@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "json_pipe_req.h"
#include "viewer.h"
+#include <ydb/library/yaml_config/yaml_config.h>
namespace NKikimr::NViewer {
@@ -11,51 +12,41 @@ class TJsonFeatureFlags : public TViewerPipeClient {
using TBase = TViewerPipeClient;
TJsonSettings JsonSettings;
ui32 Timeout = 0;
TString FilterDatabase;
THashSet<TString> FilterFeatures;
- THashMap<ui64, TString> DatabaseByCookie;
- ui64 Cookie = 0;
- TString DomainPath;
- bool Direct = false;
+ bool ChangedOnly = false;
TRequestResponse<NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsResponse> TenantsResponse;
- THashMap<TString, TRequestResponse<NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse>> NodeConfigResponses;
+ TRequestResponse<NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetAllConfigsResponse> AllConfigsResponse;
+ std::unordered_map<TString, TRequestResponse<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult>> PathNameNavigateKeySetResults;
+ std::unordered_map<TPathId, TRequestResponse<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult>> PathIdNavigateKeySetResults;
TJsonFeatureFlags(IViewer* viewer, NMon::TEvHttpInfo::TPtr &ev)
: TViewerPipeClient(viewer, ev)
- void MakeNodeConfigRequest(const TString& database) {
- NodeConfigResponses[database] = MakeRequestConsoleNodeConfigByTenant(database, Cookie);
- DatabaseByCookie[Cookie++] = database;
- }
void Bootstrap() override {
const auto& params(Event->Get()->Request.GetParams());
JsonSettings.EnumAsNumbers = !FromStringWithDefault<bool>(params.Get("enums"), true);
JsonSettings.UI64AsString = !FromStringWithDefault<bool>(params.Get("ui64"), false);
FilterDatabase = params.Get("database");
- Direct = FromStringWithDefault<bool>(params.Get("direct"), Direct);
+ bool direct = FromStringWithDefault<bool>(params.Get("direct"), false);
Timeout = FromStringWithDefault<ui32>(params.Get("timeout"), 10000);
+ ChangedOnly = FromStringWithDefault<bool>(params.Get("changed"), ChangedOnly);
- TIntrusivePtr<TDomainsInfo> domains = AppData()->DomainsInfo;
- auto* domain = domains->GetDomain();
- DomainPath = "/" + domain->Name;
- Direct |= !TBase::Event->Get()->Request.GetHeader("X-Forwarded-From-Node").empty(); // we're already forwarding
- Direct |= (FilterDatabase == AppData()->TenantName); // we're already on the right node
- if (FilterDatabase && !Direct) {
+ direct |= !TBase::Event->Get()->Request.GetHeader("X-Forwarded-From-Node").empty(); // we're already forwarding
+ direct |= (FilterDatabase == AppData()->TenantName); // we're already on the right node
+ if (FilterDatabase && !direct) {
return RedirectToDatabase(FilterDatabase); // to find some dynamic node and redirect query there
- } else if (!FilterDatabase) {
- MakeNodeConfigRequest(DomainPath);
- TenantsResponse = MakeRequestConsoleListTenants();
+ }
+ if (FilterDatabase) {
+ PathNameNavigateKeySetResults[FilterDatabase] = MakeRequestSchemeCacheNavigate(FilterDatabase);
} else {
- MakeNodeConfigRequest(FilterDatabase);
+ TenantsResponse = MakeRequestConsoleListTenants();
+ AllConfigsResponse = MakeRequestConsoleGetAllConfigs();
Become(&TThis::StateWork, TDuration::MilliSeconds(Timeout), new TEvents::TEvWakeup());
@@ -63,7 +54,8 @@ public:
STATEFN(StateWork) {
switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
hFunc(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsResponse, Handle);
- hFunc(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse, Handle);
+ hFunc(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetAllConfigsResponse, Handle);
+ hFunc(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult, Handle);
hFunc(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected, TBase::Handle);
cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, HandleTimeout);
@@ -71,67 +63,125 @@ public:
void Handle(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsResponse::TPtr& ev) {
- Ydb::Cms::ListDatabasesResult listDatabasesResult;
- TenantsResponse->Record.GetResponse().operation().result().UnpackTo(&listDatabasesResult);
- for (const TString& path : listDatabasesResult.paths()) {
- MakeNodeConfigRequest(path);
+ if (TenantsResponse.IsOk()) {
+ Ydb::Cms::ListDatabasesResult listDatabasesResult;
+ TenantsResponse->Record.GetResponse().operation().result().UnpackTo(&listDatabasesResult);
+ for (const TString& database : listDatabasesResult.paths()) {
+ if (PathNameNavigateKeySetResults.count(database) == 0) {
+ PathNameNavigateKeySetResults[database] = MakeRequestSchemeCacheNavigate(database);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (PathNameNavigateKeySetResults.empty()) {
+ if (AppData()->DomainsInfo && AppData()->DomainsInfo->Domain) {
+ TString domain = "/" + AppData()->DomainsInfo->Domain->Name;
+ PathNameNavigateKeySetResults[domain] = MakeRequestSchemeCacheNavigate(domain);
+ }
- void Handle(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetNodeConfigResponse::TPtr& ev) {
- TString database = DatabaseByCookie[ev.Get()->Cookie];
- NodeConfigResponses[database].Set(std::move(ev));
+ void Handle(NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetAllConfigsResponse::TPtr& ev) {
+ AllConfigsResponse.Set(std::move(ev));
- THashMap<TString, NKikimrViewer::TFeatureFlagsConfig::TFeatureFlag> ParseFeatureFlags(const NKikimrConfig::TFeatureFlags& featureFlags) {
- THashMap<TString, NKikimrViewer::TFeatureFlagsConfig::TFeatureFlag> features;
+ void Handle(TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult::TPtr& ev) {
+ TString path = GetPath(ev);
+ if (path) {
+ auto it = PathNameNavigateKeySetResults.find(path);
+ if (it != PathNameNavigateKeySetResults.end() && !it->second.IsDone()) {
+ it->second.Set(std::move(ev));
+ if (it->second.IsOk()) {
+ TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry& entry(it->second->Request->ResultSet.front());
+ if (entry.DomainInfo) {
+ if (entry.DomainInfo->ResourcesDomainKey && entry.DomainInfo->DomainKey != entry.DomainInfo->ResourcesDomainKey) {
+ TPathId resourceDomainKey(entry.DomainInfo->ResourcesDomainKey);
+ if (PathIdNavigateKeySetResults.count(resourceDomainKey) == 0) {
+ PathIdNavigateKeySetResults[resourceDomainKey] = MakeRequestSchemeCacheNavigate(resourceDomainKey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RequestDone();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TPathId pathId = GetPathId(ev);
+ if (pathId) {
+ auto it = PathIdNavigateKeySetResults.find(pathId);
+ if (it != PathIdNavigateKeySetResults.end() && !it->second.IsDone()) {
+ it->second.Set(std::move(ev));
+ RequestDone();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ParseFeatureFlags(const NKikimrConfig::TFeatureFlags& featureFlags, NKikimrViewer::TFeatureFlagsConfig::TDatabase& result) {
const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection = featureFlags.GetReflection();
const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor = featureFlags.GetDescriptor();
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); ++i) {
const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i);
if (field->cpp_type() == google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL) {
- auto& feat = features[field->name()];
- feat.SetName(field->name());
- if (reflection->HasField(featureFlags, field)) {
- feat.SetCurrent(reflection->GetBool(featureFlags, field));
- }
- if (field->has_default_value()) {
- feat.SetDefault(field->default_value_bool());
+ if (FilterFeatures.empty() || FilterFeatures.count(field->name())) {
+ bool hasField = reflection->HasField(featureFlags, field);
+ if (ChangedOnly && !hasField) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto flag = result.AddFeatureFlags();
+ flag->SetName(field->name());
+ if (hasField) {
+ flag->SetCurrent(reflection->GetBool(featureFlags, field));
+ }
+ if (field->has_default_value()) {
+ flag->SetDefault(field->default_value_bool());
+ }
- return features;
- void ReplyAndPassAway() override {
- THashMap<TString, THashMap<TString, NKikimrViewer::TFeatureFlagsConfig::TFeatureFlag>> FeatureFlagsByDatabase;
- for (const auto& [database, response] : NodeConfigResponses) {
- NKikimrConsole::TGetNodeConfigResponse rec = response->Record;
- FeatureFlagsByDatabase[database] = ParseFeatureFlags(rec.GetConfig().GetFeatureFlags());
- }
- auto domainFeaturesIt = FeatureFlagsByDatabase.find(DomainPath);
- if (domainFeaturesIt == FeatureFlagsByDatabase.end()) {
- return TBase::ReplyAndPassAway(GetHTTPINTERNALERROR("text/plain", "No domain info from Console"));
+ void ParseConfig(const TString& database,
+ const TRequestResponse<TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult>& navigate,
+ NKikimrViewer::TFeatureFlagsConfig& result) {
+ if (AllConfigsResponse.IsOk()) {
+ TString realDatabase = database;
+ auto databaseProto = result.AddDatabases();
+ databaseProto->SetName(database);
+ TSchemeCacheNavigate::TEntry& entry(navigate->Request->ResultSet.front());
+ if (entry.DomainInfo) {
+ if (entry.DomainInfo->ResourcesDomainKey && entry.DomainInfo->DomainKey != entry.DomainInfo->ResourcesDomainKey) {
+ TPathId resourceDomainKey(entry.DomainInfo->ResourcesDomainKey);
+ auto it = PathIdNavigateKeySetResults.find(resourceDomainKey);
+ if (it != PathIdNavigateKeySetResults.end() && it->second.IsOk() && it->second->Request->ResultSet.size() == 1) {
+ realDatabase = CanonizePath(it->second->Request->ResultSet.begin()->Path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NKikimrConfig::TAppConfig appConfig;
+ if (AllConfigsResponse->Record.GetResponse().config()) {
+ try {
+ NYamlConfig::ResolveAndParseYamlConfig(AllConfigsResponse->Record.GetResponse().config(), {}, {{"tenant", realDatabase}}, appConfig);
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ BLOG_ERROR("Failed to parse config for tenant " << realDatabase << ": " << e.what());
+ }
+ ParseFeatureFlags(appConfig.GetFeatureFlags(), *databaseProto);
+ } else {
+ ParseFeatureFlags(AppData()->FeatureFlags, *databaseProto);
+ }
+ }
+ void ReplyAndPassAway() override {
// prepare response
NKikimrViewer::TFeatureFlagsConfig Result;
- for (const auto& [database, features] : FeatureFlagsByDatabase) {
- auto databaseProto = Result.AddDatabases();
- databaseProto->SetName(database);
- for (const auto& [name, featProto] : features) {
- if (FilterFeatures.empty() || FilterFeatures.find(name) != FilterFeatures.end()) {
- auto flag = databaseProto->AddFeatureFlags();
- flag->CopyFrom(featProto);
- }
+ for (const auto& [database, navigate] : PathNameNavigateKeySetResults) {
+ if (navigate.IsOk()) {
+ ParseConfig(database, navigate, Result);
TStringStream json;
TProtoToJson::ProtoToJson(json, Result, JsonSettings);
@@ -142,12 +192,13 @@ public:
.Method = "get",
.Tag = "viewer",
.Summary = "Feature flags",
- .Description = "Returns feature flags of each database"
+ .Description = "Returns feature flags of a database"
.Name = "database",
.Description = "database name",
.Type = "string",
+ .Required = true,
.Name = "features",
@@ -164,16 +215,6 @@ public:
.Description = "timeout in ms",
.Type = "integer",
- yaml.AddParameter({
- .Name = "enums",
- .Description = "convert enums to strings",
- .Type = "boolean",
- });
- yaml.AddParameter({
- .Name = "ui64",
- .Description = "return ui64 as number",
- .Type = "boolean",
- });
return yaml;