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health checker tests

andrew-rykov 2 years ago
2 changed files with 176 additions and 42 deletions
  1. 0 39
  2. 176 3

+ 0 - 39

@@ -265,43 +265,4 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(JsonWriter) {
             UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(buf.Str(), R"({"\u003C\u003E&":"Ololo","<>&":"Ololo2"})");
-    Y_UNIT_TEST(WriteUninitializedBoolDoesntCrashProgram) {
-        // makes sense only in release build w/ address sanitizer
-        //
-        // passing uninitialized boolean into WriteBool can make cleverly optimized code which is emitted by compiler crash program
-        //
-        // looks like compiler can detect UB at compile time in simple cases, but not in this one
-        class  TSensorConf {
-        public:
-            class TAggrRuleItem {
-            public:
-                TVector<TString> Cond;
-                TVector<TString> Target;
-            };
-            TString ToString() const {
-                NJson::TJsonValue jsonValue;
-                NJsonWriter::TBuf jsonOutput;
-                jsonOutput.BeginObject()
-                    .WriteKey("rawDataMemOnly").WriteBool(RawDataMemOnly)
-                    .WriteKey("aggrRules").BeginList();
-                jsonOutput.EndList()
-                    .EndObject();
-                return jsonOutput.Str();
-            }
-            TVector<TAggrRuleItem> AggrRules;
-            bool RawDataMemOnly;
-        };
-        TSensorConf s;
-        NSan::Unpoison(&s.RawDataMemOnly, sizeof(s.RawDataMemOnly));
-        auto p = s.ToString();
-        // doesn't really matter
-        UNIT_ASSERT(!p.empty());
-    }

+ 176 - 3

@@ -3,13 +3,20 @@
 #include <ydb/core/testlib/test_client.h>
 #include <ydb/public/lib/deprecated/kicli/kicli.h>
+#include <ydb/core/node_whiteboard/node_whiteboard.h>
+#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/base/blobstorage_events.h>
+#include <ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard.h>
 #include "health_check.h"
-using namespace NKikimr;
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace NKikimr {
+using namespace NSchemeShard;
 using namespace Tests;
 Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(THealthCheckTest) {
-    Y_UNIT_TEST(Basic) {
+    void BasicTest(IEventBase* ev) {
         TPortManager tp;
         ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
         ui16 grpcPort = tp.GetPort(2135);
@@ -27,9 +34,175 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(THealthCheckTest) {
         TActorId sender = runtime->AllocateEdgeActor();
         TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
-        runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(NHealthCheck::MakeHealthCheckID(), sender, new NHealthCheck::TEvSelfCheckRequest(), 0));
+        runtime->Send(new IEventHandle(NHealthCheck::MakeHealthCheckID(), sender, ev, 0));
         NHealthCheck::TEvSelfCheckResult* result = runtime->GrabEdgeEvent<NHealthCheck::TEvSelfCheckResult>(handle);
         UNIT_ASSERT(result != nullptr);
+    Y_UNIT_TEST(Basic) {
+        BasicTest(new NHealthCheck::TEvSelfCheckRequest());
+    }
+    Y_UNIT_TEST(BasicNodeCheckRequest) {
+        BasicTest(new NHealthCheck::TEvNodeCheckRequest());
+    }
+    int const GROUP_START_ID = 1200;
+    int const VCARD_START_ID = 5500;
+    void ChangeDescribeSchemeResult(TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult::TPtr* ev) {
+        auto pool = (*ev)->Get()->MutableRecord()->mutable_pathdescription()->mutable_domaindescription()->add_storagepools();
+        pool->set_name("/Root:test");
+        pool->set_kind("kind");
+    };
+    void AddGroupsInControllerSelectGroupsResult(TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerSelectGroupsResult::TPtr* ev,  int groupCount) {
+        auto &pbRecord = (*ev)->Get()->Record;
+        auto pbMatchGroups = pbRecord.mutable_matchinggroups(0);
+        auto sample = pbMatchGroups->GetGroups(0);
+        pbMatchGroups->ClearGroups();
+        auto groupId = GROUP_START_ID;
+        for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
+            auto group = pbMatchGroups->add_groups();
+            group->CopyFrom(sample);
+            group->SetGroupID(groupId++);
+        }
+    };
+    void AddGroupVSlotInControllerConfigResponse(TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigResponse::TPtr* ev, int groupCount, int vslotCount) {
+        auto &pbRecord = (*ev)->Get()->Record;
+        auto pbConfig = pbRecord.mutable_response()->mutable_status(0)->mutable_baseconfig();
+        auto groupSample = pbConfig->GetGroup(0);
+        auto vslotSample = pbConfig->GetVSlot(0);
+        auto vslotIdSample = pbConfig->GetGroup(0).GetVSlotId(0);
+        pbConfig->clear_group();
+        pbConfig->clear_vslot();
+        auto groupId = GROUP_START_ID;
+        auto vslotId = VCARD_START_ID;
+        for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
+            auto group = pbConfig->add_group();
+            group->CopyFrom(groupSample);
+            group->set_groupid(groupId);
+            group->clear_vslotid();
+            for (int j = 0; j < vslotCount; j++) {
+                auto vslot = pbConfig->add_vslot();
+                vslot->CopyFrom(vslotSample);
+                vslot->SetVDiskIdx(vslotId);
+                vslot->set_groupid(groupId);
+                vslot->mutable_vslotid()->set_vslotid(vslotId);
+                auto slotId = group->add_vslotid();
+                slotId->CopyFrom(vslotIdSample);
+                slotId->set_vslotid(vslotId);
+                vslotId++;
+            }
+            groupId++;
+        }
+    };
+    void AddVSlotInVDiskStateResponse(NNodeWhiteboard::TEvWhiteboard::TEvVDiskStateResponse::TPtr* ev, int groupCount, int vslotCount) {
+        auto &pbRecord = (*ev)->Get()->Record;
+        auto sample = pbRecord.GetVDiskStateInfo(0);
+        pbRecord.clear_vdiskstateinfo();
+        auto groupId = GROUP_START_ID;
+        auto slotId = VCARD_START_ID;
+        for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < vslotCount; j++) {
+                auto state = pbRecord.add_vdiskstateinfo();
+                state->CopyFrom(sample);
+                state->mutable_vdiskid()->set_vdisk(slotId++);
+                state->mutable_vdiskid()->set_groupid(groupId);
+            }
+            groupId++;
+        }
+    }
+    void ListingTest(int const groupNumber, int const groupVdiscNumber) {
+        TPortManager tp;
+        ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
+        ui16 grpcPort = tp.GetPort(2135);
+        auto settings = TServerSettings(port)
+                .SetNodeCount(2)
+                .SetUseRealThreads(false)
+                .SetDomainName("Root");
+        TServer server(settings);
+        server.EnableGRpc(grpcPort);
+        TClient client(settings);
+        TTestActorRuntime &runtime = *server.GetRuntime();
+        TActorId sender = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+        TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> handle;
+        auto observerFunc = [&](TTestActorRuntimeBase&, TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) {
+            switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+                case TEvSchemeShard::EvDescribeSchemeResult: {
+                    auto *x = reinterpret_cast<NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult::TPtr*>(&ev);
+                    ChangeDescribeSchemeResult(x);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case TEvBlobStorage::EvControllerSelectGroupsResult: {
+                    auto *x = reinterpret_cast<TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerSelectGroupsResult::TPtr*>(&ev);
+                    AddGroupsInControllerSelectGroupsResult(x, groupNumber);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case TEvBlobStorage::EvControllerConfigResponse: {
+                    auto *x = reinterpret_cast<TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigResponse::TPtr*>(&ev);
+                    AddGroupVSlotInControllerConfigResponse(x, groupNumber, groupVdiscNumber);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case NNodeWhiteboard::TEvWhiteboard::EvVDiskStateResponse: {
+                    auto *x = reinterpret_cast<NNodeWhiteboard::TEvWhiteboard::TEvVDiskStateResponse::TPtr*>(&ev);
+                    AddVSlotInVDiskStateResponse(x, groupNumber, groupVdiscNumber);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            return TTestActorRuntime::EEventAction::PROCESS;
+        };
+        runtime.SetObserverFunc(observerFunc);
+        auto *request = new NHealthCheck::TEvSelfCheckRequest;
+        runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(NHealthCheck::MakeHealthCheckID(), sender, request, 0));
+        NHealthCheck::TEvSelfCheckResult* result = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<NHealthCheck::TEvSelfCheckResult>(handle);
+        int groupCount = 0;
+        for (const auto& issue_log : result->Result.Getissue_log()) {
+            if (issue_log.Gettype() == "STORAGE_GROUP" && issue_log.Getlocation().Getstorage().Getpool().Getname() == "/Root:test") {
+                groupCount++;
+            }
+        }
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(groupCount, groupNumber);
+        int vdiscCount = 0;
+        for (const auto& issue_log : result->Result.Getissue_log()) {
+            if (issue_log.Gettype() == "VDISK" && issue_log.Getlocation().Getstorage().Getpool().Getname() == "/Root:test") {
+                vdiscCount++;
+            }
+        }
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(vdiscCount, groupNumber * groupVdiscNumber);
+    }
+    Y_UNIT_TEST(GroupsListing) {
+        ListingTest(15, 1);
+    }
+    Y_UNIT_TEST(VCardListing) {
+        ListingTest(1, 20);
+    }
+    Y_UNIT_TEST(GroupsVCardListing) {
+        ListingTest(15, 20);
+    }