@@ -188,22 +188,33 @@ namespace {
// It such situation we have 2 options:
// - wait for auxiliary thread to die - which will cause dead lock
// - destruct variable, ignoring thread - which will cause data corruption.
- TAsyncSignalsHandler* SIGNALS_HANDLER = nullptr;
+ std::atomic<TAsyncSignalsHandler*> SIGNALS_HANDLER = nullptr;
void SetAsyncSignalHandler(int signum, THolder<TEventHandler> handler) {
static TAdaptiveLock lock;
- if (Y_UNLIKELY(SIGNALS_HANDLER == nullptr)) {
+ // Must be in HB with Handler's constructor.
+ auto* currentHandler = SIGNALS_HANDLER.load(std::memory_order::acquire);
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(currentHandler == nullptr)) {
TGuard dnd(lock);
- if (SIGNALS_HANDLER == nullptr) {
+ // If we read non-null here it means that we have a concurrent thread
+ // unlocking the lock establishing strongly HB with us.
+ // next line is sequenced before lock call thus relaxed is enough here.
+ currentHandler = SIGNALS_HANDLER.load(std::memory_order::relaxed);
+ if (currentHandler == nullptr) {
- SIGNALS_HANDLER = new TAsyncSignalsHandler();
+ currentHandler = new TAsyncSignalsHandler();
+ // Ensure HB with constructor for future readers.
+ SIGNALS_HANDLER.store(currentHandler, std::memory_order::release);
- SIGNALS_HANDLER->Install(signum, std::move(handler));
+ currentHandler->Install(signum, std::move(handler));
#else //_win_