Ydb.Topic.AlterConsumer */ class AlterConsumer extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message { /** * Must have valid not empty name as a key. * * Generated from protobuf field string name = 1; */ protected $name = ''; /** * Consumer may be marked as 'important'. It means messages for this consumer will never expire due to retention. * User should take care that such consumer never stalls, to prevent running out of disk space. * Flag that this consumer is important. * * Generated from protobuf field optional bool set_important = 2; */ protected $set_important = null; /** * All messages with smaller server written_at timestamp will be skipped. * * Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Timestamp set_read_from = 3; */ protected $set_read_from = null; /** * List of supported codecs by this consumer. * supported_codecs on topic must be contained inside this list. * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Topic.SupportedCodecs set_supported_codecs = 5; */ protected $set_supported_codecs = null; /** * User and server attributes of consumer. Server attributes starts from "_" and will be validated by server. * Leave the value blank to drop an attribute. * * Generated from protobuf field map alter_attributes = 6; */ private $alter_attributes; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $data { * Optional. Data for populating the Message object. * * @type string $name * Must have valid not empty name as a key. * @type bool $set_important * Consumer may be marked as 'important'. It means messages for this consumer will never expire due to retention. * User should take care that such consumer never stalls, to prevent running out of disk space. * Flag that this consumer is important. * @type \Google\Protobuf\Timestamp $set_read_from * All messages with smaller server written_at timestamp will be skipped. * @type \Ydb\Topic\SupportedCodecs $set_supported_codecs * List of supported codecs by this consumer. * supported_codecs on topic must be contained inside this list. * @type array|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField $alter_attributes * User and server attributes of consumer. Server attributes starts from "_" and will be validated by server. * Leave the value blank to drop an attribute. * } */ public function __construct($data = NULL) { \GPBMetadata\Protos\YdbTopic::initOnce(); parent::__construct($data); } /** * Must have valid not empty name as a key. * * Generated from protobuf field string name = 1; * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Must have valid not empty name as a key. * * Generated from protobuf field string name = 1; * @param string $var * @return $this */ public function setName($var) { GPBUtil::checkString($var, True); $this->name = $var; return $this; } /** * Consumer may be marked as 'important'. It means messages for this consumer will never expire due to retention. * User should take care that such consumer never stalls, to prevent running out of disk space. * Flag that this consumer is important. * * Generated from protobuf field optional bool set_important = 2; * @return bool */ public function getSetImportant() { return isset($this->set_important) ? $this->set_important : false; } public function hasSetImportant() { return isset($this->set_important); } public function clearSetImportant() { unset($this->set_important); } /** * Consumer may be marked as 'important'. It means messages for this consumer will never expire due to retention. * User should take care that such consumer never stalls, to prevent running out of disk space. * Flag that this consumer is important. * * Generated from protobuf field optional bool set_important = 2; * @param bool $var * @return $this */ public function setSetImportant($var) { GPBUtil::checkBool($var); $this->set_important = $var; return $this; } /** * All messages with smaller server written_at timestamp will be skipped. * * Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Timestamp set_read_from = 3; * @return \Google\Protobuf\Timestamp|null */ public function getSetReadFrom() { return $this->set_read_from; } public function hasSetReadFrom() { return isset($this->set_read_from); } public function clearSetReadFrom() { unset($this->set_read_from); } /** * All messages with smaller server written_at timestamp will be skipped. * * Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Timestamp set_read_from = 3; * @param \Google\Protobuf\Timestamp $var * @return $this */ public function setSetReadFrom($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Protobuf\Timestamp::class); $this->set_read_from = $var; return $this; } /** * List of supported codecs by this consumer. * supported_codecs on topic must be contained inside this list. * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Topic.SupportedCodecs set_supported_codecs = 5; * @return \Ydb\Topic\SupportedCodecs|null */ public function getSetSupportedCodecs() { return $this->set_supported_codecs; } public function hasSetSupportedCodecs() { return isset($this->set_supported_codecs); } public function clearSetSupportedCodecs() { unset($this->set_supported_codecs); } /** * List of supported codecs by this consumer. * supported_codecs on topic must be contained inside this list. * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Topic.SupportedCodecs set_supported_codecs = 5; * @param \Ydb\Topic\SupportedCodecs $var * @return $this */ public function setSetSupportedCodecs($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Ydb\Topic\SupportedCodecs::class); $this->set_supported_codecs = $var; return $this; } /** * User and server attributes of consumer. Server attributes starts from "_" and will be validated by server. * Leave the value blank to drop an attribute. * * Generated from protobuf field map alter_attributes = 6; * @return \Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField */ public function getAlterAttributes() { return $this->alter_attributes; } /** * User and server attributes of consumer. Server attributes starts from "_" and will be validated by server. * Leave the value blank to drop an attribute. * * Generated from protobuf field map alter_attributes = 6; * @param array|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField $var * @return $this */ public function setAlterAttributes($var) { $arr = GPBUtil::checkMapField($var, \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::STRING, \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::STRING); $this->alter_attributes = $arr; return $this; } }