Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js

Nicolas Giard 85243e5284 docs: Update 1 неделя назад
.devcontainer a90dc8d5b5 misc: add support for VSCode remote development (#1533) 5 лет назад
.github 55a63a3c5a ci: fix docker manifest typo 5 месяцев назад
.vscode 2d4cbb07c0 misc: i18n-ally config 3 лет назад
client f54551ee69 fix: page pagination in tags component (#7061) 10 месяцев назад
dev 94d253bf59 chore(helm): add support for securityContext and resources in sideload container (#7350) 3 месяцев назад
patches 3855d2c853 fix: add node 18 + 20 compatibility 1 год назад
server 403e98dced feat: add git always namespace option 2 недель назад
.babelrc a72a7b1cdf fix: disable code block line break + copy button 5 лет назад
.editorconfig 72253f9cb5 fix: root admin access deny bug + patreon link 6 лет назад
.eslintignore 392cbe9388 refactor: dev optimizations + improvements 7 лет назад
.eslintrc.yml b2f292cc39 fix: MSSQL migration 2.5.1 4 лет назад
.gitattributes e1f8bf59f5 fix: sidebar display 5 лет назад
.gitignore fd0335c613 fix: login dialog dark mode 5 лет назад
.npmrc 7f955707b7 chore: updated dependencies 7 лет назад
.nvmrc 3855d2c853 fix: add node 18 + 20 compatibility 1 год назад
LICENSE 5bec7ff5c5 Initial commit 8 лет назад c7c20579fd docs: Update 3 месяцев назад 85243e5284 docs: Update 1 неделя назад
config.sample.yml 2815f38c52 feat(logging): add option to configure JSON logging (#5022) 3 лет назад
cypress.json 74aa7d7d65 fix: cypress crash on CI 4 лет назад
package.json 7757de3af7 feat: add elasticsearch 8.x support (#6904) 4 месяцев назад
yarn.lock ab5c620d50 chore: update yarn lock 4 месяцев назад

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Gold Tier Sponsors

GitHub Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your name will show up in the Contribute page of all Wiki.js installations as well as here with a link to your website! [Become a sponsor]

Alexander Casassovici
Jay Daley
- Akira Suenami ([@a-suenami]( - Armin Reiter ([@arminreiter]( - Arnaud Marchand ([@snuids]( - Brian Douglass ([@bhdouglass]( - Bryon Vandiver ([@asterick]( - Cameron Steele ([@ATechAdventurer]( - Charlie Schliesser ([@charlie-s]( - Cloud Data Hosting LLC ([@CloudDataHostingLLC]( - Cole Manning ([@RVRX]( - CrazyMarvin ([@CrazyMarvin]( - Daniel Horner ([@danhorner]( - David Christian Holin ([@SirGibihm]( - Dragan Espenschied ([@despens]( - Elijah Zobenko ([@he110]( - Emerson-Perna ([@Emerson-Perna]( - Ernie ([@iamernie]( - Fabio Ferrari ([@devxops]( - Finsa S.p.A. ([@finsaspa]( - Florian Moss ([@florianmoss]( - GoodCorporateCitizen ([@GoodCorporateCitizen]( - HeavenBay ([@HeavenBay]( - HikaruEgashira ([@HikaruEgashira]( - Ian Hyzy ([@ianhyzy]( - Jaimyn Mayer ([@jabelone]( - Jay Lee ([@polyglotm]( - Kelly Wardrop ([@dropcoded]( - Loki ([@binaryloki]( - MaFarine ([@MaFarine]( - Marcilio Leite Neto ([@marclneto]( - Mattias Johnson ([@mattiasJohnson]( - Max Ricketts-Uy ([@MaxRickettsUy]( - Mickael Asseline ([@PAPAMICA]( - Mitchell Rowton ([@mrowton]( - M. Scott Ford ([@mscottford]( - Nick Halase ([@nhalase]( - Nick Price ([@DominoTree]( - Nina Reynolds ([@cutecycle]( - Noel Cower ([@nilium]( - Oleksandr Koltsov ([@crambo]( - Phi Zeroth ([@phizeroth]( - Philipp Schmitt ([@pschmitt]( - Robert Lanzke ([@winkelement]( - Ruizhe Li ([@liruizhe1995]( - Sam Martin ([@ABitMoreDepth]( - Sean Coffey ([@seanecoffey]( - Simon Ott ([@ottsimon]( - Stephan Kristyn ([@stevek-pro]( - Theodore Chu ([@TheodoreChu]( - Tim Elmer ([@tim-elmer]( - Tyler Denman ([@tylerguy]( - Victor Bilgin ([@vbilgin]( - VMO Solutions ([@vmosolutions]( - YazMogg35 ([@YazMogg35]( - Yu Yongwoo ([@uyu423]( - ameyrakheja ([@ameyrakheja]( - aniketpanjwani ([@aniketpanjwani]( - aytaa ([@aytaa]( - cesar ([@cesarnr21]( - chaee ([@chaee]( - lwileczek ([@lwileczek]( - magicpotato ([@fortheday]( - motoacs ([@motoacs]( - muzian666 ([@muzian666]( - rburckner ([@rburckner]( - scorpion ([@scorpion]( - valantien ([@valantien](

OpenCollective Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up in the Contribute page of all Wiki.js installations as well as here with a link to your website! [Become a sponsor]

Patreon Backers

Thank you to all our patrons! 🙏 [Become a patron]

- Aeternum - Al Romano - Alex Balabanov - Alex Milanov - Alex Zen - Arti Zirk - Ave - Brandon Curtis - Damien Hottelier - Daniel T. Holtzclaw - Dave 'Sri' Seah - djagoo - dz - Douglas Lassance - Ergoflix - Ernie Reid - Etienne - Flemis Jurgenheimer - Florent - Günter Pavlas - hong - Hope - Ian - Imari Childress - Iskander Callos - Josh Stewart - Justin Dunsworth - Keir - Loïc CRAMPON - Ludgeir Ibanez - Lyn Matten - Mads Rosendahl - Mark Mansur - Matt Gedigian - Mike Ditton - Nate Figz - Patryk - Paul O'Fallon - Philipp Schürch - Tracey Duffy - Quaxim - Richeir - Sergio Navarro Fernández - Shad Narcher - ShadowVoyd - - Stepan Sokolovskyi - Zach Crawford - Zach Maynard - 张白驹

OpenCollective Backers

Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].

Special Thanks

Browserstack for providing access to their great cross-browser testing tools.

Cloudflare for providing their great CDN, SSL and advanced networking services.

DigitalOcean for providing hosting of the Wiki.js documentation site and APIs.

Icons8 for providing access to their beautiful icon sets.

Localazy for providing access to their great localization service.

Lokalise for providing access to their great localization tool.

MacStadium for providing access to their Mac hardware in the cloud.

Netlify for providing hosting for our website.

ngrok for providing access to their great HTTP tunneling services.

Porkbun for providing domain registration services.