@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#include "bootstrapper.h"
+#include "bootstrapper_impl.h"
+#include <ydb/core/testlib/tablet_helpers.h>
+#include <ydb/core/testlib/actors/block_events.h>
+#include <ydb/core/base/tablet_pipe.h>
+#include <ydb/core/base/statestorage_impl.h>
+#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executed.h>
+#include <ydb/library/actors/core/hfunc.h>
+#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BootstrapperTest) {
+ class TSimpleTablet
+ : public TActor<TSimpleTablet>
+ , public NTabletFlatExecutor::TTabletExecutedFlat
+ {
+ public:
+ TSimpleTablet(const TActorId &tablet, TTabletStorageInfo *info)
+ : TActor(&TThis::StateInit)
+ , TTabletExecutedFlat(info, tablet, nullptr)
+ {}
+ private:
+ void DefaultSignalTabletActive(const TActorContext&) override {
+ // must be empty
+ }
+ void OnActivateExecutor(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
+ Become(&TThis::StateWork);
+ SignalTabletActive(ctx);
+ }
+ void OnDetach(const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void OnTabletDead(TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr &, const TActorContext &ctx) override {
+ return Die(ctx);
+ }
+ void Handle(TEvents::TEvPing::TPtr& ev) {
+ Send(ev->Sender, new TEvents::TEvPong);
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateInit) {
+ StateInitImpl(ev, SelfId());
+ }
+ STFUNC(StateWork) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ hFunc(TEvents::TEvPing, Handle);
+ default:
+ HandleDefaultEvents(ev, SelfId());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletStorageInfo> CreateSimpleTabletStorageInfo(ui64 tabletId = TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0) {
+ return CreateTestTabletInfo(tabletId, TTabletTypes::Dummy);
+ }
+ TIntrusivePtr<TTabletSetupInfo> CreateSimpleTabletSetupInfo() {
+ return MakeIntrusive<TTabletSetupInfo>(
+ [](const TActorId& tablet, TTabletStorageInfo* info) {
+ return new TSimpleTablet(tablet, info);
+ },
+ TMailboxType::Simple,
+ ui32(0),
+ TMailboxType::Simple,
+ ui32(0));
+ }
+ TActorId StartSimpleTablet(
+ TTestActorRuntime& runtime,
+ const TActorId& launcher = {},
+ ui32 nodeIdx = 0,
+ ui64 tabletId = TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0)
+ {
+ auto tabletInfo = CreateSimpleTabletStorageInfo(tabletId);
+ auto setupInfo = CreateSimpleTabletSetupInfo();
+ auto actor = runtime.Register(
+ CreateTablet(launcher, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), /* generation */ 0),
+ nodeIdx);
+ runtime.EnableScheduleForActor(actor);
+ return actor;
+ }
+ std::vector<TActorId> StartSimpleTabletBootstrappers(
+ TTestActorRuntime& runtime,
+ const std::vector<ui32>& nodeIdxs,
+ ui64 tabletId = TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0)
+ {
+ std::vector<TActorId> boots;
+ auto tabletInfo = CreateSimpleTabletStorageInfo(tabletId);
+ auto setupInfo = CreateSimpleTabletSetupInfo();
+ for (ui32 nodeIdx : nodeIdxs) {
+ auto bootInfo = MakeIntrusive<TBootstrapperInfo>(setupInfo.Get());
+ for (ui32 otherNodeIdx : nodeIdxs) {
+ if (otherNodeIdx != nodeIdx) {
+ bootInfo->OtherNodes.push_back(runtime.GetNodeId(otherNodeIdx));
+ }
+ }
+ boots.push_back(runtime.Register(CreateBootstrapper(tabletInfo.Get(), bootInfo.Get()), nodeIdx));
+ runtime.EnableScheduleForActor(boots.back());
+ // Make this bootstrapper discoverable by tablet id / node id
+ runtime.RegisterService(
+ MakeBootstrapperID(tabletId, runtime.GetNodeId(nodeIdx)),
+ boots.back(),
+ nodeIdx);
+ }
+ return boots;
+ }
+ TActorId StartSimpleTabletBootstrapper(
+ TTestActorRuntime& runtime,
+ ui32 nodeIdx = 0,
+ ui64 tabletId = TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0)
+ {
+ return StartSimpleTabletBootstrappers(runtime, {nodeIdx}, tabletId).at(0);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(LoneBootstrapper) {
+ TTestBasicRuntime runtime;
+ SetupTabletServices(runtime);
+ auto sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ StartSimpleTabletBootstrapper(runtime);
+ ui32 gen1;
+ auto client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ gen1 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ }
+ Cerr << "... stopping current instance" << Endl;
+ runtime.SendToPipe(client, sender, new TEvents::TEvPoison);
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to disconnect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed>(sender);
+ }
+ ui32 gen2;
+ client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ gen2 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(gen1 < gen2, "Unexpected gen1# " << gen1 << " not before gen2# " << gen2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(KeepExistingTablet) {
+ TTestBasicRuntime runtime(2);
+ SetupTabletServices(runtime);
+ auto launcher = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor(1);
+ auto instance = StartSimpleTablet(runtime, launcher, 1);
+ bool dead = false;
+ auto deadObserver = runtime.AddObserver<TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead>(
+ [&](TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr& ev) {
+ if (ev->Sender == instance) {
+ dead = true;
+ }
+ });
+ auto sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ ui32 gen1;
+ auto client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ gen1 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ }
+ StartSimpleTabletBootstrapper(runtime);
+ Cerr << "... sleeping (original instance should be preserved)" << Endl;
+ runtime.SimulateSleep(TDuration::Seconds(1));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(!dead, "The original instance should be preserved");
+ runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(instance, launcher, new TEvents::TEvPoison), 1);
+ runtime.WaitFor("original instance to stop", [&]{ return dead; });
+ ui32 gen2;
+ client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ gen2 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(gen1 < gen2, "Unexpected gen1# " << gen1 << " not before gen2# " << gen2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(RestartUnavailableTablet) {
+ TTestBasicRuntime runtime(3);
+ SetupTabletServices(runtime);
+ auto launcher = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor(1);
+ auto instance = StartSimpleTablet(runtime, launcher, 1);
+ Y_UNUSED(instance);
+ auto sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ ui32 gen1;
+ auto client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->ServerId.NodeId(), runtime.GetNodeId(1));
+ gen1 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ }
+ TBlockEvents<TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect> blockedConnect(runtime,
+ [&](const auto& ev) {
+ return ev->Get()->Record.GetTabletId() == TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0;
+ });
+ StartSimpleTabletBootstrapper(runtime, 2);
+ runtime.WaitFor("blocked connect attempt", [&]{ return blockedConnect.size() >= 1; });
+ blockedConnect.Stop();
+ Cerr << "... disconnecting nodes 2 <-> 1" << Endl;
+ runtime.DisconnectNodes(2, 1);
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to disconnect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed>(sender);
+ }
+ ui32 gen2;
+ client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->ServerId.NodeId(), runtime.GetNodeId(2));
+ gen2 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(gen1 < gen2, "Unexpected gen1# " << gen1 << " not before gen2# " << gen2);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(UnavailableStateStorage) {
+ TTestBasicRuntime runtime(3);
+ SetupTabletServices(runtime);
+ runtime.SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ auto launcher = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor(1);
+ auto instance = StartSimpleTablet(runtime, launcher, 1);
+ bool dead = false;
+ auto deadObserver = runtime.AddObserver<TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead>(
+ [&](TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead::TPtr& ev) {
+ if (ev->Sender == instance) {
+ dead = true;
+ }
+ });
+ auto sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ ui32 gen1;
+ auto client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->ServerId.NodeId(), runtime.GetNodeId(1));
+ gen1 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ }
+ ui32 node2 = runtime.GetNodeId(2);
+ TBlockEvents<TEvStateStorage::TEvReplicaLookup> blockedReplicaLookup(runtime,
+ [&](const auto& ev) {
+ // Block EvReplicaLookup requests from node 2 and disconnect every time
+ if (ev->Sender.NodeId() == node2 && ev->Get()->Record.GetTabletID() == TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0) {
+ Cerr << "... disconnecting nodes 2 <-> 0 (" << ev->Get()->ToString() << " for " << ev->GetRecipientRewrite() << ")" << Endl;
+ runtime.DisconnectNodes(2, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ StartSimpleTabletBootstrapper(runtime, 2);
+ runtime.WaitFor("multiple state storage lookup attempts", [&]{ return blockedReplicaLookup.size() >= 6; });
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(!dead, "The original instance should be preserved");
+ Y_UNUSED(client);
+ Y_UNUSED(gen1);
+ }
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(MultipleBootstrappers) {
+ TTestBasicRuntime runtime(4);
+ SetupTabletServices(runtime);
+ runtime.SetLogPriority(NKikimrServices::BOOTSTRAPPER, NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG);
+ StartSimpleTabletBootstrappers(runtime, {1, 2, 3});
+ Cerr << "... sleeping for 2 seconds" << Endl;
+ runtime.SimulateSleep(TDuration::Seconds(2));
+ auto sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ ui32 gen1;
+ ui32 initialNode;
+ ui32 initialNodeIdx;
+ auto client = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ gen1 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ initialNode = ev->Get()->ServerId.NodeId();
+ initialNodeIdx = initialNode - runtime.GetNodeId(0);
+ }
+ Cerr << "... tablet initially started on node " << initialNode
+ << " (idx " << initialNodeIdx << ")" << " in gen " << gen1 << Endl;
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(gen1, 2u, "Expected tablet to start from gen 2");
+ std::vector<ui32> otherNodeIdxs;
+ for (ui32 nodeIdx : {1, 2, 3}) {
+ if (nodeIdx != initialNodeIdx) {
+ otherNodeIdxs.push_back(nodeIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ Cerr << "... disconnecting other nodes" << Endl;
+ for (ui32 nodeIdx : otherNodeIdxs) {
+ runtime.DisconnectNodes(initialNodeIdx, nodeIdx);
+ }
+ Cerr << "... sleeping for 2 seconds (tablet expected to survive)" << Endl;
+ runtime.SimulateSleep(TDuration::Seconds(2));
+ {
+ runtime.SendToPipe(client, sender, new TEvents::TEvPing);
+ runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvents::TEvPong>(sender);
+ }
+ // Block new connect attempts to tablet at that node
+ TBlockEvents<TEvTabletPipe::TEvConnect> blockConnect(runtime,
+ [&](const auto& ev) {
+ if (ev->GetRecipientRewrite().NodeId() == initialNode &&
+ ev->Get()->Record.GetTabletId() == TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0)
+ {
+ ui32 otherNodeIdx = ev->Sender.NodeId() - runtime.GetNodeId(0);
+ Cerr << "... disconnecting nodes " << initialNodeIdx << " <-> " << otherNodeIdx
+ << " (tablet connect attempt)" << Endl;
+ runtime.DisconnectNodes(initialNodeIdx, otherNodeIdx);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ Cerr << "... disconnecting other nodes (new tablet connections fail)" << Endl;
+ for (ui32 nodeIdx : otherNodeIdxs) {
+ runtime.DisconnectNodes(initialNodeIdx, nodeIdx);
+ }
+ Cerr << "... sleeping for 2 seconds (tablet expected to survive)" << Endl;
+ runtime.SimulateSleep(TDuration::Seconds(2));
+ {
+ runtime.SendToPipe(client, sender, new TEvents::TEvPing);
+ runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvents::TEvPong>(sender);
+ }
+ // Block watch messages towards tablet node, a new owner must be selected
+ TBlockEvents<TEvBootstrapper::TEvWatch> blockWatch(runtime,
+ [&](const auto& ev) {
+ if (ev->GetRecipientRewrite().NodeId() == initialNode &&
+ ev->Get()->Record.GetTabletID() == TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0)
+ {
+ ui32 otherNodeIdx = ev->Sender.NodeId() - runtime.GetNodeId(0);
+ Cerr << "... disconnecting nodes " << initialNodeIdx << " <-> " << otherNodeIdx
+ << " (bootstrap watch attempt)" << Endl;
+ runtime.DisconnectNodes(initialNodeIdx, otherNodeIdx);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ Cerr << "... disconnect other nodes (new owner expected)" << Endl;
+ for (ui32 nodeIdx : otherNodeIdxs) {
+ runtime.DisconnectNodes(initialNodeIdx, nodeIdx);
+ }
+ Cerr << "... sleeping for 2 seconds (new tablet expected to start once)" << Endl;
+ runtime.SimulateSleep(TDuration::Seconds(2));
+ ui32 gen2;
+ ui32 secondNode;
+ ui32 secondNodeIdx;
+ auto sender2 = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ auto client2 = runtime.ConnectToPipe(TTestTxConfig::TxTablet0, sender2, 0, NTabletPipe::TClientRetryPolicy::WithRetries());
+ {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for pipe to connect" << Endl;
+ auto ev = runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(sender2);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(ev->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ gen2 = ev->Get()->Generation;
+ secondNode = ev->Get()->ServerId.NodeId();
+ secondNodeIdx = secondNode - runtime.GetNodeId(0);
+ }
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(secondNodeIdx != initialNodeIdx, "Tablet expected to move to a different node");
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(gen2 == gen1 + 1, "Tablet restarted with gen2# " << gen2 << " after gen1# " << gen1);
+ runtime.GrabEdgeEventRethrow<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed>(sender);
+ Y_UNUSED(client2);
+ }
+} // Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(BootstrapperTest)
+} // namespace NKikimr