@@ -5823,6 +5823,14 @@ macro STYLE_CPP() {
_ADD_LINTER_CHECK(cpp_style tools/cpp_style_checker/cpp_style_checker DEPENDS contrib/libs/clang16/tools/clang-format CONFIGS build/config/tests/cpp_style/config.clang-format)
+### @usage: HEADERS([Dir1 Dir2 ...])
+### Add all C/C++ header files (h/hh/hpp) in given directories to SRCS
+macro HEADERS(Dirs...) {
+ _GLOB(_HEADERS ${suf=/*.(h|hh|hpp):Dirs})
### @usage: CLANG_EMIT_AST_CXX_RUN_TOOL(Tool Args... [SOURCES ...] [OPTS ...] [IN ...] [IN_NOPARSE ...] [TOOL ...] [OUTPUT_INCLUDES ...] [INDUCED_DEPS ...] [IN_DEPS ...] [STDOUT out-file-name] [STDOUT_NOAUTO out-file-name] [CWD cwd])
### Emit Clang ASTs from .cpp files listed in SOURCES parameter (CXXFLAGS and LLVM_OPTS are passed in, while CFLAGS and C_FLAGS_PLATFORM are not) and run tool Tool with Args... .