@@ -1,101 +1,28 @@
-import asyncio
-import errno
-import signal
-from pexpect import EOF
-async def expect_async(expecter, timeout=None):
- # First process data that was previously read - if it maches, we don't need
- # async stuff.
- idx = expecter.existing_data()
- if idx is not None:
- return idx
- if not expecter.spawn.async_pw_transport:
- pw = PatternWaiter()
- pw.set_expecter(expecter)
- transport, pw = await asyncio.get_event_loop()\
- .connect_read_pipe(lambda: pw, expecter.spawn)
- expecter.spawn.async_pw_transport = pw, transport
- else:
- pw, transport = expecter.spawn.async_pw_transport
- pw.set_expecter(expecter)
- transport.resume_reading()
- try:
- return (await asyncio.wait_for(pw.fut, timeout))
- except asyncio.TimeoutError as e:
- transport.pause_reading()
- return expecter.timeout(e)
-async def repl_run_command_async(repl, cmdlines, timeout=-1):
- res = []
- repl.child.sendline(cmdlines[0])
- for line in cmdlines[1:]:
- await repl._expect_prompt(timeout=timeout, async_=True)
- res.append(repl.child.before)
- repl.child.sendline(line)
- # Command was fully submitted, now wait for the next prompt
- prompt_idx = await repl._expect_prompt(timeout=timeout, async_=True)
- if prompt_idx == 1:
- # We got the continuation prompt - command was incomplete
- repl.child.kill(signal.SIGINT)
- await repl._expect_prompt(timeout=1, async_=True)
- raise ValueError("Continuation prompt found - input was incomplete:")
- return u''.join(res + [repl.child.before])
-class PatternWaiter(asyncio.Protocol):
- transport = None
- def set_expecter(self, expecter):
- self.expecter = expecter
- self.fut = asyncio.Future()
- def found(self, result):
- if not self.fut.done():
- self.fut.set_result(result)
- self.transport.pause_reading()
- def error(self, exc):
- if not self.fut.done():
- self.fut.set_exception(exc)
- self.transport.pause_reading()
- def connection_made(self, transport):
- self.transport = transport
- def data_received(self, data):
- spawn = self.expecter.spawn
- s = spawn._decoder.decode(data)
- spawn._log(s, 'read')
- if self.fut.done():
- spawn._before.write(s)
- spawn._buffer.write(s)
- return
- try:
- index = self.expecter.new_data(s)
- if index is not None:
- # Found a match
- self.found(index)
- except Exception as e:
- self.expecter.errored()
- self.error(e)
- def eof_received(self):
- # N.B. If this gets called, async will close the pipe (the spawn object)
- # for us
- try:
- self.expecter.spawn.flag_eof = True
- index = self.expecter.eof()
- except EOF as e:
- self.error(e)
- else:
- self.found(index)
- def connection_lost(self, exc):
- if isinstance(exc, OSError) and exc.errno == errno.EIO:
- # We may get here without eof_received being called, e.g on Linux
- self.eof_received()
- elif exc is not None:
- self.error(exc)
+"""Facade that provides coroutines implementation pertinent to running Py version.
+Python 3.5 introduced the async def/await syntax keyword.
+With later versions coroutines and methods to get the running asyncio loop are
+being deprecated, not supported anymore.
+For Python versions later than 3.6, coroutines and objects that are defined via
+``async def``/``await`` keywords are imported.
+Here the code is just imported, to provide the same interface to older code.
+# pylint: disable=unused-import
+# flake8: noqa: F401
+from sys import version_info as py_version_info
+# this assumes async def/await are more stable
+if py_version_info >= (3, 6):
+ from pexpect._async_w_await import (
+ PatternWaiter,
+ expect_async,
+ repl_run_command_async,
+ )
+ from pexpect._async_pre_await import (
+ PatternWaiter,
+ expect_async,
+ repl_run_command_async,
+ )