Ydb.Table.StorageSettings */ class StorageSettings extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message { /** * This specifies internal channel 0 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, negligible amounts of short-lived data * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool tablet_commit_log0 = 1; */ protected $tablet_commit_log0 = null; /** * This specifies internal channel 1 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, small amounts of short-lived data * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool tablet_commit_log1 = 2; */ protected $tablet_commit_log1 = null; /** * This specifies external blobs storage pool * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool external = 4; */ protected $external = null; /** * Optionally store large values in "external blobs" * WARNING: DO NOT USE * This feature is experimental and should not be used, restrictions apply: * * Table cannot split/merge when this is enabled * * Table cannot be copied or backed up when this is enabled * * This feature cannot be disabled once enabled for a table * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.FeatureFlag.Status store_external_blobs = 5; */ protected $store_external_blobs = 0; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $data { * Optional. Data for populating the Message object. * * @type \Ydb\Table\StoragePool $tablet_commit_log0 * This specifies internal channel 0 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, negligible amounts of short-lived data * @type \Ydb\Table\StoragePool $tablet_commit_log1 * This specifies internal channel 1 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, small amounts of short-lived data * @type \Ydb\Table\StoragePool $external * This specifies external blobs storage pool * @type int $store_external_blobs * Optionally store large values in "external blobs" * WARNING: DO NOT USE * This feature is experimental and should not be used, restrictions apply: * * Table cannot split/merge when this is enabled * * Table cannot be copied or backed up when this is enabled * * This feature cannot be disabled once enabled for a table * } */ public function __construct($data = NULL) { \GPBMetadata\Protos\YdbTable::initOnce(); parent::__construct($data); } /** * This specifies internal channel 0 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, negligible amounts of short-lived data * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool tablet_commit_log0 = 1; * @return \Ydb\Table\StoragePool|null */ public function getTabletCommitLog0() { return $this->tablet_commit_log0; } public function hasTabletCommitLog0() { return isset($this->tablet_commit_log0); } public function clearTabletCommitLog0() { unset($this->tablet_commit_log0); } /** * This specifies internal channel 0 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, negligible amounts of short-lived data * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool tablet_commit_log0 = 1; * @param \Ydb\Table\StoragePool $var * @return $this */ public function setTabletCommitLog0($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Ydb\Table\StoragePool::class); $this->tablet_commit_log0 = $var; return $this; } /** * This specifies internal channel 1 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, small amounts of short-lived data * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool tablet_commit_log1 = 2; * @return \Ydb\Table\StoragePool|null */ public function getTabletCommitLog1() { return $this->tablet_commit_log1; } public function hasTabletCommitLog1() { return isset($this->tablet_commit_log1); } public function clearTabletCommitLog1() { unset($this->tablet_commit_log1); } /** * This specifies internal channel 1 commit log storage pool * Fastest available storage recommended, small amounts of short-lived data * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool tablet_commit_log1 = 2; * @param \Ydb\Table\StoragePool $var * @return $this */ public function setTabletCommitLog1($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Ydb\Table\StoragePool::class); $this->tablet_commit_log1 = $var; return $this; } /** * This specifies external blobs storage pool * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool external = 4; * @return \Ydb\Table\StoragePool|null */ public function getExternal() { return $this->external; } public function hasExternal() { return isset($this->external); } public function clearExternal() { unset($this->external); } /** * This specifies external blobs storage pool * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.StoragePool external = 4; * @param \Ydb\Table\StoragePool $var * @return $this */ public function setExternal($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Ydb\Table\StoragePool::class); $this->external = $var; return $this; } /** * Optionally store large values in "external blobs" * WARNING: DO NOT USE * This feature is experimental and should not be used, restrictions apply: * * Table cannot split/merge when this is enabled * * Table cannot be copied or backed up when this is enabled * * This feature cannot be disabled once enabled for a table * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.FeatureFlag.Status store_external_blobs = 5; * @return int */ public function getStoreExternalBlobs() { return $this->store_external_blobs; } /** * Optionally store large values in "external blobs" * WARNING: DO NOT USE * This feature is experimental and should not be used, restrictions apply: * * Table cannot split/merge when this is enabled * * Table cannot be copied or backed up when this is enabled * * This feature cannot be disabled once enabled for a table * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.FeatureFlag.Status store_external_blobs = 5; * @param int $var * @return $this */ public function setStoreExternalBlobs($var) { GPBUtil::checkEnum($var, \Ydb\FeatureFlag\Status::class); $this->store_external_blobs = $var; return $this; } }