123456789101112131415161718192021222324 |
- {% assign toast-id = include.toast-id | default: 'simple' %}
- {% assign person-id = include.person-id | default: 2 %}
- {% assign person = people[person-id] %}
- <div class="toast {% if include.show %}show{% endif %}" id="toast-{{ toast-id }}" role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" data-bs-autohide="false">
- {% unless include.hide-header %}
- <div class="toast-header">
- {% include "ui/avatar.html" person=person class="me-2" size="xs" %}
- <strong class="me-auto">{{ person.full_name }}</strong>
- <small>{{ include.date | default: '11 mins ago' }}</small>
- <button type="button" class="ms-2 btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="toast" aria-label="Close"></button>
- </div>
- {% endunless %}
- <div class="toast-body">
- {% if include.cookies %}
- πͺ Our site uses cookies. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Cookie Policy.
- <div class="mt-2 pt-2 border-top">
- <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">I understand</a>
- </div>
- {% else %}
- {{ include.text | default: 'Hello, world! This is a toast message.' }}
- {% endif %}
- </div>
- </div>