name: CI on arm linux on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: operating-system: required: true description: Compile target arch (Linux only) type: choice options: - aarch64 version: required: true description: php version to compile default: '8.3' type: choice options: - '8.4' - '8.3' - '8.2' - '8.1' - '8.0' - '7.4' build-cli: description: build cli binary default: true type: boolean build-micro: description: build phpmicro binary type: boolean build-fpm: description: build fpm binary type: boolean extensions: description: extensions to compile (comma separated) required: true type: string prefer-pre-built: description: prefer pre-built binaries (reduce build time) type: boolean default: true debug: description: enable debug logs type: boolean env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} jobs: build: name: build ${{ inputs.version }} on ${{ inputs.operating-system }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Cache composer dependencies - id: cache-composer-deps uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: vendor key: composer-dependencies # If there's no Composer cache, install dependencies - if: steps.cache-composer-deps.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: composer update --no-dev --classmap-authoritative - name: Generate hashed key for download cache run: | INPUT_HASH=$(echo "${{ runner.os }}-${{ inputs.version }}-${{ inputs.extensions }}" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}') echo "INPUT_HASH=${INPUT_HASH}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Cache downloaded source - id: cache-download uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: downloads key: php-${{ env.INPUT_HASH }} # With or without debug - if: inputs.debug == true run: echo "SPC_BUILD_DEBUG=--debug" >> $GITHUB_ENV - if: inputs.prefer-pre-built == true run: echo "SPC_PRE_BUILT=--prefer-pre-built" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV # With target select: cli, micro or both - if: ${{ == true }} run: echo "SPC_BUILD_CLI=--build-cli" >> $GITHUB_ENV - if: ${{ == true }} run: echo "SPC_BUILD_MICRO=--build-micro" >> $GITHUB_ENV - if: ${{ == true }} run: echo "SPC_BUILD_FPM=--build-fpm" >> $GITHUB_ENV # If there's no dependencies cache, fetch sources, with or without debug - if: steps.cache-download.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: SPC_USE_ARCH=${{ inputs.operating-system }} ./bin/spc-alpine-docker download --with-php=${{ inputs.version }} --for-extensions=${{ inputs.extensions }} ${{ env.SPC_BUILD_DEBUG }} ${{ env.SPC_PRE_BUILT }} # Run build command - run: SPC_USE_ARCH=${{ inputs.operating-system }} ./bin/spc-alpine-docker build ${{ inputs.extensions }} ${{ env.SPC_BUILD_DEBUG }} ${{ env.SPC_BUILD_CLI }} ${{ env.SPC_BUILD_MICRO }} ${{ env.SPC_BUILD_FPM }} # Upload cli executable - if: ${{ == true }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: php-${{ inputs.version }}-linux-${{ inputs.operating-system }} path: buildroot/bin/php # Upload micro self-extracted executable - if: ${{ == true }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: micro-${{ inputs.version }}-linux-${{ inputs.operating-system }} path: buildroot/bin/micro.sfx # Upload fpm executable - if: ${{ == true }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: php-fpm-${{ inputs.version }}-linux-${{ inputs.operating-system }} path: buildroot/bin/php-fpm # Upload extensions metadata - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: license-files path: buildroot/license/ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: build-meta path: | buildroot/build-extensions.json buildroot/build-libraries.json