setup.cfg 917 B

  1. [flake8]
  2. # File filtering is taken care of in pre-commit.
  3. # E203 false positive, see
  4. # B011 We don't use PYTHONOPTIMIZE.
  5. # XXX: E501 is ignored, which disables line length checking.
  6. # Currently, the black formatter doesn't wrap long strings:
  7. # We already have a lot of E501's - these are lines black didn't wrap.
  8. # But rather than append # noqa: E501 to all of them, we just ignore E501 for now.
  9. extend-ignore = E203,E501,E402,E731,B007,B009,B010,B011,B020
  10. per-file-ignores =
  11. # allow prints in tests
  12. tests/*: S002
  13. # these scripts must have minimal dependencies so opt out of the usual sentry rules
  14. tools/*: S
  15. [flake8:local-plugins]
  16. paths = .
  17. extension =
  18. S=tools.flake8_plugin:SentryCheck
  19. [bdist_wheel]
  20. python-tag = py38
  21. [coverage:run]
  22. omit =
  23. src/sentry/migrations/*
  24. source = .