requirements-dev-frozen.txt 3.8 KB

  1. #
  2. # This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with python 3.8
  3. # To update, run:
  4. #
  5. # make freeze-requirements
  6. #
  7. --index-url
  8. amqp==2.6.1
  9. async-generator==1.10
  10. attrs==19.2.0
  11. avalara==20.9.0
  12. beautifulsoup4==4.7.1
  13. billiard==
  14. black==22.10.0
  15. boto3==1.22.12
  16. botocore==1.25.12
  17. brotli==1.0.9
  18. build==0.8.0
  19. cachetools==4.2.4
  20. celery==4.4.7
  21. certifi==2022.12.7
  22. cffi==1.15.1
  23. cfgv==3.3.1
  24. chardet==4.0.0
  25. click==8.0.4
  26. confluent-kafka==1.9.2
  27. coverage==6.3.3
  28. croniter==0.3.37
  29. cryptography==38.0.3
  30. cssselect==1.0.3
  31. cssutils==2.4.0
  32. datadog==0.29.3
  33. decorator==5.1.1
  34. dictpath==0.1.3
  35. distlib==0.3.4
  36. django==2.2.28
  37. django-crispy-forms==1.14.0
  38. django-pg-zero-downtime-migrations==0.11
  39. djangorestframework==3.12.4
  40. docker==3.7.0
  41. docker-pycreds==0.4.0
  42. drf-spectacular==0.22.1
  43. email-reply-parser==0.5.12
  44. exceptiongroup==1.0.0rc9
  45. execnet==1.9.0
  46. fido2==0.9.2
  47. filelock==3.7.0
  48. flake8==6.0.0
  49. flake8-bugbear==22.10.27
  50. freezegun==1.1.0
  51. google-api-core==2.10.1
  52. google-auth==1.35.0
  53. google-cloud-bigtable==2.11.3
  54. google-cloud-core==2.3.2
  55. google-cloud-functions==1.8.1
  56. google-cloud-pubsub==2.13.6
  57. google-cloud-spanner==3.20.0
  58. google-cloud-storage==2.5.0
  59. google-crc32c==1.3.0
  60. google-resumable-media==2.3.3
  61. googleapis-common-protos==1.56.4
  62. grpc-google-iam-v1==0.12.4
  63. grpcio==1.48.1
  64. grpcio-status==1.48.1
  65. h11==0.13.0
  66. hiredis==0.3.1
  67. honcho==1.1.0
  68. identify==2.5.1
  69. idna==2.10
  70. inflection==0.5.1
  71. iniconfig==1.1.1
  72. isodate==0.6.1
  73. isort==5.10.1
  74. jmespath==0.10.0
  75. jsonschema==3.2.0
  76. kombu==4.6.11
  77. lazy-object-proxy==1.7.1
  78. lxml==4.6.5
  79. lxml-stubs==0.4.0
  80. maxminddb==2.0.3
  81. mccabe==0.7.0
  82. milksnake==0.1.5
  83. mistune==2.0.4
  84. mmh3==3.0.0
  85. more-itertools==8.13.0
  86. msgpack==1.0.4
  87. msgpack-types==0.2.0
  88. mypy==0.982
  89. mypy-extensions==0.4.3
  90. natsort==8.1.0
  91. nodeenv==1.6.0
  92. oauthlib==3.1.0
  93. openapi-core==0.14.2
  94. openapi-schema-validator==0.2.3
  95. openapi-spec-validator==0.4.0
  96. outcome==1.2.0
  97. packaging==21.3
  98. parse==1.19.0
  99. parsimonious==0.8.0
  100. pathspec==0.9.0
  101. pep517==0.12.0
  102. petname==2.6
  103. phabricator==0.7.0
  104. phonenumberslite==8.12.0
  105. pillow==9.2.0
  106. pip-tools==6.7.0
  107. planout==0.6.0
  108. platformdirs==2.5.2
  109. pluggy==0.13.1
  110. pre-commit==2.18.1
  111. progressbar2==3.41.0
  112. proto-plus==1.22.1
  113. protobuf==4.21.6
  114. psycopg2-binary==2.8.6
  115. pyasn1==0.4.5
  116. pyasn1-modules==0.2.4
  117. pycodestyle==2.10.0
  118. pycountry==17.5.14
  119. pycparser==2.21
  120. pyflakes==3.0.1
  121. pyjwt==2.4.0
  122. pyopenssl==22.0.0
  123. pyparsing==3.0.9
  124. pyrsistent==0.18.1
  125. pysocks==1.7.1
  126. pytest==7.2.1
  127. pytest-cov==4.0.0
  128. pytest-django==4.4.0
  129. pytest-fail-slow==0.3.0
  130. pytest-rerunfailures==11.0
  131. pytest-sentry==0.1.11
  132. pytest-xdist==3.0.2
  133. python-dateutil==2.8.1
  134. python-memcached==1.59
  135. python-rapidjson==1.8
  136. python-u2flib-server==5.0.0
  137. python-utils==3.3.3
  138. python3-saml==1.14.0
  139. pytz==2018.9
  140. pyupgrade==3.2.3
  141. pyuwsgi==
  142. pyvat==1.3.15
  143. pyyaml==5.4
  144. rb==1.9.0
  145. redis==3.4.1
  146. redis-py-cluster==2.1.0
  147. reportlab==3.6.1
  148. requests==2.25.1
  149. requests-oauthlib==1.2.0
  150. responses==0.21.0
  151. rfc3339-validator==0.1.2
  152. rfc3986-validator==0.1.1
  153. rsa==4.8
  154. s3transfer==0.5.2
  155. selenium==4.3.0
  156. sentry-arroyo==2.5.0
  157. sentry-relay==0.8.17
  158. sentry-sdk==1.14.0
  159. simplejson==3.17.6
  160. six==1.16.0
  161. sniffio==1.2.0
  162. snuba-sdk==1.0.3
  163. sortedcontainers==2.4.0
  164. soupsieve==2.3.2.post1
  165. sqlparse==0.3.0
  166. statsd==3.3
  167. stripe==2.61.0
  168. structlog==22.1.0
  169. symbolic==10.2.0
  170. tokenize-rt==5.0.0
  171. toml==0.10.2
  172. tomli==2.0.1
  173. toronado==0.1.0
  174. trio==0.21.0
  175. trio-websocket==0.9.2
  176. types-beautifulsoup4==4.11.6
  177. types-freezegun==1.1.10
  178. types-jsonschema==4.16.1
  179. types-psycopg2==2.9.21
  180. types-python-dateutil==2.8.19
  181. types-pytz==2022.1.2
  182. types-pyyaml==6.0.11
  183. types-redis==4.3.13
  184. types-requests==2.28.8
  185. types-simplejson==
  186. types-urllib3==1.26.22
  187. typing-extensions==
  188. ua-parser==0.10.0
  189. unidiff==0.7.4
  190. uritemplate==4.1.1
  191. urllib3==1.26.11
  192. vine==1.3.0
  193. virtualenv==20.14.1
  194. websocket-client==1.3.2
  195. werkzeug==2.1.2
  196. wheel==0.37.1
  197. wrapt==1.14.1
  198. wsproto==1.1.0
  199. xmlsec==1.3.12
  200. zstandard==0.18.0
  201. # The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
  202. pip==22.1.2
  203. setuptools==56.0.0