@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from hypothesis import strategies as st
from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument
from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.utils import calc_label_from_name
from hypothesis.internal.validation import check_type
+from hypothesis.strategies._internal.regex import IncompatibleWithAlphabet
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.utils import cacheable, defines_strategy
__all__ = ["from_lark"]
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class LarkStrategy(st.SearchStrategy):
See ``from_lark`` for details.
- def __init__(self, grammar, start, explicit):
+ def __init__(self, grammar, start, explicit, alphabet):
assert isinstance(grammar, lark.lark.Lark)
if start is None:
start = grammar.options.start
@@ -86,38 +87,66 @@ class LarkStrategy(st.SearchStrategy):
t = r.origin
self.names_to_symbols[t.name] = t
+ disallowed = set()
+ self.terminal_strategies = {}
for t in terminals:
self.names_to_symbols[t.name] = Terminal(t.name)
- self.start = st.sampled_from([self.names_to_symbols[s] for s in start])
+ s = st.from_regex(t.pattern.to_regexp(), fullmatch=True, alphabet=alphabet)
+ try:
+ s.validate()
+ except IncompatibleWithAlphabet:
+ disallowed.add(t.name)
+ else:
+ self.terminal_strategies[t.name] = s
self.ignored_symbols = tuple(self.names_to_symbols[n] for n in ignore_names)
- self.terminal_strategies = {
- t.name: st.from_regex(t.pattern.to_regexp(), fullmatch=True)
- for t in terminals
- }
- unknown_explicit = set(explicit) - get_terminal_names(
- terminals, rules, ignore_names
- )
- if unknown_explicit:
+ all_terminals = get_terminal_names(terminals, rules, ignore_names)
+ if unknown_explicit := sorted(set(explicit) - all_terminals):
+ raise InvalidArgument(
+ "The following arguments were passed as explicit_strategies, but "
+ f"there is no {unknown_explicit} terminal production in this grammar."
+ )
+ if missing_declared := sorted(
+ all_terminals - {t.name for t in terminals} - set(explicit)
+ ):
raise InvalidArgument(
- "The following arguments were passed as explicit_strategies, "
- "but there is no such terminal production in this grammar: "
- + repr(sorted(unknown_explicit))
+ f"Undefined terminal{'s' * (len(missing_declared) > 1)} "
+ f"{sorted(missing_declared)!r}. Generation does not currently "
+ "support use of %declare unless you pass `explicit`, a dict of "
+ f"names-to-strategies, such as `{{{missing_declared[0]!r}: "
+ 'st.just("")}}`'
nonterminals = {}
for rule in rules:
- nonterminals.setdefault(rule.origin.name, []).append(tuple(rule.expansion))
- for v in nonterminals.values():
- v.sort(key=len)
+ if disallowed.isdisjoint(r.name for r in rule.expansion):
+ nonterminals.setdefault(rule.origin.name, []).append(
+ tuple(rule.expansion)
+ )
+ allowed_rules = {*self.terminal_strategies, *nonterminals}
+ while dict(nonterminals) != (
+ nonterminals := {
+ k: clean
+ for k, v in nonterminals.items()
+ if (clean := [x for x in v if all(r.name in allowed_rules for r in x)])
+ }
+ ):
+ allowed_rules = {*self.terminal_strategies, *nonterminals}
+ if set(start).isdisjoint(allowed_rules):
+ raise InvalidArgument(
+ f"No start rule {tuple(start)} is allowed by {alphabet=}"
+ )
+ self.start = st.sampled_from(
+ [self.names_to_symbols[s] for s in start if s in allowed_rules]
+ )
self.nonterminal_strategies = {
- k: st.sampled_from(v) for k, v in nonterminals.items()
+ k: st.sampled_from(sorted(v, key=len)) for k, v in nonterminals.items()
self.__rule_labels = {}
@@ -138,15 +167,7 @@ class LarkStrategy(st.SearchStrategy):
def draw_symbol(self, data, symbol, draw_state):
if isinstance(symbol, Terminal):
- try:
- strategy = self.terminal_strategies[symbol.name]
- except KeyError:
- raise InvalidArgument(
- "Undefined terminal %r. Generation does not currently support "
- "use of %%declare unless you pass `explicit`, a dict of "
- 'names-to-strategies, such as `{%r: st.just("")}`'
- % (symbol.name, symbol.name)
- ) from None
+ strategy = self.terminal_strategies[symbol.name]
assert isinstance(symbol, NonTerminal)
@@ -181,6 +202,7 @@ def from_lark(
start: Optional[str] = None,
explicit: Optional[Dict[str, st.SearchStrategy[str]]] = None,
+ alphabet: st.SearchStrategy[str] = st.characters(codec="utf-8"),
) -> st.SearchStrategy[str]:
"""A strategy for strings accepted by the given context-free grammar.
@@ -214,4 +236,4 @@ def from_lark(
k: v.map(check_explicit(f"explicit[{k!r}]={v!r}"))
for k, v in explicit.items()
- return LarkStrategy(grammar, start, explicit)
+ return LarkStrategy(grammar, start, explicit, alphabet)