Ydb.Table.ReadTableRequest */ class ReadTableRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message { /** * Session identifier * * Generated from protobuf field string session_id = 1; */ protected $session_id = ''; /** * Path to table to read * * Generated from protobuf field string path = 2; */ protected $path = ''; /** * Primary key range to read * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.KeyRange key_range = 3; */ protected $key_range = null; /** * Output columns * * Generated from protobuf field repeated string columns = 4; */ private $columns; /** * Require ordered reading * * Generated from protobuf field bool ordered = 5; */ protected $ordered = false; /** * Limits row count to read * * Generated from protobuf field uint64 row_limit = 6; */ protected $row_limit = 0; /** * Use a server-side snapshot * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.FeatureFlag.Status use_snapshot = 7; */ protected $use_snapshot = 0; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $data { * Optional. Data for populating the Message object. * * @type string $session_id * Session identifier * @type string $path * Path to table to read * @type \Ydb\Table\KeyRange $key_range * Primary key range to read * @type array|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $columns * Output columns * @type bool $ordered * Require ordered reading * @type int|string $row_limit * Limits row count to read * @type int $use_snapshot * Use a server-side snapshot * } */ public function __construct($data = NULL) { \GPBMetadata\Protos\YdbTable::initOnce(); parent::__construct($data); } /** * Session identifier * * Generated from protobuf field string session_id = 1; * @return string */ public function getSessionId() { return $this->session_id; } /** * Session identifier * * Generated from protobuf field string session_id = 1; * @param string $var * @return $this */ public function setSessionId($var) { GPBUtil::checkString($var, True); $this->session_id = $var; return $this; } /** * Path to table to read * * Generated from protobuf field string path = 2; * @return string */ public function getPath() { return $this->path; } /** * Path to table to read * * Generated from protobuf field string path = 2; * @param string $var * @return $this */ public function setPath($var) { GPBUtil::checkString($var, True); $this->path = $var; return $this; } /** * Primary key range to read * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.KeyRange key_range = 3; * @return \Ydb\Table\KeyRange|null */ public function getKeyRange() { return $this->key_range; } public function hasKeyRange() { return isset($this->key_range); } public function clearKeyRange() { unset($this->key_range); } /** * Primary key range to read * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.Table.KeyRange key_range = 3; * @param \Ydb\Table\KeyRange $var * @return $this */ public function setKeyRange($var) { GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Ydb\Table\KeyRange::class); $this->key_range = $var; return $this; } /** * Output columns * * Generated from protobuf field repeated string columns = 4; * @return \Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField */ public function getColumns() { return $this->columns; } /** * Output columns * * Generated from protobuf field repeated string columns = 4; * @param array|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $var * @return $this */ public function setColumns($var) { $arr = GPBUtil::checkRepeatedField($var, \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::STRING); $this->columns = $arr; return $this; } /** * Require ordered reading * * Generated from protobuf field bool ordered = 5; * @return bool */ public function getOrdered() { return $this->ordered; } /** * Require ordered reading * * Generated from protobuf field bool ordered = 5; * @param bool $var * @return $this */ public function setOrdered($var) { GPBUtil::checkBool($var); $this->ordered = $var; return $this; } /** * Limits row count to read * * Generated from protobuf field uint64 row_limit = 6; * @return int|string */ public function getRowLimit() { return $this->row_limit; } /** * Limits row count to read * * Generated from protobuf field uint64 row_limit = 6; * @param int|string $var * @return $this */ public function setRowLimit($var) { GPBUtil::checkUint64($var); $this->row_limit = $var; return $this; } /** * Use a server-side snapshot * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.FeatureFlag.Status use_snapshot = 7; * @return int */ public function getUseSnapshot() { return $this->use_snapshot; } /** * Use a server-side snapshot * * Generated from protobuf field .Ydb.FeatureFlag.Status use_snapshot = 7; * @param int $var * @return $this */ public function setUseSnapshot($var) { GPBUtil::checkEnum($var, \Ydb\FeatureFlag\Status::class); $this->use_snapshot = $var; return $this; } }