extensions.txt 445 B

  1. # Start with '#' is comments
  2. # Start with '^' is deselecting extensions, which is not installed as default
  3. # Each line just leave the extension name or ^ character
  4. bcmath
  5. calendar
  6. ctype
  7. curl
  8. dom
  9. event
  10. exif
  11. fileinfo
  12. filter
  13. gd
  14. hash
  15. iconv
  16. inotify
  17. json
  18. libxml
  19. mbstring
  20. mongodb
  21. mysqlnd
  22. openssl
  23. pcntl
  24. pdo
  25. pdo_mysql
  26. pdo_sqlite
  27. phar
  28. posix
  29. ^protobuf
  30. ^readline
  31. redis
  32. shmop
  33. simplexml
  34. soap
  35. sockets
  36. sqlite3
  37. swoole
  38. tokenizer
  39. xml
  40. xmlreader
  41. xmlwriter
  42. zlib
  43. zip