# Vanilla JavaScript Fullscreen Lightbox Basic
## Description
A vanilla JavaScript plug-in without production dependencies for displaying images, videos, or, through custom sources, anything you want in a clean overlying box.
The project's website: https://fslightbox.com.
## Installation
### Through an archive downloaded from the website.
Just before the end of the <body> tag:
### Or, through a package manager.
npm install fslightbox
And import it in your project's JavaScript file, for example through the Node.js "require" function:
## Basic usage
Open the first slide (an image)
Open the second slide (a YouTube video)
Open the third slide (an HTML video)
Open the fourth slide (a Vimeo video—a custom source)
## Documentation
Available at: https://fslightbox.com/javascript/documentation.
## Demo
Available at: https://fslightbox.com/javascript.
## Browser Compatibility
| Browser | Works? |
| --- | --- |
| Chrome | Yes |
| Firefox | Yes |
| Opera | Yes |
| Safari | Yes |
| Edge | Yes |
| IE 11 | Yes |