package.json 1.5 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "@tabler/icons-solidjs",
  3. "version": "3.22.0",
  4. "license": "MIT",
  5. "author": "codecalm",
  6. "description": "A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.",
  7. "homepage": "",
  8. "bugs": {
  9. "url": ""
  10. },
  11. "funding": {
  12. "type": "github",
  13. "url": ""
  14. },
  15. "repository": {
  16. "type": "git",
  17. "url": "git+",
  18. "directory": "packages/icons-solidjs"
  19. },
  20. "main": "./dist/cjs/tabler-icons-solidjs.cjs",
  21. "module": "./dist/esm/tabler-icons-solidjs.mjs",
  22. "types": "./dist/cjs/tabler-icons-solidjs.d.cts",
  23. "sideEffects": false,
  24. "files": [
  25. "dist"
  26. ],
  27. "scripts": {
  28. "build": "pnpm run clean && pnpm run copy:license && pnpm run build:icons && pnpm typecheck && pnpm run build:bundles",
  29. "build:icons": "node build.mjs",
  30. "build:bundles": "rollup -c ./rollup.config.mjs",
  31. "copy:license": "cp ../../LICENSE ./LICENSE",
  32. "clean": "rm -rf dist && find . ! -name '.gitkeep' -path '*/src/icons/*' -exec rm -rf {} +",
  33. "test": "vitest run",
  34. "typecheck": "tsc",
  35. "imports-check": "attw $(npm pack)"
  36. },
  37. "dependencies": {
  38. "@tabler/icons": "3.22.0"
  39. },
  40. "devDependencies": {
  41. "@solidjs/testing-library": "^0.8.6",
  42. "rollup-preset-solid": "^2.0.1",
  43. "vite-plugin-solid": "^2.10.1",
  44. "solid-js": "^1.8.15"
  45. },
  46. "peerDependencies": {
  47. "solid-js": "^1.4.7"
  48. }
  49. }