import{_ as t}from"./chunks/SearchTable.B5gzMFOw.js";import{c as o,I as i,a1 as e,o as s}from"./chunks/framework.gjrnbxUT.js";const a=e('




If an extension you need is missing, you can create a Feature Request.

Some extensions or libraries that the extension depends on will have some optional features. For example, the gd library optionally supports libwebp, freetype, etc. If you only use bin/spc build gd --build-cli they will not be included (static-php-cli defaults to the minimum dependency principle).

For more information about optional libraries, see Extensions, Library Dependency Map. For optional libraries, you can also select an extension from the Command Generator and then select optional libraries.

',1),_=JSON.parse('{"title":"Extensions","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/guide/","filePath":"en/guide/"}'),l={name:"en/guide/"},m=Object.assign(l,{setup(r){return(c,p)=>(s(),o("div",null,[a,i(t),n]))}});export{_ as __pageData,m as default};