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Split simplegeneric on py2/py3

shadchin 1 год назад

+ 0 - 0
contrib/python/simplegeneric/.dist-info/METADATA → contrib/python/simplegeneric/py2/.dist-info/METADATA

+ 0 - 0
contrib/python/simplegeneric/.dist-info/top_level.txt → contrib/python/simplegeneric/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt

+ 0 - 0
contrib/python/simplegeneric/README.txt → contrib/python/simplegeneric/py2/README.txt

+ 0 - 0
contrib/python/simplegeneric/simplegeneric.py → contrib/python/simplegeneric/py2/simplegeneric.py

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Generated by devtools/yamaker (pypi).
+    simplegeneric.py
+    PREFIX contrib/python/simplegeneric/py2/
+    .dist-info/METADATA
+    .dist-info/top_level.txt

+ 281 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: simplegeneric
+Version: 0.8.1
+Summary: Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)
+Home-page: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/simplegeneric
+Author: Phillip J. Eby
+Author-email: peak@eby-sarna.com
+License: ZPL 2.1
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 6 - Mature
+Classifier: Development Status :: 7 - Inactive
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
+* New in 0.8: Source and tests are compatible with Python 3 (w/o ``setup.py``)
+* 0.8.1: setup.py is now compatible with Python 3 as well
+* New in 0.7: `Multiple Types or Objects`_
+* New in 0.6: `Inspection and Extension`_, and thread-safe method registration
+The ``simplegeneric`` module lets you define simple single-dispatch
+generic functions, akin to Python's built-in generic functions like
+``len()``, ``iter()`` and so on.  However, instead of using
+specially-named methods, these generic functions use simple lookup
+tables, akin to those used by e.g. ``pickle.dump()`` and other
+generic functions found in the Python standard library.
+As you can see from the above examples, generic functions are actually
+quite common in Python already, but there is no standard way to create
+simple ones.  This library attempts to fill that gap, as generic
+functions are an `excellent alternative to the Visitor pattern`_, as
+well as being a great substitute for most common uses of adaptation.
+This library tries to be the simplest possible implementation of generic
+functions, and it therefore eschews the use of multiple or predicate
+dispatch, as well as avoiding speedup techniques such as C dispatching
+or code generation.  But it has absolutely no dependencies, other than
+Python 2.4, and the implementation is just a single Python module of
+less than 100 lines.
+Defining and using a generic function is straightforward::
+>>> from simplegeneric import generic
+>>> @generic
+... def move(item, target):
+...     """Default implementation goes here"""
+...     print("what you say?!")
+>>> @move.when_type(int)
+... def move_int(item, target):
+...     print("In AD %d, %s was beginning." % (item, target))
+>>> @move.when_type(str)
+... def move_str(item, target):
+...     print("How are you %s!!" % item)
+...     print("All your %s are belong to us." % (target,))
+>>> zig = object()
+>>> @move.when_object(zig)
+... def move_zig(item, target):
+...     print("You know what you %s." % (target,))
+...     print("For great justice!")
+>>> move(2101, "war")
+In AD 2101, war was beginning.
+>>> move("gentlemen", "base")
+How are you gentlemen!!
+All your base are belong to us.
+>>> move(zig, "doing")
+You know what you doing.
+For great justice!
+>>> move(27.0, 56.2)
+what you say?!
+Inheritance and Allowed Types
+Defining multiple methods for the same type or object is an error::
+>>> @move.when_type(str)
+... def this_is_wrong(item, target):
+...     pass
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+TypeError: <function move...> already has method for type <...'str'>
+>>> @move.when_object(zig)
+... def this_is_wrong(item, target): pass
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+TypeError: <function move...> already has method for object <object ...>
+And the ``when_type()`` decorator only accepts classes or types::
+>>> @move.when_type(23)
+... def move_23(item, target):
+...     print("You have no chance to survive!")
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+TypeError: 23 is not a type or class
+Methods defined for supertypes are inherited following MRO order::
+>>> class MyString(str):
+...     """String subclass"""
+>>> move(MyString("ladies"), "drinks")
+How are you ladies!!
+All your drinks are belong to us.
+Classic class instances are also supported (although the lookup process
+is slower than for new-style instances)::
+>>> class X: pass
+>>> class Y(X): pass
+>>> @move.when_type(X)
+... def move_x(item, target):
+...     print("Someone set us up the %s!!!" % (target,))
+>>> move(X(), "bomb")
+Someone set us up the bomb!!!
+>>> move(Y(), "dance")
+Someone set us up the dance!!!
+Multiple Types or Objects
+As a convenience, you can now pass more than one type or object to the
+registration methods::
+>>> @generic
+... def isbuiltin(ob):
+...     return False
+>>> @isbuiltin.when_type(int, str, float, complex, type)
+... @isbuiltin.when_object(None, Ellipsis)
+... def yes(ob):
+...     return True
+>>> isbuiltin(1)
+>>> isbuiltin(object)
+>>> isbuiltin(object())
+>>> isbuiltin(X())
+>>> isbuiltin(None)
+>>> isbuiltin(Ellipsis)
+Defaults and Docs
+You can obtain a function's default implementation using its ``default``
+>>> @move.when_type(Y)
+... def move_y(item, target):
+...     print("Someone set us up the %s!!!" % (target,))
+...     move.default(item, target)
+>>> move(Y(), "dance")
+Someone set us up the dance!!!
+what you say?!
+``help()`` and other documentation tools see generic functions as normal
+function objects, with the same name, attributes, docstring, and module as
+the prototype/default function::
+>>> help(move)
+Help on function move:
+move(*args, **kw)
+Default implementation goes here
+Inspection and Extension
+You can find out if a generic function has a method for a type or object using
+the ``has_object()`` and ``has_type()`` methods::
+>>> move.has_object(zig)
+>>> move.has_object(42)
+>>> move.has_type(X)
+>>> move.has_type(float)
+Note that ``has_type()`` only queries whether there is a method registered for
+the *exact* type, not subtypes or supertypes::
+>>> class Z(X): pass
+>>> move.has_type(Z)
+You can create a generic function that "inherits" from an existing generic
+function by calling ``generic()`` on the existing function::
+>>> move2 = generic(move)
+>>> move(2101, "war")
+In AD 2101, war was beginning.
+Any methods added to the new generic function override *all* methods in the
+"base" function::
+>>> @move2.when_type(X)
+... def move2_X(item, target):
+...     print("You have no chance to survive make your %s!" % (target,))
+>>> move2(X(), "time")
+You have no chance to survive make your time!
+>>> move2(Y(), "time")
+You have no chance to survive make your time!
+Notice that even though ``move()`` has a method for type ``Y``, the method
+defined for ``X`` in ``move2()`` takes precedence.  This is because the
+``move`` function is used as the ``default`` method of ``move2``, and ``move2``
+has no method for type ``Y``::
+>>> move2.default is move
+>>> move.has_type(Y)
+>>> move2.has_type(Y)
+* The first argument is always used for dispatching, and it must always be
+passed *positionally* when the function is called.
+* Documentation tools don't see the function's original argument signature, so
+you have to describe it in the docstring.
+* If you have optional arguments, you must duplicate them on every method in
+order for them to work correctly.  (On the plus side, it means you can have
+different defaults or required arguments for each method, although relying on
+that quirk probably isn't a good idea.)
+These restrictions may be lifted in later releases, if I feel the need.  They
+would require runtime code generation the way I do it in ``RuleDispatch``,
+however, which is somewhat of a pain.  (Alternately I could use the
+``BytecodeAssembler`` package to do the code generation, as that's a lot easier
+to use than string-based code generation, but that would introduce more
+dependencies, and I'm trying to keep this simple so I can just
+toss it into Chandler without a big footprint increase.)
+.. _excellent alternative to the Visitor pattern: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/VisitorRevisited

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 260 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+Trivial Generic Functions
+* New in 0.8: Source and tests are compatible with Python 3 (w/o ``setup.py``)
+  * 0.8.1: setup.py is now compatible with Python 3 as well
+* New in 0.7: `Multiple Types or Objects`_
+* New in 0.6: `Inspection and Extension`_, and thread-safe method registration
+The ``simplegeneric`` module lets you define simple single-dispatch
+generic functions, akin to Python's built-in generic functions like
+``len()``, ``iter()`` and so on.  However, instead of using
+specially-named methods, these generic functions use simple lookup
+tables, akin to those used by e.g. ``pickle.dump()`` and other
+generic functions found in the Python standard library.
+As you can see from the above examples, generic functions are actually
+quite common in Python already, but there is no standard way to create
+simple ones.  This library attempts to fill that gap, as generic
+functions are an `excellent alternative to the Visitor pattern`_, as
+well as being a great substitute for most common uses of adaptation.
+This library tries to be the simplest possible implementation of generic
+functions, and it therefore eschews the use of multiple or predicate
+dispatch, as well as avoiding speedup techniques such as C dispatching
+or code generation.  But it has absolutely no dependencies, other than
+Python 2.4, and the implementation is just a single Python module of
+less than 100 lines.
+Defining and using a generic function is straightforward::
+    >>> from simplegeneric import generic
+    >>> @generic
+    ... def move(item, target):
+    ...     """Default implementation goes here"""
+    ...     print("what you say?!")
+    >>> @move.when_type(int)
+    ... def move_int(item, target):
+    ...     print("In AD %d, %s was beginning." % (item, target))
+    >>> @move.when_type(str)
+    ... def move_str(item, target):
+    ...     print("How are you %s!!" % item)
+    ...     print("All your %s are belong to us." % (target,))
+    >>> zig = object()
+    >>> @move.when_object(zig)
+    ... def move_zig(item, target):
+    ...     print("You know what you %s." % (target,))
+    ...     print("For great justice!")
+    >>> move(2101, "war")
+    In AD 2101, war was beginning.
+    >>> move("gentlemen", "base")
+    How are you gentlemen!!
+    All your base are belong to us.
+    >>> move(zig, "doing")
+    You know what you doing.
+    For great justice!
+    >>> move(27.0, 56.2)
+    what you say?!
+Inheritance and Allowed Types
+Defining multiple methods for the same type or object is an error::
+    >>> @move.when_type(str)
+    ... def this_is_wrong(item, target):
+    ...     pass
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: <function move...> already has method for type <...'str'>
+    >>> @move.when_object(zig)
+    ... def this_is_wrong(item, target): pass
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+    TypeError: <function move...> already has method for object <object ...>
+And the ``when_type()`` decorator only accepts classes or types::
+    >>> @move.when_type(23)
+    ... def move_23(item, target):
+    ...     print("You have no chance to survive!")
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+    TypeError: 23 is not a type or class
+Methods defined for supertypes are inherited following MRO order::
+    >>> class MyString(str):
+    ...     """String subclass"""
+    >>> move(MyString("ladies"), "drinks")
+    How are you ladies!!
+    All your drinks are belong to us.
+Classic class instances are also supported (although the lookup process
+is slower than for new-style instances)::
+    >>> class X: pass
+    >>> class Y(X): pass
+    >>> @move.when_type(X)
+    ... def move_x(item, target):
+    ...     print("Someone set us up the %s!!!" % (target,))
+    >>> move(X(), "bomb")
+    Someone set us up the bomb!!!
+    >>> move(Y(), "dance")
+    Someone set us up the dance!!!
+Multiple Types or Objects
+As a convenience, you can now pass more than one type or object to the
+registration methods::
+    >>> @generic
+    ... def isbuiltin(ob):
+    ...     return False
+    >>> @isbuiltin.when_type(int, str, float, complex, type)
+    ... @isbuiltin.when_object(None, Ellipsis)
+    ... def yes(ob):
+    ...     return True
+    >>> isbuiltin(1)
+    True
+    >>> isbuiltin(object)
+    True
+    >>> isbuiltin(object())
+    False
+    >>> isbuiltin(X())
+    False
+    >>> isbuiltin(None)
+    True
+    >>> isbuiltin(Ellipsis)
+    True
+Defaults and Docs
+You can obtain a function's default implementation using its ``default``
+    >>> @move.when_type(Y)
+    ... def move_y(item, target):
+    ...     print("Someone set us up the %s!!!" % (target,))
+    ...     move.default(item, target)
+    >>> move(Y(), "dance")
+    Someone set us up the dance!!!
+    what you say?!
+``help()`` and other documentation tools see generic functions as normal
+function objects, with the same name, attributes, docstring, and module as
+the prototype/default function::
+    >>> help(move)
+    Help on function move:
+    ...
+    move(*args, **kw)
+        Default implementation goes here
+    ...
+Inspection and Extension
+You can find out if a generic function has a method for a type or object using
+the ``has_object()`` and ``has_type()`` methods::
+    >>> move.has_object(zig)
+    True
+    >>> move.has_object(42)
+    False
+    >>> move.has_type(X)
+    True
+    >>> move.has_type(float)
+    False
+Note that ``has_type()`` only queries whether there is a method registered for
+the *exact* type, not subtypes or supertypes::
+    >>> class Z(X): pass
+    >>> move.has_type(Z)
+    False
+You can create a generic function that "inherits" from an existing generic
+function by calling ``generic()`` on the existing function::
+    >>> move2 = generic(move)
+    >>> move(2101, "war")
+    In AD 2101, war was beginning.
+Any methods added to the new generic function override *all* methods in the
+"base" function::
+    >>> @move2.when_type(X)
+    ... def move2_X(item, target):
+    ...     print("You have no chance to survive make your %s!" % (target,))
+    >>> move2(X(), "time")
+    You have no chance to survive make your time!
+    >>> move2(Y(), "time")
+    You have no chance to survive make your time!
+Notice that even though ``move()`` has a method for type ``Y``, the method
+defined for ``X`` in ``move2()`` takes precedence.  This is because the
+``move`` function is used as the ``default`` method of ``move2``, and ``move2``
+has no method for type ``Y``::
+    >>> move2.default is move
+    True
+    >>> move.has_type(Y)
+    True
+    >>> move2.has_type(Y)
+    False
+* The first argument is always used for dispatching, and it must always be
+  passed *positionally* when the function is called.
+* Documentation tools don't see the function's original argument signature, so
+  you have to describe it in the docstring.
+* If you have optional arguments, you must duplicate them on every method in
+  order for them to work correctly.  (On the plus side, it means you can have
+  different defaults or required arguments for each method, although relying on
+  that quirk probably isn't a good idea.)
+These restrictions may be lifted in later releases, if I feel the need.  They
+would require runtime code generation the way I do it in ``RuleDispatch``,
+however, which is somewhat of a pain.  (Alternately I could use the
+``BytecodeAssembler`` package to do the code generation, as that's a lot easier
+to use than string-based code generation, but that would introduce more
+dependencies, and I'm trying to keep this simple so I can just
+toss it into Chandler without a big footprint increase.)
+.. _excellent alternative to the Visitor pattern: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/VisitorRevisited

+ 123 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+__all__ = ["generic"]
+    from types import ClassType, InstanceType
+    classtypes = type, ClassType
+except ImportError:
+    classtypes = type
+    InstanceType = None
+def generic(func):
+    """Create a simple generic function"""
+    _sentinel = object()
+    def _by_class(*args, **kw):
+        cls = args[0].__class__
+        for t in type(cls.__name__, (cls,object), {}).__mro__:
+            f = _gbt(t, _sentinel)
+            if f is not _sentinel:
+                return f(*args, **kw)
+        else:
+            return func(*args, **kw)
+    _by_type = {object: func, InstanceType: _by_class}
+    _gbt = _by_type.get
+    def when_type(*types):
+        """Decorator to add a method that will be called for the given types"""
+        for t in types:
+            if not isinstance(t, classtypes):
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "%r is not a type or class" % (t,)
+                )
+        def decorate(f):
+            for t in types:
+                if _by_type.setdefault(t,f) is not f:
+                    raise TypeError(
+                        "%r already has method for type %r" % (func, t)
+                    )
+            return f
+        return decorate
+    _by_object = {}
+    _gbo = _by_object.get
+    def when_object(*obs):
+        """Decorator to add a method to be called for the given object(s)"""
+        def decorate(f):
+            for o in obs:
+                if _by_object.setdefault(id(o), (o,f))[1] is not f:
+                    raise TypeError(
+                        "%r already has method for object %r" % (func, o)
+                    )
+            return f
+        return decorate
+    def dispatch(*args, **kw):
+        f = _gbo(id(args[0]), _sentinel)
+        if f is _sentinel:
+            for t in type(args[0]).__mro__:
+                f = _gbt(t, _sentinel)
+                if f is not _sentinel:
+                    return f(*args, **kw)
+            else:
+                return func(*args, **kw)
+        else:
+            return f[1](*args, **kw)
+    dispatch.__name__       = func.__name__
+    dispatch.__dict__       = func.__dict__.copy()
+    dispatch.__doc__        = func.__doc__
+    dispatch.__module__     = func.__module__
+    dispatch.when_type = when_type
+    dispatch.when_object = when_object
+    dispatch.default = func
+    dispatch.has_object = lambda o: id(o) in _by_object
+    dispatch.has_type   = lambda t: t in _by_type
+    return dispatch
+def test_suite():
+    import doctest
+    return doctest.DocFileSuite(
+        'README.txt',
+        optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS|doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE,
+    )
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    import unittest
+    r = unittest.TextTestRunner()
+    r.run(test_suite())

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Generated by devtools/yamaker (pypi).
+    simplegeneric.py
+    PREFIX contrib/python/simplegeneric/py3/
+    .dist-info/METADATA
+    .dist-info/top_level.txt

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