@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ namespace {
enum TPageIdFlags {
IfIter = 1,
IfFail = 2,
- IfNoFail = 4
+ IfNoFail = 4,
+ IfSticky = 8
struct TFlaggedPageId {
TPageId Page;
- TPageIdFlags Flags = static_cast<TPageIdFlags>(TPageIdFlags::IfIter | TPageIdFlags::IfFail | TPageIdFlags::IfNoFail);
+ TPageIdFlags Flags = static_cast<TPageIdFlags>(TPageIdFlags::IfIter | TPageIdFlags::IfFail | TPageIdFlags::IfNoFail | TPageIdFlags::IfSticky);
TFlaggedPageId(TPageId page)
: Page(page) {}
@@ -46,21 +47,27 @@ namespace {
struct TTouchEnv : public NTest::TTestEnv {
- TTouchEnv(bool fail) : Fail(fail) { }
+ TTouchEnv(bool fail, TSet<std::pair<TGroupId, TPageId>> sticky)
+ : Fail(fail)
+ , Sticky(std::move(sticky))
+ { }
const TSharedData* TryGetPage(const TPart *part, TPageId id, TGroupId groupId) override
- if (part->IndexPages.Has(groupId, id)) {
- // TODO: delete after index precharge
+ Touched[groupId].insert(id);
+ if (!Fail || Sticky.contains({groupId, id})) {
return NTest::TTestEnv::TryGetPage(part, id, groupId);
- Touched[groupId].insert(id);
- return Fail ? nullptr : NTest::TTestEnv::TryGetPage(part, id, groupId);
+ ToLoad[groupId].insert(id);
+ return nullptr;
const bool Fail = false;
+ TSet<std::pair<TGroupId, TPageId>> Sticky;
TMap<TGroupId, TSet<TPageId>> Touched;
+ TMap<TGroupId, TSet<TPageId>> ToLoad;
struct TCooker {
@@ -141,29 +148,39 @@ namespace {
void CheckByKeys(ui32 lower, ui32 upper, ui64 items, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& shouldPrecharge) const
- CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, false, shouldPrecharge, false);
- CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, true, shouldPrecharge, false);
+ CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, TPageIdFlags::IfNoFail, shouldPrecharge, false, GetIndexPages());
+ CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, TPageIdFlags::IfFail, shouldPrecharge, false, GetIndexPages());
CheckIterByKeys(lower, upper, items ? items : Max<ui32>(), shouldPrecharge);
void CheckByKeysReverse(ui32 lower, ui32 upper, ui64 items, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& shouldPrecharge) const
- CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, false, shouldPrecharge, true);
- CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, true, shouldPrecharge, true);
+ CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, TPageIdFlags::IfNoFail, shouldPrecharge, true, GetIndexPages());
+ CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, TPageIdFlags::IfFail, shouldPrecharge, true, GetIndexPages());
CheckIterByKeysReverse(lower, upper, items ? items : Max<ui32>(), shouldPrecharge);
- void CheckByRows(TPageId row1, TPageId row2, ui64 items, TMap<TGroupId, TArr> shouldPrecharge) const
+ void CheckByRows(TPageId row1, TPageId row2, ui64 items, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& shouldPrecharge) const
CheckPrechargeByRows(row1, row2, items, false, shouldPrecharge);
CheckPrechargeByRows(row1, row2, items, true, shouldPrecharge);
- void CheckPrechargeByKeys(ui32 lower, ui32 upper, ui64 items, bool fail, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& shouldPrecharge, bool reverse) const
+ void CheckIndex(ui32 lower, ui32 upper, ui64 items, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& shouldPrecharge, TSet<TPageId> stickyIndex) const {
+ TSet<std::pair<TGroupId, TPageId>> sticky;
+ for (auto x : stickyIndex) {
+ sticky.insert({TGroupId{}, x});
+ }
+ CheckPrechargeByKeys(lower, upper, items, static_cast<TPageIdFlags>(TPageIdFlags::IfFail | TPageIdFlags::IfSticky), shouldPrecharge, false, sticky);
+ }
+ void CheckPrechargeByKeys(ui32 lower, ui32 upper, ui64 items, TPageIdFlags flags, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& shouldPrecharge, bool reverse, TSet<std::pair<TGroupId, TPageId>> sticky) const
Y_VERIFY(lower < Mass.Saved.Size() && upper < Mass.Saved.Size());
- TTouchEnv env(fail);
+ bool fail(flags & TPageIdFlags::IfFail);
+ TTouchEnv env(fail, sticky);
const auto &keyDefaults = *Tool.Scheme.Keys;
const auto from = Tool.KeyCells(Mass.Saved[lower]);
@@ -184,16 +201,17 @@ namespace {
? TCharge::Range(&env, from, to, run, keyDefaults, tags, items, Max<ui64>(), true)
: TCharge::RangeReverse(&env, from, to, run, keyDefaults, tags, items, Max<ui64>(), true);
- UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(!fail || env.Touched.empty(), ready, AssertMesage(fail));
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(!fail || env.ToLoad.empty(), ready, AssertMesage(fail));
- AssertEqual(env.Touched, shouldPrecharge, fail ? TPageIdFlags::IfFail : TPageIdFlags::IfNoFail);
+ CheckPrecharged(env.Touched, shouldPrecharge, sticky, flags);
void CheckPrechargeByRows(TPageId row1, TPageId row2, ui64 items, bool fail, TMap<TGroupId, TArr> shouldPrecharge) const
Y_VERIFY(row1 <= row2 && row2 < 3 * 9);
- TTouchEnv env(fail);
+ auto sticky = GetIndexPages();
+ TTouchEnv env(fail, sticky);
const auto &keyDefaults = *Tool.Scheme.Keys;
@@ -213,14 +231,15 @@ namespace {
TCharge(&env, *run.begin()->Part, tags, false).Do(row1, row2, keyDefaults, items, Max<ui64>()),
- AssertEqual(env.Touched, shouldPrecharge, fail ? TPageIdFlags::IfFail : TPageIdFlags::IfNoFail);
+ CheckPrecharged(env.Touched, shouldPrecharge, sticky, fail ? TPageIdFlags::IfFail : TPageIdFlags::IfNoFail);
void CheckIterByKeys(ui32 lower, ui32 upper, ui64 items, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& precharged) const
Y_VERIFY(lower < Mass.Saved.Size() && upper < Mass.Saved.Size());
- NTest::TCheckIt wrap(Eggs, { new TTouchEnv(false) });
+ auto sticky = GetIndexPages();
+ NTest::TCheckIt wrap(Eggs, { new TTouchEnv(false, sticky) });
@@ -248,14 +267,15 @@ namespace {
auto env = wrap.Displace<TTouchEnv>(nullptr);
- AssertEqual(env->Touched, precharged, TPageIdFlags::IfIter);
+ CheckPrecharged(env->Touched, precharged, sticky, TPageIdFlags::IfIter);
void CheckIterByKeysReverse(ui32 lower, ui32 upper, ui64 items, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& precharged) const
Y_VERIFY(lower < Mass.Saved.Size() && upper < Mass.Saved.Size());
- NTest::TCheckReverseIt wrap(Eggs, { new TTouchEnv(false) });
+ auto sticky = GetIndexPages();
+ NTest::TCheckReverseIt wrap(Eggs, { new TTouchEnv(false, sticky) });
@@ -283,7 +303,7 @@ namespace {
auto env = wrap.Displace<TTouchEnv>(nullptr);
- AssertEqual(env->Touched, precharged, TPageIdFlags::IfIter);
+ CheckPrecharged(env->Touched, precharged, sticky, TPageIdFlags::IfIter);
const NTest::TMass Mass;
@@ -291,7 +311,23 @@ namespace {
const NTest::TRowTool Tool;
- void AssertEqual(const TMap<TGroupId, TSet<TPageId>>& actual, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& expected, TPageIdFlags flags) const {
+ TSet<std::pair<TGroupId, TPageId>> GetIndexPages() const {
+ TSet<std::pair<TGroupId, TPageId>> result;
+ auto &pages = Eggs.Lone()->IndexPages;
+ TGroupId mainGroupId{};
+ for (auto x : pages.Groups) {
+ result.insert({mainGroupId, x});
+ }
+ for (auto x : pages.Historic) {
+ result.insert({mainGroupId, x});
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ void CheckPrecharged(const TMap<TGroupId, TSet<TPageId>>& actual, const TMap<TGroupId, TArr>& expected, TSet<std::pair<TGroupId, TPageId>> sticky, TPageIdFlags flags) const {
for (auto [groupId, arr] : expected) {
if (groupId.IsHistoric() && flags == TPageIdFlags::IfIter) {
// isn't supported
@@ -304,11 +340,17 @@ namespace {
absoluteId[absoluteId.size()] = it->GetPageId();
- auto actualValue = actual.Value(groupId, TSet<TPageId>());
+ TSet<TPageId> actualValue;
+ for (auto p : actual.Value(groupId, TSet<TPageId>())) {
+ if (flags & TPageIdFlags::IfSticky || !sticky.contains({groupId, p})) {
+ actualValue.insert(p);
+ }
+ }
auto expectedValue = TSet<TPageId>{};
for (auto p : arr) {
if (flags & p.Flags) {
- expectedValue.insert(absoluteId[p.Page]);
+ expectedValue.insert(absoluteId.Value(p.Page, p.Page));
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(expectedValue, actualValue, AssertMesage(groupId, flags));
@@ -920,6 +962,191 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(Charge) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(ByKeysIndex)
+ {
+ { // index
+ TModel me(false, false);
+ auto &pages = me.Eggs.Lone()->IndexPages;
+ // no index => touch index
+ me.To(100).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {pages.Groups[0]}},
+ }, TSet<TPageId> {
+ });
+ // index => touch pages + index
+ me.To(101).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0]}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0]
+ });
+ }
+ { // index + history index
+ TModel me(false, true);
+ auto &pages = me.Eggs.Lone()->IndexPages;
+ // no index => touch index
+ me.To(200).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {pages.Groups[0]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {}}
+ }, TSet<TPageId> {
+ });
+ // no history index => touch main pages + index + history index
+ me.To(201).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0]
+ });
+ // history index => touch main pages + history pages + index + history index
+ me.To(202).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0]
+ });
+ }
+ { // index + groups
+ TModel me(true, false);
+ auto &pages = me.Eggs.Lone()->IndexPages;
+ // no index => touch index
+ me.To(300).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {pages.Groups[0]}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {}}
+ }, TSet<TPageId> {
+ });
+ // no groups index => touch main pages + index + all groups indexes
+ me.To(301).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0]
+ });
+ // groups index => touch all pages + index + all groups indexes
+ me.To(302).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0], pages.Groups[1]
+ });
+ }
+ { // index + groups + history
+ TModel me(true, true);
+ auto &pages = me.Eggs.Lone()->IndexPages;
+ // no index => touch index
+ me.To(400).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {pages.Groups[0]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{1, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2, true}, {}}
+ }, TSet<TPageId> {
+ });
+ // only index => touch main pages + index + all groups indexes + history index
+ me.To(401).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{1, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2, true}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0]
+ });
+ // history index => touch main pages + index + all groups indexes + main history pages
+ me.To(402).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0],
+ pages.Historic[0], pages.Historic[1], pages.Historic[2], pages.Historic[3], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {1, 2, 3, 4}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{1, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2, true}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0]
+ });
+ // main history and history => touch main pages + index + all groups indexes + history pages + history groups pages
+ me.To(403).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0],
+ pages.Historic[0], pages.Historic[1], pages.Historic[2], pages.Historic[3], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {1, 2, 3, 4}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{1, true}, {3, 4, 5}},
+ {TGroupId{2}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2, true}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0], pages.Historic[1]
+ });
+ // groups index => touch main pages + index + history index + all groups indexes + groups pages
+ me.To(404).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0],
+ pages.Historic[0], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}},
+ {TGroupId{1, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2, true}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0], pages.Groups[1]
+ });
+ // main history and groups => touch main pages + index + all groups indexes + groups pages + history main pages
+ me.To(405).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0],
+ pages.Historic[0], pages.Historic[1], pages.Historic[2], pages.Historic[3], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {1, 2, 3, 4}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}},
+ {TGroupId{1, true}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2, true}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0], pages.Groups[1]
+ });
+ // all indexes
+ me.To(406).CheckIndex(6, 22, 0, TMap<TGroupId, TArr>{
+ {TGroupId{0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pages.Groups[0],
+ pages.Historic[0], pages.Historic[1], pages.Historic[2], pages.Historic[3], pages.Groups[1], pages.Groups[2], pages.Groups[3]}},
+ {TGroupId{0, true}, {1, 2, 3, 4}},
+ {TGroupId{1}, {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}},
+ {TGroupId{1, true}, {3, 4, 5}},
+ {TGroupId{2}, {}},
+ {TGroupId{2, true}, {}}
+ },
+ TSet<TPageId> {
+ pages.Groups[0], pages.Historic[0], pages.Historic[1], pages.Groups[1]
+ });
+ }
+ }
TModel me(true);