123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168 |
- const S3 = require('aws-sdk/clients/s3')
- const stream = require('stream')
- const Promise = require('bluebird')
- const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline)
- const _ = require('lodash')
- const pageHelper = require('../../../helpers/page.js')
- /* global WIKI */
- /**
- * Deduce the file path given the `page` object and the object's key to the page's path.
- */
- const getFilePath = (page, pathKey) => {
- const fileName = `${page[pathKey]}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}`
- const withLocaleCode = WIKI.config.lang.namespacing && WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode
- return withLocaleCode ? `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}` : fileName
- }
- /**
- * Can be used with S3 compatible storage.
- */
- module.exports = class S3CompatibleStorage {
- constructor(storageName) {
- this.storageName = storageName
- this.bucketName = ""
- }
- async activated() {
- // not used
- }
- async deactivated() {
- // not used
- }
- async init() {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Initializing...`)
- const { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, bucket } = this.config
- const s3Config = {
- accessKeyId,
- secretAccessKey,
- params: { Bucket: bucket },
- apiVersions: '2006-03-01'
- }
- if (!_.isNil(this.config.region)) {
- s3Config.region = this.config.region
- }
- if (!_.isNil(this.config.endpoint)) {
- s3Config.endpoint = this.config.endpoint
- }
- if (!_.isNil(this.config.sslEnabled)) {
- s3Config.sslEnabled = this.config.sslEnabled
- }
- if (!_.isNil(this.config.s3ForcePathStyle)) {
- s3Config.s3ForcePathStyle = this.config.s3ForcePathStyle
- }
- if (!_.isNil(this.config.s3BucketEndpoint)) {
- s3Config.s3BucketEndpoint = this.config.s3BucketEndpoint
- }
- this.s3 = new S3(s3Config)
- this.bucketName = bucket
- // determine if a bucket exists and you have permission to access it
- await this.s3.headBucket().promise()
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Initialization completed.`)
- }
- async created(page) {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Creating file ${page.path}...`)
- const filePath = getFilePath(page, 'path')
- await this.s3.putObject({ Key: filePath, Body: page.injectMetadata() }).promise()
- }
- async updated(page) {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Updating file ${page.path}...`)
- const filePath = getFilePath(page, 'path')
- await this.s3.putObject({ Key: filePath, Body: page.injectMetadata() }).promise()
- }
- async deleted(page) {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Deleting file ${page.path}...`)
- const filePath = getFilePath(page, 'path')
- await this.s3.deleteObject({ Key: filePath }).promise()
- }
- async renamed(page) {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Renaming file ${page.path} to ${page.destinationPath}...`)
- let sourceFilePath = getFilePath(page, 'path')
- let destinationFilePath = getFilePath(page, 'destinationPath')
- if (WIKI.config.lang.namespacing) {
- if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) {
- sourceFilePath = `${page.localeCode}/${sourceFilePath}`
- }
- if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.destinationLocaleCode) {
- destinationFilePath = `${page.destinationLocaleCode}/${destinationFilePath}`
- }
- }
- await this.s3.copyObject({ CopySource: `${this.bucketName}/${sourceFilePath}`, Key: destinationFilePath }).promise()
- await this.s3.deleteObject({ Key: sourceFilePath }).promise()
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {Object} asset Asset to upload
- */
- async assetUploaded (asset) {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Creating new file ${asset.path}...`)
- await this.s3.putObject({ Key: asset.path, Body: asset.data }).promise()
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {Object} asset Asset to delete
- */
- async assetDeleted (asset) {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Deleting file ${asset.path}...`)
- await this.s3.deleteObject({ Key: asset.path }).promise()
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {Object} asset Asset to rename
- */
- async assetRenamed (asset) {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Renaming file from ${asset.path} to ${asset.destinationPath}...`)
- await this.s3.copyObject({ CopySource: `${this.bucketName}/${asset.path}`, Key: asset.destinationPath }).promise()
- await this.s3.deleteObject({ Key: asset.path }).promise()
- }
- async getLocalLocation () {
- }
- /**
- */
- async exportAll() {
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Exporting all content to the cloud provider...`)
- // -> Pages
- await pipeline(
- WIKI.models.knex.column('path', 'localeCode', 'title', 'description', 'contentType', 'content', 'isPublished', 'updatedAt', 'createdAt').select().from('pages').where({
- isPrivate: false
- }).stream(),
- new stream.Transform({
- objectMode: true,
- transform: async (page, enc, cb) => {
- const filePath = getFilePath(page, 'path')
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Adding page ${filePath}...`)
- await this.s3.putObject({ Key: filePath, Body: pageHelper.injectPageMetadata(page) }).promise()
- cb()
- }
- })
- )
- // -> Assets
- const assetFolders = await WIKI.models.assetFolders.getAllPaths()
- await pipeline(
- WIKI.models.knex.column('filename', 'folderId', 'data').select().from('assets').join('assetData', 'assets.id', '=', 'assetData.id').stream(),
- new stream.Transform({
- objectMode: true,
- transform: async (asset, enc, cb) => {
- const filename = (asset.folderId && asset.folderId > 0) ? `${_.get(assetFolders, asset.folderId)}/${asset.filename}` : asset.filename
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Adding asset ${filename}...`)
- await this.s3.putObject({ Key: filename, Body: asset.data }).promise()
- cb()
- }
- })
- )
- WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) All content has been pushed to the cloud provider.`)
- }
- }