FROM alpine:3.16 # define script basic information # Version of this Dockerfile ENV SCRIPT_VERSION=1.5.1 # Download address uses backup address ARG USE_BACKUP_ADDRESS # (if downloading slowly, consider set it to yes) ENV USE_BACKUP="${USE_BACKUP_ADDRESS}" # APK repositories mirror address, if u r not in China, consider set USE_BACKUP=yes to boost ENV LINK_APK_REPO='' ENV LINK_APK_REPO_BAK='' RUN if [ "${USE_BACKUP}" = "" ]; then \ export USE_BACKUP="no" ; \ fi RUN sed -i.backup 's/'${LINK_APK_REPO}'/g' /etc/apk/repositories ; RUN if [ "${USE_BACKUP}" = "no" ]; then cp -f /etc/apk/repositories.backup /etc/apk/repositories; fi RUN cat /etc/apk/repositories # build requirements RUN apk add bash file wget cmake gcc g++ jq autoconf git libstdc++ linux-headers make m4 libgcc binutils ncurses dialog > /dev/null # php zlib dependencies RUN apk add zlib-dev zlib-static > /dev/null # php mbstring dependencies RUN apk add oniguruma-dev > /dev/null # php openssl dependencies RUN apk add openssl-libs-static openssl-dev openssl > /dev/null # php gd dependencies RUN apk add libpng-dev libpng-static > /dev/null # curl c-ares dependencies RUN apk add c-ares-static c-ares-dev > /dev/null # php event dependencies RUN apk add libevent libevent-dev libevent-static > /dev/null # php sqlite3 dependencies RUN apk add sqlite sqlite-dev sqlite-libs sqlite-static > /dev/null # php libzip dependencies RUN apk add bzip2-dev bzip2-static bzip2 > /dev/null # php micro ffi dependencies RUN apk add libffi libffi-dev > /dev/null # php gd event parent dependencies RUN apk add zstd-static > /dev/null # php readline dependencies RUN apk add readline-static ncurses-static readline-dev > /dev/null RUN apk add aria2 RUN mkdir /app WORKDIR /app ADD ./ /app/ # RUN chmod +x /app/*.sh # use proxy # ENV http_proxy= # ENV https_proxy= # 提前下载好,就可以跳过两步 # (容器外提前执行 下面两个命令) RUN sh ./ RUN sh ./ #ENV http_proxy='' #ENV https_proxy='' RUN ls -lh source/libraries RUN ls -lh source/extensions # quick test complie # RUN bash ./ RUN sh ./ swoole ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ inotify ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ mongodb ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ event ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ redis ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ libxml2 ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ xz ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ curl ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ libzip ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ libiconv ${USE_BACKUP} && \ sh ./ dixyes/phpmicro phpmicro ${USE_BACKUP} RUN bash ./ RUN echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n/app/ \$@" > /bin/build-php && chmod +x /bin/build-php