eleventy.config.mjs 13 KB

  1. import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs';
  2. import { EleventyRenderPlugin } from "@11ty/eleventy";
  3. import { join, dirname } from 'node:path';
  4. import { sync } from 'glob';
  5. /*
  6. * Copy list
  7. */
  8. const getCopyList = () => {
  9. let copy = {
  10. "node_modules/@tabler/core/dist": "dist",
  11. "pages/favicon.ico": "favicon.ico",
  12. "static": "static",
  13. }
  14. const libs = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./pages/_data/libs.json'));
  15. let files = []
  16. Object.keys(libs.js).forEach((lib) => {
  17. files.push(Array.isArray(libs.js[lib]) ? libs.js[lib] : [libs.js[lib]])
  18. })
  19. Object.keys(libs.css).forEach((lib) => {
  20. files.push(Array.isArray(libs.css[lib]) ? libs.css[lib] : [libs.css[lib]])
  21. })
  22. Object.keys(libs['js-copy']).forEach((lib) => {
  23. files.push(libs['js-copy'][lib])
  24. })
  25. files = files.flat()
  26. files.forEach((file) => {
  27. if (!file.match(/^https?/)) {
  28. copy[`node_modules/${dirname(file)}`] = `libs/${dirname(file) }`;
  29. }
  30. })
  31. return copy;
  32. }
  33. /** @type {import('@11ty/eleventy').LocalConfig} */
  34. export default function (eleventyConfig) {
  35. const environment = process.env.NODE_ENV || "production";
  36. eleventyConfig.setInputDirectory("pages");
  37. eleventyConfig.setOutputDirectory("dist");
  38. eleventyConfig.setLayoutsDirectory("_layouts");
  39. eleventyConfig.setIncludesDirectory("_includes");
  40. // eleventyConfig.addWatchTarget("../core/dist/**");
  41. // eleventyConfig.setWatchThrottleWaitTime(100);
  42. eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy(getCopyList());
  43. eleventyConfig.setServerPassthroughCopyBehavior("passthrough");
  44. eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyRenderPlugin, {
  45. accessGlobalData: true,
  46. });
  47. eleventyConfig.setLiquidOptions({
  48. timezoneOffset: 0,
  49. jekyllInclude: true,
  50. dynamicPartials: true,
  51. jekyllWhere: true,
  52. });
  53. /**
  54. * Server
  55. */
  56. if (process.env.ELEVENTY_RUN_MODE === "serve") {
  57. eleventyConfig.setServerPassthroughCopyBehavior("passthrough");
  58. }
  59. /**
  60. * Data
  61. */
  62. eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("environment", environment);
  63. eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("package", JSON.parse(readFileSync(join("..", "core", "package.json"), "utf-8")));
  64. eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("readme", readFileSync(join("..", "README.md"), "utf-8"));
  65. eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("license", readFileSync(join("..", "LICENSE"), "utf-8"));
  66. eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("changelog", readFileSync(join("..", "CHANGELOG.md"), "utf-8"));
  67. eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("pages", () => {
  68. return sync('pages/**/*.html').filter((file) => {
  69. return !file.includes('pages/_') && !file.includes('pages/docs/index.html');
  70. }).map((file) => {
  71. return {
  72. url: file.replace(/^pages\//, '/')
  73. }
  74. });
  75. });
  76. eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("site", {
  77. title: "Tabler",
  78. description: "Premium and Open Source dashboard template with responsive and high quality UI.",
  79. themeColor: "#066fd1",
  80. email: "support@tabler.io",
  81. homepage: "https://tabler.io",
  82. githubUrl: "https://github.com/tabler/tabler",
  83. githubSponsorsUrl: "https://github.com/sponsors/codecalm",
  84. changelogUrl: "https://github.com/tabler/tabler/releases",
  85. sponsorUrl: "https://github.com/sponsors/codecalm",
  86. previewUrl: "https://preview.tabler.io",
  87. docsUrl: "https://tabler.io/docs",
  88. mapboxKey: "pk.eyJ1IjoidGFibGVyIiwiYSI6ImNscHh3dnhndjB2M3QycW85bGd0NXRmZ3YifQ.9LfHPsNoEXQH-xzz-81Ffw",
  89. googleMapsKey: "AIzaSyAr5mRB4U1KRkVznIrDWEvZjroYcD202DI",
  90. googleMapsDevKey: "AIzaSyCL-BY8-sq12m0S9H-S_yMqDmcun3A9znw",
  91. npmPackage: "@tabler/core",
  92. tablerCssPlugins: [
  93. "tabler-flags",
  94. "tabler-socials",
  95. "tabler-payments",
  96. "tabler-vendors",
  97. "tabler-marketing"
  98. ],
  99. icons: {
  100. link: "https://tabler.io/icons"
  101. },
  102. emails: {
  103. price: "$29",
  104. buy_link: "https://r.tabler.io/buy-emails"
  105. },
  106. illustrations: {
  107. price: "$59",
  108. count: 50,
  109. buy_link: "https://r.tabler.io/buy-illustrations"
  110. },
  111. colors: {
  112. "blue": {
  113. "class": "blue",
  114. "hex": "#066fd1",
  115. "title": "Blue"
  116. },
  117. "azure": {
  118. "class": "azure",
  119. "hex": "#45aaf2",
  120. "title": "Azure"
  121. },
  122. "indigo": {
  123. "class": "indigo",
  124. "hex": "#6574cd",
  125. "title": "Indigo"
  126. },
  127. "purple": {
  128. "class": "purple",
  129. "hex": "#a55eea",
  130. "title": "Purple"
  131. },
  132. "pink": {
  133. "class": "pink",
  134. "hex": "#f66d9b",
  135. "title": "Pink"
  136. },
  137. "red": {
  138. "class": "red",
  139. "hex": "#fa4654",
  140. "title": "Red"
  141. },
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  144. "hex": "#fd9644",
  145. "title": "Orange"
  146. },
  147. "yellow": {
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  149. "hex": "#f1c40f",
  150. "title": "Yellow"
  151. },
  152. "lime": {
  153. "class": "lime",
  154. "hex": "#7bd235",
  155. "title": "Lime"
  156. },
  157. "green": {
  158. "class": "green",
  159. "hex": "#5eba00",
  160. "title": "Green"
  161. },
  162. "teal": {
  163. "class": "teal",
  164. "hex": "#2bcbba",
  165. "title": "Teal"
  166. },
  167. "cyan": {
  168. "class": "cyan",
  169. "hex": "#17a2b8",
  170. "title": "Cyan"
  171. }
  172. },
  173. skinColors: {
  174. "rose": {
  175. "hex": "#FFCB9D",
  176. "title": "Rose",
  177. "class": "rose"
  178. },
  179. "yellow": {
  180. "hex": "#F0BA60",
  181. "title": "Yellow",
  182. "class": "yellow"
  183. },
  184. "skin-1": {
  185. "hex": "#e2c6a7",
  186. "title": "Skin 1",
  187. "class": "skin-1"
  188. },
  189. "skin-2": {
  190. "hex": "#c7a786",
  191. "title": "Skin 2",
  192. "class": "skin-2"
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  194. "skin-3": {
  195. "hex": "#a68063",
  196. "title": "Skin 3",
  197. "class": "skin-3"
  198. },
  199. "skin-4": {
  200. "hex": "#926241",
  201. "title": "Skin 4",
  202. "class": "skin-4"
  203. },
  204. "skin-5": {
  205. "hex": "#654c45",
  206. "title": "Skin 5",
  207. "class": "skin-5"
  208. },
  209. "gray": {
  210. "hex": "#d5d7dd",
  211. "title": "Gray",
  212. "class": "gray"
  213. }
  214. },
  215. colorsExtra: {
  216. "white": {
  217. "hex": "#ffffff",
  218. "title": "White"
  219. },
  220. "dark": {
  221. "hex": "#303645",
  222. "title": "Dark"
  223. },
  224. "gray": {
  225. "hex": "#868e96",
  226. "title": "Gray"
  227. }
  228. },
  229. variants: [
  230. {
  231. "name": "success",
  232. "icon": "check"
  233. },
  234. {
  235. "name": "info",
  236. "icon": "info-circle"
  237. },
  238. {
  239. "name": "warning",
  240. "icon": "alert-triangle"
  241. },
  242. {
  243. "name": "danger",
  244. "icon": "alert-circle"
  245. }
  246. ],
  247. "themeColors": {
  248. "primary": {
  249. "class": "primary",
  250. "title": "Primary"
  251. },
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  253. "class": "secondary",
  254. "title": "Secondary"
  255. },
  256. "success": {
  257. "class": "success",
  258. "title": "Success"
  259. },
  260. "warning": {
  261. "class": "warning",
  262. "title": "Warning"
  263. },
  264. "danger": {
  265. "class": "danger",
  266. "title": "Danger"
  267. },
  268. "info": {
  269. "class": "info",
  270. "title": "Info"
  271. },
  272. "dark": {
  273. "class": "dark",
  274. "title": "Dark"
  275. },
  276. "light": {
  277. "class": "light",
  278. "title": "Light"
  279. }
  280. },
  281. "buttonStates": [
  282. {
  283. "class": null,
  284. "title": "Normal"
  285. },
  286. {
  287. "class": "active",
  288. "title": "Active state"
  289. },
  290. {
  291. "class": "disabled",
  292. "title": "Disabled"
  293. }
  294. ],
  295. "socials": {
  296. "x": {
  297. "icon": "brand-x",
  298. "title": "X"
  299. },
  300. "facebook": {
  301. "icon": "brand-facebook",
  302. "title": "Facebook"
  303. },
  304. "twitter": {
  305. "icon": "brand-twitter",
  306. "title": "Twitter"
  307. },
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  309. "icon": "brand-google",
  310. "title": "Google"
  311. },
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  313. "icon": "brand-youtube",
  314. "title": "Youtube"
  315. },
  316. "vimeo": {
  317. "icon": "brand-vimeo",
  318. "title": "Vimeo"
  319. },
  320. "dribbble": {
  321. "icon": "brand-dribbble",
  322. "title": "Dribbble"
  323. },
  324. "github": {
  325. "icon": "brand-github",
  326. "title": "Github"
  327. },
  328. "instagram": {
  329. "icon": "brand-instagram",
  330. "title": "Instagram"
  331. },
  332. "pinterest": {
  333. "icon": "brand-pinterest",
  334. "title": "Pinterest"
  335. },
  336. "vk": {
  337. "icon": "brand-vk",
  338. "title": "VK"
  339. },
  340. "rss": {
  341. "icon": "rss",
  342. "title": "RSS"
  343. },
  344. "flickr": {
  345. "icon": "brand-flickr",
  346. "title": "Flickr"
  347. },
  348. "bitbucket": {
  349. "icon": "brand-bitbucket",
  350. "title": "Bitbucket"
  351. },
  352. "tabler": {
  353. "icon": "brand-tabler",
  354. "title": "Tabler"
  355. }
  356. },
  357. "months-short": [
  358. "Jan",
  359. "Feb",
  360. "Mar",
  361. "Apr",
  362. "May",
  363. "Jun",
  364. "Jul",
  365. "Aug",
  366. "Sep",
  367. "Oct",
  368. "Nov",
  369. "Dec"
  370. ],
  371. "months-long": [
  372. "January",
  373. "February",
  374. "March",
  375. "April",
  376. "May",
  377. "June",
  378. "July",
  379. "August",
  380. "September",
  381. "October",
  382. "November",
  383. "December"
  384. ]
  385. });
  386. /**
  387. * Filters
  388. */
  389. eleventyConfig.addFilter("miliseconds_to_minutes", function (value) {
  390. // Raturn 3:45 time format
  391. const minutes = Math.floor(value / 60000);
  392. const seconds = ((value % 60000) / 1000).toFixed(0);
  393. return `${minutes}:${seconds < 10 ? '0' : ''}${seconds}`;
  394. });
  395. eleventyConfig.addFilter("relative", (page) => {
  396. const segments = (page.url || '').replace(/^\//).split('/');
  397. if (segments.length === 1) {
  398. return '.';
  399. } else {
  400. return '../'.repeat(segments.length - 1).slice(0, -1);
  401. }
  402. });
  403. eleventyConfig.addFilter("contains", (items, item) => {
  404. return items && Array.isArray(items) && items.includes(item);
  405. });
  406. eleventyConfig.addFilter("concat_objects", function (object, object2) {
  407. if (
  408. object &&
  409. object2 &&
  410. typeof object === 'object' &&
  411. typeof object2 === 'object' &&
  412. !Array.isArray(object) &&
  413. !Array.isArray(object2)
  414. ) {
  415. return { ...object, ...object2 };
  416. }
  417. return object;
  418. });
  419. eleventyConfig.addFilter("replace_regex", function (input, regStr, replStr) {
  420. const regex = new RegExp(regStr, 'gm');
  421. return input.replace(regex, replStr);
  422. });
  423. eleventyConfig.addFilter("timestamp_to_date", function (timestamp) {
  424. const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); // Convert timestamp to milliseconds
  425. return date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; // Extract the date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
  426. });
  427. eleventyConfig.addFilter("split_to_n", function (arr, n) {
  428. const chunkSize = Math.round(arr.length / n);
  429. const result = [];
  430. for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += chunkSize) {
  431. result.push(arr.slice(i, i + chunkSize));
  432. }
  433. return result;
  434. })
  435. eleventyConfig.addFilter("format_number", function (value) {
  436. return value.toString()
  437. .split('')
  438. .reverse()
  439. .reduce((acc, char, index) => {
  440. if (index > 0 && index % 3 === 0) {
  441. acc.push(',');
  442. }
  443. acc.push(char);
  444. return acc;
  445. }, [])
  446. .reverse()
  447. .join('');
  448. });
  449. function randomNumber(x, min = 0, max = 100, round = 0) {
  450. let value = ((x * x * Math.PI * Math.E * (max + 1) * (Math.sin(x) / Math.cos(x * x))) % (max + 1 - min)) + min;
  451. value = value > max ? max : value;
  452. value = value < min ? min : value;
  453. if (round !== 0) {
  454. value = parseFloat(value.toFixed(round));
  455. } else {
  456. value = Math.floor(value);
  457. }
  458. return value;
  459. }
  460. eleventyConfig.addFilter("random_date_ago", function (x, daysAgo = 100) {
  461. const today = new Date();
  462. const randomDaysAgo = randomNumber(x, 0, daysAgo);
  463. today.setDate(today.getDate() - randomDaysAgo);
  464. return today;
  465. });
  466. eleventyConfig.addFilter("random_date", function (x, startDate = null, endDate = null) {
  467. const start = startDate ? new Date(startDate).getTime() : Date.now() - 100 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
  468. const end = endDate ? new Date(endDate).getTime() : Date.now();
  469. const randomTimestamp = randomNumber(x, start, end);
  470. return new Date(randomTimestamp);
  471. });
  472. eleventyConfig.addFilter("random_item", function (x, items) {
  473. const index = randomNumber(x, 0, items.length - 1);
  474. return items[index];
  475. });
  476. eleventyConfig.addFilter("random_number", randomNumber);
  477. eleventyConfig.addFilter("first_letters", function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
  478. return string.split(' ').map(word => word.charAt(0)).join('');
  479. })
  480. eleventyConfig.addFilter("size", function (elem) {
  481. if (elem instanceof Object) {
  482. return Object.keys(elem).length;
  483. }
  484. return elem.length;
  485. })
  486. eleventyConfig.addFilter("first", function (elem) {
  487. if (elem instanceof Object) {
  488. return elem[Object.keys(elem)[0]];
  489. }
  490. return elem[0];
  491. })
  492. // time ago from today
  493. eleventyConfig.addFilter("timeago", function (date) {
  494. const seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000);
  495. let interval = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000);
  496. if (interval > 1) {
  497. return interval + " years ago";
  498. }
  499. interval = Math.floor(seconds / 2592000);
  500. if (interval > 1) {
  501. return interval + " months ago";
  502. }
  503. interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
  504. if (interval > 1) {
  505. return interval + " days ago";
  506. }
  507. interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
  508. if (interval > 1) {
  509. return interval + " hours ago";
  510. }
  511. interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
  512. if (interval > 1) {
  513. return interval + " minutes ago";
  514. }
  515. if (seconds > 0) {
  516. return Math.floor(seconds) + " seconds ago";
  517. }
  518. return "now";
  519. })
  520. /**
  521. * Shortcodes
  522. */
  523. const tags = ["capture_global", "endcapture_global", "highlight", "endhighlight"];
  524. tags.forEach(tag => {
  525. eleventyConfig.addLiquidTag(tag, function (liquidEngine) {
  526. return {
  527. parse: function (tagToken, remainingTokens) {
  528. this.str = tagToken.args;
  529. },
  530. render: function (scope, hash) {
  531. return "";
  532. },
  533. };
  534. });
  535. });
  536. /**
  537. * Transforms
  538. */
  539. function prettifyHTML(content, outputPath) {
  540. return outputPath.endsWith('.html')
  541. ? content
  542. .replace(/\/\/ @formatter:(on|off)\n+/gm, '')
  543. // remove empty lines
  544. .replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, '')
  545. : content
  546. }
  547. eleventyConfig.addTransform('htmlformat', prettifyHTML)
  548. };