`_. The default is ``True``.
- Sets the `application_name
- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-logging.html#GUC-APPLICATION-NAME>`_.
- If your server character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to
- provide values as bytes, eg. ``'my_application_name'.encode('EUC-JP')``. The default
- is ``None`` which means that the server will set the application name.
- Used to run in `streaming replication mode
- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol-replication.html>`_. If your server
- character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to provide values as
- bytes, eg. ``'database'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- A socket-like object to use for the connection. For example, ``sock`` could be a plain
- ``socket.socket``, or it could represent an SSH tunnel or perhaps an
- ``ssl.SSLSocket`` to an SSL proxy. If an |ssl.SSLContext| is provided, then it will be
- used to attempt to create an SSL socket from the provided socket.
-A deque of server-side `notifications
-<https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-notify.html>`__ received by this database
-connection (via the ``LISTEN`` / ``NOTIFY`` PostgreSQL commands). Each list item is a
-three-element tuple containing the PostgreSQL backend PID that issued the notify, the
-channel and the payload.
-A deque of server-side notices received by this database connection.
-A deque of server-side parameter statuses received by this database connection.
-pg8000.native.Connection.run(sql, stream=None, types=None, \*\*kwargs)
-Executes an sql statement, and returns the results as a ``list``. For example::
- con.run("SELECT * FROM cities where population > :pop", pop=10000)
- The SQL statement to execute. Parameter placeholders appear as a ``:`` followed by the
- parameter name.
- For use with the PostgreSQL `COPY
- <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-copy.html>`__ command. The nature
- of the parameter depends on whether the SQL command is ``COPY FROM`` or ``COPY TO``.
- The stream parameter must be a readable file-like object or an iterable. If it's an
- iterable then the items can be ``str`` or binary.
- ``COPY TO``
- The stream parameter must be a writable file-like object.
- A dictionary of oids. A key corresponds to a parameter.
- The parameters of the SQL statement.
-This read-only attribute contains the number of rows that the last ``run()`` method
-produced (for query statements like ``SELECT``) or affected (for modification statements
-like ``UPDATE``.
-The value is -1 if:
-- No ``run()`` method has been performed yet.
-- There was no rowcount associated with the last ``run()``.
-A list of column metadata. Each item in the list is a dictionary with the following
-- name
-- table_oid
-- column_attrnum
-- type_oid
-- type_size
-- type_modifier
-- format
-Closes the database connection.
-pg8000.native.Connection.register_out_adapter(typ, out_func)
-Register a type adapter for types going out from pg8000 to the server.
- The Python class that the adapter is for.
- A function that takes the Python object and returns its string representation
- in the format that the server requires.
-pg8000.native.Connection.register_in_adapter(oid, in_func)
-Register a type adapter for types coming in from the server to pg8000.
- The PostgreSQL type identifier found in the `pg_type system catalog
- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/catalog-pg-type.html>`_.
- A function that takes the PostgreSQL string representation and returns a corresponding
- Python object.
-Returns a ``PreparedStatement`` object which represents a `prepared statement
-<https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-prepare.html>`_ on the server. It can
-subsequently be repeatedly executed.
- The SQL statement to prepare. Parameter placeholders appear as a ``:`` followed by the
- parameter name.
-A prepared statement object is returned by the ``pg8000.native.Connection.prepare()``
-method of a connection. It has the following methods:
-Executes the prepared statement, and returns the results as a ``tuple``.
- The parameters of the prepared statement.
-Closes the prepared statement, releasing the prepared statement held on the server.
-Correctly quotes and escapes a string to be used as an `SQL identifier
- The ``str`` to be used as an SQL identifier.
-Correctly quotes and escapes a value to be used as an `SQL literal
- The value to be used as an SQL literal.
+`Native API Docs <docs/native_api_docs.rst>`_
DB-API 2 Docs
-The DBAPI level supported, currently "2.0".
-Integer constant stating the level of thread safety the DBAPI interface supports. For
-pg8000, the threadsafety value is 1, meaning that threads may share the module but not
-String property stating the type of parameter marker formatting expected by
-the interface. This value defaults to "format", in which parameters are
-marked in this format: "WHERE name=%s".
-As an extension to the DBAPI specification, this value is not constant; it can be
-changed to any of the following values:
- Question mark style, eg. ``WHERE name=?``
- Numeric positional style, eg. ``WHERE name=:1``
- Named style, eg. ``WHERE name=:paramname``
- printf format codes, eg. ``WHERE name=%s``
- Python format codes, eg. ``WHERE name=%(paramname)s``
-String type oid.
-Numeric type oid.
-Timestamp type oid
-ROWID type oid
-pg8000.dbapi.connect(user, host='localhost', database=None, port=5432, password=None, source_address=None, unix_sock=None, ssl_context=None, timeout=None, tcp_keepalive=True, application_name=None, replication=None, sock=None)
-Creates a connection to a PostgreSQL database.
- The username to connect to the PostgreSQL server with. If your server character
- encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to provide ``user`` as bytes,
- eg. ``'my_name'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- The hostname of the PostgreSQL server to connect with. Providing this parameter is
- necessary for TCP/IP connections. One of either ``host`` or ``unix_sock`` must be
- provided. The default is ``localhost``.
- The name of the database instance to connect with. If ``None`` then the PostgreSQL
- server will assume the database name is the same as the username. If your server
- character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to provide ``database``
- as bytes, eg. ``'my_db'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- The TCP/IP port of the PostgreSQL server instance. This parameter defaults to
- ``5432``, the registered common port of PostgreSQL TCP/IP servers.
- The user password to connect to the server with. This parameter is optional; if
- omitted and the database server requests password-based authentication, the
- connection will fail to open. If this parameter is provided but not requested by the
- server, no error will occur.
- If your server character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to
- provide ``password`` as bytes, eg. ``'my_password'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- The source IP address which initiates the connection to the PostgreSQL server. The
- default is ``None`` which means that the operating system will choose the source
- address.
- The path to the UNIX socket to access the database through, for example,
- ``'/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'``. One of either ``host`` or ``unix_sock`` must be provided.
- This governs SSL encryption for TCP/IP sockets. It can have three values:
- - ``None``, meaning no SSL (the default)
- - ``True``, means use SSL with an |ssl.SSLContext|_ created using
- |ssl.create_default_context()|_.
- - An instance of |ssl.SSLContext|_ which will be used to create the SSL connection.
- If your PostgreSQL server is behind an SSL proxy, you can set the pg8000-specific
- attribute ``ssl.SSLContext.request_ssl = False``, which tells pg8000 to use an SSL
- socket, but not to request SSL from the PostgreSQL server. Note that this means you
- can't use SCRAM authentication with channel binding.
- This is the time in seconds before the connection to the server will time out. The
- default is ``None`` which means no timeout.
- If ``True`` then use `TCP keepalive
- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keepalive#TCP_keepalive>`_. The default is ``True``.
- Sets the `application_name
- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-logging.html#GUC-APPLICATION-NAME>`_. If your server character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to
- provide values as bytes, eg. ``'my_application_name'.encode('EUC-JP')``. The default
- is ``None`` which means that the server will set the application name.
- Used to run in `streaming replication mode
- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol-replication.html>`_. If your server
- character encoding is not ``ascii`` or ``utf8``, then you need to provide values as
- bytes, eg. ``'database'.encode('EUC-JP')``.
- A socket-like object to use for the connection. For example, ``sock`` could be a plain
- ``socket.socket``, or it could represent an SSH tunnel or perhaps an
- ``ssl.SSLSocket`` to an SSL proxy. If an |ssl.SSLContext| is provided, then it will be
- used to attempt to create an SSL socket from the provided socket.
-pg8000.dbapi.Date(year, month, day)
-Construct an object holding a date value.
-This property is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification
-Returns: `datetime.date`
-pg8000.dbapi.Time(hour, minute, second)
-Construct an object holding a time value.
-Returns: ``datetime.time``
-pg8000.dbapi.Timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
-Construct an object holding a timestamp value.
-Returns: ``datetime.datetime``
-Construct an object holding a date value from the given ticks value (number of seconds
-since the epoch).
-Returns: ``datetime.datetime``
-Construct an object holding a time value from the given ticks value (number of seconds
-since the epoch).
-Returns: ``datetime.time``
-Construct an object holding a timestamp value from the given ticks value (number of
-seconds since the epoch).
-Returns: ``datetime.datetime``
-Construct an object holding binary data.
-Returns: ``bytes``.
-Generic Exceptions
-Pg8000 uses the standard DBAPI 2.0 exception tree as "generic" exceptions. Generally,
-more specific exception types are raised; these specific exception types are derived
-from the generic exceptions.
-Generic exception raised for important database warnings like data truncations. This
-exception is not currently used by pg8000.
-Generic exception that is the base exception of all other error exceptions.
-Generic exception raised for errors that are related to the database interface rather
-than the database itself. For example, if the interface attempts to use an SSL
-connection but the server refuses, an InterfaceError will be raised.
-Generic exception raised for errors that are related to the database. This exception is
-currently never raised by pg8000.
-Generic exception raised for errors that are due to problems with the processed data.
-This exception is not currently raised by pg8000.
-Generic exception raised for errors that are related to the database's operation and not
-necessarily under the control of the programmer. This exception is currently never
-raised by pg8000.
-Generic exception raised when the relational integrity of the database is affected. This
-exception is not currently raised by pg8000.
-Generic exception raised when the database encounters an internal error. This is
-currently only raised when unexpected state occurs in the pg8000 interface itself, and
-is typically the result of a interface bug.
-Generic exception raised for programming errors. For example, this exception is raised
-if more parameter fields are in a query string than there are available parameters.
-Generic exception raised in case a method or database API was used which is not
-supported by the database.
-A connection object is returned by the ``pg8000.connect()`` function. It represents a
-single physical connection to a PostgreSQL database.
-Following the DB-API specification, autocommit is off by default. It can be turned on by
-setting this boolean pg8000-specific autocommit property to ``True``.
-Closes the database connection.
-Creates a ``pg8000.dbapi.Cursor`` object bound to this connection.
-Rolls back the current database transaction.
-Begins a TPC transaction with the given transaction ID xid. This method should be
-called outside of a transaction (i.e. nothing may have executed since the last
-``commit()`` or ``rollback()``. Furthermore, it is an error to call ``commit()`` or
-``rollback()`` within the TPC transaction. A ``ProgrammingError`` is raised, if the
-application calls ``commit()`` or ``rollback()`` during an active TPC transaction.
-When called with no arguments, ``tpc_commit()`` commits a TPC transaction previously
-prepared with ``tpc_prepare()``. If ``tpc_commit()`` is called prior to
-``tpc_prepare()``, a single phase commit is performed. A transaction manager may choose
-to do this if only a single resource is participating in the global transaction.
-When called with a transaction ID ``xid``, the database commits the given transaction.
-If an invalid transaction ID is provided, a ``ProgrammingError`` will be raised. This
-form should be called outside of a transaction, and is intended for use in recovery.
-On return, the TPC transaction is ended.
-Performs the first phase of a transaction started with ``.tpc_begin()``. A
-``ProgrammingError`` is be raised if this method is called outside of a TPC transaction.
-After calling ``tpc_prepare()``, no statements can be executed until ``tpc_commit()`` or
-``tpc_rollback()`` have been called.
-Returns a list of pending transaction IDs suitable for use with ``tpc_commit(xid)`` or
-When called with no arguments, ``tpc_rollback()`` rolls back a TPC transaction. It may
-be called before or after ``tpc_prepare()``.
-When called with a transaction ID xid, it rolls back the given transaction. If an
-invalid transaction ID is provided, a ``ProgrammingError`` is raised. This form should
-be called outside of a transaction, and is intended for use in recovery.
-On return, the TPC transaction is ended.
-pg8000.dbapi.Connection.xid(format_id, global_transaction_id, branch_qualifier)
-Create a Transaction IDs (only global_transaction_id is used in pg) format_id and
-branch_qualifier are not used in postgres global_transaction_id may be any string
-identifier supported by postgres returns a tuple (format_id, global_transaction_id,
-A cursor object is returned by the ``pg8000.dbapi.Connection.cursor()`` method of a
-connection. It has the following attributes and methods:
-This read/write attribute specifies the number of rows to fetch at a time with
-``pg8000.dbapi.Cursor.fetchmany()``. It defaults to 1.
-This read-only attribute contains a reference to the connection object (an instance of
-``pg8000.dbapi.Connection``) on which the cursor was created.
-This read-only attribute contains the number of rows that the last ``execute()`` or
-``executemany()`` method produced (for query statements like ``SELECT``) or affected
-(for modification statements like ``UPDATE``.
-The value is -1 if:
-- No ``execute()`` or ``executemany()`` method has been performed yet on the cursor.
-- There was no rowcount associated with the last ``execute()``.
-- At least one of the statements executed as part of an ``executemany()`` had no row
- count associated with it.
-This read-only attribute is a sequence of 7-item sequences. Each value contains
-information describing one result column. The 7 items returned for each column are
-(name, type_code, display_size, internal_size, precision, scale, null_ok). Only the
-first two values are provided by the current implementation.
-Closes the cursor.
-pg8000.dbapi.Cursor.execute(operation, args=None, stream=None)
-Executes a database operation. Parameters may be provided as a sequence, or as a
-mapping, depending upon the value of ``pg8000.dbapi.paramstyle``. Returns the cursor,
-which may be iterated over.
- The SQL statement to execute.
- If ``pg8000.dbapi.paramstyle`` is ``qmark``, ``numeric``, or ``format``, this
- argument should be an array of parameters to bind into the statement. If
- ``pg8000.dbapi.paramstyle`` is ``named``, the argument should be a ``dict`` mapping of
- parameters. If ``pg8000.dbapi.paramstyle`` is ``pyformat``, the argument value may be
- either an array or a mapping.
- This is a pg8000 extension for use with the PostgreSQL `COPY
- <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-copy.html>`__ command. For a
- ``COPY FROM`` the parameter must be a readable file-like object, and for ``COPY TO``
- it must be writable.
-pg8000.dbapi.Cursor.executemany(operation, param_sets)
-Prepare a database operation, and then execute it against all parameter sequences or
-mappings provided.
- The SQL statement to execute.
- A sequence of parameters to execute the statement with. The values in the sequence
- should be sequences or mappings of parameters, the same as the args argument of the
- ``pg8000.dbapi.Cursor.execute()`` method.
-pg8000.dbapi.Cursor.callproc(procname, parameters=None)
-Call a stored database procedure with the given name and optional parameters.
- The name of the procedure to call.
- A list of parameters.
-Fetches all remaining rows of a query result.
-Returns: A sequence, each entry of which is a sequence of field values making up a row.
-Fetches the next set of rows of a query result.
- The number of rows to fetch when called. If not provided, the
- ``pg8000.dbapi.Cursor.arraysize`` attribute value is used instead.
-Returns: A sequence, each entry of which is a sequence of field values making up a row.
-If no more rows are available, an empty sequence will be returned.
-Fetch the next row of a query result set.
-Returns: A row as a sequence of field values, or ``None`` if no more rows are available.
-Used to set the parameter types of the next query. This is useful if it's difficult for
-pg8000 to work out the types from the parameters themselves (eg. for parameters of type
- Positional parameters that are either the Python type of the parameter to be sent, or
- the PostgreSQL oid. Common oids are available as constants such as ``pg8000.STRING``,
- ``pg8000.INTEGER``, ``pg8000.TIME`` etc.
-pg8000.dbapi.Cursor.setoutputsize(size, column=None)
-Not implemented by pg8000.
-An Interval represents a measurement of time. In PostgreSQL, an interval is defined in
-the measure of months, days, and microseconds; as such, the pg8000 interval type
-represents the same information.
-Note that values of the ``pg8000.dbapi.Interval.microseconds``,
-``pg8000.dbapi.Interval.days``, and ``pg8000.dbapi.Interval.months`` properties are
-independently measured and cannot be converted to each other. A month may be 28, 29, 30,
-or 31 days, and a day may occasionally be lengthened slightly by a leap second.
+`DB-API 2 Docs <docs/dbapi2_docs.rst>`_
Design Decisions
@@ -2258,243 +1432,4 @@ Run ``tox`` to make sure all tests pass, then update the release notes, then do:
Release Notes
-Version 1.30.4, 2024-01-03
-- Add support for more range and multirange types.
-- Make the ``Connection.parameter_statuses`` property a ``dict`` rather than a ``dequeue``.
-Version 1.30.3, 2023-10-31
-- Fix problem with PG date overflowing Python types. Now we return the ``str`` we got from the
- server if we can't parse it.
-Version 1.30.2, 2023-09-17
-- Bug fix where dollar-quoted string constants weren't supported.
-Version 1.30.1, 2023-07-29
-- There was a problem uploading the previous version (1.30.0) to PyPI because the
- markup of the README.rst was invalid. There's now a step in the automated tests to
- check for this.
-Version 1.30.0, 2023-07-27
-- Remove support for Python 3.7
-- Add a ``sock`` keyword parameter for creating a connection from a pre-configured
- socket.
-Version 1.29.8, 2023-06-16
-- Ranges don't work with legacy API.
-Version 1.29.7, 2023-06-16
-- Add support for PostgreSQL ``range`` and ``multirange`` types. Previously pg8000
- would just return them as strings, but now they're returned as ``Range`` and lists of
- ``Range``.
-- The PostgreSQL ``record`` type is now returned as a ``tuple`` of strings, whereas
- before it was returned as one string.
-Version 1.29.6, 2023-05-29
-- Fixed two bugs with composite types. Nulls should be represented by an empty string,
- and in an array of composite types, the elements should be surrounded by double
- quotes.
-Version 1.29.5, 2023-05-09
-- Fixed bug where pg8000 didn't handle the case when the number of bytes received from
- a socket was fewer than requested. This was being interpreted as a network error, but
- in fact we just needed to wait until more bytes were available.
-- When using the ``PGInterval`` type, if a response from the server contained the period
- ``millennium``, it wasn't recognised. This was caused by a spelling mistake where we
- had ``millenium`` rather than ``millennium``.
-- Added support for sending PostgreSQL composite types. If a value is sent as a
- ``tuple``, pg8000 will send it to the server as a ``(`` delimited composite string.
-Version 1.29.4, 2022-12-14
-- Fixed bug in ``pg8000.dbapi`` in the ``setinputsizes()`` method where if a ``size``
- was a recognized Python type, the method failed.
-Version 1.29.3, 2022-10-26
-- Upgrade the SCRAM library to version 1.4.3. This adds support for the case where the
- client supports channel binding but the server doesn't.
-Version 1.29.2, 2022-10-09
-- Fixed a bug where in a literal array, items such as ``\n`` and ``\r`` weren't
- escaped properly before being sent to the server.
-- Fixed a bug where if the PostgreSQL server has a half-hour time zone set, values of
- type ``timestamp with time zone`` failed. This has been fixed by using the ``parse``
- function of the ``dateutil`` package if the ``datetime`` parser fails.
-Version 1.29.1, 2022-05-23
-- In trying to determine if there's been a failed commit, check for ``ROLLBACK TO
-Version 1.29.0, 2022-05-21
-- Implement a workaround for the `silent failed commit
- <https://github.com/tlocke/pg8000/issues/36>`_ bug.
-- Previously if an empty string was sent as the query an exception would be raised, but
- that isn't done now.
-Version 1.28.3, 2022-05-18
-- Put back ``__version__`` attributes that were inadvertently removed.
-Version 1.28.2, 2022-05-17
-- Use a build system that's compliant with PEP517.
-Version 1.28.1, 2022-05-17
-- If when doing a ``COPY FROM`` the ``stream`` parameter is an iterator of ``str``,
- pg8000 used to silently append a newline to the end. That no longer happens.
-Version 1.28.0, 2022-05-17
-- When using the ``COPY FROM`` SQL statement, allow the ``stream`` parameter to be an
- iterable.
-Version 1.27.1, 2022-05-16
-- The ``seconds`` attribute of ``PGInterval`` is now always a ``float``, to cope with
- fractional seconds.
-- Updated the ``interval`` parsers for ``iso_8601`` and ``sql_standard`` to take
- account of fractional seconds.
-Version 1.27.0, 2022-05-16
-- It used to be that by default, if pg8000 received an ``interval`` type from the server
- and it was too big to fit into a ``datetime.timedelta`` then an exception would be
- raised. Now if an interval is too big for ``datetime.timedelta`` a ``PGInterval`` is
- returned.
-* pg8000 now supports all the output formats for an ``interval`` (``postgres``,
- ``postgres_verbose``, ``iso_8601`` and ``sql_standard``).
-Version 1.26.1, 2022-04-23
-- Make sure all tests are run by the GitHub Actions tests on commit.
-- Remove support for Python 3.6
-- Remove support for PostgreSQL 9.6
-Version 1.26.0, 2022-04-18
-- When connecting, raise an ``InterfaceError('network error')`` rather than let the
- underlying ``struct.error`` float up.
-- Make licence text the same as that used by the OSI. Previously the licence wording
- differed slightly from the BSD 3 Clause licence at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause. This meant that automated tools didn't
- pick it up as being Open Source. The changes are believed to not alter the meaning of the license at all.
-Version 1.25.0, 2022-04-17
-- Fix more cases where a ``ResourceWarning`` would be raise because of a socket that had
- been left open.
-- We now have a single ``InterfaceError`` with the message 'network error' for all
- network errors, with the underlying exception held in the ``cause`` of the exception.
-Version 1.24.2, 2022-04-15
-- To prevent a ``ResourceWarning`` close socket if a connection can't be created.
-Version 1.24.1, 2022-03-02
-- Return pg +/-infinity dates as ``str``. Previously +/-infinity pg values would cause
- an error when returned, but now we return +/-infinity as strings.
-Version 1.24.0, 2022-02-06
-- Add SQL escape functions identifier() and literal() to the native API. For use when a
- query can't be parameterised and the SQL string has to be created using untrusted
- values.
-Version 1.23.0, 2021-11-13
-- If a query has no parameters, then the query will no longer be parsed. Although there
- are performance benefits for doing this, the main reason is to avoid query rewriting,
- which can introduce errors.
-Version 1.22.1, 2021-11-10
-- Fix bug in PGInterval type where ``str()`` failed for a millennia value.
-Version 1.22.0, 2021-10-13
-- Rather than specifying the oids in the ``Parse`` step of the Postgres protocol, pg8000
- now omits them, and so Postgres will use the oids it determines from the query. This
- makes the pg8000 code simpler and also it should also make the nuances of type
- matching more straightforward.
+`Release Notes <docs/release_notes.rst>`_