123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444 |
- <template lang='pug'>
- v-container(fluid, grid-list-lg)
- v-layout(row wrap)
- v-flex(xs12)
- .admin-header
- img.animated.fadeInUp(src='/_assets/svg/icon-private.svg', alt='Security', style='width: 80px;')
- .admin-header-title
- .headline.primary--text.animated.fadeInLeft {{ $t('admin:security.title') }}
- .subtitle-1.grey--text.animated.fadeInLeft {{ $t('admin:security.subtitle') }}
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- v-btn.animated.fadeInDown(color='success', depressed, @click='save', large)
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- span {{$t('common:actions.apply')}}
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- v-toolbar(color='red darken-2', dark, dense, flat)
- v-toolbar-title.subtitle-1 Security
- v-card-info(color='red')
- span Make sure to understand the implications before turning on / off a security feature.
- v-card-text
- v-switch(
- inset
- label='Block Open Redirect'
- color='red darken-2'
- v-model='config.securityOpenRedirect'
- persistent-hint
- hint='Prevents user controlled URLs from directing to websites outside of your wiki. This provides Open Redirect protection.'
- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- v-switch.mt-3(
- inset
- label='Block IFrame Embedding'
- color='red darken-2'
- v-model='config.securityIframe'
- persistent-hint
- hint='Prevents other websites from embedding your wiki in an iframe. This provides clickjacking protection.'
- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- v-switch(
- inset
- label='Same Origin Referrer Policy'
- color='red darken-2'
- v-model='config.securityReferrerPolicy'
- persistent-hint
- hint='Limits the referrer header to same origin.'
- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- v-switch(
- inset
- label='Trust X-Forwarded-* Proxy Headers'
- color='red darken-2'
- v-model='config.securityTrustProxy'
- persistent-hint
- hint='Should be enabled when using a reverse-proxy like nginx, apache, CloudFlare, etc in front of Wiki.js. Turn off otherwise.'
- )
- //- v-divider.mt-3
- //- v-switch(
- //- inset
- //- label='Subresource Integrity (SRI)'
- //- color='red darken-2'
- //- v-model='config.securitySRI'
- //- persistent-hint
- //- hint='This ensure that resources such as CSS and JS files are not altered during delivery.'
- //- disabled
- //- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- v-switch(
- inset
- label='Enforce HSTS'
- color='red darken-2'
- v-model='config.securityHSTS'
- persistent-hint
- hint='This ensures the connection cannot be established through an insecure HTTP connection.'
- )
- v-select.mt-5(
- outlined
- label='HSTS Max Age'
- :items='hstsDurations'
- v-model='config.securityHSTSDuration'
- prepend-icon='mdi-subdirectory-arrow-right'
- :disabled='!config.securityHSTS'
- hide-details
- style='max-width: 450px;'
- )
- .pl-11.mt-3
- .caption Defines the duration for which the server should only deliver content through HTTPS.
- .caption It's a good idea to start with small values and make sure that nothing breaks on your wiki before moving to longer values.
- //- v-divider.mt-3
- //- v-switch(
- //- inset
- //- label='Enforce CSP'
- //- color='red darken-2'
- //- v-model='config.securityCSP'
- //- persistent-hint
- //- hint='Restricts scripts to pre-approved content sources.'
- //- disabled
- //- )
- //- v-textarea.mt-5(
- //- label='CSP Directives'
- //- outlined
- //- v-model='config.securityCSPDirectives'
- //- prepend-icon='mdi-subdirectory-arrow-right'
- //- persistent-hint
- //- hint='One directive per line.'
- //- disabled
- //- )
- v-flex(lg6 xs12)
- v-card.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p2s
- v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat)
- v-toolbar-title.subtitle-1 {{ $t('admin:security.uploads') }}
- v-card-info(color='blue')
- span {{$t('admin:security.uploadsInfo')}}
- v-card-text
- v-text-field.mt-3(
- outlined
- :label='$t(`admin:security.maxUploadSize`)'
- required
- v-model='config.uploadMaxFileSize'
- prepend-icon='mdi-progress-upload'
- :hint='$t(`admin:security.maxUploadSizeHint`)'
- persistent-hint
- :suffix='$t(`admin:security.maxUploadSizeSuffix`)'
- style='max-width: 450px;'
- )
- v-text-field.mt-3(
- outlined
- :label='$t(`admin:security.maxUploadBatch`)'
- required
- v-model='config.uploadMaxFiles'
- prepend-icon='mdi-upload-lock'
- :hint='$t(`admin:security.maxUploadBatchHint`)'
- persistent-hint
- :suffix='$t(`admin:security.maxUploadBatchSuffix`)'
- style='max-width: 450px;'
- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- v-switch(
- inset
- label='Scan and Sanitize SVG Uploads'
- color='primary'
- v-model='config.uploadScanSVG'
- persistent-hint
- hint='Should SVG uploads be scanned for vulnerabilities and stripped of any potentially unsafe content.'
- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- v-switch(
- inset
- label='Force Download of Unsafe Extensions'
- color='primary'
- v-model='config.uploadForceDownload'
- persistent-hint
- hint='Should non-image files be forced as downloads when accessed directly. This prevents potential XSS attacks via unsafe file extensions uploads.'
- )
- v-card.mt-3.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p2s
- v-toolbar(flat, color='primary', dark, dense)
- .subtitle-1 {{$t('admin:security.login')}}
- //- v-card-info(color='blue')
- //- span {{$t('admin:security.loginInfo')}}
- .overline.grey--text.pa-4 {{$t('admin:security.loginScreen')}}
- .px-4.pb-3
- v-text-field(
- outlined
- :label='$t(`admin:security.loginBgUrl`)'
- v-model='config.authLoginBgUrl'
- :hint='$t(`admin:security.loginBgUrlHint`)'
- persistent-hint
- prepend-icon='mdi-image-area'
- append-icon='mdi-folder-image'
- @click:append='browseLoginBg'
- )
- v-switch(
- inset
- :label='$t(`admin:security.bypassLogin`)'
- color='primary'
- v-model='config.authAutoLogin'
- prepend-icon='mdi-fast-forward'
- persistent-hint
- :hint='$t(`admin:security.bypassLoginHint`)'
- )
- v-switch(
- inset
- :label='$t(`admin:security.hideLocalLogin`)'
- color='primary'
- v-model='config.authHideLocal'
- prepend-icon='mdi-eye-off-outline'
- persistent-hint
- :hint='$t(`admin:security.hideLocalLoginHint`)'
- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- .overline.grey--text.pa-4 {{$t('admin:security.loginSecurity')}}
- .px-4.pb-3
- v-switch.mt-0(
- inset
- :label='$t(`admin:security.enforce2fa`)'
- color='primary'
- v-model='config.authEnforce2FA'
- prepend-icon='mdi-two-factor-authentication'
- :hint='$t(`admin:security.enforce2faHint`)'
- persistent-hint
- )
- v-divider.mt-3
- .overline.grey--text.pa-4 {{$t('admin:security.jwt')}}
- .px-4.pb-3
- v-text-field(
- v-model='config.authJwtAudience'
- outlined
- prepend-icon='mdi-account-group-outline'
- :label='$t(`admin:auth.jwtAudience`)'
- :hint='$t(`admin:auth.jwtAudienceHint`)'
- persistent-hint
- )
- v-text-field.mt-3(
- v-model='config.authJwtExpiration'
- outlined
- prepend-icon='mdi-clock-outline'
- :label='$t(`admin:auth.tokenExpiration`)'
- :hint='$t(`admin:auth.tokenExpirationHint`)'
- persistent-hint
- )
- v-text-field.mt-3(
- v-model='config.authJwtRenewablePeriod'
- outlined
- prepend-icon='mdi-update'
- :label='$t(`admin:auth.tokenRenewalPeriod`)'
- :hint='$t(`admin:auth.tokenRenewalPeriodHint`)'
- persistent-hint
- )
- component(:is='activeModal')
- </template>
- <script>
- import _ from 'lodash'
- import { sync } from 'vuex-pathify'
- import gql from 'graphql-tag'
- import editorStore from '../../store/editor'
- /* global WIKI */
- WIKI.$store.registerModule('editor', editorStore)
- export default {
- i18nOptions: { namespaces: 'editor' },
- components: {
- editorModalMedia: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "editor", webpackMode: "lazy" */ '../editor/editor-modal-media.vue')
- },
- data() {
- return {
- config: {
- uploadMaxFileSize: 0,
- uploadMaxFiles: 0,
- uploadScanSVG: true,
- uploadForceDownload: true,
- securityOpenRedirect: true,
- securityIframe: true,
- securityReferrerPolicy: true,
- securityTrustProxy: true,
- securitySRI: true,
- securityHSTS: false,
- securityHSTSDuration: 0,
- securityCSP: false,
- securityCSPDirectives: '',
- authAutoLogin: false,
- authHideLocal: false,
- authLoginBgUrl: '',
- authJwtAudience: 'urn:wiki.js',
- authJwtExpiration: '30m',
- authJwtRenewablePeriod: '14d'
- },
- hstsDurations: [
- { value: 300, text: '5 minutes' },
- { value: 86400, text: '1 day' },
- { value: 604800, text: '1 week' },
- { value: 2592000, text: '1 month' },
- { value: 31536000, text: '1 year' },
- { value: 63072000, text: '2 years' }
- ]
- }
- },
- computed: {
- activeModal: sync('editor/activeModal')
- },
- methods: {
- async save () {
- try {
- await this.$apollo.mutate({
- mutation: gql`
- mutation (
- $authAutoLogin: Boolean
- $authEnforce2FA: Boolean
- $authHideLocal: Boolean
- $authLoginBgUrl: String
- $authJwtAudience: String
- $authJwtExpiration: String
- $authJwtRenewablePeriod: String
- $uploadMaxFileSize: Int
- $uploadMaxFiles: Int
- $uploadScanSVG: Boolean
- $uploadForceDownload: Boolean
- $securityOpenRedirect: Boolean
- $securityIframe: Boolean
- $securityReferrerPolicy: Boolean
- $securityTrustProxy: Boolean
- $securitySRI: Boolean
- $securityHSTS: Boolean
- $securityHSTSDuration: Int
- $securityCSP: Boolean
- $securityCSPDirectives: String
- ) {
- site {
- updateConfig(
- authAutoLogin: $authAutoLogin,
- authEnforce2FA: $authEnforce2FA,
- authHideLocal: $authHideLocal,
- authLoginBgUrl: $authLoginBgUrl,
- authJwtAudience: $authJwtAudience,
- authJwtExpiration: $authJwtExpiration,
- authJwtRenewablePeriod: $authJwtRenewablePeriod,
- uploadMaxFileSize: $uploadMaxFileSize,
- uploadMaxFiles: $uploadMaxFiles,
- uploadScanSVG: $uploadScanSVG
- uploadForceDownload: $uploadForceDownload,
- securityOpenRedirect: $securityOpenRedirect,
- securityIframe: $securityIframe,
- securityReferrerPolicy: $securityReferrerPolicy,
- securityTrustProxy: $securityTrustProxy,
- securitySRI: $securitySRI,
- securityHSTS: $securityHSTS,
- securityHSTSDuration: $securityHSTSDuration,
- securityCSP: $securityCSP,
- securityCSPDirectives: $securityCSPDirectives
- ) {
- responseResult {
- succeeded
- errorCode
- slug
- message
- }
- }
- }
- }
- `,
- variables: {
- authAutoLogin: _.get(this.config, 'authAutoLogin', false),
- authEnforce2FA: _.get(this.config, 'authEnforce2FA', false),
- authHideLocal: _.get(this.config, 'authHideLocal', false),
- authLoginBgUrl: _.get(this.config, 'authLoginBgUrl', ''),
- authJwtAudience: _.get(this.config, 'authJwtAudience', ''),
- authJwtExpiration: _.get(this.config, 'authJwtExpiration', ''),
- authJwtRenewablePeriod: _.get(this.config, 'authJwtRenewablePeriod', ''),
- uploadMaxFileSize: _.toSafeInteger(_.get(this.config, 'uploadMaxFileSize', 0)),
- uploadMaxFiles: _.toSafeInteger(_.get(this.config, 'uploadMaxFiles', 0)),
- uploadScanSVG: _.get(this.config, 'uploadScanSVG', false),
- uploadForceDownload: _.get(this.config, 'uploadForceDownload', false),
- securityOpenRedirect: _.get(this.config, 'securityOpenRedirect', false),
- securityIframe: _.get(this.config, 'securityIframe', false),
- securityReferrerPolicy: _.get(this.config, 'securityReferrerPolicy', false),
- securityTrustProxy: _.get(this.config, 'securityTrustProxy', false),
- securitySRI: _.get(this.config, 'securitySRI', false),
- securityHSTS: _.get(this.config, 'securityHSTS', false),
- securityHSTSDuration: _.get(this.config, 'securityHSTSDuration', 0),
- securityCSP: _.get(this.config, 'securityCSP', false),
- securityCSPDirectives: _.get(this.config, 'securityCSPDirectives', '')
- },
- watchLoading (isLoading) {
- this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'admin-site-update')
- }
- })
- this.$store.commit('showNotification', {
- style: 'success',
- message: 'Configuration saved successfully.',
- icon: 'check'
- })
- } catch (err) {
- this.$store.commit('pushGraphError', err)
- }
- },
- browseLoginBg () {
- this.$store.set('editor/editorKey', 'common')
- this.activeModal = 'editorModalMedia'
- }
- },
- mounted () {
- this.$root.$on('editorInsert', opts => {
- this.config.authLoginBgUrl = opts.path
- })
- },
- beforeDestroy() {
- this.$root.$off('editorInsert')
- },
- apollo: {
- config: {
- query: gql`
- {
- site {
- config {
- authAutoLogin
- authEnforce2FA
- authHideLocal
- authLoginBgUrl
- authJwtAudience
- authJwtExpiration
- authJwtRenewablePeriod
- uploadMaxFileSize
- uploadMaxFiles
- uploadScanSVG
- uploadForceDownload
- securityOpenRedirect
- securityIframe
- securityReferrerPolicy
- securityTrustProxy
- securitySRI
- securityHSTS
- securityHSTSDuration
- securityCSP
- securityCSPDirectives
- }
- }
- }
- `,
- fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
- update: (data) => _.cloneDeep(data.site.config),
- watchLoading (isLoading) {
- this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'admin-security-refresh')
- }
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <style lang='scss'>
- </style>