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Restoring authorship annotation for <>. Commit 1 of 2.

numpor 3 years ago
2 changed files with 73 additions and 73 deletions
  1. 68 68
  2. 5 5

+ 68 - 68

@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import hashlib
-import struct
-import sys
-import os
-import argparse
+#!/usr/bin/env python 
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
+import hashlib 
+import struct 
+import sys 
+import os 
+import argparse 
 def print_code(checksum, func_name):
     if len(func_name) == 0: # safe fallback for old ya.make files
         func_name = "DecimalMD5"
     print 'const char* ' + func_name + '() {return "' + checksum + '";}'
-def ensure_paths_exist(paths):
-    bad_paths = sorted(
-        path for path in paths
-        if not os.path.exists(path)
-    )
-    if bad_paths:
-        print >> sys.stderr, "decimal_md5 inputs do not exist:"
-        for path in bad_paths:
-            print >> sys.stderr, path
-        sys.exit(1)
-def _update_digest_with_file_contents(digest, path, block_size=65535):
-    with open(path) as f:
-        while True:
-            block =
-            if not block:
-                break
-            digest.update(block)
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("--fixed-output", help="don not calculate md5, use this value instead")
-    parser.add_argument("--lower-bits", help="use specified count of lower bits", type=int, default=32)
-    parser.add_argument("--source-root", help="arcadia source root")
+def ensure_paths_exist(paths): 
+    bad_paths = sorted( 
+        path for path in paths 
+        if not os.path.exists(path) 
+    ) 
+    if bad_paths: 
+        print >> sys.stderr, "decimal_md5 inputs do not exist:" 
+        for path in bad_paths: 
+            print >> sys.stderr, path 
+        sys.exit(1) 
+def _update_digest_with_file_contents(digest, path, block_size=65535): 
+    with open(path) as f: 
+        while True: 
+            block = 
+            if not block: 
+                break 
+            digest.update(block) 
+def main(): 
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 
+    parser.add_argument("--fixed-output", help="don not calculate md5, use this value instead") 
+    parser.add_argument("--lower-bits", help="use specified count of lower bits", type=int, default=32) 
+    parser.add_argument("--source-root", help="arcadia source root") 
     parser.add_argument("--func-name", help="custom function name to be defined", default="DecimalMD5")
-    parser.add_argument("targets", nargs='*', default=['.'])
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    abs_paths = [
+    parser.add_argument("targets", nargs='*', default=['.']) 
+    args = parser.parse_args() 
+    abs_paths = [ 
         os.path.join(args.source_root, target)
-        for target in args.targets
-    ]
-    ensure_paths_exist(abs_paths)
-    if args.fixed_output:
-        try:
+        for target in args.targets 
+    ] 
+    ensure_paths_exist(abs_paths) 
+    if args.fixed_output: 
+        try: 
             bitmask = (1 << args.lower_bits) - 1
             fmt = '{:0%dd}' % len(str(bitmask))
             checksum = fmt.format(int(args.fixed_output) & bitmask)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ValueError("decimal_md5: bad value passed via --fixed-output: %s" % args.fixed_output)
+        except ValueError: 
+            raise ValueError("decimal_md5: bad value passed via --fixed-output: %s" % args.fixed_output) 
         print_code(str(checksum), func_name=args.func_name)
-        return
-    md5 = hashlib.md5()
-    for path in abs_paths:
-        _update_digest_with_file_contents(md5, path)
-    md5_parts = struct.unpack('IIII', md5.digest())
-    md5_int = sum(part << (32 * n) for n, part in enumerate(md5_parts))
-    bitmask = (1 << args.lower_bits) - 1
-    fmt = '{:0%dd}' % len(str(bitmask))
-    checksum_str = fmt.format(md5_int & bitmask)
+        return 
+    md5 = hashlib.md5() 
+    for path in abs_paths: 
+        _update_digest_with_file_contents(md5, path) 
+    md5_parts = struct.unpack('IIII', md5.digest()) 
+    md5_int = sum(part << (32 * n) for n, part in enumerate(md5_parts)) 
+    bitmask = (1 << args.lower_bits) - 1 
+    fmt = '{:0%dd}' % len(str(bitmask)) 
+    checksum_str = fmt.format(md5_int & bitmask) 
     print_code(checksum_str, func_name=args.func_name)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
+if __name__ == "__main__": 
+    main() 

+ 5 - 5

@@ -6472,17 +6472,17 @@ macro CREATE_BUILDINFO_FOR(GenHdr) {
     .CMD=$YIELD $CXX_COMPILER && $YIELD $CXXFLAGS && $XARGS $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:BUILDVERSION_SCRIPT} ${output:GenHdr} ${kv;hide:"p BI"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${hide;kv:"show_out"} $SVN_DEPENDS_CACHE__NO_UID__
 ### @usage: DECIMAL_MD5_LOWER_32_BITS(<fileName> [FUNCNAME funcName] [inputs...])
 ### Generates .cpp file <fileName> with one defined function 'const char* <funcName>() { return "<calculated_md5_hash>"; }'.
 ### <calculated_md5_hash> will be md5 hash for all inputs passed to this macro.
 macro DECIMAL_MD5_LOWER_32_BITS(File, FUNCNAME="", Opts...) {
     .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:DECIMAL_MD5_SCRIPT} --fixed-output=${DECIMAL_MD5_FIXED} --func-name=${FUNCNAME} --lower-bits 32 --source-root=$ARCADIA_ROOT ${input;context=TEXT:Opts} ${output;stdout;chksum:File} ${kv;hide:"p SV"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${hide;kv:"show_out"}
 # tag:internal
 ### @usage $CFG_VARS # internal