@@ -2139,7 +2139,8 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
TPortManager tp;
ui16 port = tp.GetPort(2134);
- const auto settings = TServerSettings(port);
+ const auto settings = TServerSettings(port)
+ .SetUseRealThreads(false);
TServer server(settings);
TClient client(settings);
@@ -2153,32 +2154,129 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TClientTest) {
const TActorId edge = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ ui64 confirmationsCount = 0;
+ auto observeConfirmations = [&](TAutoPtr<IEventHandle>& ev) {
+ switch (ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
+ case TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut::EventType: {
+ const auto* msg = ev->Get<TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut>();
+ // step 1 is snapshot
+ // step 2 is schema alter
+ // step 3 is expected write below
+ if (msg->Id.TabletID() == tabletId &&
+ msg->Id.Channel() == 0 &&
+ msg->Id.Cookie() == 1 &&
+ msg->Id.Step() > 2)
+ {
+ ++confirmationsCount;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TTestActorRuntime::EEventAction::PROCESS;
+ };
+ runtime.SetObserverFunc(observeConfirmations);
const TActorId leaderTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTablet(edge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 0, nullptr, nullptr));
const TActorId leaderId = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvRestored>(edge)->Get()->UserTabletActor;
- Y_UNUSED(leaderId);
+ // we use it to kill leader only when it has sent the write to the follower and it is confirmed
+ const TActorId followerTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTabletFollower(edge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 1, nullptr, nullptr));
+ auto doLeaderWrite = [&](ui64 key, ui64 value) {
+ const char *writeQuery = R"__((
+ (let row_ '('('key (Uint64 '%lu))))
+ (let update_ '('('v_ui64 (Uint64 '%lu))))
+ (let result_ (UpdateRow 't_by_ui64 row_ update_))
+ (return (AsList result_))
+ ))__";
+ THolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL> reqWrite = MakeHolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL>();
+ reqWrite->Record.MutableProgram()->MutableProgram()->SetText(Sprintf(writeQuery, key, value));
+ runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(leaderId, edge, reqWrite.Release()));
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse>(edge);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Record.GetStatus(), 0);
+ };
+ doLeaderWrite(42, 51);
+ auto waitFor = [&](const auto& condition, const TString& description) {
+ if (!condition()) {
+ Cerr << "... waiting for " << description << Endl;
+ TDispatchOptions options;
+ options.CustomFinalCondition = [&]() {
+ return condition();
+ };
+ runtime.DispatchEvents(options);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_C(condition(), "... failed to wait for " << description);
+ }
+ };
+ waitFor([&](){ return confirmationsCount > 0; }, "Write confirmed");
runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(leaderTablet, edge, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill()));
auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead>(edge);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->TabletID, tabletId);
+ runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(followerTablet, edge, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill()));
+ reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead>(edge);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->TabletID, tabletId);
- const TActorId followerTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTabletFollower(edge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 1, nullptr, nullptr));
- Y_UNUSED(followerTablet);
+ // now we start follower without its leader
- const TActorId followerId = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvRestored>(edge)->Get()->UserTabletActor;
- Y_UNUSED(followerId);
+ const TActorId followerEdge = runtime.AllocateEdgeActor();
+ const TActorId followerTablet = runtime.Register(CreateTabletFollower(followerEdge, tabletInfo.Get(), setupInfo.Get(), 1, nullptr, nullptr));
+ Y_UNUSED(followerTablet);
+ const TActorId followerId = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvRestored>(followerEdge)->Get()->UserTabletActor;
NTabletPipe::TClientConfig pipeClientConfig;
pipeClientConfig.AllowFollower = true;
pipeClientConfig.ForceFollower = true;
pipeClientConfig.RetryPolicy = {.RetryLimitCount = 2};
- runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(edge, tabletId, pipeClientConfig));
+ runtime.Register(NTabletPipe::CreateClient(followerEdge, tabletId, pipeClientConfig));
- auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(edge);
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected>(followerEdge);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Status, NKikimrProto::OK);
+ auto doFollowerRead = [&](ui64 key) -> TMaybe<ui64> {
+ const char *readQuery = R"__((
+ (let row_ '('('key (Uint64 '%lu))))
+ (let select_ '('v_ui64))
+ (let pgmReturn (AsList
+ (SetResult 'res (SelectRow 't_by_ui64 row_ select_))
+ ))
+ (return pgmReturn)
+ ))__";
+ THolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL> reqRead = MakeHolder<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQL>();
+ reqRead->Record.MutableProgram()->MutableProgram()->SetText(Sprintf(readQuery, key));
+ runtime.Send(new IEventHandle(followerId, followerEdge, reqRead.Release()));
+ auto reply = runtime.GrabEdgeEvent<TEvTablet::TEvLocalMKQLResponse>(followerEdge);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(reply->Get()->Record.GetStatus(), 0);
+ const auto res = reply->Get()->Record
+ .GetExecutionEngineEvaluatedResponse()
+ .GetValue()
+ .GetStruct(0)
+ .GetOptional();
+ if (!res.HasOptional()) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ return res
+ .GetOptional()
+ .GetStruct(0)
+ .GetOptional()
+ .GetUint64();
+ };
+ // Perform basic sanity checks
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(doFollowerRead(41), Nothing());
+ UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(doFollowerRead(42), 51u);
Y_UNIT_TEST(FollowerOfflineBoot) {