@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ CUDA_LIBRARIES = {
'-lnvinfer_plugin_static': '-lnvinfer_plugin',
'-lnvonnxparser_static': '-lnvonnxparser',
'-lnvparsers_static': '-lnvparsers',
+ '-lnvrtc_static': '-lnvrtc',
+ '-lnvrtc-builtins_static': '-lnvrtc-builtins',
+ '-lnvptxcompiler_static': '',
@@ -97,37 +100,25 @@ class CUDAManager:
-def process_cuda_libraries(cmd, cuda_manager, build_root):
- if not cuda_manager.has_cuda_fatbins(cmd):
- return cmd
- def tmpdir_generator(prefix):
- for idx in itertools.count():
- path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(build_root, prefix + '_' + str(idx)))
- os.makedirs(path)
- yield path
- # add custom linker script
- to_dirpath = next(tmpdir_generator('cuda_linker_script'))
- script_path = os.path.join(to_dirpath, 'script')
- with open(script_path, 'w') as f:
- cuda_manager.write_linker_script(f)
- flags_with_linker = list(cmd) + ['-Wl,--script={}'.format(script_path)]
+def tmpdir_generator(base_path, prefix):
+ for idx in itertools.count():
+ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, prefix + '_' + str(idx)))
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ yield path
- if not cuda_manager.can_prune_libs:
- return flags_with_linker
- tmpdir_gen = tmpdir_generator('cuda_pruned_libs')
+def process_cuda_library_by_external_tool(cmd, build_root, tool_name, callable_tool_executor, allowed_cuda_libs):
+ tmpdir_gen = tmpdir_generator(build_root, 'cuda_' + tool_name + '_libs')
- flags_pruned = []
+ new_flags = []
cuda_deps = set()
# Because each directory flag only affects flags that follow it,
# for correct pruning we need to process that in reversed order
- for flag in reversed(flags_with_linker):
- if flag in cuda_manager.fatbin_libs:
+ for flag in reversed(cmd):
+ if flag in allowed_cuda_libs:
cuda_deps.add('lib' + flag[2:] + '.a')
- flag += '_pruned'
+ flag += '_' + tool_name
elif flag.startswith('-L') and os.path.exists(flag[2:]) and os.path.isdir(flag[2:]) and any(f in cuda_deps for f in os.listdir(flag[2:])):
from_dirpath = flag[2:]
from_deps = list(cuda_deps & set(os.listdir(from_dirpath)))
@@ -137,19 +128,57 @@ def process_cuda_libraries(cmd, cuda_manager, build_root):
for f in from_deps:
from_path = os.path.join(from_dirpath, f)
- to_path = os.path.join(to_dirpath, f[:-2] + '_pruned.a')
- cuda_manager.prune_lib(from_path, to_path)
+ to_path = os.path.join(to_dirpath, f[:-2] + '_' + tool_name +'.a')
+ callable_tool_executor(from_path, to_path)
# do not remove current directory
# because it can contain other libraries we want link to
- # instead we just add new directory with pruned libs
- flags_pruned.append('-L' + to_dirpath)
+ # instead we just add new directory with processed by tool libs
+ new_flags.append('-L' + to_dirpath)
- flags_pruned.append(flag)
+ new_flags.append(flag)
assert not cuda_deps, ('Unresolved CUDA deps: ' + ','.join(cuda_deps))
- return reversed(flags_pruned)
+ return reversed(new_flags)
+def process_cuda_libraries_by_objcopy(cmd, build_root, objcopy_exe):
+ if not objcopy_exe:
+ return cmd
+ def run_objcopy(from_path, to_path):
+ rename_section_command = [objcopy_exe, "--rename-section", ".ctors=.init_array", from_path, to_path]
+ subprocess.check_call(rename_section_command)
+ possible_libraries = set(CUDA_LIBRARIES.keys())
+ possible_libraries.update([
+ '-lcudadevrt',
+ '-lcufilt',
+ '-lculibos',
+ ])
+ possible_libraries.update([
+ lib_name + "_pruner" for lib_name in possible_libraries
+ ])
+ return process_cuda_library_by_external_tool(list(cmd), build_root, 'objcopy', run_objcopy, possible_libraries)
+def process_cuda_libraries_by_nvprune(cmd, cuda_manager, build_root):
+ if not cuda_manager.has_cuda_fatbins(cmd):
+ return cmd
+ # add custom linker script
+ to_dirpath = next(tmpdir_generator(build_root, 'cuda_linker_script'))
+ script_path = os.path.join(to_dirpath, 'script')
+ with open(script_path, 'w') as f:
+ cuda_manager.write_linker_script(f)
+ flags_with_linker = list(cmd) + ['-Wl,--script={}'.format(script_path)]
+ if not cuda_manager.can_prune_libs:
+ return flags_with_linker
+ return process_cuda_library_by_external_tool(flags_with_linker, build_root, 'pruner', cuda_manager.prune_lib, cuda_manager.fatbin_libs)
def remove_excessive_flags(cmd):
@@ -264,6 +293,7 @@ def parse_args():
help='List of supported CUDA architectures, separated by ":" (e.g. "sm_52:compute_70:lto_90a"')
+ parser.add_option('--objcopy-exe')
@@ -295,7 +325,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
cmd = fix_cmd_for_dynamic_cuda(cmd)
cuda_manager = CUDAManager(opts.cuda_architectures, opts.nvprune_exe)
- cmd = process_cuda_libraries(cmd, cuda_manager, opts.build_root)
+ cmd = process_cuda_libraries_by_nvprune(cmd, cuda_manager, opts.build_root)
+ cmd = process_cuda_libraries_by_objcopy(cmd, opts.build_root, opts.objcopy_exe)
cmd = ProcessWholeArchiveOption(opts.arch, opts.whole_archive_peers, opts.whole_archive_libs).construct_cmd(cmd)
if opts.custom_step: