YDB PHP SDK provides access to [YDB](https://ydb.tech/) from PHP code. YDB is a open-source distributed fault-tolerant DBMS with high availability and scalability, strict consistency and ACID. An SQL dialect – YQL – is used for queries. YDB is available in several modes: - On-prem installation (is not supported by this SDK yet); - Serverless computing mode in YC (only performed operations are paid); - Dedicated instance mode in YC (dedicated computing resources are paid). # Documentation [https://ydb.tech/docs/](https://ydb.tech/docs/) # Installation The recommended method of installing is Composer. Run the following: ```bash composer require ydb-platform/ydb-php-sdk ``` # Connection First, create a database using [Yandex Cloud Console](https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/ydb/quickstart/create-db). YDB supports the following authentication methods: - Access token - OAuth token - JWT + private key - JWT + JSON file - Metadata URL - Anonymous ## Access token Use your access token: ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) // Access token authentication 'access_token' => 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', ], ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` or: ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) ], 'credentials' => new AccessTokenAuthentication('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA') ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` ## OAuth token You should obtain [a new OAuth token](https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/iam/concepts/authorization/oauth-token). Use your OAuth token: ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) // OAuth token authentication 'oauth_token' => 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', ], ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` or ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) ], 'credentials' => new OAuthTokenAuthentication('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA') ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` ## JWT + private key Create [a service account](https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/iam/operations/sa/create) with the `editor` role, then create a private key. Also you need a key ID and a service account ID. Connect to your database: ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', 'discovery' => false, 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) // Private key authentication 'key_id' => 'ajexxxxxxxxx', 'service_account_id' => 'ajeyyyyyyyyy', 'private_key_file' => './private.key', ], ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` or ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', 'discovery' => false, 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) // Private key authentication 'key_id' => 'ajexxxxxxxxx', 'service_account_id' => 'ajeyyyyyyyyy', 'private_key_file' => './private.key', ], 'credentials' => new JwtWithPrivateKeyAuthentication( "ajexxxxxxxxx","ajeyyyyyyyyy",'./private.key') ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` ## JWT + JSON file Create [a service account](https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/iam/operations/sa/create) with the `editor` role. Create a service account [JSON file](https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/iam/operations/iam-token/create-for-sa#via-cli), save it in your project as `sa_name.json`. Connect to your database: ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', 'discovery' => false, 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) // Service account JSON file authentication 'service_file' => './sa_name.json', ], ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` or: ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', 'discovery' => false, 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory 'root_cert_file' => './CA.pem', // Root CA file (dedicated server only!) ], 'credentials' => new JwtWithJsonAuthentication('./jwtjson.json') ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` ## Metadata URL When you deploy a project to VM or function at Yandex.Cloud, you are able to connect to the database using [Metadata URL](https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/compute/operations/vm-connect/auth-inside-vm). Before you start, you should link your service account to an existing or new VM or function. ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory 'use_metadata' => true, ], ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` or ```php '/ru-central1/b1glxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/etn0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net:2135', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'temp_dir' => './tmp', // Temp directory ], 'credentials' => new MetadataAuthentication() ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` ## Anonymous ```php '/local', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'localhost:2136', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'anonymous' => true, 'insecure' => true, ], ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` or: ```php '/local', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'localhost:2136', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'insecure' => true, ], 'credentials' => new AnonymousAuthentication() ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` ## Determined by environment variables ```php '/local', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'localhost:2136', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'insecure' => true, ], 'credentials' => new EnvironCredentials() ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` The following algorithm that is the same for YDB-PHP-SDK applies: 1. If the value of the `YDB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE_CREDENTIALS` environment variable is set, the **System Account Key** authentication mode is used and the key is taken from the file whose name is specified in this variable. 2. Otherwise, if the value of the `YDB_ANONYMOUS_CREDENTIALS` environment variable is set to 1, the anonymous authentication mode is used. 3. Otherwise, if the value of the `YDB_METADATA_CREDENTIALS` environment variable is set to 1, the **Metadata** authentication mode is used. 4. Otherwise, if the value of the `YDB_ACCESS_TOKEN_CREDENTIALS` environment variable is set, the **Access token** authentication mode is used, where the this variable value is passed. 5. Otherwise, the **Metadata** authentication mode is used. ## Static credentials ```php '/local', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'localhost:2136', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'insecure' => true, ], 'credentials' => new StaticAuthentication($user, $password) ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` ## Reading from text file ```php '/local', // Database endpoint 'endpoint' => 'localhost:2136', // Auto discovery (dedicated server only) 'discovery' => false, // IAM config 'iam_config' => [ 'insecure' => true, ], 'credentials' => new ReadTokenFromFile($tokenPath, $refreshTime) ]; $ydb = new Ydb($config); ``` # Usage You should initialize a session from the Table service to start querying with retry. ```php table(); $result = $table->retryTransaction(function(Session $session){ // making a query return $session->query('select * from `users` limit 10;'); }, true); $users_count = $result->rowCount(); $users = $result->rows(); $columns = $result->columns(); ``` As soon as your script is finished, the session will be destroyed. ## Customizing queries Normally, a regular query through the `query()` method is sufficient, but in exceptional cases, you may need to fine-tune the query settings. You could do it using the query builder: ```php retryTransaction(function(Session $session){ // creating a new query builder instance $query = $session->newQuery('select * from `users` limit 10;'); // a setting to keep in cache $query->keepInCache(); // a setting to begin a transaction with the given mode $query->beginTx('stale'); return $query->execute(); }, true); ``` Methods of the query builder: - `keepInCache(bool $value)` - keep in cache (default: `true`) - `collectStats(int $value)` - collect stats (default: 1) - `parameters(array $parameters)` - parameters - `operationParams(\Ydb\Operations\OperationParams $operation_params)` - operation params - `beginTx(string $mode)` - begin a transaction with the given [mode](https://ydb.tech/en/docs/concepts/transactions): - stale - online - online_inconsistent - serializable - snapshot - `txControl(\Ydb\Table\TransactionControl $tx_control)` - transaction control with custom settings You can chain these methods for convenience. ## Logging For logging purposes, you need use class, which implements `\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface`. YDB-PHP-SDK has build-in loggers in `YdbPlatform\Ydb\Logger` namespace: * `NullLogger` - default * `SimpleStdLogger($level)` - logger, which push logs in STDERR. Example of using: ```php $config = [ 'logger' => new \YdbPlatform\Ydb\Logger\SimpleStdLogger(\YdbPlatform\Ydb\Logger\SimpleStdLogger::INFO) ] $ydb = new \YdbPlatform\Ydb\Ydb($config); ```