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  6. * Copyright 2018-2022 The Tabler Authors
  7. * Copyright 2018-2022 codecalm.net Paweł Kuna
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  87. Change deprecated html tags to text decoration classes (#29604)
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  104. justify-content:between ⇒ justify-content:space-between (#29734)
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  121. Update change-version.js (#29736)
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  138. Regenerate package-lock.json (#29730)
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  918. <div class="d-flex mb-3">
  919. <h1 class="m-0">Flags</h1>
  920. </div>
  921. <p class="h3 fw-normal mb-4 text-muted">Thanks to the Tabler flags plug-in, you can create flags to visually represent countries or languages. Flags are often used in forms, as an element of a delivery address, phone number dialling code and many more.</p>
  922. <div class="alert alert-info mb-5">
  923. <h3>Installation</h3>
  924. <p>This part of Tabler is distributed as plugin. To enable it you should include <code>tabler-flags.css</code> or <code>tabler-flags.min.css</code> file to your page.</p>
  925. <p>You can also include plugin via CDN:</p>
  926. <figure class="highlight">
  927. <pre><code class="language-html" data-lang="html"><span class="nt">&lt;link</span> <span class="na">rel=</span><span class="s">"stylesheet"</span> <span class="na">href=</span><span class="s">"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tabler/core@1.0.0-beta14/dist/css/tabler-flags.min.css"</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span></code></pre>
  928. </figure>
  929. </div>
  930. </div>
  931. <h2 id="flag">Flag</h2>
  932. <p>To create a flag, add the <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">flag</code> class to a component and choose the country whose flag you want to use. The full list of countries can be found below.</p>
  933. <div class="example no_toc_section">
  934. <div class="example-content">
  935. <span class="flag flag-country-tg me-1"></span>
  936. <span class="flag flag-country-br me-1"></span>
  937. <span class="flag flag-country-pt"></span>
  938. </div>
  939. </div>
  940. <div class="example-code">
  941. <figure class="highlight">
  942. <pre><code class="language-html" data-lang="html"><span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-country-tg me-1"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span>
  943. <span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-country-br me-1"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span>
  944. <span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-country-pt"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span></code></pre>
  945. </figure>
  946. </div>
  947. <h2 id="flag-sizes">Flag sizes</h2>
  948. <p>Using Bootstrap’s typical naming structure, you can create a standard flag, or scale it up or down to different sizes based on what’s needed.</p>
  949. <div class="example no_toc_section">
  950. <div class="example-content">
  951. <span class="flag flag-xl flag-country-pl me-1"></span>
  952. <span class="flag flag-lg flag-country-pl me-1"></span>
  953. <span class="flag flag-md flag-country-pl"></span>
  954. <span class="flag flag-sm flag-country-pl me-1"></span>
  955. <span class="flag flag-xs flag-country-pl me-1"></span>
  956. </div>
  957. </div>
  958. <div class="example-code">
  959. <figure class="highlight">
  960. <pre><code class="language-html" data-lang="html"><span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-xl flag-country-pl me-1"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span>
  961. <span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-lg flag-country-pl me-1"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span>
  962. <span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-md flag-country-pl"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span>
  963. <span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-sm flag-country-pl me-1"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span>
  964. <span class="nt">&lt;span</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"flag flag-xs flag-country-pl me-1"</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</span></code></pre>
  965. </figure>
  966. </div>
  967. <h2 id="types">Types</h2>
  968. <p>To use the flag of a particular country, add the <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">flag-country-(country name)</code> class. For example, to create a flag of Andorra should use the following class: <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">.flag-country-ad</code>.</p>
  969. <table>
  970. <tr>
  971. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ad"></span>
  972. </td>
  973. <td><code>ad</code></td>
  974. <td>Andorra</td>
  975. </tr>
  976. <tr>
  977. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ae"></span>
  978. </td>
  979. <td><code>ae</code></td>
  980. <td>United Arab Emirates</td>
  981. </tr>
  982. <tr>
  983. <td><span class="flag flag-country-af"></span>
  984. </td>
  985. <td><code>af</code></td>
  986. <td>Afghanistan</td>
  987. </tr>
  988. <tr>
  989. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ag"></span>
  990. </td>
  991. <td><code>ag</code></td>
  992. <td>Antigua</td>
  993. </tr>
  994. <tr>
  995. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ai"></span>
  996. </td>
  997. <td><code>ai</code></td>
  998. <td>Anguilla</td>
  999. </tr>
  1000. <tr>
  1001. <td><span class="flag flag-country-am"></span>
  1002. </td>
  1003. <td><code>am</code></td>
  1004. <td>Armenia</td>
  1005. </tr>
  1006. <tr>
  1007. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ao"></span>
  1008. </td>
  1009. <td><code>ao</code></td>
  1010. <td>Angolan</td>
  1011. </tr>
  1012. <tr>
  1013. <td><span class="flag flag-country-aq"></span>
  1014. </td>
  1015. <td><code>aq</code></td>
  1016. <td>Antarctica</td>
  1017. </tr>
  1018. <tr>
  1019. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ar"></span>
  1020. </td>
  1021. <td><code>ar</code></td>
  1022. <td>Argentina</td>
  1023. </tr>
  1024. <tr>
  1025. <td><span class="flag flag-country-as"></span>
  1026. </td>
  1027. <td><code>as</code></td>
  1028. <td>American Samoa</td>
  1029. </tr>
  1030. <tr>
  1031. <td><span class="flag flag-country-at"></span>
  1032. </td>
  1033. <td><code>at</code></td>
  1034. <td>Austria</td>
  1035. </tr>
  1036. <tr>
  1037. <td><span class="flag flag-country-au"></span>
  1038. </td>
  1039. <td><code>au</code></td>
  1040. <td>Australia</td>
  1041. </tr>
  1042. <tr>
  1043. <td><span class="flag flag-country-aw"></span>
  1044. </td>
  1045. <td><code>aw</code></td>
  1046. <td>Aruba</td>
  1047. </tr>
  1048. <tr>
  1049. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ax"></span>
  1050. </td>
  1051. <td><code>ax</code></td>
  1052. <td>Aslan Islands</td>
  1053. </tr>
  1054. <tr>
  1055. <td><span class="flag flag-country-az"></span>
  1056. </td>
  1057. <td><code>az</code></td>
  1058. <td>Azerbaijan</td>
  1059. </tr>
  1060. <tr>
  1061. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ba"></span>
  1062. </td>
  1063. <td><code>ba</code></td>
  1064. <td>Bosnian</td>
  1065. </tr>
  1066. <tr>
  1067. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bb"></span>
  1068. </td>
  1069. <td><code>bb</code></td>
  1070. <td>Barbados</td>
  1071. </tr>
  1072. <tr>
  1073. <td><span class="flag flag-country-be"></span>
  1074. </td>
  1075. <td><code>be</code></td>
  1076. <td>Belgium</td>
  1077. </tr>
  1078. <tr>
  1079. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bf"></span>
  1080. </td>
  1081. <td><code>bf</code></td>
  1082. <td>Burkina Faso</td>
  1083. </tr>
  1084. <tr>
  1085. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bg"></span>
  1086. </td>
  1087. <td><code>bg</code></td>
  1088. <td>Bulgaria</td>
  1089. </tr>
  1090. <tr>
  1091. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bh"></span>
  1092. </td>
  1093. <td><code>bh</code></td>
  1094. <td>Bahrain</td>
  1095. </tr>
  1096. <tr>
  1097. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bi"></span>
  1098. </td>
  1099. <td><code>bi</code></td>
  1100. <td>Burundi</td>
  1101. </tr>
  1102. <tr>
  1103. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bj"></span>
  1104. </td>
  1105. <td><code>bj</code></td>
  1106. <td>Benin</td>
  1107. </tr>
  1108. <tr>
  1109. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bl"></span>
  1110. </td>
  1111. <td><code>bl</code></td>
  1112. <td>Saint-Barthélemy</td>
  1113. </tr>
  1114. <tr>
  1115. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bm"></span>
  1116. </td>
  1117. <td><code>bm</code></td>
  1118. <td>Bermuda</td>
  1119. </tr>
  1120. <tr>
  1121. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bn"></span>
  1122. </td>
  1123. <td><code>bn</code></td>
  1124. <td>Bruneian</td>
  1125. </tr>
  1126. <tr>
  1127. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bo"></span>
  1128. </td>
  1129. <td><code>bo</code></td>
  1130. <td>Bolivia</td>
  1131. </tr>
  1132. <tr>
  1133. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bq"></span>
  1134. </td>
  1135. <td><code>bq</code></td>
  1136. <td>Bonaire</td>
  1137. </tr>
  1138. <tr>
  1139. <td><span class="flag flag-country-br"></span>
  1140. </td>
  1141. <td><code>br</code></td>
  1142. <td>Brazil</td>
  1143. </tr>
  1144. <tr>
  1145. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bs"></span>
  1146. </td>
  1147. <td><code>bs</code></td>
  1148. <td>Bahamas</td>
  1149. </tr>
  1150. <tr>
  1151. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bt"></span>
  1152. </td>
  1153. <td><code>bt</code></td>
  1154. <td>Bhutan</td>
  1155. </tr>
  1156. <tr>
  1157. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bv"></span>
  1158. </td>
  1159. <td><code>bv</code></td>
  1160. <td>Bouvet Island</td>
  1161. </tr>
  1162. <tr>
  1163. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bw"></span>
  1164. </td>
  1165. <td><code>bw</code></td>
  1166. <td>Batswana</td>
  1167. </tr>
  1168. <tr>
  1169. <td><span class="flag flag-country-by"></span>
  1170. </td>
  1171. <td><code>by</code></td>
  1172. <td>Belarus</td>
  1173. </tr>
  1174. <tr>
  1175. <td><span class="flag flag-country-bz"></span>
  1176. </td>
  1177. <td><code>bz</code></td>
  1178. <td>Belize</td>
  1179. </tr>
  1180. <tr>
  1181. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ca"></span>
  1182. </td>
  1183. <td><code>ca</code></td>
  1184. <td>Canada</td>
  1185. </tr>
  1186. <tr>
  1187. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cc"></span>
  1188. </td>
  1189. <td><code>cc</code></td>
  1190. <td>Cocos Island</td>
  1191. </tr>
  1192. <tr>
  1193. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cd"></span>
  1194. </td>
  1195. <td><code>cd</code></td>
  1196. <td>Democratic Republic of Congo</td>
  1197. </tr>
  1198. <tr>
  1199. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cf"></span>
  1200. </td>
  1201. <td><code>cf</code></td>
  1202. <td>Central African Republic</td>
  1203. </tr>
  1204. <tr>
  1205. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cg"></span>
  1206. </td>
  1207. <td><code>cg</code></td>
  1208. <td>Republic of the Congo</td>
  1209. </tr>
  1210. <tr>
  1211. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ch"></span>
  1212. </td>
  1213. <td><code>ch</code></td>
  1214. <td>Switzerland</td>
  1215. </tr>
  1216. <tr>
  1217. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ci"></span>
  1218. </td>
  1219. <td><code>ci</code></td>
  1220. <td>Ivory Coast</td>
  1221. </tr>
  1222. <tr>
  1223. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ck"></span>
  1224. </td>
  1225. <td><code>ck</code></td>
  1226. <td>Cook Island</td>
  1227. </tr>
  1228. <tr>
  1229. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cl"></span>
  1230. </td>
  1231. <td><code>cl</code></td>
  1232. <td>Chile</td>
  1233. </tr>
  1234. <tr>
  1235. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cm"></span>
  1236. </td>
  1237. <td><code>cm</code></td>
  1238. <td>Cameroon</td>
  1239. </tr>
  1240. <tr>
  1241. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cn"></span>
  1242. </td>
  1243. <td><code>cn</code></td>
  1244. <td>China</td>
  1245. </tr>
  1246. <tr>
  1247. <td><span class="flag flag-country-co"></span>
  1248. </td>
  1249. <td><code>co</code></td>
  1250. <td>Colombia</td>
  1251. </tr>
  1252. <tr>
  1253. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cr"></span>
  1254. </td>
  1255. <td><code>cr</code></td>
  1256. <td>Costa Rica</td>
  1257. </tr>
  1258. <tr>
  1259. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cu"></span>
  1260. </td>
  1261. <td><code>cu</code></td>
  1262. <td>Cuba</td>
  1263. </tr>
  1264. <tr>
  1265. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cv"></span>
  1266. </td>
  1267. <td><code>cv</code></td>
  1268. <td>Cape Verde</td>
  1269. </tr>
  1270. <tr>
  1271. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cw"></span>
  1272. </td>
  1273. <td><code>cw</code></td>
  1274. <td>Curacao</td>
  1275. </tr>
  1276. <tr>
  1277. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cx"></span>
  1278. </td>
  1279. <td><code>cx</code></td>
  1280. <td>Christmas Island</td>
  1281. </tr>
  1282. <tr>
  1283. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cy"></span>
  1284. </td>
  1285. <td><code>cy</code></td>
  1286. <td>Cyprus</td>
  1287. </tr>
  1288. <tr>
  1289. <td><span class="flag flag-country-cz"></span>
  1290. </td>
  1291. <td><code>cz</code></td>
  1292. <td>Czech Republic</td>
  1293. </tr>
  1294. <tr>
  1295. <td><span class="flag flag-country-de"></span>
  1296. </td>
  1297. <td><code>de</code></td>
  1298. <td>Germany</td>
  1299. </tr>
  1300. <tr>
  1301. <td><span class="flag flag-country-dj"></span>
  1302. </td>
  1303. <td><code>dj</code></td>
  1304. <td>Djibouti</td>
  1305. </tr>
  1306. <tr>
  1307. <td><span class="flag flag-country-dk"></span>
  1308. </td>
  1309. <td><code>dk</code></td>
  1310. <td>Denmark</td>
  1311. </tr>
  1312. <tr>
  1313. <td><span class="flag flag-country-dm"></span>
  1314. </td>
  1315. <td><code>dm</code></td>
  1316. <td>Dominica</td>
  1317. </tr>
  1318. <tr>
  1319. <td><span class="flag flag-country-do"></span>
  1320. </td>
  1321. <td><code>do</code></td>
  1322. <td>Dominican Republic</td>
  1323. </tr>
  1324. <tr>
  1325. <td><span class="flag flag-country-dz"></span>
  1326. </td>
  1327. <td><code>dz</code></td>
  1328. <td>Algeria</td>
  1329. </tr>
  1330. <tr>
  1331. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ec"></span>
  1332. </td>
  1333. <td><code>ec</code></td>
  1334. <td>Ecuador</td>
  1335. </tr>
  1336. <tr>
  1337. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ee"></span>
  1338. </td>
  1339. <td><code>ee</code></td>
  1340. <td>Estonia</td>
  1341. </tr>
  1342. <tr>
  1343. <td><span class="flag flag-country-eg"></span>
  1344. </td>
  1345. <td><code>eg</code></td>
  1346. <td>Egypt</td>
  1347. </tr>
  1348. <tr>
  1349. <td><span class="flag flag-country-eh"></span>
  1350. </td>
  1351. <td><code>eh</code></td>
  1352. <td>Sahrawi</td>
  1353. </tr>
  1354. <tr>
  1355. <td><span class="flag flag-country-er"></span>
  1356. </td>
  1357. <td><code>er</code></td>
  1358. <td>Eritrea</td>
  1359. </tr>
  1360. <tr>
  1361. <td><span class="flag flag-country-es"></span>
  1362. </td>
  1363. <td><code>es</code></td>
  1364. <td>Spain</td>
  1365. </tr>
  1366. <tr>
  1367. <td><span class="flag flag-country-es-ct"></span>
  1368. </td>
  1369. <td><code>es-ct</code></td>
  1370. <td>Catalonia</td>
  1371. </tr>
  1372. <tr>
  1373. <td><span class="flag flag-country-et"></span>
  1374. </td>
  1375. <td><code>et</code></td>
  1376. <td>Ethiopia</td>
  1377. </tr>
  1378. <tr>
  1379. <td><span class="flag flag-country-eu"></span>
  1380. </td>
  1381. <td><code>eu</code></td>
  1382. <td>European Union</td>
  1383. </tr>
  1384. <tr>
  1385. <td><span class="flag flag-country-fi"></span>
  1386. </td>
  1387. <td><code>fi</code></td>
  1388. <td>Finland</td>
  1389. </tr>
  1390. <tr>
  1391. <td><span class="flag flag-country-fj"></span>
  1392. </td>
  1393. <td><code>fj</code></td>
  1394. <td>Fiji</td>
  1395. </tr>
  1396. <tr>
  1397. <td><span class="flag flag-country-fk"></span>
  1398. </td>
  1399. <td><code>fk</code></td>
  1400. <td>Falkland Islands</td>
  1401. </tr>
  1402. <tr>
  1403. <td><span class="flag flag-country-fm"></span>
  1404. </td>
  1405. <td><code>fm</code></td>
  1406. <td>Federate States of Micronesia</td>
  1407. </tr>
  1408. <tr>
  1409. <td><span class="flag flag-country-fo"></span>
  1410. </td>
  1411. <td><code>fo</code></td>
  1412. <td>Faroe Islands</td>
  1413. </tr>
  1414. <tr>
  1415. <td><span class="flag flag-country-fr"></span>
  1416. </td>
  1417. <td><code>fr</code></td>
  1418. <td>France</td>
  1419. </tr>
  1420. <tr>
  1421. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ga"></span>
  1422. </td>
  1423. <td><code>ga</code></td>
  1424. <td>Gabon</td>
  1425. </tr>
  1426. <tr>
  1427. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gb"></span>
  1428. </td>
  1429. <td><code>gb</code></td>
  1430. <td>Great Britain</td>
  1431. </tr>
  1432. <tr>
  1433. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gb-eng"></span>
  1434. </td>
  1435. <td><code>gb-eng</code></td>
  1436. <td>England</td>
  1437. </tr>
  1438. <tr>
  1439. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gb-nir"></span>
  1440. </td>
  1441. <td><code>gb-nir</code></td>
  1442. <td>Nothern Ireland</td>
  1443. </tr>
  1444. <tr>
  1445. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gb-sct"></span>
  1446. </td>
  1447. <td><code>gb-sct</code></td>
  1448. <td>Scotland</td>
  1449. </tr>
  1450. <tr>
  1451. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gb-wls"></span>
  1452. </td>
  1453. <td><code>gb-wls</code></td>
  1454. <td>Wales</td>
  1455. </tr>
  1456. <tr>
  1457. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gd"></span>
  1458. </td>
  1459. <td><code>gd</code></td>
  1460. <td>Grenada</td>
  1461. </tr>
  1462. <tr>
  1463. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ge"></span>
  1464. </td>
  1465. <td><code>ge</code></td>
  1466. <td>Georgia</td>
  1467. </tr>
  1468. <tr>
  1469. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gf"></span>
  1470. </td>
  1471. <td><code>gf</code></td>
  1472. <td>Guyana</td>
  1473. </tr>
  1474. <tr>
  1475. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gg"></span>
  1476. </td>
  1477. <td><code>gg</code></td>
  1478. <td>Guernsey</td>
  1479. </tr>
  1480. <tr>
  1481. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gh"></span>
  1482. </td>
  1483. <td><code>gh</code></td>
  1484. <td>Ghana</td>
  1485. </tr>
  1486. <tr>
  1487. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gi"></span>
  1488. </td>
  1489. <td><code>gi</code></td>
  1490. <td>Gibraltar</td>
  1491. </tr>
  1492. <tr>
  1493. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gl"></span>
  1494. </td>
  1495. <td><code>gl</code></td>
  1496. <td>Greenland</td>
  1497. </tr>
  1498. <tr>
  1499. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gm"></span>
  1500. </td>
  1501. <td><code>gm</code></td>
  1502. <td>Gambia</td>
  1503. </tr>
  1504. <tr>
  1505. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gn"></span>
  1506. </td>
  1507. <td><code>gn</code></td>
  1508. <td>Guinea</td>
  1509. </tr>
  1510. <tr>
  1511. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gp"></span>
  1512. </td>
  1513. <td><code>gp</code></td>
  1514. <td>Guadeloupe</td>
  1515. </tr>
  1516. <tr>
  1517. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gq"></span>
  1518. </td>
  1519. <td><code>gq</code></td>
  1520. <td>Equatorial Guinea</td>
  1521. </tr>
  1522. <tr>
  1523. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gr"></span>
  1524. </td>
  1525. <td><code>gr</code></td>
  1526. <td>Greece</td>
  1527. </tr>
  1528. <tr>
  1529. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gs"></span>
  1530. </td>
  1531. <td><code>gs</code></td>
  1532. <td>South Georgia</td>
  1533. </tr>
  1534. <tr>
  1535. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gt"></span>
  1536. </td>
  1537. <td><code>gt</code></td>
  1538. <td>Guatemala</td>
  1539. </tr>
  1540. <tr>
  1541. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gu"></span>
  1542. </td>
  1543. <td><code>gu</code></td>
  1544. <td>Guam</td>
  1545. </tr>
  1546. <tr>
  1547. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gw"></span>
  1548. </td>
  1549. <td><code>gw</code></td>
  1550. <td>Guinea-Bissau</td>
  1551. </tr>
  1552. <tr>
  1553. <td><span class="flag flag-country-gy"></span>
  1554. </td>
  1555. <td><code>gy</code></td>
  1556. <td>Guyana</td>
  1557. </tr>
  1558. <tr>
  1559. <td><span class="flag flag-country-hk"></span>
  1560. </td>
  1561. <td><code>hk</code></td>
  1562. <td>Hong Kong</td>
  1563. </tr>
  1564. <tr>
  1565. <td><span class="flag flag-country-hm"></span>
  1566. </td>
  1567. <td><code>hm</code></td>
  1568. <td>Heard and McDonald Islands</td>
  1569. </tr>
  1570. <tr>
  1571. <td><span class="flag flag-country-hn"></span>
  1572. </td>
  1573. <td><code>hn</code></td>
  1574. <td>Honduras</td>
  1575. </tr>
  1576. <tr>
  1577. <td><span class="flag flag-country-hr"></span>
  1578. </td>
  1579. <td><code>hr</code></td>
  1580. <td>Croatia</td>
  1581. </tr>
  1582. <tr>
  1583. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ht"></span>
  1584. </td>
  1585. <td><code>ht</code></td>
  1586. <td>Haiti</td>
  1587. </tr>
  1588. <tr>
  1589. <td><span class="flag flag-country-hu"></span>
  1590. </td>
  1591. <td><code>hu</code></td>
  1592. <td>Hungary</td>
  1593. </tr>
  1594. <tr>
  1595. <td><span class="flag flag-country-id"></span>
  1596. </td>
  1597. <td><code>id</code></td>
  1598. <td>Indonesia</td>
  1599. </tr>
  1600. <tr>
  1601. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ie"></span>
  1602. </td>
  1603. <td><code>ie</code></td>
  1604. <td>Ireland</td>
  1605. </tr>
  1606. <tr>
  1607. <td><span class="flag flag-country-il"></span>
  1608. </td>
  1609. <td><code>il</code></td>
  1610. <td>Israel</td>
  1611. </tr>
  1612. <tr>
  1613. <td><span class="flag flag-country-im"></span>
  1614. </td>
  1615. <td><code>im</code></td>
  1616. <td>Isle of Man</td>
  1617. </tr>
  1618. <tr>
  1619. <td><span class="flag flag-country-in"></span>
  1620. </td>
  1621. <td><code>in</code></td>
  1622. <td>India</td>
  1623. </tr>
  1624. <tr>
  1625. <td><span class="flag flag-country-io"></span>
  1626. </td>
  1627. <td><code>io</code></td>
  1628. <td>British Indian Ocean Territory</td>
  1629. </tr>
  1630. <tr>
  1631. <td><span class="flag flag-country-iq"></span>
  1632. </td>
  1633. <td><code>iq</code></td>
  1634. <td>Iraq</td>
  1635. </tr>
  1636. <tr>
  1637. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ir"></span>
  1638. </td>
  1639. <td><code>ir</code></td>
  1640. <td>Iran</td>
  1641. </tr>
  1642. <tr>
  1643. <td><span class="flag flag-country-is"></span>
  1644. </td>
  1645. <td><code>is</code></td>
  1646. <td>Iceland</td>
  1647. </tr>
  1648. <tr>
  1649. <td><span class="flag flag-country-it"></span>
  1650. </td>
  1651. <td><code>it</code></td>
  1652. <td>Italy</td>
  1653. </tr>
  1654. <tr>
  1655. <td><span class="flag flag-country-je"></span>
  1656. </td>
  1657. <td><code>je</code></td>
  1658. <td>Jersey</td>
  1659. </tr>
  1660. <tr>
  1661. <td><span class="flag flag-country-jm"></span>
  1662. </td>
  1663. <td><code>jm</code></td>
  1664. <td>Jamaica</td>
  1665. </tr>
  1666. <tr>
  1667. <td><span class="flag flag-country-jo"></span>
  1668. </td>
  1669. <td><code>jo</code></td>
  1670. <td>Jordan</td>
  1671. </tr>
  1672. <tr>
  1673. <td><span class="flag flag-country-jp"></span>
  1674. </td>
  1675. <td><code>jp</code></td>
  1676. <td>Japan</td>
  1677. </tr>
  1678. <tr>
  1679. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ke"></span>
  1680. </td>
  1681. <td><code>ke</code></td>
  1682. <td>Kenya</td>
  1683. </tr>
  1684. <tr>
  1685. <td><span class="flag flag-country-kg"></span>
  1686. </td>
  1687. <td><code>kg</code></td>
  1688. <td>Kyrgyzstan</td>
  1689. </tr>
  1690. <tr>
  1691. <td><span class="flag flag-country-kh"></span>
  1692. </td>
  1693. <td><code>kh</code></td>
  1694. <td>Cambodia</td>
  1695. </tr>
  1696. <tr>
  1697. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ki"></span>
  1698. </td>
  1699. <td><code>ki</code></td>
  1700. <td>Kiribati</td>
  1701. </tr>
  1702. <tr>
  1703. <td><span class="flag flag-country-km"></span>
  1704. </td>
  1705. <td><code>km</code></td>
  1706. <td>Comoros</td>
  1707. </tr>
  1708. <tr>
  1709. <td><span class="flag flag-country-kn"></span>
  1710. </td>
  1711. <td><code>kn</code></td>
  1712. <td>Saint Kitts and Nevis</td>
  1713. </tr>
  1714. <tr>
  1715. <td><span class="flag flag-country-kp"></span>
  1716. </td>
  1717. <td><code>kp</code></td>
  1718. <td>North Korea</td>
  1719. </tr>
  1720. <tr>
  1721. <td><span class="flag flag-country-kr"></span>
  1722. </td>
  1723. <td><code>kr</code></td>
  1724. <td>South Korea</td>
  1725. </tr>
  1726. <tr>
  1727. <td><span class="flag flag-country-kw"></span>
  1728. </td>
  1729. <td><code>kw</code></td>
  1730. <td>Kuwait</td>
  1731. </tr>
  1732. <tr>
  1733. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ky"></span>
  1734. </td>
  1735. <td><code>ky</code></td>
  1736. <td>Cayman Islands</td>
  1737. </tr>
  1738. <tr>
  1739. <td><span class="flag flag-country-kz"></span>
  1740. </td>
  1741. <td><code>kz</code></td>
  1742. <td>Kazakhstan</td>
  1743. </tr>
  1744. <tr>
  1745. <td><span class="flag flag-country-la"></span>
  1746. </td>
  1747. <td><code>la</code></td>
  1748. <td>Laos</td>
  1749. </tr>
  1750. <tr>
  1751. <td><span class="flag flag-country-lb"></span>
  1752. </td>
  1753. <td><code>lb</code></td>
  1754. <td>Lebanese</td>
  1755. </tr>
  1756. <tr>
  1757. <td><span class="flag flag-country-lc"></span>
  1758. </td>
  1759. <td><code>lc</code></td>
  1760. <td>Saint Lucia</td>
  1761. </tr>
  1762. <tr>
  1763. <td><span class="flag flag-country-li"></span>
  1764. </td>
  1765. <td><code>li</code></td>
  1766. <td>Liechtenstein</td>
  1767. </tr>
  1768. <tr>
  1769. <td><span class="flag flag-country-lk"></span>
  1770. </td>
  1771. <td><code>lk</code></td>
  1772. <td>Sri Lanka</td>
  1773. </tr>
  1774. <tr>
  1775. <td><span class="flag flag-country-lr"></span>
  1776. </td>
  1777. <td><code>lr</code></td>
  1778. <td>Liberia</td>
  1779. </tr>
  1780. <tr>
  1781. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ls"></span>
  1782. </td>
  1783. <td><code>ls</code></td>
  1784. <td>Lesotho</td>
  1785. </tr>
  1786. <tr>
  1787. <td><span class="flag flag-country-lt"></span>
  1788. </td>
  1789. <td><code>lt</code></td>
  1790. <td>Lithuania</td>
  1791. </tr>
  1792. <tr>
  1793. <td><span class="flag flag-country-lu"></span>
  1794. </td>
  1795. <td><code>lu</code></td>
  1796. <td>Luxembourg</td>
  1797. </tr>
  1798. <tr>
  1799. <td><span class="flag flag-country-lv"></span>
  1800. </td>
  1801. <td><code>lv</code></td>
  1802. <td>Latvia</td>
  1803. </tr>
  1804. <tr>
  1805. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ly"></span>
  1806. </td>
  1807. <td><code>ly</code></td>
  1808. <td>Libya</td>
  1809. </tr>
  1810. <tr>
  1811. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ma"></span>
  1812. </td>
  1813. <td><code>ma</code></td>
  1814. <td>Morocco</td>
  1815. </tr>
  1816. <tr>
  1817. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mc"></span>
  1818. </td>
  1819. <td><code>mc</code></td>
  1820. <td>Monaco</td>
  1821. </tr>
  1822. <tr>
  1823. <td><span class="flag flag-country-md"></span>
  1824. </td>
  1825. <td><code>md</code></td>
  1826. <td>Moldova</td>
  1827. </tr>
  1828. <tr>
  1829. <td><span class="flag flag-country-me"></span>
  1830. </td>
  1831. <td><code>me</code></td>
  1832. <td>Montenegro</td>
  1833. </tr>
  1834. <tr>
  1835. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mf"></span>
  1836. </td>
  1837. <td><code>mf</code></td>
  1838. <td>Saint Martin</td>
  1839. </tr>
  1840. <tr>
  1841. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mg"></span>
  1842. </td>
  1843. <td><code>mg</code></td>
  1844. <td>Madagascar</td>
  1845. </tr>
  1846. <tr>
  1847. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mh"></span>
  1848. </td>
  1849. <td><code>mh</code></td>
  1850. <td>Marshall Islands</td>
  1851. </tr>
  1852. <tr>
  1853. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mk"></span>
  1854. </td>
  1855. <td><code>mk</code></td>
  1856. <td>Macedonia</td>
  1857. </tr>
  1858. <tr>
  1859. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ml"></span>
  1860. </td>
  1861. <td><code>ml</code></td>
  1862. <td>Mali</td>
  1863. </tr>
  1864. <tr>
  1865. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mm"></span>
  1866. </td>
  1867. <td><code>mm</code></td>
  1868. <td>Myanmar</td>
  1869. </tr>
  1870. <tr>
  1871. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mn"></span>
  1872. </td>
  1873. <td><code>mn</code></td>
  1874. <td>Mongolia</td>
  1875. </tr>
  1876. <tr>
  1877. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mo"></span>
  1878. </td>
  1879. <td><code>mo</code></td>
  1880. <td>Macao</td>
  1881. </tr>
  1882. <tr>
  1883. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mp"></span>
  1884. </td>
  1885. <td><code>mp</code></td>
  1886. <td>Nothern Mariana Islands</td>
  1887. </tr>
  1888. <tr>
  1889. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mq"></span>
  1890. </td>
  1891. <td><code>mq</code></td>
  1892. <td>Martinique</td>
  1893. </tr>
  1894. <tr>
  1895. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mr"></span>
  1896. </td>
  1897. <td><code>mr</code></td>
  1898. <td>Mauritania</td>
  1899. </tr>
  1900. <tr>
  1901. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ms"></span>
  1902. </td>
  1903. <td><code>ms</code></td>
  1904. <td>Montserrat</td>
  1905. </tr>
  1906. <tr>
  1907. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mt"></span>
  1908. </td>
  1909. <td><code>mt</code></td>
  1910. <td>Malta</td>
  1911. </tr>
  1912. <tr>
  1913. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mu"></span>
  1914. </td>
  1915. <td><code>mu</code></td>
  1916. <td>Mauritius</td>
  1917. </tr>
  1918. <tr>
  1919. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mv"></span>
  1920. </td>
  1921. <td><code>mv</code></td>
  1922. <td>Maldives</td>
  1923. </tr>
  1924. <tr>
  1925. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mw"></span>
  1926. </td>
  1927. <td><code>mw</code></td>
  1928. <td>Malawi</td>
  1929. </tr>
  1930. <tr>
  1931. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mx"></span>
  1932. </td>
  1933. <td><code>mx</code></td>
  1934. <td>Mexico</td>
  1935. </tr>
  1936. <tr>
  1937. <td><span class="flag flag-country-my"></span>
  1938. </td>
  1939. <td><code>my</code></td>
  1940. <td>Malaysia</td>
  1941. </tr>
  1942. <tr>
  1943. <td><span class="flag flag-country-mz"></span>
  1944. </td>
  1945. <td><code>mz</code></td>
  1946. <td>Mozambique</td>
  1947. </tr>
  1948. <tr>
  1949. <td><span class="flag flag-country-na"></span>
  1950. </td>
  1951. <td><code>na</code></td>
  1952. <td>Namibia</td>
  1953. </tr>
  1954. <tr>
  1955. <td><span class="flag flag-country-nc"></span>
  1956. </td>
  1957. <td><code>nc</code></td>
  1958. <td>New Caledonia</td>
  1959. </tr>
  1960. <tr>
  1961. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ne"></span>
  1962. </td>
  1963. <td><code>ne</code></td>
  1964. <td>Niger</td>
  1965. </tr>
  1966. <tr>
  1967. <td><span class="flag flag-country-nf"></span>
  1968. </td>
  1969. <td><code>nf</code></td>
  1970. <td>Norfolk Island</td>
  1971. </tr>
  1972. <tr>
  1973. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ng"></span>
  1974. </td>
  1975. <td><code>ng</code></td>
  1976. <td>Nigeria</td>
  1977. </tr>
  1978. <tr>
  1979. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ni"></span>
  1980. </td>
  1981. <td><code>ni</code></td>
  1982. <td>Nicaragua</td>
  1983. </tr>
  1984. <tr>
  1985. <td><span class="flag flag-country-no"></span>
  1986. </td>
  1987. <td><code>no</code></td>
  1988. <td>Norway</td>
  1989. </tr>
  1990. <tr>
  1991. <td><span class="flag flag-country-np"></span>
  1992. </td>
  1993. <td><code>np</code></td>
  1994. <td>Nepal</td>
  1995. </tr>
  1996. <tr>
  1997. <td><span class="flag flag-country-nr"></span>
  1998. </td>
  1999. <td><code>nr</code></td>
  2000. <td>Nauruan</td>
  2001. </tr>
  2002. <tr>
  2003. <td><span class="flag flag-country-nu"></span>
  2004. </td>
  2005. <td><code>nu</code></td>
  2006. <td>Niger</td>
  2007. </tr>
  2008. <tr>
  2009. <td><span class="flag flag-country-nz"></span>
  2010. </td>
  2011. <td><code>nz</code></td>
  2012. <td>New Zealand</td>
  2013. </tr>
  2014. <tr>
  2015. <td><span class="flag flag-country-om"></span>
  2016. </td>
  2017. <td><code>om</code></td>
  2018. <td>Oman</td>
  2019. </tr>
  2020. <tr>
  2021. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pa"></span>
  2022. </td>
  2023. <td><code>pa</code></td>
  2024. <td>Panama</td>
  2025. </tr>
  2026. <tr>
  2027. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pe"></span>
  2028. </td>
  2029. <td><code>pe</code></td>
  2030. <td>Peru</td>
  2031. </tr>
  2032. <tr>
  2033. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pf"></span>
  2034. </td>
  2035. <td><code>pf</code></td>
  2036. <td>French Polynesia</td>
  2037. </tr>
  2038. <tr>
  2039. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pg"></span>
  2040. </td>
  2041. <td><code>pg</code></td>
  2042. <td>Papua New Guinea</td>
  2043. </tr>
  2044. <tr>
  2045. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ph"></span>
  2046. </td>
  2047. <td><code>ph</code></td>
  2048. <td>Philippines</td>
  2049. </tr>
  2050. <tr>
  2051. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pk"></span>
  2052. </td>
  2053. <td><code>pk</code></td>
  2054. <td>Pakistan</td>
  2055. </tr>
  2056. <tr>
  2057. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pl"></span>
  2058. </td>
  2059. <td><code>pl</code></td>
  2060. <td>Poland</td>
  2061. </tr>
  2062. <tr>
  2063. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pm"></span>
  2064. </td>
  2065. <td><code>pm</code></td>
  2066. <td>Saint Pierre</td>
  2067. </tr>
  2068. <tr>
  2069. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pn"></span>
  2070. </td>
  2071. <td><code>pn</code></td>
  2072. <td>Pitcairn Islands</td>
  2073. </tr>
  2074. <tr>
  2075. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pr"></span>
  2076. </td>
  2077. <td><code>pr</code></td>
  2078. <td>Puerto Rico</td>
  2079. </tr>
  2080. <tr>
  2081. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ps"></span>
  2082. </td>
  2083. <td><code>ps</code></td>
  2084. <td>Palestine</td>
  2085. </tr>
  2086. <tr>
  2087. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pt"></span>
  2088. </td>
  2089. <td><code>pt</code></td>
  2090. <td>Portugal</td>
  2091. </tr>
  2092. <tr>
  2093. <td><span class="flag flag-country-pw"></span>
  2094. </td>
  2095. <td><code>pw</code></td>
  2096. <td>Palau</td>
  2097. </tr>
  2098. <tr>
  2099. <td><span class="flag flag-country-py"></span>
  2100. </td>
  2101. <td><code>py</code></td>
  2102. <td>Paraguay</td>
  2103. </tr>
  2104. <tr>
  2105. <td><span class="flag flag-country-qa"></span>
  2106. </td>
  2107. <td><code>qa</code></td>
  2108. <td>Qatar</td>
  2109. </tr>
  2110. <tr>
  2111. <td><span class="flag flag-country-re"></span>
  2112. </td>
  2113. <td><code>re</code></td>
  2114. <td>Reunion Island</td>
  2115. </tr>
  2116. <tr>
  2117. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ro"></span>
  2118. </td>
  2119. <td><code>ro</code></td>
  2120. <td>Romania</td>
  2121. </tr>
  2122. <tr>
  2123. <td><span class="flag flag-country-rs"></span>
  2124. </td>
  2125. <td><code>rs</code></td>
  2126. <td>Serbia</td>
  2127. </tr>
  2128. <tr>
  2129. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ru"></span>
  2130. </td>
  2131. <td><code>ru</code></td>
  2132. <td>Russia</td>
  2133. </tr>
  2134. <tr>
  2135. <td><span class="flag flag-country-rw"></span>
  2136. </td>
  2137. <td><code>rw</code></td>
  2138. <td>Rwanda</td>
  2139. </tr>
  2140. <tr>
  2141. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sa"></span>
  2142. </td>
  2143. <td><code>sa</code></td>
  2144. <td>Saudi Arabia</td>
  2145. </tr>
  2146. <tr>
  2147. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sb"></span>
  2148. </td>
  2149. <td><code>sb</code></td>
  2150. <td>Solomon Islands</td>
  2151. </tr>
  2152. <tr>
  2153. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sc"></span>
  2154. </td>
  2155. <td><code>sc</code></td>
  2156. <td>Seychelles</td>
  2157. </tr>
  2158. <tr>
  2159. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sd"></span>
  2160. </td>
  2161. <td><code>sd</code></td>
  2162. <td>Sudan</td>
  2163. </tr>
  2164. <tr>
  2165. <td><span class="flag flag-country-se"></span>
  2166. </td>
  2167. <td><code>se</code></td>
  2168. <td>Sweden</td>
  2169. </tr>
  2170. <tr>
  2171. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sg"></span>
  2172. </td>
  2173. <td><code>sg</code></td>
  2174. <td>Singapore</td>
  2175. </tr>
  2176. <tr>
  2177. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sh"></span>
  2178. </td>
  2179. <td><code>sh</code></td>
  2180. <td>Saint Helena</td>
  2181. </tr>
  2182. <tr>
  2183. <td><span class="flag flag-country-si"></span>
  2184. </td>
  2185. <td><code>si</code></td>
  2186. <td>Slovenia</td>
  2187. </tr>
  2188. <tr>
  2189. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sj"></span>
  2190. </td>
  2191. <td><code>sj</code></td>
  2192. <td>Svalbard Island</td>
  2193. </tr>
  2194. <tr>
  2195. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sk"></span>
  2196. </td>
  2197. <td><code>sk</code></td>
  2198. <td>Slovakia</td>
  2199. </tr>
  2200. <tr>
  2201. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sl"></span>
  2202. </td>
  2203. <td><code>sl</code></td>
  2204. <td>Sierra Leone</td>
  2205. </tr>
  2206. <tr>
  2207. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sm"></span>
  2208. </td>
  2209. <td><code>sm</code></td>
  2210. <td>San Marino</td>
  2211. </tr>
  2212. <tr>
  2213. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sn"></span>
  2214. </td>
  2215. <td><code>sn</code></td>
  2216. <td>Senegal</td>
  2217. </tr>
  2218. <tr>
  2219. <td><span class="flag flag-country-so"></span>
  2220. </td>
  2221. <td><code>so</code></td>
  2222. <td>Somalia</td>
  2223. </tr>
  2224. <tr>
  2225. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sr"></span>
  2226. </td>
  2227. <td><code>sr</code></td>
  2228. <td>Suriname</td>
  2229. </tr>
  2230. <tr>
  2231. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ss"></span>
  2232. </td>
  2233. <td><code>ss</code></td>
  2234. <td>South Sudan</td>
  2235. </tr>
  2236. <tr>
  2237. <td><span class="flag flag-country-st"></span>
  2238. </td>
  2239. <td><code>st</code></td>
  2240. <td>Sao Tome</td>
  2241. </tr>
  2242. <tr>
  2243. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sv"></span>
  2244. </td>
  2245. <td><code>sv</code></td>
  2246. <td>El Salvador</td>
  2247. </tr>
  2248. <tr>
  2249. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sx"></span>
  2250. </td>
  2251. <td><code>sx</code></td>
  2252. <td>Sint Maarten</td>
  2253. </tr>
  2254. <tr>
  2255. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sy"></span>
  2256. </td>
  2257. <td><code>sy</code></td>
  2258. <td>Syria</td>
  2259. </tr>
  2260. <tr>
  2261. <td><span class="flag flag-country-sz"></span>
  2262. </td>
  2263. <td><code>sz</code></td>
  2264. <td>Swaziland</td>
  2265. </tr>
  2266. <tr>
  2267. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tc"></span>
  2268. </td>
  2269. <td><code>tc</code></td>
  2270. <td>Turks and Caicos</td>
  2271. </tr>
  2272. <tr>
  2273. <td><span class="flag flag-country-td"></span>
  2274. </td>
  2275. <td><code>td</code></td>
  2276. <td>Chad</td>
  2277. </tr>
  2278. <tr>
  2279. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tf"></span>
  2280. </td>
  2281. <td><code>tf</code></td>
  2282. <td>French Southern and Antarctic Lands</td>
  2283. </tr>
  2284. <tr>
  2285. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tg"></span>
  2286. </td>
  2287. <td><code>tg</code></td>
  2288. <td>Togo</td>
  2289. </tr>
  2290. <tr>
  2291. <td><span class="flag flag-country-th"></span>
  2292. </td>
  2293. <td><code>th</code></td>
  2294. <td>Thailand</td>
  2295. </tr>
  2296. <tr>
  2297. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tj"></span>
  2298. </td>
  2299. <td><code>tj</code></td>
  2300. <td>Tajikistan</td>
  2301. </tr>
  2302. <tr>
  2303. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tk"></span>
  2304. </td>
  2305. <td><code>tk</code></td>
  2306. <td>Tokelau</td>
  2307. </tr>
  2308. <tr>
  2309. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tl"></span>
  2310. </td>
  2311. <td><code>tl</code></td>
  2312. <td>Timor Leste</td>
  2313. </tr>
  2314. <tr>
  2315. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tm"></span>
  2316. </td>
  2317. <td><code>tm</code></td>
  2318. <td>Turkmenistan</td>
  2319. </tr>
  2320. <tr>
  2321. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tn"></span>
  2322. </td>
  2323. <td><code>tn</code></td>
  2324. <td>Tunisia</td>
  2325. </tr>
  2326. <tr>
  2327. <td><span class="flag flag-country-to"></span>
  2328. </td>
  2329. <td><code>to</code></td>
  2330. <td>Tonga</td>
  2331. </tr>
  2332. <tr>
  2333. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tr"></span>
  2334. </td>
  2335. <td><code>tr</code></td>
  2336. <td>Turkey</td>
  2337. </tr>
  2338. <tr>
  2339. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tt"></span>
  2340. </td>
  2341. <td><code>tt</code></td>
  2342. <td>Trinidad and Tobago</td>
  2343. </tr>
  2344. <tr>
  2345. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tv"></span>
  2346. </td>
  2347. <td><code>tv</code></td>
  2348. <td>Tuvalu</td>
  2349. </tr>
  2350. <tr>
  2351. <td><span class="flag flag-country-tz"></span>
  2352. </td>
  2353. <td><code>tz</code></td>
  2354. <td>Tanzania</td>
  2355. </tr>
  2356. <tr>
  2357. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ua"></span>
  2358. </td>
  2359. <td><code>ua</code></td>
  2360. <td>Ukraine</td>
  2361. </tr>
  2362. <tr>
  2363. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ug"></span>
  2364. </td>
  2365. <td><code>ug</code></td>
  2366. <td>Uganda</td>
  2367. </tr>
  2368. <tr>
  2369. <td><span class="flag flag-country-um"></span>
  2370. </td>
  2371. <td><code>um</code></td>
  2372. <td>United States Minor Islands</td>
  2373. </tr>
  2374. <tr>
  2375. <td><span class="flag flag-country-un"></span>
  2376. </td>
  2377. <td><code>un</code></td>
  2378. <td>United Nations</td>
  2379. </tr>
  2380. <tr>
  2381. <td><span class="flag flag-country-us"></span>
  2382. </td>
  2383. <td><code>us</code></td>
  2384. <td>United States of America</td>
  2385. </tr>
  2386. <tr>
  2387. <td><span class="flag flag-country-uy"></span>
  2388. </td>
  2389. <td><code>uy</code></td>
  2390. <td>Uruguay</td>
  2391. </tr>
  2392. <tr>
  2393. <td><span class="flag flag-country-uz"></span>
  2394. </td>
  2395. <td><code>uz</code></td>
  2396. <td>Uzbekistan</td>
  2397. </tr>
  2398. <tr>
  2399. <td><span class="flag flag-country-va"></span>
  2400. </td>
  2401. <td><code>va</code></td>
  2402. <td>Vatican City</td>
  2403. </tr>
  2404. <tr>
  2405. <td><span class="flag flag-country-vc"></span>
  2406. </td>
  2407. <td><code>vc</code></td>
  2408. <td>Saint Vincent</td>
  2409. </tr>
  2410. <tr>
  2411. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ve"></span>
  2412. </td>
  2413. <td><code>ve</code></td>
  2414. <td>Venezuela</td>
  2415. </tr>
  2416. <tr>
  2417. <td><span class="flag flag-country-vg"></span>
  2418. </td>
  2419. <td><code>vg</code></td>
  2420. <td>British Virgin Islands</td>
  2421. </tr>
  2422. <tr>
  2423. <td><span class="flag flag-country-vi"></span>
  2424. </td>
  2425. <td><code>vi</code></td>
  2426. <td>Virgiin Islands</td>
  2427. </tr>
  2428. <tr>
  2429. <td><span class="flag flag-country-vn"></span>
  2430. </td>
  2431. <td><code>vn</code></td>
  2432. <td>Vietnam</td>
  2433. </tr>
  2434. <tr>
  2435. <td><span class="flag flag-country-vu"></span>
  2436. </td>
  2437. <td><code>vu</code></td>
  2438. <td>Vanuatu</td>
  2439. </tr>
  2440. <tr>
  2441. <td><span class="flag flag-country-wf"></span>
  2442. </td>
  2443. <td><code>wf</code></td>
  2444. <td>Wallis and Futuna</td>
  2445. </tr>
  2446. <tr>
  2447. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ws"></span>
  2448. </td>
  2449. <td><code>ws</code></td>
  2450. <td>Samoa</td>
  2451. </tr>
  2452. <tr>
  2453. <td><span class="flag flag-country-ye"></span>
  2454. </td>
  2455. <td><code>ye</code></td>
  2456. <td>Yemen</td>
  2457. </tr>
  2458. <tr>
  2459. <td><span class="flag flag-country-za"></span>
  2460. </td>
  2461. <td><code>za</code></td>
  2462. <td>South Africa</td>
  2463. </tr>
  2464. <tr>
  2465. <td><span class="flag flag-country-zm"></span>
  2466. </td>
  2467. <td><code>zm</code></td>
  2468. <td>Zambia</td>
  2469. </tr>
  2470. <tr>
  2471. <td><span class="flag flag-country-zw"></span>
  2472. </td>
  2473. <td><code>zw</code></td>
  2474. <td>Zimbabwe</td>
  2475. </tr>
  2476. </table>
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