@@ -46,15 +46,23 @@ class LinuxBuilder extends BuilderBase
f_putenv("CXX={$this->getOption('cxx', "{$arch}-linux-musl-g++")}");
f_putenv("AR={$this->getOption('ar', "{$arch}-linux-musl-ar")}");
f_putenv("LD={$this->getOption('ld', 'ld.gold')}");
- f_putenv("PATH=/usr/local/musl/bin:/usr/local/musl/{$arch}-linux-musl/bin:" . BUILD_ROOT_PATH . '/bin:' . getenv('PATH'));
+ f_putenv(
+ "PATH=/usr/local/musl/bin:/usr/local/musl/{$arch}-linux-musl/bin:" . BUILD_ROOT_PATH . '/bin:' . getenv(
+ 'PATH'
+ )
+ );
// set library path, some libraries need it. (We cannot use `putenv` here, because cmake will be confused)
$this->setOptionIfNotExist('library_path', "LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/musl/{$arch}-linux-musl/lib");
$this->setOptionIfNotExist('ld_library_path', "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/musl/{$arch}-linux-musl/lib");
// check musl-cross make installed if we use musl-cross-make
- if (str_ends_with(getenv('CC'), 'linux-musl-gcc') && !file_exists("/usr/local/musl/bin/{$arch}-linux-musl-gcc")) {
- throw new WrongUsageException('musl-cross-make not installed, please install it first. (You can use `doctor` command to install it)');
+ if (str_ends_with(getenv('CC'), 'linux-musl-gcc') && !file_exists(
+ "/usr/local/musl/bin/{$arch}-linux-musl-gcc"
+ )) {
+ throw new WrongUsageException(
+ 'musl-cross-make not installed, please install it first. (You can use `doctor` command to install it)'
+ );
@@ -72,7 +80,10 @@ class LinuxBuilder extends BuilderBase
// cflags
$this->arch_c_flags = SystemUtil::getArchCFlags(getenv('CC'), $this->getOption('arch'));
$this->arch_cxx_flags = SystemUtil::getArchCFlags(getenv('CXX'), $this->getOption('arch'));
- $this->tune_c_flags = SystemUtil::checkCCFlags(SystemUtil::getTuneCFlags($this->getOption('arch')), getenv('CC'));
+ $this->tune_c_flags = SystemUtil::checkCCFlags(
+ SystemUtil::getTuneCFlags($this->getOption('arch')),
+ getenv('CC')
+ );
// cmake toolchain
$this->cmake_toolchain_file = SystemUtil::makeCmakeToolchainFile(
@@ -133,7 +144,10 @@ class LinuxBuilder extends BuilderBase
if (!$this->getOption('bloat', false)) {
$extra_libs .= (empty($extra_libs) ? '' : ' ') . implode(' ', $this->getAllStaticLibFiles());
} else {
- $extra_libs .= (empty($extra_libs) ? '' : ' ') . implode(' ', array_map(fn ($x) => "-Xcompiler {$x}", array_filter($this->getAllStaticLibFiles())));
+ $extra_libs .= (empty($extra_libs) ? '' : ' ') . implode(
+ ' ',
+ array_map(fn ($x) => "-Xcompiler {$x}", array_filter($this->getAllStaticLibFiles()))
+ );
// add libstdc++, some extensions or libraries need it
$extra_libs .= (empty($extra_libs) ? '' : ' ') . ($this->hasCpp() ? '-lstdc++ ' : '');
@@ -212,7 +226,11 @@ class LinuxBuilder extends BuilderBase
if ($enableEmbed) {
logger()->info('building embed');
if ($enableMicro) {
- FileSystem::replaceFileStr(SOURCE_PATH . '/php-src/Makefile', 'OVERALL_TARGET =', 'OVERALL_TARGET = libphp.la');
+ FileSystem::replaceFileStr(
+ SOURCE_PATH . '/php-src/Makefile',
+ 'OVERALL_TARGET = libphp.la'
+ );
@@ -259,9 +277,11 @@ class LinuxBuilder extends BuilderBase
- $vars = SystemUtil::makeEnvVarString($this->getBuildVars([
- 'EXTRA_CFLAGS' => $this->getOption('with-micro-fake-cli', false) ? ' -DPHP_MICRO_FAKE_CLI' : '',
- ]));
+ $vars = SystemUtil::makeEnvVarString(
+ $this->getBuildVars([
+ 'EXTRA_CFLAGS' => $this->getOption('with-micro-fake-cli', false) ? ' -DPHP_MICRO_FAKE_CLI' : '',
+ ])
+ );
shell()->cd(SOURCE_PATH . '/php-src')
->exec('sed -i "s|//lib|/lib|g" Makefile')
->exec("make -j{$this->concurrency} {$vars} micro");
@@ -322,10 +342,25 @@ class LinuxBuilder extends BuilderBase
$cflags = isset($input['EXTRA_CFLAGS']) && $input['EXTRA_CFLAGS'] ? " {$input['EXTRA_CFLAGS']}" : '';
$libs = isset($input['EXTRA_LIBS']) && $input['EXTRA_LIBS'] ? " {$input['EXTRA_LIBS']}" : '';
$ldflags = isset($input['EXTRA_LDFLAGS_PROGRAM']) && $input['EXTRA_LDFLAGS_PROGRAM'] ? " {$input['EXTRA_LDFLAGS_PROGRAM']}" : '';
- return [
- 'EXTRA_CFLAGS' => "{$optimization} -fno-ident -fPIE " . implode(' ', array_map(fn ($x) => "-Xcompiler {$x}", $this->tune_c_flags)) . $cflags,
+ $export_variables = [];
+ if ($this->getLib('postgresql') && $this->getExt('swoole')) {
+ $output = shell()->execWithResult('pkg-config --cflags --static libpq');
+ if (!empty($output[1][0])) {
+ $export_variables['LIBPQ_CFLAGS'] = $output[1][0];
+ }
+ $output = shell()->execWithResult('pkg-config --libs --static libpq');
+ if (!empty($output[1][0])) {
+ $export_variables['LIBPQ_LIBS'] = $output[1][0];
+ }
+ }
+ return array_merge($export_variables, [
+ 'EXTRA_CFLAGS' => "{$optimization} -fno-ident -fPIE " . implode(
+ ' ',
+ array_map(fn ($x) => "-Xcompiler {$x}", $this->tune_c_flags)
+ ) . $cflags,
'EXTRA_LIBS' => $this->getOption('extra-libs', '') . $libs,
'EXTRA_LDFLAGS_PROGRAM' => "{$use_lld} -all-static" . $ldflags,
- ];
+ ]);