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Update contrib/restricted/google/benchmark to 1.8.3

robot-contrib 1 год назад

+ 3 - 2

@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Eric Backus <eric_backus@alum.mit.edu>
 Eric Fiselier <eric@efcs.ca>
 Eugene Zhuk <eugene.zhuk@gmail.com>
 Evgeny Safronov <division494@gmail.com>
+Fabien Pichot <pichot.fabien@gmail.com>
 Federico Ficarelli <federico.ficarelli@gmail.com>
 Felix Homann <linuxaudio@showlabor.de>
 Gergő Szitár <szitar.gergo@gmail.com>
@@ -47,14 +48,15 @@ Marcel Jacobse <mjacobse@uni-bremen.de>
 Matt Clarkson <mattyclarkson@gmail.com>
 Maxim Vafin <maxvafin@gmail.com>
 Mike Apodaca <gatorfax@gmail.com>
+Min-Yih Hsu <yihshyng223@gmail.com>
 MongoDB Inc.
 Nick Hutchinson <nshutchinson@gmail.com>
 Norman Heino <norman.heino@gmail.com>
 Oleksandr Sochka <sasha.sochka@gmail.com>
 Ori Livneh <ori.livneh@gmail.com>
 Paul Redmond <paul.redmond@gmail.com>
-Raghu Raja <raghu@enfabrica.net>
 Radoslav Yovchev <radoslav.tm@gmail.com>
+Raghu Raja <raghu@enfabrica.net>
 Rainer Orth <ro@cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de>
 Roman Lebedev <lebedev.ri@gmail.com>
 Sayan Bhattacharjee <aero.sayan@gmail.com>
@@ -67,4 +69,3 @@ Tobias Schmidt <tobias.schmidt@in.tum.de>
 Yixuan Qiu <yixuanq@gmail.com>
 Yusuke Suzuki <utatane.tea@gmail.com>
 Zbigniew Skowron <zbychs@gmail.com>
-Min-Yih Hsu <yihshyng223@gmail.com>

+ 20 - 6

@@ -179,6 +179,17 @@ State::State(std::string name, IterationCount max_iters,
   BM_CHECK_LT(thread_index_, threads_)
       << "thread_index must be less than threads";
+  // Add counters with correct flag now.  If added with `counters[name]` in
+  // `PauseTiming`, a new `Counter` will be inserted the first time, which
+  // won't have the flag.  Inserting them now also reduces the allocations
+  // during the benchmark.
+  if (perf_counters_measurement_) {
+    for (const std::string& counter_name :
+         perf_counters_measurement_->names()) {
+      counters[counter_name] = Counter(0.0, Counter::kAvgIterations);
+    }
+  }
   // Note: The use of offsetof below is technically undefined until C++17
   // because State is not a standard layout type. However, all compilers
   // currently provide well-defined behavior as an extension (which is
@@ -227,10 +238,11 @@ void State::PauseTiming() {
       BM_CHECK(false) << "Perf counters read the value failed.";
     for (const auto& name_and_measurement : measurements) {
-      auto name = name_and_measurement.first;
-      auto measurement = name_and_measurement.second;
-      BM_CHECK_EQ(std::fpclassify(double{counters[name]}), FP_ZERO);
-      counters[name] = Counter(measurement, Counter::kAvgIterations);
+      const std::string& name = name_and_measurement.first;
+      const double measurement = name_and_measurement.second;
+      // Counter was inserted with `kAvgIterations` flag by the constructor.
+      assert(counters.find(name) != counters.end());
+      counters[name].value += measurement;
@@ -384,7 +396,7 @@ void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>& benchmarks,
       BenchmarkReporter::PerFamilyRunReports* reports_for_family = nullptr;
       if (benchmark.complexity() != oNone)
         reports_for_family = &per_family_reports[benchmark.family_index()];
-      benchmarks_with_threads += (benchmark.threads() > 0);
+      benchmarks_with_threads += (benchmark.threads() > 1);
       runners.emplace_back(benchmark, &perfcounters, reports_for_family);
       int num_repeats_of_this_instance = runners.back().GetNumRepeats();
       num_repetitions_total += num_repeats_of_this_instance;
@@ -575,7 +587,9 @@ size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
     if (!file_reporter) {
       default_file_reporter = internal::CreateReporter(
-          FLAGS_benchmark_out_format, ConsoleReporter::OO_None);
+          FLAGS_benchmark_out_format, FLAGS_benchmark_counters_tabular
+                                          ? ConsoleReporter::OO_Tabular
+                                          : ConsoleReporter::OO_None);
       file_reporter = default_file_reporter.get();

+ 14 - 1

@@ -57,9 +57,18 @@ size_t PerfCounterValues::Read(const std::vector<int>& leaders) {
 const bool PerfCounters::kSupported = true;
-bool PerfCounters::Initialize() { return pfm_initialize() == PFM_SUCCESS; }
+// Initializes libpfm only on the first call.  Returns whether that single
+// initialization was successful.
+bool PerfCounters::Initialize() {
+  // Function-scope static gets initialized only once on first call.
+  static const bool success = []() {
+    return pfm_initialize() == PFM_SUCCESS;
+  }();
+  return success;
 bool PerfCounters::IsCounterSupported(const std::string& name) {
+  Initialize();
   perf_event_attr_t attr;
   std::memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
   pfm_perf_encode_arg_t arg;
@@ -73,6 +82,10 @@ bool PerfCounters::IsCounterSupported(const std::string& name) {
 PerfCounters PerfCounters::Create(
     const std::vector<std::string>& counter_names) {
+  if (!counter_names.empty()) {
+    Initialize();
+  }
   // Valid counters will populate these arrays but we start empty
   std::vector<std::string> valid_names;
   std::vector<int> counter_ids;

+ 0 - 2

@@ -190,8 +190,6 @@ class BENCHMARK_EXPORT PerfCountersMeasurement final {
   PerfCounterValues end_values_;
-BENCHMARK_UNUSED static bool perf_init_anchor = PerfCounters::Initialize();
 }  // namespace internal
 }  // namespace benchmark

+ 6 - 6

@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ double StatisticsMedian(const std::vector<double>& v) {
   auto center = copy.begin() + v.size() / 2;
   std::nth_element(copy.begin(), center, copy.end());
-  // did we have an odd number of samples?
-  // if yes, then center is the median
-  // it no, then we are looking for the average between center and the value
-  // before
+  // Did we have an odd number of samples?  If yes, then center is the median.
+  // If not, then we are looking for the average between center and the value
+  // before.  Instead of resorting, we just look for the max value before it,
+  // which is not necessarily the element immediately preceding `center` Since
+  // `copy` is only partially sorted by `nth_element`.
   if (v.size() % 2 == 1) return *center;
-  auto center2 = copy.begin() + v.size() / 2 - 1;
-  std::nth_element(copy.begin(), center2, copy.end());
+  auto center2 = std::max_element(copy.begin(), center);
   return (*center + *center2) / 2.0;

+ 23 - 34

@@ -11,16 +11,17 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include "arraysize.h"
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 namespace benchmark {
 namespace {
 // kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa, Zetta, Yotta.
-const char kBigSIUnits[] = "kMGTPEZY";
+const char* const kBigSIUnits[] = {"k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"};
 // Kibi, Mebi, Gibi, Tebi, Pebi, Exbi, Zebi, Yobi.
-const char kBigIECUnits[] = "KMGTPEZY";
+const char* const kBigIECUnits[] = {"Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti",
+                                    "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"};
 // milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto, zepto, yocto.
-const char kSmallSIUnits[] = "munpfazy";
+const char* const kSmallSIUnits[] = {"m", "u", "n", "p", "f", "a", "z", "y"};
 // We require that all three arrays have the same size.
 static_assert(arraysize(kBigSIUnits) == arraysize(kBigIECUnits),
@@ -30,9 +31,8 @@ static_assert(arraysize(kSmallSIUnits) == arraysize(kBigSIUnits),
 static const int64_t kUnitsSize = arraysize(kBigSIUnits);
-void ToExponentAndMantissa(double val, double thresh, int precision,
-                           double one_k, std::string* mantissa,
-                           int64_t* exponent) {
+void ToExponentAndMantissa(double val, int precision, double one_k,
+                           std::string* mantissa, int64_t* exponent) {
   std::stringstream mantissa_stream;
   if (val < 0) {
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ void ToExponentAndMantissa(double val, double thresh, int precision,
   // Adjust threshold so that it never excludes things which can't be rendered
   // in 'precision' digits.
   const double adjusted_threshold =
-      std::max(thresh, 1.0 / std::pow(10.0, precision));
-  const double big_threshold = adjusted_threshold * one_k;
+      std::max(1.0, 1.0 / std::pow(10.0, precision));
+  const double big_threshold = (adjusted_threshold * one_k) - 1;
   const double small_threshold = adjusted_threshold;
   // Values in ]simple_threshold,small_threshold[ will be printed as-is
   const double simple_threshold = 0.01;
@@ -92,37 +92,20 @@ std::string ExponentToPrefix(int64_t exponent, bool iec) {
   const int64_t index = (exponent > 0 ? exponent - 1 : -exponent - 1);
   if (index >= kUnitsSize) return "";
-  const char* array =
+  const char* const* array =
       (exponent > 0 ? (iec ? kBigIECUnits : kBigSIUnits) : kSmallSIUnits);
-  if (iec) {
-    return array[index] + std::string("i");
-  }
-  return std::string(1, array[index]);
+  return std::string(array[index]);
-std::string ToBinaryStringFullySpecified(double value, double threshold,
-                                         int precision, double one_k = 1024.0) {
+std::string ToBinaryStringFullySpecified(double value, int precision,
+                                         Counter::OneK one_k) {
   std::string mantissa;
   int64_t exponent;
-  ToExponentAndMantissa(value, threshold, precision, one_k, &mantissa,
+  ToExponentAndMantissa(value, precision,
+                        one_k == Counter::kIs1024 ? 1024.0 : 1000.0, &mantissa,
-  return mantissa + ExponentToPrefix(exponent, false);
-}  // end namespace
-void AppendHumanReadable(int n, std::string* str) {
-  std::stringstream ss;
-  // Round down to the nearest SI prefix.
-  ss << ToBinaryStringFullySpecified(n, 1.0, 0);
-  *str += ss.str();
-std::string HumanReadableNumber(double n, double one_k) {
-  // 1.1 means that figures up to 1.1k should be shown with the next unit down;
-  // this softens edge effects.
-  // 1 means that we should show one decimal place of precision.
-  return ToBinaryStringFullySpecified(n, 1.1, 1, one_k);
+  return mantissa + ExponentToPrefix(exponent, one_k == Counter::kIs1024);
 std::string StrFormatImp(const char* msg, va_list args) {
@@ -155,6 +138,12 @@ std::string StrFormatImp(const char* msg, va_list args) {
   return std::string(buff_ptr.get());
+}  // end namespace
+std::string HumanReadableNumber(double n, Counter::OneK one_k) {
+  return ToBinaryStringFullySpecified(n, 1, one_k);
 std::string StrFormat(const char* format, ...) {
   va_list args;
   va_start(args, format);

+ 3 - 3

@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "benchmark/export.h"
 #include "check.h"
 #include "internal_macros.h"
 namespace benchmark {
-void AppendHumanReadable(int n, std::string* str);
-std::string HumanReadableNumber(double n, double one_k = 1024.0);
+std::string HumanReadableNumber(double n, Counter::OneK one_k);
 #if defined(__MINGW32__)

+ 4 - 4

@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ std::vector<CPUInfo::CacheInfo> GetCacheSizesWindows() {
   using UPtr = std::unique_ptr<PInfo, decltype(&std::free)>;
   GetLogicalProcessorInformation(nullptr, &buffer_size);
-  UPtr buff((PInfo*)malloc(buffer_size), &std::free);
+  UPtr buff(static_cast<PInfo*>(std::malloc(buffer_size)), &std::free);
   if (!GetLogicalProcessorInformation(buff.get(), &buffer_size))
     PrintErrorAndDie("Failed during call to GetLogicalProcessorInformation: ",
@@ -738,8 +738,8 @@ double GetCPUCyclesPerSecond(CPUInfo::Scaling scaling) {
                       "~MHz", nullptr, &data, &data_size)))
-    return static_cast<double>((int64_t)data *
-                               (int64_t)(1000 * 1000));  // was mhz
+    return static_cast<double>(static_cast<int64_t>(data) *
+                               static_cast<int64_t>(1000 * 1000));  // was mhz
 #elif defined(BENCHMARK_OS_SOLARIS)
   kstat_ctl_t* kc = kstat_open();
   if (!kc) {
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ std::vector<double> GetLoadAvg() {
 #if (defined BENCHMARK_OS_FREEBSD || defined(BENCHMARK_OS_LINUX) ||     \
      defined BENCHMARK_OS_MACOSX || defined BENCHMARK_OS_NETBSD ||      \
-    !defined(__ANDROID__)
+    !(defined(__ANDROID__) && __ANDROID_API__ < 29)
   static constexpr int kMaxSamples = 3;
   std::vector<double> res(kMaxSamples, 0.0);
   const int nelem = getloadavg(res.data(), kMaxSamples);

+ 37 - 1

@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-// statistics_test - Unit tests for src/statistics.cc
+// string_util_test - Unit tests for src/string_util.cc
 #include <tuple>
 #include "../src/internal_macros.h"
 #include "../src/string_util.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 namespace {
@@ -160,4 +161,39 @@ TEST(StringUtilTest, StrSplit) {
             std::vector<std::string>({"hello", "there", "is", "more"}));
+using HumanReadableFixture = ::testing::TestWithParam<
+    std::tuple<double, benchmark::Counter::OneK, std::string>>;
+    HumanReadableTests, HumanReadableFixture,
+    ::testing::Values(
+        std::make_tuple(0.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024, "0"),
+        std::make_tuple(999.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024, "999"),
+        std::make_tuple(1000.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024, "1000"),
+        std::make_tuple(1024.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024, "1Ki"),
+        std::make_tuple(1000 * 1000.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024,
+                        "976\\.56.Ki"),
+        std::make_tuple(1024 * 1024.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024, "1Mi"),
+        std::make_tuple(1000 * 1000 * 1000.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024,
+                        "953\\.674Mi"),
+        std::make_tuple(1024 * 1024 * 1024.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1024,
+                        "1Gi"),
+        std::make_tuple(0.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000, "0"),
+        std::make_tuple(999.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000, "999"),
+        std::make_tuple(1000.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000, "1k"),
+        std::make_tuple(1024.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000, "1.024k"),
+        std::make_tuple(1000 * 1000.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000, "1M"),
+        std::make_tuple(1024 * 1024.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000,
+                        "1\\.04858M"),
+        std::make_tuple(1000 * 1000 * 1000.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000,
+                        "1G"),
+        std::make_tuple(1024 * 1024 * 1024.0, benchmark::Counter::kIs1000,
+                        "1\\.07374G")));
+TEST_P(HumanReadableFixture, HumanReadableNumber) {
+  std::string str = benchmark::HumanReadableNumber(std::get<0>(GetParam()),
+                                                   std::get<1>(GetParam()));
+  ASSERT_THAT(str, ::testing::MatchesRegex(std::get<2>(GetParam())));
 }  // end namespace

+ 2 - 2

@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ LICENSE(Apache-2.0)
     GLOBAL contrib/restricted/google/benchmark/include