@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-val baseBuildDir = "{{ export_root }}/gradle.build/"
-buildDir = file(baseBuildDir + project.path.replaceFirst(":", "/").replace(":", "."))
-subprojects {
- buildDir = file(baseBuildDir + project.path.replaceFirst(":", "/").replace(":", "."))
+{%- set has_errorprone = target.consumer|selectattr('jar', 'startsWith', 'contrib/java/com/google/errorprone/error_prone_annotations')|length -%}
+{%- if has_errorprone -%}
+import net.ltgt.gradle.errorprone.CheckSeverity
+import net.ltgt.gradle.errorprone.errorprone
+{% endif -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/builddir.jinja" %}
{%- macro OutDirs(runs, prefix, suffix) -%}
{%- if run.args|length and run.out_dir|length -%}
@@ -31,179 +34,27 @@ subprojects {
{%- set required_jdk = target.required_jdk -%}
{%- endif %}
-plugins {
-{%- if mainClass %}
- `application`
-{%- else %}
- `java-library`
-{%- endif %}
-{%- if publish %}
- `maven-publish`
- `signing`
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if with_kotlin and kotlin_version %}
- kotlin("jvm") version "{{ kotlin_version }}"
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|length %}
- kotlin("plugin.allopen") version "{{ kotlin_version }}"
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_lombok|length %}
- kotlin("plugin.lombok") version "{{ kotlin_version }}"
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_noarg|length %}
- kotlin("plugin.noarg") version "{{ kotlin_version }}"
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_serialization|length %}
- kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "{{ kotlin_version }}"
-{% endif -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{#- errorprone plugin configuration -#}
-{%- if errorprone -%}
-{%- set errorprone_plugin_version = "4.0.0" -%}
-{%- if target.consumer|selectattr('jar', 'startsWith', 'contrib/java/com/google/errorprone/error_prone_annotations')|length %}
- id("net.ltgt.errorprone") version "{{ errorprone_plugin_version }}"
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{#- lombok plugin configuration -#}
-{#- TODO remove usings annotation_processors semantic -#}
-{%- if ("lombok.launch.AnnotationProcessorHider$AnnotationProcessor" in target.annotation_processors) or (target.use_annotation_processor|length and target.use_annotation_processor|select('startsWith', 'contrib/java/org/projectlombok/lombok')|length) %}
- id("io.freefair.lombok") version "8.6"
-{%- endif %}
-{#- language level -#}
-{%- if has_required_jdk %}
-java {
- toolchain {
- languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of("{{ required_jdk }}")
- }
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|length -%}
-{%- set allopen_annotations = [] -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|select('eq', 'preset=spring')|length -%}
-{%- set allopen_annotations = allopen_annotations + ['org.springframework.stereotype.Component', 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional', 'org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Async', 'org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable', 'org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest', 'org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated'] -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|select('eq', 'preset=quarkus')|length -%}
-{%- set allopen_annotations = allopen_annotations + ['javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped', 'javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped'] -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|select('eq', 'preset=micronaut')|length -%}
-{%- set allopen_annotations = allopen_annotations + ['io.micronaut.aop.Around', 'io.micronaut.aop.Introduction', 'io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBinding', 'io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBindingDefinitions'] -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|select('startsWith', 'annotation=')|length -%}
-{%- set sannotations = target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|select('startsWith', 'annotation=')|join('|')|replace('annotation=','') -%}
-{%- set annotations = split(sannotations, '|') -%}
-{%- set allopen_annotations = allopen_annotations + annotations -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- set allopen_options = target.with_kotlinc_plugin_allopen|reject('startsWith', 'preset=')|reject('startsWith', 'annotation=')|reject('eq', 'default') %}
-allOpen {
-{%- if allopen_options|length -%}
-{%- for option in allopen_options|unique %}
- {{ option }}
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endif %}
-{%- if allopen_annotations|length -%}
-{%- for annotation in allopen_annotations|unique %}
- annotation("{{ annotation }}")
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endif %}
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_noarg|length -%}
-{%- set noarg_annotations = [] -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_noarg|select('eq', 'preset=jpa')|length -%}
-{%- set noarg_annotations = noarg_annotations + ['javax.persistence.Entity', 'javax.persistence.Embeddable', 'javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass', 'jakarta.persistence.Entity', 'jakarta.persistence.Embeddable', 'jakarta.persistence.MappedSuperclass'] -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if target.with_kotlinc_plugin_noarg|select('startsWith', 'annotation=')|length -%}
-{%- set sannotations = target.with_kotlinc_plugin_noarg|select('startsWith', 'annotation=')|join('|')|replace('annotation=','') -%}
-{%- set annotations = split(sannotations, '|') -%}
-{%- set noarg_annotations = noarg_annotations + annotations -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- set noarg_options = target.with_kotlinc_plugin_noarg|reject('startsWith', 'preset=')|reject('startsWith', 'annotation=')|reject('eq', 'default') %}
-noArg {
-{%- if noarg_options|length -%}
-{%- for option in noarg_options|unique %}
- {{ option }}
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endif %}
-{%- if noarg_annotations|length -%}
-{%- for annotation in noarg_annotations|unique %}
- annotation("{{ annotation }}")
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endif %}
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if with_kotlin %}
-kotlin {
- jvmToolchain({{ required_jdk }})
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if publish %}
-group = "{{ target.publish_group }}"
-version = {% if target.publish_version and target.publish_version != "no" -%}"{{ target.publish_version }}"{%- else -%}project.properties["version"]!!{%- endif %}
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if target.enable_preview %}
-tasks.withType<JavaCompile> {
- options.compilerArgs.add("--enable-preview")
- options.compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:preview")
- options.release.set({{ required_jdk }})
-tasks.withType<JavaExec> {
- jvmArgs?.add("--enable-preview")
-tasks.withType<Test> {
- jvmArgs?.add("--enable-preview")
- environment["JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS"] = "--enable-preview"
-tasks.withType<Javadoc> {
- val javadocOptions = options as CoreJavadocOptions
- javadocOptions.addStringOption("source", "{{ required_jdk }}")
- javadocOptions.addBooleanOption("-enable-preview", true)
-{% endif -%}
+{% include "[generator]/plugins.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/kotlin_plugins.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/publish.jinja" -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/preview.jinja" -%}
{#- javac flags -#}
{%- if target.javac.flags|length -%}
-{%- set javac_flags = target.javac.flags|reject('startsWith', '-Xep:') -%}
-{%- if javac_flags|length %}
+{#- skip errorprone options -#}
+{%- set javac_flags = target.javac.flags|reject('startsWith', '-Xep:')|reject('startsWith', '-XepOpt:') -%}
+{%- if javac_flags|length and javac_flags != ['-parameters'] %}
tasks.withType<JavaCompile> {
{%- for javac_flag in javac_flags %}
options.compilerArgs.add("{{ javac_flag }}")
{%- endfor %}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif %}
-val bucketUsername: String by project
-val bucketPassword: String by project
-repositories {
- repositories {
- maven {
- url = uri("https://bucket.yandex-team.ru/v1/maven/central")
- credentials {
- username = "$bucketUsername"
- password = "$bucketPassword"
- }
- }
- }
+{% endif -%}
+{%- endif -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/errorprone.jinja" %}
+{% include "[generator]/bucket.jinja" %}
val project_root = "{{ arcadia_root }}"
{% if mainClass -%}
@@ -247,134 +98,9 @@ tasks.test {
{% endif -%}
-{%- if target.jar_source_set is defined %}
-{%- for source_set in target.jar_source_set -%}
-{%- set srcdir_glob = split(source_set, ':') %}
-sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs += "{{ srcdir_glob[0] }}"
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{% for extra_target in extra_targets -%}
-{%- if extra_target.jar_source_set is defined -%}
-{%- for source_set in extra_target.jar_source_set -%}
-{%- set srcdir_glob = split(source_set, ':') %}
-sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs += "{{ srcdir_glob[0] }}"
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endfor -%}
-sourceSets {
-{%- if target.runs|length %}
- main {
- {#-
- Default by Gradle:
- java.srcDir("src/main/java")
- resources.srcDir("src/main/resources")
- #}
-{%- for run in target.runs -%}
-{{ OutDirs(run, ' java.srcDir("', '")') }}
-{%- endfor %}
- }
-{%- endif %}
- test {
- {#-
- Default by Gradle:
+{%- include "[generator]/source_sets.jinja" %}
- java.srcDir("src/test/java")
- resources.srcDir("src/test/resources")
- #}
- java.srcDir("ut/java")
- resources.srcDir("ut/resources")
- java.srcDir("src/test-integration/java")
- resources.srcDir("src/test-integration/resources")
- java.srcDir("src/testFixtures/java")
- resources.srcDir("src/testFixtures/resources")
- java.srcDir("src/intTest/java")
- resources.srcDir("src/intTest/resources")
-{%- for extra_target in extra_targets -%}
-{%- if extra_target|length -%}
-{%- for run in extra_target.runs -%}
-{{ OutDirs(run, ' java.srcDir("', '")') }}
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endfor %}
- }
-dependencies {
-{%- for library in target.consumer if library.classpath -%}
-{%- if errorprone -%}
-{%- if library.prebuilt and (library.type != "contrib" or build_contribs) and ("contrib/java/com/google/errorprone/error_prone_annotations" in library.jar) -%}
-{%- set errorprone_version = library.jar|replace("contrib/java/com/google/errorprone/error_prone_annotations/", "") -%}
-{%- set errorprone_parts = split(errorprone_version, '/', 2) %}
- errorprone("com.google.errorprone:error_prone_core:{{ errorprone_parts[0] }}")
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if library.prebuilt and library.jar and (library.type != "contrib" or build_contribs) %}
- implementation(files("$project_root/{{ library.jar }}"))
-{%- else -%}
-{%- set classpath = library.classpath -%}
-{%- if classpath|replace('"','') == classpath -%}
-{%- set classpath = '"' + classpath + '"' -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if library.type != "contrib" %}
-{%- if library.testdep %}
- implementation(project(path = ":{{ library.testdep | replace("/", ":") }}", configuration = "testArtifacts"))
-{%- else %}
- implementation({{ classpath }})
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- else %}
- api({{ classpath }})
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if library.excludes.consumer is defined %} {
-{% for exclude in library.excludes.consumer if exclude.classpath -%}
-{%- set classpath = exclude.classpath|replace('"','') -%}
-{%- set classpath_parts = split(classpath, ':') -%}
- exclude(group = "{{ classpath_parts[0] }}", module = "{{ classpath_parts[1] }}")
-{% endfor -%}
- }
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- for annotation_processor in target.use_annotation_processor %}
- annotationProcessor(files("$project_root/{{ annotation_processor}}"))
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- for extra_target in extra_targets -%}
-{%- for library in extra_target.consumer if library.classpath -%}
-{%- if library.prebuilt and library.jar and (library.type != "contrib" or build_contribs) %}
- testImplementation(files("$project_root/{{ library.jar }}"))
-{%- else -%}
-{%- set classpath = library.classpath -%}
-{%- if classpath|replace('"','') == classpath -%}
-{%- set classpath = '"' + classpath + '"' -%}
-{%- endif %}
-{%- if library.type != "contrib" and library.testdep %}
- testImplementation(project(path = ":{{ library.testdep | replace("/", ":") }}", configuration = "testArtifacts"))
-{%- else %}
- testImplementation({{ classpath }})
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if library.excludes.consumer is defined %} {
-{% for exclude in library.excludes.consumer if exclude.classpath -%}
-{%- set classpath = exclude.classpath|replace('"','') -%}
-{%- set classpath_parts = split(classpath, ':') -%}
- exclude(group = "{{ classpath_parts[0] }}", module = "{{ classpath_parts[1] }}")
-{% endfor -%}
- }
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- for annotation_processor in extra_target.use_annotation_processor %}
- testAnnotationProcessor(files("$project_root/{{ annotation_processor}}"))
-{%- endfor -%}
-{%- endfor %}
+{% include "[generator]/dependencies.jinja" -%}
{%- if hasJunit5Test %}
@@ -383,63 +109,7 @@ tasks.named<Test>("test") {
{% endif -%}
-{#- run_java_program -#}
-{%- if target.runs|length -%}
-{%- for run in target.runs %}
-val runJav{{ loop.index }} = task<JavaExec>("runJavaProgram{{ loop.index }}") {
- group = "build"
- description = "Code generation by run java program"
-{%- if run.classpath|length %}
-{% for classpath in run.classpath -%}
-{%- set rel_file_classpath = classpath|replace('@', '')|replace(export_root, '')|replace(arcadia_root, '') %}
- val classpaths = "$project_root/" + File("$project_root{{ rel_file_classpath }}").readText().trim().replace(":", ":$project_root/")
- classpath = files(classpaths.split(":"))
-{%- endfor -%}
-{% else %}
- classpath = sourceSets.main.get().runtimeClasspath
-{%- endif %}
- mainClass.set("{{ run.args[0] }}")
-{%- if run.args|length > 1 %}
- args = listOf(
-{%- for arg in run.args -%}
-{%- if not loop.first %}
- "{{ arg }}",
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endfor %}
- )
-{% endif -%}
-{%- if run.in_dir %}
-{% for in_dir in run.in_dir -%}
- inputs.files(fileTree("{{ in_dir }}"))
-{% endfor -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- if run.in %}
-{% for in_file in run.in -%}
- inputs.files("{{ in_file }}")
-{% endfor -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{{ OutDirs(run, ' outputs.dir("', '")') }}
- Не использованы аттрибуты
- run-cwd="str"
- run-in_dirs_inputs="list"
- run-in_noparse="list"
- run-tool="list"
-tasks.getByName("sourcesJar").dependsOn(runJav{{ loop.index }})
-tasks.compileJava.configure {
- dependsOn(runJav{{ loop.index }})
-{% endfor -%}
-{% endif -%}
+{%- include "[generator]/run_java_program.jinja" -%}
{% include "extra-tests.gradle.kts" ignore missing %}
{% if publish -%}