@@ -76,32 +76,35 @@ Parameter name | Parameter Description | Default value
`--consumer-threads`, `-t` | Number of consumer threads | `1`
`--consumers`, `-c` | Number of consumers | `1`
`--message-size`, `-m` | Message size in bytes. It is possible to specify in KB, MB, GB by adding suffixes `K`, `M`, `G` respectively | `10240`
-`--message-rate` | Target total write speed. In messages per second. Excludes the use of the `--byte-rate` | `0` parameter
-`--byte-rate` | Target total write speed. In bytes per second. Excludes the use of the --message-rate parameter. It is possible to specify in KB/s, MB/s, GB/s by adding suffixes `K`, `M`, `G` respectively | `0`
+`--message-rate` | Target total write speed. In messages per second. Excludes the use of the `--byte-rate` parameter | `0`
+`--byte-rate` | Target total write speed. In bytes per second. Excludes the use of the `--message-rate` parameter. It is possible to specify in KB/s, MB/s, GB/s by adding suffixes `K`, `M`, `G` respectively | `0`
`--commit-period` | The period between `COMMIT` calls. In seconds | `10`
+`--commit-messages` | The period between `COMMIT` calls. In number of messages | `1000000`
+`--only-topic-in-tx` | Only topic partitions are forced to participate in transactions. Excludes the use of the `--only-table-in-tx` parameter | `0`
+`--only-table-in-tx` | Only table shards are forced to participate in transactions. Excludes the use of the `--only-topic-in-tx` parameter | `0`
For example, the command `{{ ydb-cli }} --profile quickstart workload transfer topic-to-table run` will run a test lasting 60 seconds. The data for the first 5 seconds will not be taken into account in the work statistics. Example of console output:
-Window Write speed Write time Inflight Lag Lag time Read speed Full time
-# msg/s MB/s percentile,ms percentile,msg percentile,msg percentile,ms msg/s MB/s percentile,ms
-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-6 103 1 911 78 0 0 103 1 914
-7 103 1 983 78 0 0 103 1 984
-8 103 1 1103 80 0 0 103 1 1106
-9 103 1 1003 85 0 0 103 1 1004
-10 103 1 1003 86 0 0 103 1 1006
-11 103 1 1015 85 0 0 103 1 1019
-12 103 1 1047 91 0 0 103 1 1043
-13 103 1 999 88 0 0 103 1 1003
-14 103 1 1063 85 0 0 103 1 1064
-15 103 1 1003 89 0 0 103 1 1008
-16 103 1 999 88 0 0 103 1 1003
-17 103 1 1071 78 0 0 103 1 1077
+Window Write speed Write time Inflight Read speed Topic time Select time Upsert time Commit time
+# msg/s MB/s percentile,ms percentile,msg msg/s MB/s percentile,ms percentile,ms percentile,ms percentile,ms
+1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+6 103 1 1023 83 103 1 1025 0 0 0
+7 103 1 999 78 103 1 1001 0 0 0
+8 103 1 1003 93 103 1 1002 0 0 0
+9 103 1 1003 88 103 1 1003 0 0 0
+10 103 1 999 79 103 1 999 0 0 0
+11 103 1 1119 89 0 0 0 0 0 0
+12 103 1 1023 90 206 2 1028 90 223 695
+13 103 1 975 84 103 1 976 0 0 0
+14 103 1 1003 91 103 1 1006 0 0 0
+15 103 1 1003 93 103 1 1005 0 0 0
+16 103 1 1103 89 103 1 1100 0 0 0
+17 103 1 1063 89 103 1 1061 0 0 0
@@ -112,7 +115,8 @@ Window Write speed Write time Inflight Lag Lag time
* `Lag` — the specified percentile of maximum number of messages waiting to be read in the statistics collection window. Messages for all batches are taken into account.
* `Lag time` — the specified percentile of message delay time in ms.
* `Read speed` — the speed of reading messages by consumers. In messages per second and in megabytes per second.
-* `Full time` — the specified percentile of the time of complete processing of the message, from writing by the producer to reading by the consumer in ms.
+* `Select time`, `Upsert time`, `Commit time` — the specified percentile of the execution time of Select, Insert, Commit operations in ms.
+<!-- * `Full time` — the specified percentile of the time of complete processing of the message, from writing by the producer to reading by the consumer in ms. -->
## Removing the test environment {#clean}