--- title: SVG Illustrations page-header: SVG Illustrations page-menu: illustrations layout: default permalink: illustrations.html --- {% assign first-illustration = '' %} {% for illustration in free-illustrations.autodark %} {% assign first-illustration = illustration[1] %} {% endfor %} {% assign skinColor = site.skinColors | first %} {% assign color = site.colors | first %}
{{ first-illustration | replace: '
Primary color
{% for color in site.colors %}
{% endfor %}
Skin color
{% for color in site.skinColors %}
{% endfor %}
Select SVG illustration
{% for illustration in free-illustrations.autodark %}
{% endfor %}

{{ illustrations | size | minus: 4 }} more SVG Illustrations

{% include "ui/icon.html" icon="brand-figma" %}

Tabler Illustrations

Access a wide range of SVG illustrations for various projects. Effortlessly customize any illustration to align perfectly with your chosen color scheme!
{% for illustration in illustrations %} {% endfor %}
{% capture_global scripts %} {% endcapture_global %}