@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#include "skeleton_block_and_get.h"
+#include "blobstorage_skeletonerr.h"
+#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/common/vdisk_events.h>
+#include <ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/common/vdisk_response.h>
+#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor.h>
+#include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
+#include <memory>
+namespace NKikimr {
+class TBlockAndGetActor : public TActorBootstrapped<TBlockAndGetActor> {
+ TBlockAndGetActor() = delete;
+ explicit TBlockAndGetActor(
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvVGet::TPtr ev,
+ NActors::TActorId skeletonId,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TVDiskContext> vCtx,
+ TActorIDPtr skeletonFrontIDPtr,
+ TVDiskID selfVDiskId,
+ TVDiskIncarnationGuid vDiskIncarnationGuid,
+ TIntrusivePtr<NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupInfo> gInfo)
+ : SenderId(ev->Sender)
+ , SkeletonId(skeletonId)
+ , VCtx(vCtx)
+ , SkeletonFrontIDPtr(skeletonFrontIDPtr)
+ , SelfVDiskId(selfVDiskId)
+ , VDiskIncarnationGuid(vDiskIncarnationGuid)
+ , GInfo(gInfo)
+ {
+ Y_VERIFY(ev->Get()->Record.GetForceBlockedGeneration() > 0);
+ Request = std::move(ev);
+ }
+ void Bootstrap() {
+ // create TEvVBlock request
+ auto request = std::make_unique<TEvBlobStorage::TEvVBlock>(
+ Request->Get()->Record.GetTabletId(),
+ Request->Get()->Record.GetForceBlockedGeneration(),
+ VDiskIDFromVDiskID(Request->Get()->Record.GetVDiskID()),
+ Request->Get()->Record.GetMsgQoS().HasDeadlineSeconds() ?
+ TInstant::Seconds(Request->Get()->Record.GetMsgQoS().GetDeadlineSeconds()) :
+ TInstant::Max()
+ );
+ // send TEvVBlock request
+ Send(SkeletonId, request.release());
+ Become(&TThis::StateWait);
+ }
+ hFunc(TEvBlobStorage::TEvVBlockResult, Handle);
+ cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Poison, PassAway);
+ )
+ void Handle(TEvBlobStorage::TEvVBlockResult::TPtr &ev) {
+ switch (ev->Get()->Record.GetStatus()) {
+ case NKikimrProto::OK:
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case NKikimrProto::ALREADY:
+ break;
+ default: {
+ // we failed to block required generation, so return failure
+ auto response = NErrBuilder::ErroneousResult(
+ VCtx,
+ // return BLOCKED so that dsproxy returns right away and doesn't try remaining vdisks
+ NKikimrProto::BLOCKED,
+ "failed to block required generation",
+ Request,
+ TAppData::TimeProvider->Now(),
+ SkeletonFrontIDPtr,
+ SelfVDiskId,
+ VDiskIncarnationGuid,
+ GInfo
+ );
+ SendVDiskResponse(TActivationContext::AsActorContext(), SenderId, response.release(), Request->Cookie);
+ return PassAway();
+ }
+ }
+ // send TEvVGet request, the reply will go directly to sender.
+ // there is no need to clear ForceBlockedGeneration parameter
+ // since by now the required generation has been blocked.
+ TActivationContext::Send(Request.Release());
+ PassAway();
+ }
+ NActors::TActorId SenderId;
+ NActors::TActorId SkeletonId;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TVDiskContext> VCtx;
+ TActorIDPtr SkeletonFrontIDPtr;
+ TVDiskID SelfVDiskId;
+ TVDiskIncarnationGuid VDiskIncarnationGuid;
+ TIntrusivePtr<NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupInfo> GInfo;
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvVGet::TPtr Request;
+std::unique_ptr<NActors::IActor> CreateBlockAndGetActor(
+ TEvBlobStorage::TEvVGet::TPtr ev,
+ NActors::TActorId skeletonId,
+ TIntrusivePtr<TVDiskContext> vCtx,
+ TActorIDPtr skeletonFrontIDPtr,
+ TVDiskID selfVDiskId,
+ TVDiskIncarnationGuid vDiskIncarnationGuid,
+ TIntrusivePtr<NKikimr::TBlobStorageGroupInfo> gInfo)
+ return std::make_unique<TBlockAndGetActor>(ev, skeletonId, vCtx, skeletonFrontIDPtr, selfVDiskId, vDiskIncarnationGuid, gInfo);
+} // NKikimr