{% assign icon = include.icon %} {% unless icon %} {% if include.type == 'success' %} {% assign icon = 'check' %} {% assign title = 'Wow! Everything worked!' %} {% assign description = 'Your account has been saved!' %} {% elsif include.type == 'warning' %} {% assign icon = 'alert-triangle' %} {% assign title = 'Uh oh, something went wrong' %} {% assign description = 'Sorry! There was a problem with your request.' %} {% elsif include.type == 'danger' %} {% assign icon = 'alert-circle' %} {% assign title = "I'm so sorry…" %} {% assign description = 'Something went wrong. Please try again.' %} {% elsif include.type == 'info' %} {% assign icon = 'info-circle' %} {% assign title = 'Did you know?' %} {% assign description = 'Here is something that you might like to know.' %} {% endif %} {% endunless %}