Ydb.Topic.StreamReadMessage.StartPartitionSessionResponse */ class StartPartitionSessionResponse extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message { /** * Partition session identifier of partition to start read. * * Generated from protobuf field int64 partition_session_id = 1; */ protected $partition_session_id = 0; /** * Reads in this partition session will start from offset no less than read_offset. * If read_offset is set, server will check that read_offset is no less that actual committed offset. * If check fails then server will send an error message (status != SUCCESS) and close stream. * If read_offset is not set, no check will be made. * InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from could lead to skip of more messages. * Server will return data starting from offset that is maximum of actual committed offset, read_offset (if set) * and offsets calculated from InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from. * * Generated from protobuf field optional int64 read_offset = 2; */ protected $read_offset = null; /** * All messages with offset less than commit_offset are processed by client. * Server will commit this position if this is not done yet. * * Generated from protobuf field optional int64 commit_offset = 3; */ protected $commit_offset = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $data { * Optional. Data for populating the Message object. * * @type int|string $partition_session_id * Partition session identifier of partition to start read. * @type int|string $read_offset * Reads in this partition session will start from offset no less than read_offset. * If read_offset is set, server will check that read_offset is no less that actual committed offset. * If check fails then server will send an error message (status != SUCCESS) and close stream. * If read_offset is not set, no check will be made. * InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from could lead to skip of more messages. * Server will return data starting from offset that is maximum of actual committed offset, read_offset (if set) * and offsets calculated from InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from. * @type int|string $commit_offset * All messages with offset less than commit_offset are processed by client. * Server will commit this position if this is not done yet. * } */ public function __construct($data = NULL) { \GPBMetadata\Protos\YdbTopic::initOnce(); parent::__construct($data); } /** * Partition session identifier of partition to start read. * * Generated from protobuf field int64 partition_session_id = 1; * @return int|string */ public function getPartitionSessionId() { return $this->partition_session_id; } /** * Partition session identifier of partition to start read. * * Generated from protobuf field int64 partition_session_id = 1; * @param int|string $var * @return $this */ public function setPartitionSessionId($var) { GPBUtil::checkInt64($var); $this->partition_session_id = $var; return $this; } /** * Reads in this partition session will start from offset no less than read_offset. * If read_offset is set, server will check that read_offset is no less that actual committed offset. * If check fails then server will send an error message (status != SUCCESS) and close stream. * If read_offset is not set, no check will be made. * InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from could lead to skip of more messages. * Server will return data starting from offset that is maximum of actual committed offset, read_offset (if set) * and offsets calculated from InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from. * * Generated from protobuf field optional int64 read_offset = 2; * @return int|string */ public function getReadOffset() { return isset($this->read_offset) ? $this->read_offset : 0; } public function hasReadOffset() { return isset($this->read_offset); } public function clearReadOffset() { unset($this->read_offset); } /** * Reads in this partition session will start from offset no less than read_offset. * If read_offset is set, server will check that read_offset is no less that actual committed offset. * If check fails then server will send an error message (status != SUCCESS) and close stream. * If read_offset is not set, no check will be made. * InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from could lead to skip of more messages. * Server will return data starting from offset that is maximum of actual committed offset, read_offset (if set) * and offsets calculated from InitRequest.max_lag and InitRequest.read_from. * * Generated from protobuf field optional int64 read_offset = 2; * @param int|string $var * @return $this */ public function setReadOffset($var) { GPBUtil::checkInt64($var); $this->read_offset = $var; return $this; } /** * All messages with offset less than commit_offset are processed by client. * Server will commit this position if this is not done yet. * * Generated from protobuf field optional int64 commit_offset = 3; * @return int|string */ public function getCommitOffset() { return isset($this->commit_offset) ? $this->commit_offset : 0; } public function hasCommitOffset() { return isset($this->commit_offset); } public function clearCommitOffset() { unset($this->commit_offset); } /** * All messages with offset less than commit_offset are processed by client. * Server will commit this position if this is not done yet. * * Generated from protobuf field optional int64 commit_offset = 3; * @param int|string $var * @return $this */ public function setCommitOffset($var) { GPBUtil::checkInt64($var); $this->commit_offset = $var; return $this; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(StartPartitionSessionResponse::class, \Ydb\Topic\StreamReadMessage_StartPartitionSessionResponse::class);