@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#include "kqp_statistics_transformer.h"
+#include <ydb/library/yql/utils/log/log.h>
+using namespace NYql;
+using namespace NYql::NNodes;
+using namespace NKikimr::NKqp;
+namespace {
+ * Helper method to fetch statistics from type annotation context
+std::shared_ptr<TOptimizerStatistics> GetStats( const TExprNode* input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx ) {
+ return typeCtx->StatisticsMap.Value(input, std::shared_ptr<TOptimizerStatistics>(nullptr));
+ * Helper method to set statistics in type annotation context
+void SetStats( const TExprNode* input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx, std::shared_ptr<TOptimizerStatistics> stats ) {
+ typeCtx->StatisticsMap[input] = stats;
+ * Helper method to get cost from type annotation context
+ * Doesn't check if the cost is in the mapping
+std::optional<double> GetCost( const TExprNode* input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx ) {
+ return typeCtx->StatisticsMap[input]->Cost;
+ * Helper method to set the cost in type annotation context
+void SetCost( const TExprNode* input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx, std::optional<double> cost ) {
+ typeCtx->StatisticsMap[input]->Cost = cost;
+ * For Flatmap we check the input and fetch the statistcs and cost from below
+ * Then we analyze the filter predicate and compute it's selectivity and apply it
+ * to the result.
+void InferStatisticsForFlatMap(const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx) {
+ auto inputNode = TExprBase(input);
+ auto flatmap = inputNode.Cast<TCoFlatMap>();
+ if (!IsPredicateFlatMap(flatmap.Lambda().Body().Ref())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto flatmapInput = flatmap.Input();
+ auto inputStats = GetStats(flatmapInput.Raw(), typeCtx);
+ if (! inputStats ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Selectivity is the fraction of tuples that are selected by this predicate
+ // Currently we just set the number to 10% before we have statistics and parse
+ // the predicate
+ double selectivity = 0.1;
+ auto outputStats = TOptimizerStatistics(inputStats->Nrows * selectivity, inputStats->Ncols);
+ SetStats(input.Get(), typeCtx, std::make_shared<TOptimizerStatistics>(outputStats) );
+ SetCost(input.Get(), typeCtx, GetCost(flatmapInput.Raw(), typeCtx));
+ * Infer statistics and costs for SkipNullMembers
+ * We don't have a good idea at this time how many nulls will be discarded, so we just return the
+ * input statistics.
+void InferStatisticsForSkipNullMembers(const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx) {
+ auto inputNode = TExprBase(input);
+ auto skipNullMembers = inputNode.Cast<TCoSkipNullMembers>();
+ auto skipNullMembersInput = skipNullMembers.Input();
+ auto inputStats = GetStats(skipNullMembersInput.Raw(), typeCtx);
+ if (!inputStats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetStats( input.Get(), typeCtx, inputStats );
+ SetCost( input.Get(), typeCtx, GetCost( skipNullMembersInput.Raw(), typeCtx ) );
+ * Compute statistics and cost for read table
+ * Currently we just make up a number for the cardinality (100000) and set cost to 0
+void InferStatisticsForReadTable(const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx) {
+ YQL_CLOG(TRACE, CoreDq) << "Infer statistics for read table";
+ auto outputStats = TOptimizerStatistics(100000, 5, 0.0);
+ SetStats( input.Get(), typeCtx, std::make_shared<TOptimizerStatistics>(outputStats) );
+ * Compute sstatistics for index lookup
+ * Currently we just make up a number for cardinality (5) and set cost to 0
+void InferStatisticsForIndexLookup(const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TTypeAnnotationContext* typeCtx) {
+ auto outputStats = TOptimizerStatistics(5, 5, 0.0);
+ SetStats( input.Get(), typeCtx, std::make_shared<TOptimizerStatistics>(outputStats) );
+ * DoTransform method matches operators and callables in the query DAG and
+ * uses pre-computed statistics and costs of the children to compute their cost.
+IGraphTransformer::TStatus TKqpStatisticsTransformer::DoTransform(TExprNode::TPtr input,
+ TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) {
+ output = input;
+ if (!Config->HasOptEnableCostBasedOptimization()) {
+ return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok;
+ }
+ TOptimizeExprSettings settings(nullptr);
+ auto ret = OptimizeExpr(input, output, [*this](const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TExprContext& ctx) {
+ Y_UNUSED(ctx);
+ auto output = input;
+ if (TCoFlatMap::Match(input.Get())){
+ InferStatisticsForFlatMap(input, typeCtx);
+ }
+ else if(TCoSkipNullMembers::Match(input.Get())){
+ InferStatisticsForSkipNullMembers(input, typeCtx);
+ }
+ else if(TKqlReadTableBase::Match(input.Get()) || TKqlReadTableRangesBase::Match(input.Get())){
+ InferStatisticsForReadTable(input, typeCtx);
+ }
+ else if(TKqlLookupTableBase::Match(input.Get()) || TKqlLookupIndexBase::Match(input.Get())){
+ InferStatisticsForIndexLookup(input, typeCtx);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }, ctx, settings);
+ return ret;
+TAutoPtr<IGraphTransformer> NKikimr::NKqp::CreateKqpStatisticsTransformer(TTypeAnnotationContext& typeCtx,
+ const TKikimrConfiguration::TPtr& config) {
+ return THolder<IGraphTransformer>(new TKqpStatisticsTransformer(typeCtx, config));