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Move out schemeshard_build_index_tx_base code from *.h file

dcherednik 1 year ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ target_sources(core-tx-schemeshard PRIVATE
+  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index_tx_base.cpp

+ 1 - 0

@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ target_sources(core-tx-schemeshard PRIVATE
+  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index_tx_base.cpp

+ 1 - 0

@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ target_sources(core-tx-schemeshard PRIVATE
+  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index_tx_base.cpp

+ 1 - 0

@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ target_sources(core-tx-schemeshard PRIVATE
+  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index_tx_base.cpp

+ 406 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#include "schemeshard_build_index_tx_base.h"
+#include "schemeshard_impl.h"
+#include "schemeshard_identificators.h"
+#include "schemeshard_billing_helpers.h"
+#include "schemeshard_build_index_helpers.h"
+#include "schemeshard__operation_side_effects.h"
+#include <ydb/core/metering/metering.h>
+#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.h>
+namespace NKikimr {
+namespace NSchemeShard {
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::ApplyState(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc) {
+    for (auto& rec: StateChanges) {
+        TIndexBuildId buildId;
+        TIndexBuildInfo::EState state;
+        std::tie(buildId, state) = rec;
+        Y_VERIFY_S(Self->IndexBuilds.contains(buildId), "IndexBuilds has no " << buildId);
+        auto buildInfo = Self->;
+        LOG_I("Change state from " << buildInfo->State << " to " << state);
+        buildInfo->State = state;
+        NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
+        Self->PersistBuildIndexState(db, buildInfo);
+    }
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::ApplyOnExecute(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+    SideEffects.ApplyOnExecute(Self, txc, ctx);
+    ApplyState(txc);
+    ApplyBill(txc, ctx);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::ApplyOnComplete(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+    SideEffects.ApplyOnComplete(Self, ctx);
+    ApplySchedule(ctx);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::ApplySchedule(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+    for (const auto& rec: ToScheduleBilling) {
+        ctx.Schedule(
+            std::get<1>(rec),
+            new TEvPrivate::TEvIndexBuildingMakeABill(
+                ui64(std::get<0>(rec)),
+                ctx.Now()));
+    }
+ui64 TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::RequestUnits(const TBillingStats& stats) {
+    return TRUCalculator::ReadTable(stats.GetBytes())
+         + TRUCalculator::BulkUpsert(stats.GetBytes(), stats.GetRows());
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::RoundPeriod(TInstant& start, TInstant& end) {
+    if (start.Hours() == end.Hours()) {
+        return; // that is OK
+    }
+    TInstant hourEnd = TInstant::Hours(end.Hours());
+    if (end - hourEnd >= TDuration::Seconds(1)) {
+        start = hourEnd;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (hourEnd - start >= TDuration::Seconds(2)) {
+        end = hourEnd - TDuration::Seconds(1);
+        return;
+    }
+    start = hourEnd - TDuration::Seconds(2);
+    end = hourEnd - TDuration::Seconds(1);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::ApplyBill(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx)
+    for (const auto& rec: ToBill) {
+        const auto& buildId = std::get<0>(rec);
+        auto startPeriod = std::get<1>(rec);
+        auto endPeriod = std::get<2>(rec);
+        if (!startPeriod && !endPeriod) {
+            startPeriod = endPeriod = ctx.Now();
+        }
+        RoundPeriod(startPeriod, endPeriod);
+        Y_VERIFY_S(Self->IndexBuilds.contains(buildId), "IndexBuilds has no " << buildId);
+        auto buildInfo = Self->;
+        TBillingStats toBill = buildInfo->Processed - buildInfo->Billed;
+        if (!toBill) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        TPath domain = TPath::Init(buildInfo->DomainPathId, Self);
+        TPathElement::TPtr pathEl = domain.Base();
+        TString cloud_id;
+        if (pathEl->UserAttrs->Attrs.contains("cloud_id")) {
+            cloud_id = pathEl->UserAttrs->"cloud_id");
+        }
+        TString folder_id;
+        if (pathEl->UserAttrs->Attrs.contains("folder_id")) {
+            folder_id = pathEl->UserAttrs->"folder_id");
+        }
+        TString database_id;
+        if (pathEl->UserAttrs->Attrs.contains("database_id")) {
+            database_id = pathEl->UserAttrs->"database_id");
+        }
+        if (!cloud_id || !folder_id || !database_id) {
+            LOG_N("ApplyBill: unable to make a bill, neither cloud_id and nor folder_id nor database_id have found in user attributes at the domain"
+                  << ", build index operation: " << buildId
+                  << ", domain: " << domain.PathString()
+                  << ", domainId: " << buildInfo->DomainPathId
+                  << ", tableId: " << buildInfo->TablePathId
+                  << ", not billed usage: " << toBill);
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!Self->IsServerlessDomain(domain)) {
+            LOG_N("ApplyBill: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db"
+                  << ", build index operation: " << buildId
+                  << ", domain: " << domain.PathString()
+                  << ", domainId: " << buildInfo->DomainPathId
+                  << ", IsDomainSchemeShard: " << Self->IsDomainSchemeShard
+                  << ", ParentDomainId: " << Self->ParentDomainId
+                  << ", ResourcesDomainId: " << domain.DomainInfo()->GetResourcesDomainId()
+                  << ", not billed usage: " << toBill);
+            continue;
+        }
+        NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
+        buildInfo->Billed += toBill;
+        Self->PersistBuildIndexBilling(db, buildInfo);
+        ui64 requestUnits = RequestUnits(toBill);
+        TString id = TStringBuilder()
+            << buildId << "-"
+            << buildInfo->TablePathId.OwnerId << "-" << buildInfo->TablePathId.LocalPathId << "-"
+            << buildInfo->Billed.GetRows() << "-" << buildInfo->Billed.GetBytes() << "-"
+            << buildInfo->Processed.GetRows() << "-" << buildInfo->Processed.GetBytes();
+        const TString billRecord = TBillRecord()
+            .Id(id)
+            .CloudId(cloud_id)
+            .FolderId(folder_id)
+            .ResourceId(database_id)
+            .SourceWt(ctx.Now())
+            .Usage(TBillRecord::RequestUnits(requestUnits, startPeriod, endPeriod))
+            .ToString();
+        LOG_D("ApplyBill: made a bill"
+              << ", buildInfo: " << *buildInfo
+              << ", record: '" << billRecord << "'");
+        auto request = MakeHolder<NMetering::TEvMetering::TEvWriteMeteringJson>(std::move(billRecord));
+        // send message at Complete stage
+        Send(NMetering::MakeMeteringServiceID(), std::move(request));
+    }
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::Send(TActorId dst, THolder<IEventBase> message, ui32 flags, ui64 cookie) {
+    SideEffects.Send(dst, message.Release(), cookie, flags);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::ChangeState(TIndexBuildId id, TIndexBuildInfo::EState state) {
+    StateChanges.push_back(TChangeStateRec(id, state));
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::Progress(TIndexBuildId id) {
+    SideEffects.ToProgress(id);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::Fill(NKikimrIndexBuilder::TIndexBuild& index, const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo) {
+    index.SetId(ui64(indexInfo->Id));
+    if (indexInfo->Issue) {
+        AddIssue(index.MutableIssues(), indexInfo->Issue);
+    }
+    for (const auto& item: indexInfo->Shards) {
+        const TShardIdx& shardIdx = item.first;
+        const TIndexBuildInfo::TShardStatus& status = item.second;
+        if (status.Status != NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvBuildIndexProgressResponse::INPROGRESS) {
+            if (status.UploadStatus != Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS) {
+                if (status.DebugMessage) {
+                    AddIssue(index.MutableIssues(), status.ToString(shardIdx));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    switch (indexInfo->State) {
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Locking:
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::GatheringStatistics:
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Initiating:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_PREPARING);
+        index.SetProgress(0.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Filling:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_TRANSFERING_DATA);
+        index.SetProgress(indexInfo->CalcProgressPercent());
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Applying:
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Unlocking:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_APPLYING);
+        index.SetProgress(100.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Done:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_DONE);
+        index.SetProgress(100.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Cancellation_Applying:
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Cancellation_Unlocking:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_CANCELLATION);
+        index.SetProgress(0.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Cancelled:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_CANCELLED);
+        index.SetProgress(0.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Rejection_Applying:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_REJECTION);
+        index.SetProgress(0.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Rejection_Unlocking:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_REJECTION);
+        index.SetProgress(0.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Rejected:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_REJECTED);
+        index.SetProgress(0.0);
+        break;
+    case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Invalid:
+        index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_UNSPECIFIED);
+        break;
+    }
+    Fill(*index.MutableSettings(), indexInfo);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::Fill(NKikimrIndexBuilder::TIndexBuildSettings& settings, const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo) {
+    TPath table = TPath::Init(indexInfo->TablePathId, Self);
+    settings.set_source_path(table.PathString());
+    Ydb::Table::TableIndex& index = *settings.mutable_index();
+    index.set_name(indexInfo->IndexName);
+    *index.mutable_index_columns() = {
+        indexInfo->IndexColumns.begin(),
+        indexInfo->IndexColumns.end()
+    };
+    *index.mutable_data_columns() = {
+        indexInfo->DataColumns.begin(),
+        indexInfo->DataColumns.end()
+    };
+    switch (indexInfo->IndexType) {
+    case NKikimrSchemeOp::EIndexType::EIndexTypeGlobal:
+        *index.mutable_global_index() = Ydb::Table::GlobalIndex();
+        break;
+    case NKikimrSchemeOp::EIndexType::EIndexTypeGlobalAsync:
+        *index.mutable_global_async_index() = Ydb::Table::GlobalAsyncIndex();
+        break;
+    case NKikimrSchemeOp::EIndexType::EIndexTypeInvalid:
+        Y_FAIL("Unreachable");
+    };
+    settings.set_max_batch_bytes(indexInfo->Limits.MaxBatchBytes);
+    settings.set_max_batch_rows(indexInfo->Limits.MaxBatchRows);
+    settings.set_max_shards_in_flight(indexInfo->Limits.MaxShards);
+    settings.set_max_retries_upload_batch(indexInfo->Limits.MaxRetries);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::AddIssue(::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<::Ydb::Issue::IssueMessage>* issues,
+              const TString& message,
+              NYql::TSeverityIds::ESeverityId severity)
+    auto& issue = *issues->Add();
+    issue.set_severity(severity);
+    issue.set_message(message);
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::SendNotificationsIfFinished(TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo) {
+    if (!indexInfo->IsFinished()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    LOG_T("TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: "
+          << ": id# " << indexInfo->Id
+          << ", subscribers count# " << indexInfo->Subscribers.size());
+    TSet<TActorId> toAnswer;
+    toAnswer.swap(indexInfo->Subscribers);
+    for (auto& actorId: toAnswer) {
+        Send(actorId, MakeHolder<TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult>(ui64(indexInfo->Id)));
+    }
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::EraseBuildInfo(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexBuildInfo) {
+    Self->IndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->Id);
+    Self->IndexBuildsByUid.erase(indexBuildInfo->Uid);
+    Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->LockTxId);
+    Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->InitiateTxId);
+    Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->ApplyTxId);
+    Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->UnlockTxId);
+Ydb::StatusIds::StatusCode TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::TranslateStatusCode(NKikimrScheme::EStatus status) {
+    switch (status) {
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusSuccess:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusAccepted:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusAlreadyExists:
+        return Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS;
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusPathDoesNotExist:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusPathIsNotDirectory:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusSchemeError:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusNameConflict:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusInvalidParameter:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusRedirectDomain:
+        return Ydb::StatusIds::BAD_REQUEST;
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusMultipleModifications:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusQuotaExceeded:
+        return Ydb::StatusIds::OVERLOADED;
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusReadOnly:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusPreconditionFailed:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusResourceExhausted: //TODO: find better YDB status for it
+        return Ydb::StatusIds::PRECONDITION_FAILED;
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusAccessDenied:
+        return Ydb::StatusIds::UNAUTHORIZED;
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusNotAvailable:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusTxIdNotExists:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusTxIsNotCancellable:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusReserved18:
+    case NKikimrScheme::StatusReserved19:
+        Y_FAIL("unreachable");
+    }
+    return Ydb::StatusIds::STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED;
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::Bill(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo,
+    TInstant startPeriod, TInstant endPeriod)
+    ToBill.push_back(TToBill(indexBuildInfo->Id, std::move(startPeriod), std::move(endPeriod)));
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::AskToScheduleBilling(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo) {
+    if (indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (indexBuildInfo->State != TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Filling) {
+        return;
+    }
+    indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled = true;
+    ToScheduleBilling.push_back(TBillingEventSchedule(indexBuildInfo->Id, indexBuildInfo->ReBillPeriod));
+bool TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::GotScheduledBilling(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo) {
+    if (!indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (indexBuildInfo->State != TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Filling) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled = false;
+    return true;
+bool TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::Execute(TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx) {
+    if (!DoExecute(txc, ctx)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    ApplyOnExecute(txc, ctx);
+    return true;
+void TSchemeShard::TIndexBuilder::TTxBase::Complete(const TActorContext& ctx) {
+    DoComplete(ctx);
+    ApplyOnComplete(ctx);
+} // NSchemeShard
+} // NKikimr

+ 21 - 392

@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "schemeshard_impl.h"
-#include "schemeshard_identificators.h"
-#include "schemeshard_billing_helpers.h"
-#include "schemeshard_build_index_helpers.h"
-#include "schemeshard__operation_part.h" // TSideEffects, make separate file
-#include <ydb/core/metering/metering.h>
-#include <ydb/core/tablet_flat/tablet_flat_executor.h>
 namespace NKikimr {
 namespace NSchemeShard {
@@ -24,379 +16,29 @@ private:
     using TToBill = std::tuple<TIndexBuildId, TInstant, TInstant>;
     TDeque<TToBill> ToBill;
-    void ApplyState(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc) {
-        for (auto& rec: StateChanges) {
-            TIndexBuildId buildId;
-            TIndexBuildInfo::EState state;
-            std::tie(buildId, state) = rec;
-            Y_VERIFY_S(Self->IndexBuilds.contains(buildId), "IndexBuilds has no " << buildId);
-            auto buildInfo = Self->;
-            LOG_I("Change state from " << buildInfo->State << " to " << state);
-            buildInfo->State = state;
-            NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
-            Self->PersistBuildIndexState(db, buildInfo);
-        }
-    }
-    void ApplyOnExecute(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx) {
-        SideEffects.ApplyOnExecute(Self, txc, ctx);
-        ApplyState(txc);
-        ApplyBill(txc, ctx);
-    }
-    void ApplyOnComplete(const TActorContext& ctx) {
-        SideEffects.ApplyOnComplete(Self, ctx);
-        ApplySchedule(ctx);
-    }
-    void ApplySchedule(const TActorContext& ctx) {
-        for (const auto& rec: ToScheduleBilling) {
-            ctx.Schedule(
-                std::get<1>(rec),
-                new TEvPrivate::TEvIndexBuildingMakeABill(
-                    ui64(std::get<0>(rec)),
-                    ctx.Now()));
-        }
-    }
-    ui64 RequestUnits(const TBillingStats& stats) {
-        return TRUCalculator::ReadTable(stats.GetBytes())
-             + TRUCalculator::BulkUpsert(stats.GetBytes(), stats.GetRows());
-    }
-    void RoundPeriod(TInstant& start, TInstant& end) {
-        if (start.Hours() == end.Hours()) {
-            return; // that is OK
-        }
-        TInstant hourEnd = TInstant::Hours(end.Hours());
-        if (end - hourEnd >= TDuration::Seconds(1)) {
-            start = hourEnd;
-            return;
-        }
-        if (hourEnd - start >= TDuration::Seconds(2)) {
-            end = hourEnd - TDuration::Seconds(1);
-            return;
-        }
-        start = hourEnd - TDuration::Seconds(2);
-        end = hourEnd - TDuration::Seconds(1);
-    }
-    void ApplyBill(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx)
-    {
-        for (const auto& rec: ToBill) {
-            const auto& buildId = std::get<0>(rec);
-            auto startPeriod = std::get<1>(rec);
-            auto endPeriod = std::get<2>(rec);
-            if (!startPeriod && !endPeriod) {
-                startPeriod = endPeriod = ctx.Now();
-            }
-            RoundPeriod(startPeriod, endPeriod);
-            Y_VERIFY_S(Self->IndexBuilds.contains(buildId), "IndexBuilds has no " << buildId);
-            auto buildInfo = Self->;
-            TBillingStats toBill = buildInfo->Processed - buildInfo->Billed;
-            if (!toBill) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            TPath domain = TPath::Init(buildInfo->DomainPathId, Self);
-            TPathElement::TPtr pathEl = domain.Base();
-            TString cloud_id;
-            if (pathEl->UserAttrs->Attrs.contains("cloud_id")) {
-                cloud_id = pathEl->UserAttrs->"cloud_id");
-            }
-            TString folder_id;
-            if (pathEl->UserAttrs->Attrs.contains("folder_id")) {
-                folder_id = pathEl->UserAttrs->"folder_id");
-            }
-            TString database_id;
-            if (pathEl->UserAttrs->Attrs.contains("database_id")) {
-                database_id = pathEl->UserAttrs->"database_id");
-            }
-            if (!cloud_id || !folder_id || !database_id) {
-                LOG_N("ApplyBill: unable to make a bill, neither cloud_id and nor folder_id nor database_id have found in user attributes at the domain"
-                      << ", build index operation: " << buildId
-                      << ", domain: " << domain.PathString()
-                      << ", domainId: " << buildInfo->DomainPathId
-                      << ", tableId: " << buildInfo->TablePathId
-                      << ", not billed usage: " << toBill);
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (!Self->IsServerlessDomain(domain)) {
-                LOG_N("ApplyBill: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db"
-                      << ", build index operation: " << buildId
-                      << ", domain: " << domain.PathString()
-                      << ", domainId: " << buildInfo->DomainPathId
-                      << ", IsDomainSchemeShard: " << Self->IsDomainSchemeShard
-                      << ", ParentDomainId: " << Self->ParentDomainId
-                      << ", ResourcesDomainId: " << domain.DomainInfo()->GetResourcesDomainId()
-                      << ", not billed usage: " << toBill);
-                continue;
-            }
-            NIceDb::TNiceDb db(txc.DB);
-            buildInfo->Billed += toBill;
-            Self->PersistBuildIndexBilling(db, buildInfo);
-            ui64 requestUnits = RequestUnits(toBill);
-            TString id = TStringBuilder()
-                << buildId << "-"
-                << buildInfo->TablePathId.OwnerId << "-" << buildInfo->TablePathId.LocalPathId << "-"
-                << buildInfo->Billed.GetRows() << "-" << buildInfo->Billed.GetBytes() << "-"
-                << buildInfo->Processed.GetRows() << "-" << buildInfo->Processed.GetBytes();
-            const TString billRecord = TBillRecord()
-                .Id(id)
-                .CloudId(cloud_id)
-                .FolderId(folder_id)
-                .ResourceId(database_id)
-                .SourceWt(ctx.Now())
-                .Usage(TBillRecord::RequestUnits(requestUnits, startPeriod, endPeriod))
-                .ToString();
-            LOG_D("ApplyBill: made a bill"
-                  << ", buildInfo: " << *buildInfo
-                  << ", record: '" << billRecord << "'");
-            auto request = MakeHolder<NMetering::TEvMetering::TEvWriteMeteringJson>(std::move(billRecord));
-            // send message at Complete stage
-            Send(NMetering::MakeMeteringServiceID(), std::move(request));
-        }
-    }
+    void ApplyState(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc);
+    void ApplyOnExecute(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx);
+    void ApplyOnComplete(const TActorContext& ctx);
+    void ApplySchedule(const TActorContext& ctx);
+    ui64 RequestUnits(const TBillingStats& stats);
+    void RoundPeriod(TInstant& start, TInstant& end);
+    void ApplyBill(NTabletFlatExecutor::TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx);
-    void Send(TActorId dst, THolder<IEventBase> message, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0) {
-        SideEffects.Send(dst, message.Release(), cookie, flags);
-    }
-    void ChangeState(TIndexBuildId id, TIndexBuildInfo::EState state) {
-        StateChanges.push_back(TChangeStateRec(id, state));
-    }
-    void Progress(TIndexBuildId id) {
-        SideEffects.ToProgress(id);
-    }
-    void Fill(NKikimrIndexBuilder::TIndexBuild& index, const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo) {
-        index.SetId(ui64(indexInfo->Id));
-        if (indexInfo->Issue) {
-            AddIssue(index.MutableIssues(), indexInfo->Issue);
-        }
-        for (const auto& item: indexInfo->Shards) {
-            const TShardIdx& shardIdx = item.first;
-            const TIndexBuildInfo::TShardStatus& status = item.second;
-            if (status.Status != NKikimrTxDataShard::TEvBuildIndexProgressResponse::INPROGRESS) {
-                if (status.UploadStatus != Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS) {
-                    if (status.DebugMessage) {
-                        AddIssue(index.MutableIssues(), status.ToString(shardIdx));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        switch (indexInfo->State) {
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Locking:
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::GatheringStatistics:
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Initiating:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_PREPARING);
-            index.SetProgress(0.0);
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Filling:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_TRANSFERING_DATA);
-            index.SetProgress(indexInfo->CalcProgressPercent());
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Applying:
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Unlocking:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_APPLYING);
-            index.SetProgress(100.0);
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Done:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_DONE);
-            index.SetProgress(100.0);
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Cancellation_Applying:
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Cancellation_Unlocking:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_CANCELLATION);
-            index.SetProgress(0.0);
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Cancelled:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_CANCELLED);
-            index.SetProgress(0.0);
-            break;
-         case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Rejection_Applying:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_REJECTION);
-            index.SetProgress(0.0);
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Rejection_Unlocking:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_REJECTION);
-            index.SetProgress(0.0);
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Rejected:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_REJECTED);
-            index.SetProgress(0.0);
-            break;
-        case TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Invalid:
-            index.SetState(Ydb::Table::IndexBuildState::STATE_UNSPECIFIED);
-            break;
-        }
-        Fill(*index.MutableSettings(), indexInfo);
-    }
-    void Fill(NKikimrIndexBuilder::TIndexBuildSettings& settings, const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo) {
-        TPath table = TPath::Init(indexInfo->TablePathId, Self);
-        settings.set_source_path(table.PathString());
-        Ydb::Table::TableIndex& index = *settings.mutable_index();
-        index.set_name(indexInfo->IndexName);
-        *index.mutable_index_columns() = {
-            indexInfo->IndexColumns.begin(),
-            indexInfo->IndexColumns.end()
-        };
-        *index.mutable_data_columns() = {
-            indexInfo->DataColumns.begin(),
-            indexInfo->DataColumns.end()
-        };
-        switch (indexInfo->IndexType) {
-        case NKikimrSchemeOp::EIndexType::EIndexTypeGlobal:
-            *index.mutable_global_index() = Ydb::Table::GlobalIndex();
-            break;
-        case NKikimrSchemeOp::EIndexType::EIndexTypeGlobalAsync:
-            *index.mutable_global_async_index() = Ydb::Table::GlobalAsyncIndex();
-            break;
-        case NKikimrSchemeOp::EIndexType::EIndexTypeInvalid:
-            Y_FAIL("Unreachable");
-        };
-        settings.set_max_batch_bytes(indexInfo->Limits.MaxBatchBytes);
-        settings.set_max_batch_rows(indexInfo->Limits.MaxBatchRows);
-        settings.set_max_shards_in_flight(indexInfo->Limits.MaxShards);
-        settings.set_max_retries_upload_batch(indexInfo->Limits.MaxRetries);
-    }
+    void Send(TActorId dst, THolder<IEventBase> message, ui32 flags = 0, ui64 cookie = 0);
+    void ChangeState(TIndexBuildId id, TIndexBuildInfo::EState state);
+    void Progress(TIndexBuildId id);
+    void Fill(NKikimrIndexBuilder::TIndexBuild& index, const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo);
+    void Fill(NKikimrIndexBuilder::TIndexBuildSettings& settings, const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo);
     void AddIssue(::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Ydb::Issue::IssueMessage>* issues,
                   const TString& message,
-                  NYql::TSeverityIds::ESeverityId severity = NYql::TSeverityIds::S_ERROR)
-    {
-        auto& issue = *issues->Add();
-        issue.set_severity(severity);
-        issue.set_message(message);
-    }
-    void SendNotificationsIfFinished(TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo) {
-        if (!indexInfo->IsFinished()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        LOG_T("TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: "
-              << ": id# " << indexInfo->Id
-              << ", subscribers count# " << indexInfo->Subscribers.size());
-        TSet<TActorId> toAnswer;
-        toAnswer.swap(indexInfo->Subscribers);
-        for (auto& actorId: toAnswer) {
-            Send(actorId, MakeHolder<TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult>(ui64(indexInfo->Id)));
-        }
-    }
-    void EraseBuildInfo(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexBuildInfo) {
-        Self->IndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->Id);
-        Self->IndexBuildsByUid.erase(indexBuildInfo->Uid);
-        Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->LockTxId);
-        Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->InitiateTxId);
-        Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->ApplyTxId);
-        Self->TxIdToIndexBuilds.erase(indexBuildInfo->UnlockTxId);
-    }
-    Ydb::StatusIds::StatusCode TranslateStatusCode(NKikimrScheme::EStatus status) {
-        switch (status) {
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusSuccess:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusAccepted:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusAlreadyExists:
-            return Ydb::StatusIds::SUCCESS;
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusPathDoesNotExist:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusPathIsNotDirectory:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusSchemeError:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusNameConflict:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusInvalidParameter:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusRedirectDomain:
-            return Ydb::StatusIds::BAD_REQUEST;
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusMultipleModifications:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusQuotaExceeded:
-            return Ydb::StatusIds::OVERLOADED;
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusReadOnly:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusPreconditionFailed:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusResourceExhausted: //TODO: find better YDB status for it
-            return Ydb::StatusIds::PRECONDITION_FAILED;
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusAccessDenied:
-            return Ydb::StatusIds::UNAUTHORIZED;
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusNotAvailable:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusTxIdNotExists:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusTxIsNotCancellable:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusReserved18:
-        case NKikimrScheme::StatusReserved19:
-            Y_FAIL("unreachable");
-        }
-        return Ydb::StatusIds::STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED;
-    }
-    void Bill(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo, TInstant startPeriod = TInstant::Zero(), TInstant endPeriod = TInstant::Zero()) {
-        ToBill.push_back(TToBill(indexBuildInfo->Id, std::move(startPeriod), std::move(endPeriod)));
-    }
-    void AskToScheduleBilling(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo) {
-        if (indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled) {
-            return;
-        }
-        if (indexBuildInfo->State != TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Filling) {
-            return;
-        }
-        indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled = true;
-        ToScheduleBilling.push_back(TBillingEventSchedule(indexBuildInfo->Id, indexBuildInfo->ReBillPeriod));
-    }
-    bool GotScheduledBilling(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo) {
-        if (!indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if (indexBuildInfo->State != TIndexBuildInfo::EState::Filling) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        indexBuildInfo->BillingEventIsScheduled = false;
-        return true;
-    }
+                  NYql::TSeverityIds::ESeverityId severity = NYql::TSeverityIds::S_ERROR);
+    void SendNotificationsIfFinished(TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexInfo);
+    void EraseBuildInfo(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr indexBuildInfo);
+    Ydb::StatusIds::StatusCode TranslateStatusCode(NKikimrScheme::EStatus status);
+    void Bill(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo, TInstant startPeriod = TInstant::Zero(), TInstant endPeriod = TInstant::Zero());
+    void AskToScheduleBilling(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo);
+    bool GotScheduledBilling(const TIndexBuildInfo::TPtr& indexBuildInfo);
     explicit TTxBase(TSelf* self)
@@ -408,21 +50,8 @@ public:
     virtual bool DoExecute(TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx) = 0;
     virtual void DoComplete(const TActorContext& ctx) = 0;
-    bool Execute(TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx) override {
-        if (!DoExecute(txc, ctx)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        ApplyOnExecute(txc, ctx);
-        return true;
-    }
-    void Complete(const TActorContext& ctx) override {
-        DoComplete(ctx);
-        ApplyOnComplete(ctx);
-    }
+    bool Execute(TTransactionContext& txc, const TActorContext& ctx) override;
+    void Complete(const TActorContext& ctx) override;
 } // NSchemeShard

+ 1 - 0

@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ SRCS(
+    schemeshard_build_index_tx_base.cpp