import { Model } from 'objection' import { differenceWith, dropRight, last, nth } from 'lodash-es' import { decodeFolderPath, decodeTreePath, encodeFolderPath, encodeTreePath, generateHash } from '../helpers/common.mjs' import { Site } from './sites.mjs' const rePathName = /^[a-z0-9-]+$/ const reTitle = /^[^<>"]+$/ /** * Tree model */ export class Tree extends Model { static get tableName () { return 'tree' } static get jsonSchema () { return { type: 'object', required: ['fileName'], properties: { id: { type: 'string' }, folderPath: { type: 'string' }, fileName: { type: 'string' }, type: { type: 'string' }, title: { type: 'string' }, createdAt: { type: 'string' }, updatedAt: { type: 'string' } } } } static get jsonAttributes () { return ['meta'] } static get relationMappings () { return { site: { relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation, modelClass: Site, join: { from: 'tree.siteId', to: '' } } } } $beforeUpdate () { this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString() } $beforeInsert () { this.createdAt = new Date().toISOString() this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString() } /** * Get a Folder * * @param {Object} args - Fetch Properties * @param {string} [] - UUID of the folder * @param {string} [args.path] - Path of the folder * @param {string} [args.locale] - Locale code of the folder (when using path) * @param {string} [args.siteId] - UUID of the site in which the folder is (when using path) * @param {boolean} [args.createIfMissing] - Create the folder and its ancestor if it's missing (when using path) */ static async getFolder ({ id, path, locale, siteId, createIfMissing = false }) { // Get by ID if (id) { const parent = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id', id).first() if (!parent) { throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_FOLDER') } return parent } else { // Get by path const parentPath = encodeTreePath(path) const parentPathParts = parentPath.split('.') const parentFilter = { folderPath: encodeFolderPath(dropRight(parentPathParts).join('.')), fileName: last(parentPathParts) } const parent = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where({ ...parentFilter, type: 'folder', locale, siteId }).first() if (parent) { return parent } else if (createIfMissing) { return WIKI.db.tree.createFolder({ parentPath: parentFilter.folderPath, pathName: parentFilter.fileName, title: parentFilter.fileName, locale, siteId }) } else { throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_FOLDER') } } } /** * Add Page Entry * * @param {Object} args - New Page Properties * @param {string} [args.parentId] - UUID of the parent folder * @param {string} [args.parentPath] - Path of the parent folder * @param {string} args.pathName - Path name of the page to add * @param {string} args.title - Title of the page to add * @param {string} args.locale - Locale code of the page to add * @param {string} args.siteId - UUID of the site in which the page will be added * @param {string[]} [args.tags] - Tags of the assets * @param {Object} [args.meta] - Extra metadata */ static async addPage ({ id, parentId, parentPath, fileName, title, locale, siteId, tags = [], meta = {} }) { const folder = (parentId || parentPath) ? await WIKI.db.tree.getFolder({ id: parentId, path: parentPath, locale, siteId, createIfMissing: true }) : { folderPath: '', fileName: '' } const folderPath = folder.folderPath ? `${folder.folderPath}.${folder.fileName}` : folder.fileName const fullPath = folderPath ? `${folderPath}/${fileName}` : fileName WIKI.logger.debug(`Adding page ${fullPath} to tree...`) const pageEntry = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').insert({ id, folderPath: encodeFolderPath(folderPath), fileName, type: 'page', title, hash: generateHash(fullPath), locale, siteId, tags, meta, navigationId: siteId }).returning('*') return pageEntry[0] } /** * Add Asset Entry * * @param {Object} args - New Asset Properties * @param {string} [args.parentId] - UUID of the parent folder * @param {string} [args.parentPath] - Path of the parent folder * @param {string} args.pathName - Path name of the asset to add * @param {string} args.title - Title of the asset to add * @param {string} args.locale - Locale code of the asset to add * @param {string} args.siteId - UUID of the site in which the asset will be added * @param {string[]} [args.tags] - Tags of the assets * @param {Object} [args.meta] - Extra metadata */ static async addAsset ({ id, parentId, parentPath, fileName, title, locale, siteId, tags = [], meta = {} }) { const folder = (parentId || parentPath) ? await WIKI.db.tree.getFolder({ id: parentId, path: parentPath, locale, siteId, createIfMissing: true }) : { folderPath: '', fileName: '' } const folderPath = folder.folderPath ? `${folder.folderPath}.${folder.fileName}` : folder.fileName const fullPath = folderPath ? `${folderPath}/${fileName}` : fileName WIKI.logger.debug(`Adding asset ${fullPath} to tree...`) const assetEntry = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').insert({ id, folderPath: encodeFolderPath(folderPath), fileName, type: 'asset', title, hash: generateHash(fullPath), locale, siteId, tags, meta }).returning('*') return assetEntry[0] } /** * Create New Folder * * @param {Object} args - New Folder Properties * @param {string} [args.parentId] - UUID of the parent folder * @param {string} [args.parentPath] - Path of the parent folder * @param {string} args.pathName - Path name of the folder to create * @param {string} args.title - Title of the folder to create * @param {string} args.locale - Locale code of the folder to create * @param {string} args.siteId - UUID of the site in which the folder will be created */ static async createFolder ({ parentId, parentPath, pathName, title, locale, siteId }) { // Validate path name if (!rePathName.test(pathName)) { throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_PATH') } // Validate title if (!reTitle.test(title)) { throw new Error('ERR_FOLDER_TITLE_INVALID') } parentPath = encodeTreePath(parentPath) WIKI.logger.debug(`Creating new folder ${pathName}...`) const parentPathParts = parentPath.split('.') const parentFilter = { folderPath: encodeFolderPath(dropRight(parentPathParts).join('.')), fileName: last(parentPathParts) } // Get parent path let parent = null if (parentId) { parent = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id', parentId).first() if (!parent) { throw new Error('ERR_FOLDER_PARENT_INVALID') } parentPath = parent.folderPath ? `${decodeFolderPath(parent.folderPath)}.${parent.fileName}` : parent.fileName } else if (parentPath) { parent = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where(parentFilter).first() } else { parentPath = '' } // Check for collision const existingFolder = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').select('id').where({ siteId, locale, folderPath: encodeFolderPath(parentPath), fileName: pathName, type: 'folder' }).first() if (existingFolder) { throw new Error('ERR_FOLDER_DUPLICATE') } // Ensure all ancestors exist if (parentPath) { const expectedAncestors = [] const existingAncestors = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').select('folderPath', 'fileName').where(builder => { const parentPathParts = parentPath.split('.') for (let i = 1; i <= parentPathParts.length; i++) { const ancestor = { folderPath: encodeFolderPath(dropRight(parentPathParts, i).join('.')), fileName: nth(parentPathParts, i * -1) } expectedAncestors.push(ancestor) builder.orWhere({ ...ancestor, type: 'folder' }) } }) for (const ancestor of differenceWith(expectedAncestors, existingAncestors, (expAnc, exsAnc) => expAnc.folderPath === exsAnc.folderPath && expAnc.fileName === exsAnc.fileName)) { WIKI.logger.debug(`Creating missing parent folder ${ancestor.fileName} at path /${ancestor.folderPath}...`) const newAncestorFullPath = ancestor.folderPath ? `${decodeTreePath(ancestor.folderPath)}/${ancestor.fileName}` : ancestor.fileName const newAncestor = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').insert({ ...ancestor, type: 'folder', title: ancestor.fileName, hash: generateHash(newAncestorFullPath), locale, siteId, meta: { children: 1 } }).returning('*') // Parent didn't exist until now, assign it if (!parent && ancestor.folderPath === parentFilter.folderPath && ancestor.fileName === parentFilter.fileName) { parent = newAncestor[0] } } } // Create folder const fullPath = parentPath ? `${decodeTreePath(parentPath)}/${pathName}` : pathName const folder = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').insert({ folderPath: encodeFolderPath(parentPath), fileName: pathName, type: 'folder', title, hash: generateHash(fullPath), locale, siteId, meta: { children: 0 } }).returning('*') // Update parent ancestor count if (parent) { await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id',{ meta: { ...(parent.meta ?? {}), children: (parent.meta?.children || 0) + 1 } }) } WIKI.logger.debug(`Created folder ${folder[0].id} successfully.`) return folder[0] } /** * Rename a folder * * @param {Object} args - Rename Folder Properties * @param {string} args.folderId - UUID of the folder to rename * @param {string} args.pathName - New path name of the folder * @param {string} args.title - New title of the folder */ static async renameFolder ({ folderId, pathName, title }) { // Get folder const folder = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id', folderId).first() if (!folder) { throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_FOLDER') } // Validate path name if (!rePathName.test(pathName)) { throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_PATH') } // Validate title if (!reTitle.test(title)) { throw new Error('ERR_FOLDER_TITLE_INVALID') } WIKI.logger.debug(`Renaming folder ${} path to ${pathName}...`) if (pathName !== folder.fileName) { // Check for collision const existingFolder = await WIKI.db.knex('tree') .whereNot('id', .andWhere({ siteId: folder.siteId, folderPath: folder.folderPath, fileName: pathName, type: 'folder' }).first() if (existingFolder) { throw new Error('ERR_FOLDER_DUPLICATE') } // Build new paths const oldFolderPath = encodeFolderPath(folder.folderPath ? `${folder.folderPath}.${folder.fileName}` : folder.fileName) const newFolderPath = encodeFolderPath(folder.folderPath ? `${folder.folderPath}.${pathName}` : pathName) // Update children nodes WIKI.logger.debug(`Updating parent path of children nodes from ${oldFolderPath} to ${newFolderPath} ...`) await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('siteId', folder.siteId).andWhere('folderPath', oldFolderPath).update({ folderPath: newFolderPath }) await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('siteId', folder.siteId).andWhere('folderPath', '<@', oldFolderPath).update({ folderPath: WIKI.db.knex.raw(`'${newFolderPath}' || subpath(tree."folderPath", nlevel('${newFolderPath}'))`) }) // Rename the folder itself const fullPath = folder.folderPath ? `${decodeFolderPath(folder.folderPath)}/${pathName}` : pathName await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id',{ fileName: pathName, title, hash: generateHash(fullPath) }) } else { // Update the folder title only await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id',{ title }) } WIKI.logger.debug(`Renamed folder ${} successfully.`) } /** * Delete a folder * * @param {String} folderId Folder ID */ static async deleteFolder (folderId) { // Get folder const folder = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id', folderId).first() if (!folder) { throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_FOLDER') } const folderPath = folder.folderPath ? `${folder.folderPath}.${folder.fileName}` : folder.fileName WIKI.logger.debug(`Deleting folder ${} at path ${folderPath}...`) // Delete all children const deletedNodes = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('folderPath', '<@', encodeFolderPath(folderPath)).del().returning(['id', 'type']) // Delete folders const deletedFolders = deletedNodes.filter(n => n.type === 'folder').map(n => if (deletedFolders.length > 0) { WIKI.logger.debug(`Deleted ${deletedFolders.length} children folders.`) } // Delete pages const deletedPages = deletedNodes.filter(n => n.type === 'page').map(n => if (deletedPages.length > 0) { WIKI.logger.debug(`Deleting ${deletedPages.length} children pages...`) // TODO: Delete page } // Delete assets const deletedAssets = deletedNodes.filter(n => n.type === 'asset').map(n => if (deletedAssets.length > 0) { WIKI.logger.debug(`Deleting ${deletedPages.length} children assets...`) // TODO: Delete asset } // Delete the folder itself await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id', // Update parent children count if (folder.folderPath) { const parentPathParts = folder.folderPath.split('.') const parent = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where({ folderPath: encodeFolderPath(dropRight(parentPathParts).join('.')), fileName: last(parentPathParts) }).first() await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id',{ meta: { ...(parent.meta ?? {}), children: (parent.meta?.children || 1) - 1 } }) } WIKI.logger.debug(`Deleted folder ${} successfully.`) } }