{ "400": { "title": 400, "description": "We are sorry but your request contains bad syntax and cannot be fulfilled" }, "401": { "title": 401, "description": "We are sorry but you are not authorized to access this page" }, "403": { "title": 403, "description": "We are sorry but you do not have permission to access this page" }, "404": { "illustration": "not-found.svg", "title": 404, "description": "We are sorry but the page you are looking for was not found" }, "500": { "title": 500, "description": "We are sorry but our server encountered an internal error" }, "503": { "title": 503, "description": "We are sorry but our service is currently not available" }, "maintenance": { "illustration": "computer-fix.svg", "header": "Temporarily down for maintenance", "description": "Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment. We’ll be back online shortly!" } }