site.ts 5.4 KB

  1. import { iconsInfo } from '@/config/tabler';
  2. import uiConfig from '@/data/ui.json';
  3. export const color = '#0054a6';
  4. export const name = 'Tabler Dashboard UI Kit - Bootstrap Admin Panel';
  5. export const description = 'Tabler comes with tons of well-designed components and features. Start your adventure with Tabler and make your dashboard great again. For free!';
  6. export const creator = 'codecalm';
  7. export const companyGithubUrl = '';
  8. export const companyTwitterUrl = '';
  9. export const companyDribbbleUrl = '';
  10. export const uiUrl = '';
  11. export const uiVersion = uiConfig.version;
  12. export const uiPackageName = '@tabler/core';
  13. export const uiGithubUrl = '';
  14. export const uiGithubReleasesUrl = '';
  15. export const uiInstallCmd = `npm install ${uiPackageName}`;
  16. export const uiInstallCmdWithVersion = `npm install ${uiPackageName}@${uiVersion}`;
  17. export const uiDemoUrl = '';
  18. export const uiPaymentsProviders = uiConfig.paymentsProviders;
  19. export const sponsorsUrl = '';
  20. export const statusUrl = '';
  21. export const figmaPluginUrl = '';
  22. export const figmaIconsUrl = '';
  23. export const uiDownloadUrl = ``;
  24. export const uiCdnUrl = `${uiVersion}`;
  25. export const uiCdnCSS = `${uiCdnUrl}${uiVersion}/dist/css/tabler.min.css`;
  26. export const uiCdnJS = `${uiCdnUrl}${uiVersion}/dist/js/tabler.min.js`;
  27. export const emailsCount = 54;
  28. export const emailsPrice = 29;
  29. export const emailsDownloadUrl = '';
  30. export const emailsSampleDownloadUrl = '';
  31. export const componentsCount = 100; //getAllComponents().length
  32. export const componentsRounded = (() => {
  33. return Math.floor(componentsCount / 10) * 10;
  34. })();
  35. export const blogEnabled = false;
  36. export const changelogEnabled = false;
  37. export const getAbsoluteURL = (path) => {
  38. const baseURL = process.env.VERCEL_URL ? `https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}` : `http://localhost:3010`;
  39. return baseURL + path;
  40. };
  41. export const iconsUrl =
  42. /*process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
  43. ? 'http://icons.tabler.test:3010'
  44. : */ '';
  45. export const iconsVersion = iconsInfo.version;
  46. export const iconsGithubUrl = '';
  47. export const iconsGithubDownloadUrl = ((version) => {
  48. return `${version}/tabler-icons-${version}.zip`;
  49. })(iconsVersion);
  50. export const iconsCountRounded = (() => {
  51. return Math.floor(iconsInfo.count / 50) * 50;
  52. })();
  53. export const iconsCount = (() => {
  54. return iconsInfo.count;
  55. })();
  56. // export const iconsCategories = () => {
  57. // return iconsConfig.icons
  58. // .map((icon) => icon.category)
  59. // .filter((value, index, self) => {
  60. // return self.indexOf(value) === index && value !== ''
  61. // })
  62. // .sort()
  63. // }
  64. export const escapeHtml = (str) => {
  65. return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#039;');
  66. };
  67. export const componentsUrl = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'http://components.tabler.test:3000' : '';
  68. export const socialLinks = [
  69. { icon: 'brand-twitter', url: companyTwitterUrl, label: 'Follow us!' },
  70. { icon: 'brand-github', url: companyGithubUrl, label: 'Star us!' },
  71. { icon: 'brand-dribbble', url: companyDribbbleUrl, label: 'Like us!' },
  72. ];
  73. export const footerMenu = [
  74. {
  75. title: 'Our products',
  76. items: [
  77. { title: 'UI Kit', route: '/' },
  78. { title: `${iconsCount} open source icons`, route: '/icons' },
  79. { title: 'Email templates', route: '/emails' },
  80. // { title: 'Pricing', route: '/pricing' },
  81. ],
  82. },
  83. {
  84. title: 'Support',
  85. items: [
  86. ...(blogEnabled ? [{ title: 'Blog', route: '/blog' }] : []),
  87. { title: 'Documentation', route: '/docs' },
  88. { title: 'Support', route: '/support' },
  89. { title: 'Guides', route: '/guides' },
  90. { title: 'Status', href: statusUrl },
  91. { title: 'License', route: '/license' },
  92. ],
  93. },
  94. {
  95. title: 'Tabler',
  96. items: [
  97. { title: 'About', route: '/about' },
  98. { title: 'Testimonials', route: '/testimonials' },
  99. { title: 'FAQ', route: '/docs/getting-started/faq' },
  100. ...(changelogEnabled ? [{ title: 'Changelog', route: '/changelog' }] : []),
  101. { title: 'Releases', href: uiGithubReleasesUrl },
  102. { title: 'Github', href: companyGithubUrl },
  103. ],
  104. },
  105. ];
  106. export const colors = ['muted', 'red', 'pink', 'grape', 'violet', 'indigo', 'blue', 'cyan', 'teal', 'green', 'lime', 'yellow', 'orange'];
  107. //
  108. // Banner
  109. //
  110. export const banner = {
  111. show: true,
  112. id: 'tabler-icons-v2-2',
  113. text: '🎉 Tabler Icons v2.0 has been released: filled icons, new packages: React, Vue, Preact, Svelte, SolidJS and more!',
  114. link: {
  115. href: '',
  116. text: 'Learn more →',
  117. },
  118. };