7.2 KB


Compile A Statically Linked PHP With Swoole and other Extensions.

BTW, It's only for CLI mode.

[version]() Build Actions

Compilation Requirements

  • Supporting architecture: x86_64, arm64(aarch64), armv7(armv7l)
  • Docker required (or alpine linux 3.13+)
  • Supporting PHP version from 7.2 to 8.1

Running Requirements



  1. Directly download static binary from this link.

  1. Use fast install script to download static php and composer distribution into runtime/ directory

But this script has some Chinese comments and prompts, if you cannot understand or have to use it in English, I will make an pure international version! :)

bash -c "`curl -fsSL`"

Packing PHP Code into a Static Binary

From v1.5.0, we support packing PHP code into a static binary. You can pack your PHP code into a static binary by micro.

You can directly download micro- prefix file, untar it and you will get file micro.sfx.

Here's a simple example to use it:

echo "<?php echo 'Hello world' . PHP_EOL;" > code.php
cat micro.sfx code.php > single-app && chmod +x single-app

# If packing phar into a static binary, just change code.php to your phar path.



Here's help command to compile it yourself:

git clone
cd static-php-cli/docker
docker build -t static-php . --build-arg USE_BACKUP_ADDRESS=yes --build-arg COMPILE_PHP_VERSION=7.4.29

After compilation you can use command to get static php binary file:

mkdir dist
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/dist:/dist/ -it static-php cp php-dist/bin/php /dist/
cd dist
file ./php

If you don't want to use docker, a single script for compiling:

cd docker
# Change PHP Version
export VER_PHP="8.1.7"
# Use Original download link (Default is China mainland mirror link, for others please use 'yes' for original link)
export USE_BACKUP="yes"

To customize PHP extensions, edit docker/extensions.txt file, and rules below:

  • Use # as comment, to mark not install
  • extensions name uses lower case, and default file contains all supported extensions, if u need other extensions, consider write an Issue

Supported PHP extensions

Support PHP Ext Name Version Comments
yes bcmath *
yes calendar *
yes ctype *
yes curl *
yes dom *
yes event >=3.0.8 author's bitbucket version, not pecl
yes exif *
yes filter *
yes fileinfo *
yes gd *
yes hash *
yes iconv *
yes inotify 3.0.0
yes json *
yes libxml *
yes mbstring *
yes mongodb >=1.9.1 not tested
yes mysqlnd *
yes openssl *
yes pcntl *
yes pdo *
yes pdo_mysql *
yes pdo_sqlite *
pdo_pgsql *
yes phar *
yes posix *
yes redis *
yes shmop *
yes simplexml *
yes soap *
yes sockets *
yes sqlite3 *
yes swoole >=4.6.6 support mysqlnd, sockets, openssl, redis
yes tokenizer *
yes xml *
yes xmlreader *
yes xmlwriter *
yes zip * not support bzip2, lzma compression
yes zlib *


  • docker/Dockerfile edit VER_PHP=x.x.x to switch PHP version.
  • docker/Dockerfile edit USE_BACKUP=yes to use backup download address (download faster if you are not in mainland China).
  • docker/extensions.txt edit extensions.
  • docker/ file php_compile_args function to adjust PHP configure arguments.
  • docker/ file check_in_configure function to adjust extensions' configure arguments.
  • docker/config.json edit extensions and dependencies version and download links.

Current Issue

  • [X] Not support event(libevent), because of its config.m4 and code.
  • Swoole not support --enable-swoole-curl.
  • Not support readline, maybe caused by ncurses library.
  • [X] Not support curl (solved)
  • [X] Customize extensions to compile
  • php.ini integration
  • [X] i18n (including README and scripts)

Running preview

Using static binary


Using swoole application packed with micro

