@@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ using Poco::Timespan;
namespace Poco {
namespace Net {
-struct RemainingTimeCounter
- RemainingTimeCounter(Poco::Timespan& remainingTime_) : remainingTime(remainingTime_) {};
- ~RemainingTimeCounter()
- {
- Poco::Timestamp end;
- Poco::Timespan waited = end - start;
- if (waited < remainingTime)
- remainingTime -= waited;
- else
- remainingTime = 0;
- }
- Poco::Timespan& remainingTime;
- Poco::Timestamp start;
+struct RemainingTimeCounter
+ RemainingTimeCounter(Poco::Timespan& remainingTime_) : remainingTime(remainingTime_) {};
+ ~RemainingTimeCounter()
+ {
+ Poco::Timestamp end;
+ Poco::Timespan waited = end - start;
+ if (waited < remainingTime)
+ remainingTime -= waited;
+ else
+ remainingTime = 0;
+ }
+ Poco::Timespan& remainingTime;
+ Poco::Timestamp start;
SecureSocketImpl::SecureSocketImpl(Poco::AutoPtr<SocketImpl> pSocketImpl, Context::Ptr pContext):
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ void SecureSocketImpl::connect(const SocketAddress& address, const Poco::Timespa
poco_assert (!_pSSL);
_pSocket->connect(address, timeout);
- //FIXME it updates timeouts of SecureStreamSocketImpl::underlying_socket it does not update timeouts of SecureStreamSocketImpl
- //However, timeouts of SecureStreamSocketImpl are not used in connectSSL() and previous settings are restored after
+ //FIXME it updates timeouts of SecureStreamSocketImpl::underlying_socket it does not update timeouts of SecureStreamSocketImpl
+ //However, timeouts of SecureStreamSocketImpl are not used in connectSSL() and previous settings are restored after
Poco::Timespan receiveTimeout = _pSocket->getReceiveTimeout();
Poco::Timespan sendTimeout = _pSocket->getSendTimeout();
@@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ void SecureSocketImpl::connectSSL(bool performHandshake)
if (performHandshake && _pSocket->getBlocking())
- int ret;
- Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
- do
- {
- RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
- ret = SSL_connect(_pSSL);
- }
- while (mustRetry(ret, remaining_time));
+ int ret;
+ Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
+ do
+ {
+ RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
+ ret = SSL_connect(_pSSL);
+ }
+ while (mustRetry(ret, remaining_time));
@@ -289,14 +289,14 @@ int SecureSocketImpl::sendBytes(const void* buffer, int length, int /*flags*/)
return rc;
- Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
+ Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
- RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
+ RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
rc = SSL_write(_pSSL, buffer, length);
- while (mustRetry(rc, remaining_time));
+ while (mustRetry(rc, remaining_time));
if (rc <= 0)
rc = handleError(rc);
@@ -320,17 +320,17 @@ int SecureSocketImpl::receiveBytes(void* buffer, int length, int /*flags*/)
return rc;
- Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
+ Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
- /// SSL record may consist of several TCP packets,
- /// so thread can be blocked on recv/send and epoll_wait several times
- /// until SSL_read will return rc > 0. Let's use our own time counter.
- RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
+ /// SSL record may consist of several TCP packets,
+ /// so thread can be blocked on recv/send and epoll_wait several times
+ /// until SSL_read will return rc > 0. Let's use our own time counter.
+ RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
rc = SSL_read(_pSSL, buffer, length);
- while (mustRetry(rc, remaining_time));
+ while (mustRetry(rc, remaining_time));
if (rc <= 0)
return handleError(rc);
@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ int SecureSocketImpl::completeHandshake()
poco_check_ptr (_pSSL);
int rc;
- Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
+ Poco::Timespan remaining_time = getMaxTimeout();
- RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
+ RemainingTimeCounter counter(remaining_time);
rc = SSL_do_handshake(_pSSL);
- while (mustRetry(rc, remaining_time));
+ while (mustRetry(rc, remaining_time));
if (rc <= 0)
return handleError(rc);
@@ -430,16 +430,16 @@ X509* SecureSocketImpl::peerCertificate() const
return 0;
-Poco::Timespan SecureSocketImpl::getMaxTimeout()
- Poco::Timespan remaining_time = _pSocket->getReceiveTimeout();
- Poco::Timespan send_timeout = _pSocket->getSendTimeout();
- if (remaining_time < send_timeout)
- remaining_time = send_timeout;
- return remaining_time;
+Poco::Timespan SecureSocketImpl::getMaxTimeout()
+ Poco::Timespan remaining_time = _pSocket->getReceiveTimeout();
+ Poco::Timespan send_timeout = _pSocket->getSendTimeout();
+ if (remaining_time < send_timeout)
+ remaining_time = send_timeout;
+ return remaining_time;
-bool SecureSocketImpl::mustRetry(int rc, Poco::Timespan& remaining_time)
+bool SecureSocketImpl::mustRetry(int rc, Poco::Timespan& remaining_time)
if (rc <= 0)
@@ -450,9 +450,9 @@ bool SecureSocketImpl::mustRetry(int rc, Poco::Timespan& remaining_time)
if (_pSocket->getBlocking())
- /// Level-triggered mode of epoll_wait is used, so if SSL_read don't read all available data from socket,
- /// epoll_wait returns true without waiting for new data even if remaining_time == 0
- if (_pSocket->pollImpl(remaining_time, Poco::Net::Socket::SELECT_READ) && remaining_time != 0)
+ /// Level-triggered mode of epoll_wait is used, so if SSL_read don't read all available data from socket,
+ /// epoll_wait returns true without waiting for new data even if remaining_time == 0
+ if (_pSocket->pollImpl(remaining_time, Poco::Net::Socket::SELECT_READ) && remaining_time != 0)
return true;
throw Poco::TimeoutException();
@@ -461,8 +461,8 @@ bool SecureSocketImpl::mustRetry(int rc, Poco::Timespan& remaining_time)
if (_pSocket->getBlocking())
- /// The same as for SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ
- if (_pSocket->pollImpl(remaining_time, Poco::Net::Socket::SELECT_WRITE) && remaining_time != 0)
+ /// The same as for SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ
+ if (_pSocket->pollImpl(remaining_time, Poco::Net::Socket::SELECT_WRITE) && remaining_time != 0)
return true;
throw Poco::TimeoutException();