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Restoring authorship annotation for <>. Commit 2 of 2.

aprudaev 3 years ago

+ 11 - 11

@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ namespace NCodecs {
             tree.back().Char = i;
             tree.back().Freq = freqs[i];
         StableSort(tree.begin(), tree.end(), TTreeEntry::ByFreq);
-    } 
+    }
     void InitTree(TCodeTree& tree, ISequenceReader* in) {
         using namespace NPrivate;
         ui64 freqs[256];
         TStringBuf r;
         while (in->NextRegion(r)) {
             for (ui64 i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i)
@@ -466,24 +466,24 @@ namespace NCodecs {
             ui64 freqsArray[256];
             for (const auto& freq : freqs)
                 freqsArray[static_cast<ui8>(freq.first)] += freq.second;
             InitTreeByFreqs(tree, freqsArray);
             Y_ENSURE(!tree.empty(), " ");
         void Save(IOutputStream* out) {
             ::Save(out, Invalid.CodeLength);
         void Load(IInputStream* in) {
             ::Load(in, Invalid.CodeLength);
@@ -589,4 +589,4 @@ namespace NCodecs {
         Trained = true;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace NCodecs {
         void Decode(TStringBuf in, TBuffer& bbb) const override;
         void LearnByFreqs(const TArrayRef<std::pair<char, ui64>>& freqs);
         void DoLearn(ISequenceReader& in) override;
         void Save(IOutputStream* out) const override;

+ 33 - 33

@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ class TCodecsTest: public TTestBase {
-    UNIT_TEST(TestHuffmanLearnByFreqs) 
+    UNIT_TEST(TestHuffmanLearnByFreqs)
@@ -1194,60 +1194,60 @@ private:
-    void TestHuffmanLearnByFreqs() { 
-        using namespace NCodecs; 
+    void TestHuffmanLearnByFreqs() {
+        using namespace NCodecs;
         TVector<TBuffer> data;
         for (auto& textValue : TextValues) {
             data.emplace_back(textValue, strlen(textValue));
-        } 
+        }
         TVector<TBuffer> outLearn;
-        { 
-            THuffmanCodec codec; 
-            static_cast<ICodec&>(codec).Learn(data.begin(), data.end()); 
-            for (ui32 i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { 
+        {
+            THuffmanCodec codec;
+            static_cast<ICodec&>(codec).Learn(data.begin(), data.end());
+            for (ui32 i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
                 codec.Encode(AsStrBuf(data[i]), outLearn[i]);
-            } 
-        } 
+            }
+        }
         TVector<TBuffer> outLearnByFreqs;
-        { 
-            THuffmanCodec codec; 
+        {
+            THuffmanCodec codec;
             std::pair<char, ui64> freqs[256];
             for (size_t i = 0; i < Y_ARRAY_SIZE(freqs); ++i) {
-                freqs[i].first = (char)i; 
-                freqs[i].second = 0; 
-            } 
+                freqs[i].first = (char)i;
+                freqs[i].second = 0;
+            }
             for (auto& textValue : TextValues) {
                 size_t len = strlen(textValue);
                 for (size_t j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
                     ++freqs[(ui32)(0xFF & textValue[j])].second;
-            } 
+            }
             codec.LearnByFreqs(TArrayRef<std::pair<char, ui64>>(freqs, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(freqs)));
-            for (ui32 i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { 
+            for (ui32 i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
                 codec.Encode(AsStrBuf(data[i]), outLearnByFreqs[i]);
-            } 
-        } 
+            }
+        }
         UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(outLearn.size(), outLearnByFreqs.size());
         const size_t sz = outLearn.size();
         for (size_t n = 0; n < sz; ++n) {
             UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(AsStrBuf(outLearn[n]), AsStrBuf(outLearnByFreqs[n]));
-    } 
+    }
     void TestSolar() {
         using namespace NCodecs;

+ 253 - 253

@@ -1,141 +1,141 @@
 #include "block_histogram.h"
 #include <library/cpp/histogram/adaptive/protos/histo.pb.h>
 #include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
-#include <util/generic/yexception.h> 
-#include <util/generic/intrlist.h> 
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h> 
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/generic/intrlist.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
 #include <util/generic/queue.h>
 #include <util/generic/ymath.h>
 #include <util/string/printf.h>
-namespace { 
-    struct TEmpty { 
-    }; 
-    class TSmartHeap { 
-    private: 
+namespace {
+    struct TEmpty {
+    };
+    class TSmartHeap {
+    private:
         TVector<ui32> A;
         TVector<ui32> Pos;
         const TVector<double>& Weights;
-    public: 
+    public:
         TSmartHeap(const TVector<double>& weights)
-            : A(weights.size()) 
-            , Pos(weights.size()) 
-            , Weights(weights) 
-        { 
-            for (ui32 i = 0; i < weights.size(); ++i) { 
-                A[i] = i; 
-                Pos[i] = i; 
-            } 
-            for (ui32 i = weights.size() / 2; i > 0; --i) { 
-                Down(i - 1); 
-            } 
-        } 
-        ui32 IdOfMin() { 
-            return A[0]; 
-        } 
-        void Pop() { 
-            A[0] = A.back(); 
-            Pos[A[0]] = 0; 
-            A.pop_back(); 
-            Down(0); 
-        } 
-        void DownElement(ui32 id) { 
-            Down(Pos[id]); 
-        } 
-    private: 
-        void SwapPositions(ui32 x, ui32 y) { 
+            : A(weights.size())
+            , Pos(weights.size())
+            , Weights(weights)
+        {
+            for (ui32 i = 0; i < weights.size(); ++i) {
+                A[i] = i;
+                Pos[i] = i;
+            }
+            for (ui32 i = weights.size() / 2; i > 0; --i) {
+                Down(i - 1);
+            }
+        }
+        ui32 IdOfMin() {
+            return A[0];
+        }
+        void Pop() {
+            A[0] = A.back();
+            Pos[A[0]] = 0;
+            A.pop_back();
+            Down(0);
+        }
+        void DownElement(ui32 id) {
+            Down(Pos[id]);
+        }
+    private:
+        void SwapPositions(ui32 x, ui32 y) {
             std::swap(A[x], A[y]);
-            Pos[A[x]] = x; 
-            Pos[A[y]] = y; 
-        } 
-        void Down(ui32 pos) { 
-            while (1) { 
-                ui32 left = pos * 2 + 1; 
-                ui32 right = pos * 2 + 2; 
-                ui32 min = pos; 
-                if (left < A.size() && Weights[A[min]] > Weights[A[left]]) 
-                    min = left; 
-                if (right < A.size() && Weights[A[min]] > Weights[A[right]]) 
-                    min = right; 
-                if (pos == min) 
-                    break; 
-                SwapPositions(min, pos); 
-                pos = min; 
-            } 
-        } 
-    }; 
-namespace NKiwiAggr { 
+            Pos[A[x]] = x;
+            Pos[A[y]] = y;
+        }
+        void Down(ui32 pos) {
+            while (1) {
+                ui32 left = pos * 2 + 1;
+                ui32 right = pos * 2 + 2;
+                ui32 min = pos;
+                if (left < A.size() && Weights[A[min]] > Weights[A[left]])
+                    min = left;
+                if (right < A.size() && Weights[A[min]] > Weights[A[right]])
+                    min = right;
+                if (pos == min)
+                    break;
+                SwapPositions(min, pos);
+                pos = min;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+namespace NKiwiAggr {
     // TBlockHistogram
     TBlockHistogram::TBlockHistogram(EHistogramType type, TQualityFunction calcQuality,
                                      size_t intervals, ui64 id, size_t shrinkSize)
         : Type(type)
         , CalcQuality(calcQuality)
         , Intervals(intervals)
-        , ShrinkSize(shrinkSize) 
-        , PrevSize(0) 
-        , Id(id) 
-        , Sum(0) 
-        , MinValue(0) 
-        , MaxValue(0) 
-    { 
-        CorrectShrinkSize(); 
-    } 
+        , ShrinkSize(shrinkSize)
+        , PrevSize(0)
+        , Id(id)
+        , Sum(0)
+        , MinValue(0)
+        , MaxValue(0)
+    {
+        CorrectShrinkSize();
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::Clear() {
         PrevSize = 0;
         Sum = 0.0;
         MinValue = 0.0;
         MaxValue = 0.0;
-    } 
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::Add(const THistoRec& rec) {
-        if (!rec.HasId() || rec.GetId() == Id) { 
-            Add(rec.GetValue(), rec.GetWeight()); 
-        } 
-    } 
+        if (!rec.HasId() || rec.GetId() == Id) {
+            Add(rec.GetValue(), rec.GetWeight());
+        }
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::Add(double value, double weight) {
         if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) {
             ythrow yexception() << Sprintf("Histogram id %lu: bad value %f weight %f", Id, value, weight);
-        if (weight <= 0.0) { 
-            return; // all zero-weighted values should be skipped because they don't affect the distribution, negative weights are forbidden 
-        } 
-        if (Bins.empty()) { 
-            MinValue = value; 
-            MaxValue = value; 
+        if (weight <= 0.0) {
+            return; // all zero-weighted values should be skipped because they don't affect the distribution, negative weights are forbidden
+        }
+        if (Bins.empty()) {
+            MinValue = value;
+            MaxValue = value;
         } else {
             MinValue = Min(MinValue, value);
             MaxValue = Max(MaxValue, value);
-        } 
-        Sum += weight; 
+        }
+        Sum += weight;
         if (Bins.size() > ShrinkSize) {
-            SortAndShrink(Intervals * SHRINK_MULTIPLIER); 
+            SortAndShrink(Intervals * SHRINK_MULTIPLIER);
-        Bins.push_back(TWeightedValue(value, weight)); 
-    } 
+        Bins.push_back(TWeightedValue(value, weight));
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::Merge(const THistogram& histo, double multiplier) {
         if (!IsValidFloat(histo.GetMinValue()) || !IsValidFloat(histo.GetMaxValue())) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Merging in histogram id %lu: skip bad histo with minvalue %f maxvalue %f\n", Id, histo.GetMinValue(), histo.GetMaxValue());
@@ -214,18 +214,18 @@ namespace NKiwiAggr {
                 break; // ok
             default:   // not ok
                 ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to parse TBlockHistogram from THistogram protobuf record of type = " << (ui32)histo.GetType();
-        } 
+        }
-        if (histo.FreqSize() != histo.PositionSize()) { 
+        if (histo.FreqSize() != histo.PositionSize()) {
             ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to parse TBlockHistogram from THistogram protobuf record where FreqSize != PositionSize. FreqSize == " << (ui32)histo.FreqSize() << ", PositionSize == " << (ui32)histo.PositionSize();
-        } 
-        Id = histo.GetId(); 
-        Sum = 0; 
-        Intervals = Max(Intervals, histo.FreqSize()); 
-        CorrectShrinkSize(); 
-        Bins.resize(histo.FreqSize()); 
-        PrevSize = Bins.size(); 
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < histo.FreqSize(); ++i) { 
+        }
+        Id = histo.GetId();
+        Sum = 0;
+        Intervals = Max(Intervals, histo.FreqSize());
+        CorrectShrinkSize();
+        Bins.resize(histo.FreqSize());
+        PrevSize = Bins.size();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < histo.FreqSize(); ++i) {
             double value = histo.GetPosition(i);
             double weight = histo.GetFreq(i);
             if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) {
@@ -234,92 +234,92 @@ namespace NKiwiAggr {
             Bins[i].first = value;
             Bins[i].second = weight;
-            Sum += Bins[i].second; 
-        } 
+            Sum += Bins[i].second;
+        }
         if (!IsValidFloat(histo.GetMinValue()) || !IsValidFloat(histo.GetMaxValue())) {
             ythrow yexception() << Sprintf("FromProto in histogram id %lu: skip bad histo with minvalue %f maxvalue %f", Id, histo.GetMinValue(), histo.GetMaxValue());
-        MinValue = histo.GetMinValue(); 
-        MaxValue = histo.GetMaxValue(); 
-    } 
+        MinValue = histo.GetMinValue();
+        MaxValue = histo.GetMaxValue();
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::ToProto(THistogram& histo) {
-        histo.Clear(); 
+        histo.Clear();
-        histo.SetId(Id); 
-        if (Empty()) { 
-            return; 
-        } 
-        SortAndShrink(Intervals, true); 
-        histo.SetMinValue(MinValue); 
-        histo.SetMaxValue(MaxValue); 
+        histo.SetId(Id);
+        if (Empty()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        SortAndShrink(Intervals, true);
+        histo.SetMinValue(MinValue);
+        histo.SetMaxValue(MaxValue);
         for (TVector<TWeightedValue>::const_iterator it = Bins.begin(); it != Bins.end(); ++it) {
-            histo.AddFreq(it->second); 
-            histo.AddPosition(it->first); 
-        } 
-    } 
+            histo.AddFreq(it->second);
+            histo.AddPosition(it->first);
+        }
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::SetId(ui64 id) {
         Id = id;
     ui64 TBlockHistogram::GetId() {
-        return Id; 
-    } 
+        return Id;
+    }
     bool TBlockHistogram::Empty() {
-        return Bins.empty(); 
-    } 
+        return Bins.empty();
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::GetMinValue() {
         return MinValue;
-    } 
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::GetMaxValue() {
         return MaxValue;
-    } 
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::GetSum() {
-        return Sum; 
-    } 
+        return Sum;
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::SortAndShrink(size_t intervals, bool final) {
         Y_VERIFY(intervals > 0);
         if (Bins.size() <= intervals) {
-            return; 
+            return;
-        if (Bins.size() >= Intervals * GREEDY_SHRINK_MULTIPLIER) { 
-            SortBins(); 
+        if (Bins.size() >= Intervals * GREEDY_SHRINK_MULTIPLIER) {
+            SortBins();
-            FastGreedyShrink(intervals); 
-            if (final) { 
-                SlowShrink(intervals); 
-            } 
+            FastGreedyShrink(intervals);
+            if (final) {
+                SlowShrink(intervals);
+            }
         } else {
-            SortBins(); 
+            SortBins();
-            SlowShrink(intervals); 
-        } 
-    } 
+            SlowShrink(intervals);
+        }
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::SortBins() {
-        Sort(Bins.begin() + PrevSize, Bins.end()); 
-        if (PrevSize != 0) { 
+        Sort(Bins.begin() + PrevSize, Bins.end());
+        if (PrevSize != 0) {
             TVector<TWeightedValue> temp(Bins.begin(), Bins.begin() + PrevSize);
             std::merge(temp.begin(), temp.end(), Bins.begin() + PrevSize, Bins.end(), Bins.begin());
-        } 
-    } 
+        }
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::UniquifyBins() {
         if (Bins.empty())
-            return; 
+            return;
         auto it1 = Bins.begin();
         auto it2 = Bins.begin();
         while (++it2 != Bins.end()) {
@@ -327,124 +327,124 @@ namespace NKiwiAggr {
                 it1->second += it2->second;
             } else {
                 *(++it1) = *it2;
-            } 
-        } 
+            }
+        }
         Bins.erase(++it1, Bins.end());
-    } 
+    }
     void TBlockHistogram::CorrectShrinkSize() {
         ShrinkSize = Max(ShrinkSize, Intervals * (SHRINK_MULTIPLIER + GREEDY_SHRINK_MULTIPLIER));
     void TBlockHistogram::SlowShrink(size_t intervals) {
-        { 
-            size_t pos = 0; 
-            for (size_t i = 1; i < Bins.size(); ++i) 
-                if (Bins[i].first - Bins[pos].first < 1e-9) { 
-                    Bins[pos].second += Bins[i].second; 
-                } else { 
-                    ++pos; 
-                    Bins[pos] = Bins[i]; 
-                } 
-            Bins.resize(pos + 1); 
-            PrevSize = pos + 1; 
-        } 
+        {
+            size_t pos = 0;
+            for (size_t i = 1; i < Bins.size(); ++i)
+                if (Bins[i].first - Bins[pos].first < 1e-9) {
+                    Bins[pos].second += Bins[i].second;
+                } else {
+                    ++pos;
+                    Bins[pos] = Bins[i];
+                }
+            Bins.resize(pos + 1);
+            PrevSize = pos + 1;
+        }
         if (Bins.size() <= intervals) {
-            return; 
-        }
-        typedef TIntrusiveListItem<TEmpty> TListItem; 
-        ui32 n = Bins.size() - 1; 
-        const ui32 end = (ui32)Bins.size(); 
-        TArrayHolder<TListItem> listElementsHolder(new TListItem[end + 1]); 
-        TListItem* const bins = listElementsHolder.Get(); 
+            return;
+        }
+        typedef TIntrusiveListItem<TEmpty> TListItem;
+        ui32 n = Bins.size() - 1;
+        const ui32 end = (ui32)Bins.size();
+        TArrayHolder<TListItem> listElementsHolder(new TListItem[end + 1]);
+        TListItem* const bins = listElementsHolder.Get();
         for (ui32 i = 1; i <= end; ++i) {
-            bins[i].LinkAfter(&bins[i - 1]); 
+            bins[i].LinkAfter(&bins[i - 1]);
         TVector<double> pairWeights(n);
         for (ui32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
             pairWeights[i] = CalcQuality(Bins[i], Bins[i + 1]).first;
-        TSmartHeap heap(pairWeights); 
-        while (n + 1 > intervals) { 
-            ui32 b = heap.IdOfMin(); 
-            heap.Pop(); 
-            ui32 a = (ui32)(bins[b].Prev() - bins); 
-            ui32 c = (ui32)(bins[b].Next() - bins); 
-            ui32 d = (ui32)(bins[b].Next()->Next() - bins); 
+        TSmartHeap heap(pairWeights);
+        while (n + 1 > intervals) {
+            ui32 b = heap.IdOfMin();
+            heap.Pop();
+            ui32 a = (ui32)(bins[b].Prev() - bins);
+            ui32 c = (ui32)(bins[b].Next() - bins);
+            ui32 d = (ui32)(bins[b].Next()->Next() - bins);
             Y_VERIFY(Bins[c].second != -1);
-            double mass = Bins[b].second + Bins[c].second; 
-            Bins[c].first = (Bins[b].first * Bins[b].second + Bins[c].first * Bins[c].second) / mass; 
-            Bins[c].second = mass; 
-            bins[b].Unlink(); 
-            Bins[b].second = -1; 
-            if (a != end) { 
+            double mass = Bins[b].second + Bins[c].second;
+            Bins[c].first = (Bins[b].first * Bins[b].second + Bins[c].first * Bins[c].second) / mass;
+            Bins[c].second = mass;
+            bins[b].Unlink();
+            Bins[b].second = -1;
+            if (a != end) {
                 pairWeights[a] = CalcQuality(Bins[a], Bins[c]).first;
-                heap.DownElement(a); 
-            } 
-            if (d != end && c + 1 != Bins.size()) { 
+                heap.DownElement(a);
+            }
+            if (d != end && c + 1 != Bins.size()) {
                 pairWeights[c] = CalcQuality(Bins[c], Bins[d]).first;
-                heap.DownElement(c); 
-            } 
-            --n; 
-        } 
-        size_t pos = 0; 
-        for (TListItem* it = bins[end].Next(); it != &bins[end]; it = it->Next()) { 
-            Bins[pos++] = Bins[it - bins]; 
-        } 
-        Bins.resize(pos); 
-        PrevSize = pos; 
+                heap.DownElement(c);
+            }
+            --n;
+        }
+        size_t pos = 0;
+        for (TListItem* it = bins[end].Next(); it != &bins[end]; it = it->Next()) {
+            Bins[pos++] = Bins[it - bins];
+        }
+        Bins.resize(pos);
+        PrevSize = pos;
         Y_VERIFY(pos == intervals);
-    } 
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::GetSumInRange(double leftBound, double rightBound) {
         ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram";
-        return 0; 
-    } 
+        return 0;
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::GetSumAboveBound(double bound) {
         ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram";
-        return 0; 
-    } 
+        return 0;
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::GetSumBelowBound(double bound) {
         ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram";
-        return 0; 
-    } 
+        return 0;
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::CalcUpperBound(double sum) {
         ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram";
-        return 0; 
-    } 
+        return 0;
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::CalcLowerBound(double sum) {
         ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram";
-        return 0; 
-    } 
+        return 0;
+    }
     double TBlockHistogram::CalcUpperBoundSafe(double sum) {
         ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram";

+ 52 - 52

@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-#pragma once 
-#include "histogram.h" 
+#pragma once
+#include "histogram.h"
 #include "common.h"
 #include <library/cpp/histogram/adaptive/protos/histo.pb.h>
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h> 
-#include <util/generic/vector.h> 
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
 #include <utility>
-namespace NKiwiAggr { 
+namespace NKiwiAggr {
     // TBlockHistogram
      * Contrary to adaptive histogram, block histogram doesn't rebuild bins
      * after the addition of each point. Instead, it accumulates points and in case the amount
@@ -28,73 +28,73 @@ namespace NKiwiAggr {
     class TBlockHistogram: private TNonCopyable, public IHistogram {
         static const size_t SHRINK_MULTIPLIER = 2;
-        static const size_t GREEDY_SHRINK_MULTIPLIER = 4; 
+        static const size_t GREEDY_SHRINK_MULTIPLIER = 4;
         static const size_t DEFAULT_INTERVALS = 100;
         const EHistogramType Type;
         const TQualityFunction CalcQuality;
-        size_t Intervals; 
-        size_t ShrinkSize; 
-        size_t PrevSize; 
+        size_t Intervals;
+        size_t ShrinkSize;
+        size_t PrevSize;
         ui64 Id;
-        double Sum; 
-        double MinValue; 
-        double MaxValue; 
+        double Sum;
+        double MinValue;
+        double MaxValue;
         TVector<TWeightedValue> Bins;
-    public: 
+    public:
         TBlockHistogram(EHistogramType type, TQualityFunction calcQuality,
                         size_t intervals, ui64 id = 0, size_t shrinkSize = DEFAULT_SHRINK_SIZE);
         virtual ~TBlockHistogram() {
-        } 
+        }
         virtual void Clear();
-        virtual void Add(double value, double weight); 
-        virtual void Add(const THistoRec& histoRec); 
+        virtual void Add(double value, double weight);
+        virtual void Add(const THistoRec& histoRec);
         virtual void Merge(const THistogram& histo, double multiplier);
         virtual void Merge(const TVector<THistogram>& histogramsToMerge);
         virtual void Merge(TVector<IHistogramPtr> histogramsToMerge); // not implemented
         virtual void Multiply(double factor);
-        virtual void FromProto(const THistogram& histo); 
-        virtual void ToProto(THistogram& histo); 
+        virtual void FromProto(const THistogram& histo);
+        virtual void ToProto(THistogram& histo);
         virtual void SetId(ui64 id);
         virtual ui64 GetId();
-        virtual bool Empty(); 
-        virtual double GetMinValue(); 
-        virtual double GetMaxValue(); 
-        virtual double GetSum(); 
-        // methods below are not implemented 
-        virtual double GetSumInRange(double leftBound, double rightBound); 
-        virtual double GetSumAboveBound(double bound); 
-        virtual double GetSumBelowBound(double bound); 
-        virtual double CalcUpperBound(double sum); 
-        virtual double CalcLowerBound(double sum); 
+        virtual bool Empty();
+        virtual double GetMinValue();
+        virtual double GetMaxValue();
+        virtual double GetSum();
+        // methods below are not implemented
+        virtual double GetSumInRange(double leftBound, double rightBound);
+        virtual double GetSumAboveBound(double bound);
+        virtual double GetSumBelowBound(double bound);
+        virtual double CalcUpperBound(double sum);
+        virtual double CalcLowerBound(double sum);
         virtual double CalcUpperBoundSafe(double sum);
         virtual double CalcLowerBoundSafe(double sum);
-    private: 
-        void SortBins(); 
+    private:
+        void SortBins();
         void UniquifyBins();
-        void CorrectShrinkSize(); 
-        void SortAndShrink(size_t intervals, bool final = false); 
+        void CorrectShrinkSize();
+        void SortAndShrink(size_t intervals, bool final = false);
-        void SlowShrink(size_t intervals); 
+        void SlowShrink(size_t intervals);
         virtual void FastGreedyShrink(size_t intervals) = 0;
-    }; 
+    };
     // TBlockWeightHistogram

+ 2 - 2

@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 #include <util/generic/vector.h>
 namespace NKiwiAggr {
-    class THistogram; 
-    class THistoRec; 
+    class THistogram;
+    class THistoRec;
     class IHistogram;
     typedef TAtomicSharedPtr<IHistogram> IHistogramPtr;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ struct TMonth {
     TMonth operator-(ui16 n) {
         if (n <= Month) {
-            return TMonth(Year, Month - (ui8)n); 
+            return TMonth(Year, Month - (ui8)n);
         } else {
             n -= Month;
             return (n % 12) ? TMonth(Year - 1 - (n / 12), 12 - (n % 12)) : TMonth(Year - (n / 12), 0);

+ 5 - 5

@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ template <class OtherKey>
 typename THashTable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::size_type THashTable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase_one(const OtherKey& key) {
     const size_type n = bkt_num_key(key);
     node* first = buckets[n];
     if (first) {
         node* cur = first;
         node* next = cur->next;
@@ -1201,11 +1201,11 @@ typename THashTable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::size_type THashTable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq,
             return 1;
-    } 
+    }
     return 0;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A> 
+template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
 void THashTable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase(const iterator& it) {
     if (node* const p = it.cur) {
         const size_type n = bkt_num(p->val);